REYNOLDS(CANADA) Dale's Parnting & Decorattng Davie S 25Blueb«Cfls£ 527-1199 Sosbkmgswayavse 529-9151 INC 675 3Sise

REYNOLDS(CANADA) Dale's Parnting & Decorattng Davie S 25Blueb«Cfls£ 527-1199 Sosbkmgswayavse 529-9151 INC 675 3Sise

46 Dand M C 409 7Sine 527-2350 Davis Dwayne 330 2327Ci«s1<ra0(OrSE 529-6479 Deering E E 267SelfaslSlSE S26-40a Danderfer L aozConnsisniDrSW 527-6850 Davis E 2 102 395INE 529-6237 Deering Edwin 51 224BSouihviewOcSE. 529-6751 D—Oemarco DanderfvPeteri? 1160 ISISW 529-6390 Davis H 0 251 6S1SE 526-2024 Deering Frank D iraeHaiwoSE 527-9612 Daniel Edmond Fashions Davis J Richard 419 SStSE 526-0298 Deering Fred 1734 29StSE 527-9481 MefliCin^lMa 527-9383 Davis L SlObAWAvSE 529-0113 Deering Frieda 4ii lOSisw 526-2681 D J'S TANK TRUCK Daniel J C Mrs ZZZe^iastSiSE 526-4230 Davis M 10 978 istsw 526-9221 Deering H P 14 izsisw 527-5151 Daniels Freddie 130 zsike 526-6352 Davis M L 465 IISISE 526-7516 Deering Harvey 2137 lOAvNE 526-0856 SERVICE LTD Daniels Mona ZZsShepherdCrSE 529-5938 Davis Robert 526-0910 Deering J S 867a4SiS£ S26-45M 2179 iOAKfffi 526-6950 Daniels Ralph 30&ayCrNW 526-5928 Davis Ron B SOCooperR<S£ 526-5386 Deering Jim E 0 24lSJad<softPiaceSE . 527-6498 Many&en^ 868-3755 Daniels V ZOlCyprcssWySE 526-0154 Davis St^hen 309 SSiSE 526-6659 Deering John SCarryCrlSE 529-0491 DARAL DEVELOPMENTS LTD Davis Troy 49Nor1h9atcTrlrCn 527-4952 Deering Ralph lOZSAiiowanceAveSE ... 527-3896 DAS CUSTOM & COUJSiON 30S SOSprosueV/ySE 529-9162 Davison B 84C4meronR(lSE 528-2751 Deering Raymond SSlRossSeiArSE ..526-9048 9i3Staa*3ySiSE 527-5030 DAR8VS COFFEE HOUSE Davlson C 526-6609 Deering Roy L 245 vsisw 526-5656 D C Oilfletd Hauling Ltd Bo>l390 .... 527-2006 422 6StSE 526-8882 Peering Terry 1539 26SiSE 526-2434 D H Risk Carpenters 538 14SIN£ .... 527-9552 DARBY'S DOWNTOWN DAVISON EXCAVATING D J Motw Grader Slices 143 7S!S 527-3695 557 ZStSE 527-1944 DEE'S MAINTENANCE & CaS Lsns Oisuncc (CAsrge Msy Asoly)& Asli LTD 8«ii3599C177 527-8972 For MeOicine Kst Mobile Xi)5-2077 DARING LOOKS UNISEX STYLISTS Ca3 Long Dislantc (Disrsc May Apply) & Ask ELECTRIC LTD D & L Fotk 527-0848 lOZ ISOlOunmprsRdSE 526-7847 For Medicine Hal Mobile Xj7-4327 SORossHavcnPlaceSE 527-8938 0 & M PRECAST CONCRETC & Oarley Andrew lOOCypressWySE 527-2142 Datyl Siangief Res 527-09(0 Dariey Roderick loCunfiiicCrSE 526-9516 Davlson James llTeyiofCfSE 529-0289 PLASnCS 529-5482 Davison Jefl 527-1635 Deg Barbara