3358 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 18 JULY, 1947 Meitner, Franz Philipp. Child of Meitner,, Walter. Meyerhoff, Fritz (known as Fred Meyerhofl); Gei- Meitner, Walter; Austria; Chemist; 198, Wilmslow many; Manufacturer; 24, Colinton Mains Terrace, Road, Manchester 20. 10 June, 1947- Edinburgh 13, Midlothian, Scotland. 13 June, Melcher, Kitty Katherina; Austria; Hosiery Fore- 5947- s.- woman; 16, Portsdown Road, Leicester, Leicester- Meyerhofl, Heinz Julius (known as Henry). Child shire. 6 June, 1947. of Meyerhofl, Fritz (known as Fred Meyerhoff). Mellinger, Lucas Emmanuel Matthias; Germany; Meyerhoff, Henry. See Meyerhofl, Heinz Julius. Student; 37, Emperors Gate, London, S.W-7. 31 Meyerhoff, Peter Adolf Wilhelm; Germany; May, 1947. Economist; 17, Windmill Road, Brentford, Mellinger, Michael Andreas; Germany; Student; 66, Middlesex. 24 June, 1947. Scarsdale Villas, London, W.8. n June, 1947. Meyersohn, Herbert; Germany; Dental Surgeon; *Melzak, Ada; Poland; Supervisor; 44, Wheatlands 8, Harbord Street, London, S.W.6. 19 May, Drive, Bradford, Yorkshire. 29 May, 1947. 1947. Melzer, Leo; Austria; Technical Assistant; 132, Meyerstein, Wilhelm; Germany; Lecturer of Anson Road, London, N.W.2. 20 June, 1947- Physiology; 123, Willow Avenue, Birmingham, Mendel, Rahel Luise; Germany; Student Nurse; Warwickshire. 14 June, 1947. Withington Hospital, Nell Lane, West Didsbury, *Meyns, Christena Winifred Claudia; Germany; Manchester. 2 June, 1947. Housewife; " Ivybank," Fawkham, Kent. n Mendels, Louis Philip; Netherlands; Managing June, 1947. Director; Sea View, 26, Daglands Road, Fowey, Michaelis, Martha; Germany; Social Worker; 51, Cornwall. 20 May, 1947. Fitzjphns Avenue, London, N.W.3- 26 June, Mendelsohn, Heinrich. Child of Mendelsohn, 1947. Johannes. Michel, Stefame Caroline; Germany; Secretary; Mendelsohn, Johannes; Germany; Distiller; 8, Holm- 9, Edmunds Walk, London, N.2. 2 June, 1947. dale Mansions, Holmdale Road, London, N.W.6. Michels, Walter; Germany; Photographer; 6 June, 1947. " Hacienda," Chprley Wood Road, Rickmans- Mendelsohn, Marion. Child of Mendelsohn, Johannes. worth, Hertfordshire. 10 June, 1947. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Edith Louise Ida; Germany; Michelup, Leo; Czechoslovakia; Of no occupation; Art Dealer; 48, Brook Street, London, W.i. 12 82, Lancaster Road, London, W.n. 29 May, June, 1947. 1947. Mendes, Jorquim Jose; Portugal; Ship's Cook; Mielke, Margarethe Martha; Germany; Of no occu- 178, Portmanmoor Road, Cardiff, Glamorganshire. pation; " Rose Acre," Limpley Stoke, near Bath, 5 June, 1947. Wiltshire. 6 June, 1947- Merkler, Tibor Emeric; Roumama; Trainee Mieses, Jakob Jacques; Germany; International Journalist; " Thorndale," Boyn Hill, Maiden- Chess Expert and Writer; 17, Parsifal Road, head, Berkshire. 30 May, 1947. London, N.W.6. 18 June, 1947. Meryn, lisa. See Meryn, Use. Mignan'6, Eduardo Antonio; Italy; Wholesaler; 33, Meryn, Use (known as lisa Meryn); Austria; Secre- Broomfield Lane, Palmers Green, London, N.I3. tary; 109, Paramount Court, London, W.C.I. 2 June, 1947- 23 June, 1947. Mikl6s, Balint; Hungary; Minister of Religion; Mill- Merzbach, George; Germany; Student; 4, Brassey green House, Dumfries, Dumfriesshire. 15 May, Street, Burnley, Lancashire. 30 May, 1947. 1947. Merzbach, Kurt Heinz. See March, Peter Henry. Millar, William. See Tupciauskas, Vincas. Messinger, Isidor; Poland; Fur Manufacturer; 3, Miller, Charles Friedrich Hermann; Germany; Of • Mandeville Court, London, N.W.3. 13 June, independent means; 83, Victoria Road, Exmouth, 1947- Devonshire. 