Copyright © 1981 Ohio Acad. Sci. 0030-0950/81/0001-0041 $2.00/0 BRIEF NOTE GROWTH OF PISIDIUM CASERTANUM (POLI) IN WEST CENTRAL OHIO1 ALBERT J. BURKY, DANIEL J. HORNBACH2 and C. M. WAY,3 Department of Biology, University of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469 OHIO J. SCI. 81(1): 41, 1981 Clams of the family Sphaeriidae are aspects of the life-cycle of P. casertanum found in most freshwater habitats. They in a spring-fed stream with a relatively are hermaphroditic and ovoviviparous small annual temperature range. (Mackie 1978), brooding their young in Clams were collected monthly during marsupial sacs formed as outgrowths of the winter and bimonthly or weekly dur- the gill filaments. In the genera ing the summer of 1974 and less regularly Sphaerium and Musculium, several dis- during 1975 from the west branch of tinct larval stages can be present within a Cedar Run at Cedar Bog, near Urbana, single adult, whereas in Pisidium only a Ohio (USGS) map quadrangle Urbana single ontogenetic stage is present in a West, Champaign County, Ohio: 40° given adult (Heard 1977). Consequently, 03.42'N 83°47.98'W). At certain times individuals of Sphaerium and Musculium (see fig. 1) physical and chemical char- produce a number of broods over a short acteristics of the stream were recorded, period of time while in Pisidium more including temperature and oxygen con- time is presumably required between suc- centration (YSI Model 54 oxygen meter), cessive series of broods. conductivity (YSI Model 33 conductivity Several life-history studies of sphaeriid meter) and hardness (EDTA method, clams are known: Musculium (Thomas American Public Health Association 1963, Gale 1977, Mackie et al 1976, 1976). Mackie 1979), Sphaerium (Avolizi 1976, Usually more than 50 clams were re- Mackie 1979) and Pisidium (Heard 1965, moved from the stream sediment with a Ladle and Baron 1969, Holopainen 1979, sieve (mesh opening = 0.5 mm) and fixed Meier-Brook 1970, Thut 1969, Mackie in the field with 12% neutral formalin. 1979). Only the studies of Mackie Shell length (greatest anterior-posterior (1979) and Thut (1969) present a full dimension) was measured to the nearest seasonal pattern of growth for North 0.1 mm on a stage micrometer under a American species of Pisidium. dissecting microscope. Samples collected Clarke (1973) states that Pisidium within one week of each other were com- casertanum (Poli) is perhaps the most bined for a mean date. Samples were common species of Pisidium and is truly separated according to generation (adult cosmopolitan, occurring throughout Eur- vs juvenile) by the visual examination of asia, Africa, Australia, and South, Cen- frequency distributions of shell lengths. tral and North America. Populations of Generation samples with overlapping size these clams are reported in habitats distributions were separated by plotting ranging from ephemeral ponds to benthic cumulative frequency distributions on zones of deep lakes. Our study describes probability paper (Harding 1949, Cassie Manuscript received 29 May 1979 and in re- 1950, 1954). vised form 25 July 1980 (#79-34). Monthly variation in temperature and 2Present address: Department of Biology, dissolved oxygen showed that in 1974 University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA water temperature varied from 5.8 °C to 22901. 3Present address: Department of Zoology, 15 °C since the stream is fed from an Miami University, Oxford, OH 45056. underground source (Richard 1974), while 41 42 A. J. BURKY, ET AL Vol. 81 0-- M M FIGURE 1. Dissolved oxygen and water and air temperature in relation to months for the west branch of Cedar Run. as expected, air temperature had a much clams take about 24 months to reach greater range (fig. 1). Gilbert and Hen- shell lengths of 3.0 mm, have one period nen (1974) have shown that air tem- of reproductive contribution and have a perature in the bog area fluctuates much potential maximum life span of 30 to 33 less than that in the surrounding areas. months. The oxygen content, although decreasing The life-cycle pattern of P. casertanum in summer and fall, was relatively high from Cedar Run is the only report with a throughout the year, ranging from about complete sequence of samples over a full 65% to 98% saturation. Mean annual year for a stream population. The only conductivity was 564 /xmhos (range: 460- other report we found of a stream popula- 650 yumhos), total hardness was 410-564 tion of P. casertanum is by Heard (1965). mg/£ as CaCO3, Ca hardness was 310- Although Heard (1965)' didn't follow 414 mg/^ as CaCO3 and Mg hardness this population over an entire year, he was 160-310 mg/^ as CaCO3. The pH reports one reproductive period during was usually > 7.2 (6.7-8.0), indicating spring-summer. Holopainen (1979) found that the stream, like the rest of the bog, a 3 year life span for