Mrs 935 4SiSE 526-5882 D R LOCKSMITH CD $38 i4S<i^527-9552 Darling Ray 492 9SiSE 526-7250 Darr C 1 15 7S1NE 526-1351 Davlson Joyce 527-8175 Oeg Bertha Mrs l202&ieenStSS 527-3538 Daffy 8 2 1349 22StSE 526-8535 Davison Laura 28 zsimv 529-0017 ^agne E l40MorTayPi3eeNE 527-3039 Daffy Elmer 699 OAveSW 526-6462 Darr Emil 44$ 13SISE 527-5718 Darr Garry 504 iisiSE 529-1967 Davison Margaret lAWMRDseteo 527-1680 DeGagne E F ofc 848 22$ine 526-6615 Daffy Larry 12S8CroeKlordCrNW 527-5847 Darr Harvey i sssCarnPriiJseStSE 526-1532 Davison Ryan G zza 9S1SE 526-2253 OeCagne G Farm 526-707? Daffy Mary Mrs 107 iD3$Vu2StSE ... 527-6420 Darr Larry 375 12StSE 527-0539 Davlson Wilfred DeGagne J P 636 19sine 526-55» Daffy MefW Veracvile 527-4635 10 SlZMcCulclsonDfNW S27-6S42 DeGagne Phil 4eCun!irieC»SE 527-0058 Daffy Stewart asSimpsoflCrSE 526-8199 Darr Myron 622 leSiNE 526-9751 Darr Noel 8 398 16SINE S27-9S17 Dawley S S04 7SiSE 528-2748 wgen Alfred Boxzaz 527-0233 Dafoe M E 78 IS«E 527-3913 Darr Rosa Mrs 1365 26SiSE 526-2497 Daws Henry C32 172D8e5SlSW 527-1425 Mgen E 246SevenPersoraOf5w 52^2040 D'Agostirra Paul S0V2iieyv>ewDfSW ... 529-2214 Darr T 203 SZCarsweSRdSE 529-6762 Dawson A J e32SicwartOrNW 526-5479 Oegenhardt Don 74TayiofCrSE 527-9SS4 DM Pete 90EwgnCrSE 527-7082 Darr Wayne 1752 7AviJE 526-0291 Dawson D Boxl !9Se«enPersons 527-9747 ^enhardt John 172 14Sinw 527-8059 Ddllgren L 1112yuilStS£ 527-6456 Darren Whitson 205 2010 7AvNE 529-1601 Dawson H A 204 ZZSISoulhvicwOrSE .. 527-5178 wgenhardt Kari 260 8S1SE 526-3478 Dahike Albert 904 407 savSE 526-6608 Das Yogadhish zZEasiGienSiSE 526-7634 Dawson Herbert 516SssonsCiSE 526-6796 ^genhardt Philip 175 nstse 526-6015 DaNstrom A W Mrs 8 25 12SiSE .... 526-5448 DATAPAC PUBLIC DIALPORTS A Oegenhardt Val izzbutoCinw 527-3954 Dahlstrom Wilfred 8 321 lOStSE .... 526-4701 GT DAY BREAK MOVING & ^genhardt William 1952 l6StSE .... 527-7950 Oahm S 2 444AbcrdeenS-iS£ 529-0596 Oegenhsrdt William Children's Dahtns A 635 SSiSE ■ 526-9068 r^; Dili Tc:iiiV.iil Access STORAGE LTD 1952 I6S1SE 529-9559 110 BPS 526-7427 64SSpencerSIS£ 527-9769 Degennein F 478 12Sine 527-2831 3D0 BPS 526-6587 Mgenstein G 202 229 2StNE 526-6368 DAINES Vi/ESTERN 1200 BPS S29-5S21 teG^ruchy Tom 165S 26SISE 527-4320 SHOP lS7MeOii:ineHalf46U ....526-5587 Dattenberger E J 630RossQenDrSE ... 