9 June, 1947. Metzger, Ferdinand; Germany; Company Director; Miller, Frederick William. See Muller, Friederich 29, Howards Lane, Putney, London, S.W.I5. 30 Wilhelm. May, 1947. Miller, Max; Russia; Tailor's Machinist; 43, Cartha Metzger, Use Beate; Germany; Dental Student; 29, Street, Langside, Glasgow, S.i. 28 May, 1947- Howards Lane, Putney, London, S.W.I5. 2 June, Miles, Kenneth Leonard (formerly Kurt Ludwig 1947- Meyer); Of no Nationality; Assistant Wool Ex- *Meurice, Marguerite Marion; France; Clerk; 54, port Manager; 3, Elm Tree House, 13, Nether- Whitchurch Road, Cardiff, Glamorganshire. 31 hall Gardens, London, N.W.3. 29 May, 1947- May, 1947. Milton, George (formerly Georg Muehlig); Germany; Meurice, Marguerite Mathilde. Child of Meurice, Of no occupation; 7, Ashdown Road, Epsom, Marguerite Marion. Surrey. 16 June, 1947. Meurice, Paul John. Child of Meurice, Marguerite Minchella, Giuseppe (known as Joseph Minchella); Marion. Italy; Ice Cream Manufacturer; 221, Prince Meyer, Andre Alfred (known as Andre Alfred Edward Road, South Shields, Durham, County Kemplen); France; Engineer; 97, Springfield Durham, n June, 1947. Avenue, Merton Park, 'London, S.W.2O. 3 June, Minchella, Joseph. See Minchella, Giuseppe. 1947- *Mitchell, John Forbes; America (United States); Meyer, Ernst; Of no nationality; Engineering Clergyman; The Rectory, Forgue, By Huntly, Inspector; 134, Honiton Road, Wyken, Coventry. Aberdeenshire, Scotland. 30 May, 1947. 31 May, 1947. Mittler, Gustav Adolf; Austria; Research Chemist Meyer, Ernst. See Kelly, Ernest Michael. and Technical Manager; 10, Balmoral Avenue, Meyer, Eva; Germany; Physiotherapist; 5, Tudor Great Crosby, Liverpool 23, Lancashire. 29 May, Close, Belsize Avenue, London, N.W.3. 18 June 1947- 1947. Mittler, Peter Josef. Child of Mittler, Gustav Meyer, Franz Peter. See Morley, Peter John. Adolf. Meyer, Hanne Lore. Child of Meyer, Viktor Fritz. *M6hle, Hetty Phyllis; Germany; Housewife; 24, Meyer, Hans Ernst. See Myer, Henry Ernest. Dornton Road, South Croydon, Surrey. 24 June, 1947- Meyer, Hans Joseph; Germany; Teacher; Greet Moldau, Max; Austria; Company Director; 12, The Cottage, Doddington, near Sittingbourne, Kent. Grange, Wimbledon, London, S.W.ig. 5 June, 2 June, 1947. 1947- Meyer, Heinz Erich; Germany; Optician and Molin, David Efraim; Sweden; Engineer; 62, Somer- Photographer; i8A, Church Street, Oswestry, leyton Road, London, S.W.g. 5 June, 1947. Shropshire. 12 June, 1947. Molkner, Karl Otto; Austria; Draughtsman; 65, Meyer, Karl; Germany; Company Director; Beech- Cowbridge Road, Bridgend, Glamorganshire. croft, Brondesbury Park, London, N.W.6. 28 ii June, 1947. May, 1947. Moller, Erna; Czechoslovakia; Clerk; 12, Steephill, Meyer, Kurt Ludwig. See Miles, Kenneth Leonard. Lincoln, Lincolnshire. 30 May, 1947. Meyer, Ruth; Germany; Secretary-Shorthand-Typist; Moller, Frank. Child of Moller, Erna. 30, Greencroft Gardens, London, N.W.6. 9 June, 1947.. Moller, Marietta. Child of Moller, Erna. Meyer, Viktor Fritz; Germany; Managing Director; Moller, Peder; Denmark; Manager; 12, Charles 59, Jesmond 'Dene Road, Jesmond, Newcastle- Dickens Avenue, Gads Hill, Higham, near on-Tyne. 28 May, 1947. Rochester, Kent, i June, ig47- Meyer, Willy; Germany; Director and Manager; 22, Molnar, Georg. See Molnar, Gheorghe Enric. Hogarth Place, Earls Court, London, S.W.f. Molnar, Gheorghe Enric (known as Georg Molnar); 30 May, 1947. Roumania; Shop Assistant; 112, Southmoor Meyerhoff, Fred. See Meyerhoff, Fritz. Road, Oxford. 27 May, ig47- * Re-admission to British Nationality. * Re-admission to British Nationality..
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