a littoral population is alkaline and not acidic. Bogs are by in Lake Paajarvi, Finland, with a single definition acidic; this habitat is actually period of summer reproduction. He also a fen and alkaline in its water char- reports a 3 year life span with 2 periods of acteristics. reproduction for a population in Lake Size distributions of P. casertanum Esrom, Denmark. Thut (1969) reports samples studied in 1974 revealed that a one year life span with one period of there was one generation born per year reproduction in early summer in Lake with recruitment during April-August Washington. Mackie (1979) has ex- (fig. 2). The 1974 newborns were pro- amined 2 populations from ephemeral duced by clams born in 1972. Only P. habitats with one population showing a castertanum with shell lengths of at least single annual life-cycle with one period of 3.0 mm are expected to contain extra- reproduction while the other has 2 genera- marsupial larvae (those larvae ready to tions per year with complete summer be born, Mackie 1979); therefore, these replacement. Ohio J. Sci. GROWTH OF PISIDIUM CASERTANUM 43 4 - I j ) (mm h t I Lengt l Shel - T Y T V T V — LO CO M M 0 N D FIGURE 2. Mean shell length (solid black dot) in relation to months for generation samples of Pisidium casertanum for 1974. Vertical bars indicate the range and rectangles represent =±= standard deviation. The 3 generations were born in April-August of 1972, 1973 and 1974 (in- dicated in open circles) for the largest to smallest size distributions respectively. The num- ber of clams represented on each date is given at the bottom of the figure with the percentage of animals for generations indicated in or near the rectangles. The life cycle of P. casertanum ranges Avolizi, R. J. 1976 Biomass turnover in populations of viviparous sphaeriid clams: from 2 generations per year with com- Comparisons of growth, fecundity, mortality plete replacement (Mackie 1979) to the and biomass production. Hydrobiologia 51: simple annual (Thut 1969, Mackie 1979) 163-180. to three year life spans with one or two Cassie, R. M. 1950 Analysis of polymodal periods of reproduction (Holopainen frequency distribution by the probability 1979). Pisidium casertanum at Cedar paper method. N. Z. Sci. Rev. 8: 89-91. Run (fig. 2) is well within this range with 1954 Some uses of probability paper a maximum life span of 30 to 33 months in the analysis of size frequency distributions. with a single period of reproductive con- Aust. J. Mar. Freshwater Res. 5: 513-522. tribution after 24 months of growth and Clarke, A. H. 1973 The freshwater molluscs maturation. of the Canadian Interior Basin. Malaco- logia 13: 1-509. Acknowledgments. We would like to thank the Gale, W. F. 1977 Growth of the fingernail Ohio Historical Society for permission to col- clam, Sphaerium transversum (Say) in field lect clams at Cedar Bog and Dr. G. L. Mackie and laboratory experiments. Nautilus 91: for having confirmed our identification of these 8-12. clams as Pisidium casertanum (Poli). This Gilbert, G. E. and R. W. Hennen 1974 Fre- study has been supported in part by grants to quency and structure of temperature inver- Albert J. Burky from the Ohio Biological Sur- sions in Cedar Bog. pp. 14-15. In: C. C. King vey and the University of Dayton Research and C. M. Frederick (eds.) Cedar Bog Council. Symposium. Ohio Biol. Surv. Inf. Cir 4 71 p. LITERATURE CITED Harding, J. P. 1949 The use of probability American Public Health Association 1976 paper for the graphical analysis of polymodal Standard methods for the examination of frequency distributions. J. Marine Biol water and wastewater (14th ed.) p. 1193. Asso. U.K. 28: 141-153. 44 A. J. BURKY, ET AL Vol. 81 Heard, W. H. 1965 Comparative life his- , S. U. Qadri and A. H. Clarke 1976 tories of North American pill clams (Sphae- Intraspecific variations in growth, birth riidae: Pisidium). Malacologia 2: 381-411. periods, and longevity of Musculium securius 1977 Reproduction of fingernail clams (Bivalvia: Sphaeridae) near Ottawa, Canada. (Sphaeriidae: Sphaerium and Mnsculium). Malacologia 15: 433-446. Malacologia 16: 421-455. Holopainen, I. J. 1979 Population dynamics Meier-Brook, V. C. 1970 Investigations on and production of Pisidium, species (Bivalvia, the biology of some Pisidium species (Mol- Sphaeriidae) in the oligotrophic and meso- lusca; Eulamellibranchiata; Sphaeriidae). humic Lake Paajarvi, Southern Finland. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 38: 73-150. Arch. Hydrobiol. Suppl. 54: 466-508. Richard, B. H. 1974 The relationship of Ladle, M. and F. Baron 1969 Studies on Cedar Bog to the ancestral Teays River three species of Pisidium (Mollusca: Bivalvia) System, pp. 3-7. In: C. C. King and C. M. from a chalk stream. J. Anim. Ecol. 38: Frederick (eds.) Cedar Bog Symposium.
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