529-9436 DAY BREAK ^ert Eari F 602 BSiSW 526-6826 Dau Barry J 1I2 1433 issiSE 529-5009 ueiBert Gary 628 193SINE 526-4831 DAIRY ORiyE-IN 860 a4StSW ..526-4300 Oaudltn Brian B 370 12S!SW 529-0269 TRANSPORT LTD MlPert Gord 12Rossian<tCnSE 529-59M Oavey Annie B Mrs 40GrayCrNW 527-9421 645SpencefSlS£ 527-1371 Oavey Edward 733BraemgrSiS£ 526-6480 DOlbcrt Lewis 526 SStNE 526-3338 Fa« laio S29-024S ^ert R Dennis 301 ssiSE 529-9550 DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIER Davey K 72eBalmoralSiSE 526-9742 ^ berl Roy 626 7StSW 527-5410 Csire a David A E 65 4000 UAvSE 526-4830 Day Dariene 4 secmdiciiWaySE 526-7798 Dels B ISCurrieCrlSE 527-0345 2201 13AvS . 526-9600 David Dan 606 20Sine 526-9307 Day Faye 38 iZStSE 526-0931 Dels C 1773 ISAvSE 527-9596 David Donald 78R6eCrSE 527-4686 Day K 407 29 7S1NE 529-6810 Deis toper 17flossmfireAvSE 529-6098 DAIRY QUEEN BRAZIER David J 34BineerCrNW 529-2665 Day S B 525 5S1SW 527-5495 Deis David 1123St«:lStSE 529-2218 David Larry SO IISISE 526-4813 Day S V 22 459Ci!rfvOrSE 527-7320 De s Doug 394aelanc8CrSW 526-4764 CRESCENT HEIGHTS David Thomson Insurance Services Ltd Oayaranjan J ZllRessOienRcsE 527-0596 453 3SISE 526-3283 Daye W M lD658i^iSiSE 527-3545 De s Gerald :527.4» 94ceSlNW 527-6936 Des James R 11178almoralSlSE ...... 529-227* Davldoff CP 529-9427 Daykin Steve sii iisiSE 529-0138 De s Uura 315 663 12SINW 526-4255 Davids 0 E 152 7SlSe 527-9607 M S Peter 2457 16AVSE 527-3060 Davidson A L 2 372B<ilIaslStSE 526-3890 DAYLYN AUTO DAIRY QUEEN NO 1 Davidson Bryce W De s Peter 777 3S1NW 526-4068 Cakes 8 Uss 37 502McCalcheor£ifNW S29-10OT APPRAISALS LTD De s R 261 istNW 526-6277 403 3Avsw 526-5251 Deis Robert 6BC»refonRdSE 527-4638 DAVIDSON & CO 202 533 2SiS£ 527-6015 257Co(T!eronR(lSE 529-5598 Deis Rod S26.88W' Dais W 2S 7AytSW 527-1352 Davidson 0 A i 201 2AvNE 526-1814 Oea James T 26 2637 21AvSE 527-3620 Deis Ron 503 2istNE 527-8910 Dakin Owls 39RceinsonC'SE 526-1131 Davidson Jack H sRossHos'itsCrtSE ... 527-7570 Deak John IDaOEvnSiSE 526-3235 ueis Thomas ua asiNE 527-OSio Dal Broi M llAraassellCrtrw 527-4534 Davidson John 205 727 ssisw 527-5870 Dean Michael lORpssiarifCrSE 526-3079 Dels Val S4Rossian<iWyS£ 529-9790 Daichau Peter 4iW3«RctseTrtrPk 526-6889 Davidson Peter i247Baim«ai$iSE 527-4674 ^ong C G 373 12SINE 526-9343 OaWCoHo Glenn i ilv SSiSE 529-0870 Davidson Sherry 303 272C3ffyDfSE .. - 526-4748 DeJong Cheryl 4 irnCietwoocaifSE . 527-3634 Dale A 970 3SiS£ 526-2147 Davidson Tl240tMndDfSE 529-2497 DEAN WITTER Dejpng Gary 205 socoOinsCrSE 527-7265 tale F il 3 3726ellaslSlSE 526-5174 Davidson T 901 407 SAvSE 529-2113 DEL-ANN SECRETARIAL Dale Kevin 210 672CeaeeeDrSE 526-4279 Davidson Tim 7ResvTiefePtaceS£ 527-6435 REYNOLDS(CANADA) Dale's Parnting & Decorattng Davie S 25Blueb«CflS£ 527-1199 SOSbKmgswayAvSE 529-9151 INC 675 3SiSE . 529-6333 Fax Line 526-0279 asCamefooWySE 526-9486 Davies 8(A 235 3SlSE 529-2468 De la Cerda Eduardo soaOenneuCrSE . 529-0426 Date's Phindilng & Heating Davies Bryan Duvnwe 526-7609 DEAN'S PLUMBING & HEATING Oelange G loRaeCrSE 529-0^ ZOOSHawkeCrNE 527-9575 Davies 0 A SSBumsCnvW 526-2294 SERVICE 112 US1NE 526-2155 Dal^tty L 12460em>nonSiSE 526-7056 Davies 0 R 78RossS8ndRdS£ 529-5089 Odaurier G i54HusCfNE 529-2073 Dearborn Chemical Ltd 507 29 7Sine 529-1217 DELCAN CORPORATION Dalglesli Glen R 95StoneOSE 526-2552 Davies Darren 526-1968 Dease Date llAlB'scmarSiSE 529-5301 OaHa-Longa Luciano 36$ 4Sinw 527-7491 Davies Donald 510 laStNE 526-0397 Dease David l220aridgcSiSE 526-8582 56 419 3S1SE 526-1733 D'AUAIRD'S MeflictneHamaA .. .526-9735 Davies Dwaln 85la5SiS£ 526-7862 Dease Hifding sSJeWask'natonAvSE ... 527-3536 Ddeff Don iCoHerCrNW 529-6339 Datia Longa Cervasio 161 3Sit<w 527-2379 Davies G 17CocksWyH 527-5167 Deason C 103 722BasseiiCrNW .... 526-4387 DcJgado Antonio C 6 AaoAaenieenStSE 526-7128 Dalla Longs Oamiano l07aQjea<StsE . 527-4592 Davies Heather Ounmoic 529-2615 Ddsbte's Beauty Salon 202 zavnw . 527-4817 DEU CITY(M H)57 8S1NW ....529-1900 DaHa Longa Gianlranco Davies J 223 1433 19SISE 527-9492 DebterG 80x1125 527-0392 Dell Charles 778 BSISE 527-4870 H70BassellCrt<W 529-1042 Davies Ken 8o«195 527-0560 Oebier Gary lASPrimroseOrSE 526-6288 Dell Conrad vsOYudiStSE 527-4043 Daiia Longa Joe Gka^pe 340 iaunw 527-2051 Davies M 442 losisw 527-0013 Oebler Tony 7SRassHivcnAv5E 529-1530 Dell D lOSlQucenStSE 529-5779 Datb Umgs John 838 ssise . 527-2654 Davies M Children's Phone' DeBoef Leo ZZSixnsomv 529-1003 Dell Michael 230 izstsw 529-5693 OaRs Longa John 0 60CuyM(iSE .... 529-5069 442 lOSiSW 527-7516 DeBoer Max 7RcssHei9hlsGmSE 529-2455 Dell Richard 49CorbliiWySE 526-7610 Dalla Longa M 496 izsiSE 526-9499 Davies Oscar 106 355 ssisE 529-6082 Deck EiUabelh 6 2S iZSiSE 527-4726 DELL ROSSI MEN'S WEAR LTD Lcmga R 421 2AvflW 526-3722 Davies R J 2B5CoinuCrt<W 527-3071 Deck Kenneth 74KensirqionAveSW 527-6006 649 3SISE 526-2544 D^ Longa Ralnlero 770 9StSE ...

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