t>; and Black 1\j t~ At the hop Index IJl.~. .. ~·~~ ·.;~ . GallerY hop A&E 87-9 Deacon Notes 82 .;\·~!t Briefly A2 Editorials AS-11 ~'~ enlivens ;;·~ Calendar 88 Off the Wire A6 ~~ downtown for day ~~t Classifieds 84 Scoreboard 86 c\:! ~~~ A&E/87 Comics 89 Sports 81-6 ,,;ft. \~' j,'~ Visit our Web site at http://ogb. wfu.edu Volume 83, No. 4 -.......tration restricts By Brad Gunton limit its coverage of the issue .. Sandra Boyette, the vice president of preserve a sense of neutrality. interviews there," Boyette told the]our­ Assistant News Editor "What came down to me is that we university advancement, made the re­ "The purpose was to try to avoid any nal were to restrict our coverage ofthe report quest in order to ensure unbiased report­ appearance of taking a position on either This marks the first time the university · The controversy over same-sex unions of the ad hoc committee to simply the ing, according to The Winston-Salem]our­ side," Cox said. has restricted WFDD in their coverage of has sparked a new debate within the press release that the Wake Forest News nal. The decision to restrict WFDD's a story. According to Cox, the reason is university family over the journalistic Service put out last week, and we were "They're a news organization, and they sources to Kevin Cox was, according to that, unlike past stories, there are several freedom ofWFDD, the university's pub­ allowed to call Kevin Cox of the news might be ~erceived as representing the Boyette, because of the nature of the conflicting factors involved. I lic radio station. service, but we were not allowed to con­ university s opinion," Boyette told the story. "It is an extraordinary case," Cox said. The station, whose reporters are uni­ tact other sources," said Mike Janssen, a journal "I thought it would have been incorrect ve~sity employees, was told that it was to reporter for WFDD. Cox also said that the motive was to to call the church and start trying to get See WFDD, Page A6 I Intruder protests strikes Wait decision By Brad Gunton ad hoc committee of the board of trust·· Assistant News Editor ees. The report stated that "we recom­ off campus Despite the university's recent re­ mend that the Administration of the quest that Wait Chapel not be used to University ask the Wake Forest Bap­ By Suzanne DuBose perform a same-sex union, several stu­ tist Church to refrain from using the News Editor dents have united to show their support University facilities" to perform same­ for the Wake Forest Baptist Church. sex unions. Winston-Salem police suspect the that the per­ Sponsored by the Student Associa­ "I'm saddened by the decision of the petrator behind both the assault and robbery of tion for Equality, a peaceful demon­ trustees," Kohlenberger said. "I think university students on Polo Road Sept 11 is the stration was held outside Wait Chapel they are in violation of the anti-dis­ same man. both to protest the university's decision crimination policy they voted on in ~We think it was p_robably the same guy;" Lt. and to show support for the church. 1995." Fred Jones said. "The· descriptions-bWJically The demonstration was staged 8 a.m. to That the committee breached its own matdi." .·. u·a.m.>Sept, 12, ultimately culminat- policy that "no one should be judged 1 At5 :29 a.m. a junior awoke in a roo~ at 1230A ing in the church service in Wait. or harassed on the basis of perceived Polo Road to find an unknown man sexually According to sophomore Anne or real sexual o1ientation" was a com­ assaulting her. "She was in bed and felt someone Kohlenberger, SAFE coordinator, they mon sentiment among the demonstra­ kissing on her and laying on top of her," Jones were hoping to send a message with tors, includingjunior Martin Price, the said. their protest. communications coordinator of the Once she fully regained consciousness, the "We want the university to know we Gay-Straight Student Alliance. student screamed, and the assailant fled out the are very concerned and upset about "My primary concern is that they've rear of the building. what's going on," Kohlenberger said. dearly violated the nondiscrimination "He didn't rape her, but it was a sexual assaUlt," Dozens of posters and bouquets of statement which the trustees them­ Jones said. The student was treated at Forsyth flowers were taped to the columns and selves adopted in 1995," Price said. Memorial Hospital and released. laid across the steps of the chapel. The "They've done this in two ways: The Almost 30 minutes later, at 6:03 a.m., three fosters contained such messages as statement says they will not judge or blocks down the road, police suspect the same Support religious freedom," "Thank harass anyone based on sexual orien­ man entered the residence of 1518 Polo Road you WFBaptistforshowingGod'slove" tation, and they're most definitely judg­ police suspect. and "Autonomy." ing this couple. They also said they "A student got up to get a drink of water and Sophomore Kelly Ryan places flowers on the steps of Wait Chapel to The demonstration was a direct re­ noticed the back door was open," Jones said. show her support for the Wake Forest Baptist Church. sponse to the report issued Sept. 8 by an See SAFE, Page A6 According to police, after closing the back door she began to walk back to her room and peeked in her roommate's room. "She saw someone kneeling in the corner and at first thought it was her roommate's boyfriend," Jones said. The student then walked up to the Students, church discuss same-sex union dark figure and addressed him. "She realized it wasn't who she thought it was," By Jay Cridlin pected a decision this early, and many God is leading us to do, and to take Although anumber of students have Jones said. Assistant News Editor people did not expect the decision to care of one another at the same time," expressed an opinion on the issue, The perpetrator then ran out the back of the be negative. Groves said. Chaplain Ed Christman believes that building.. Reactions from the student body He said that the church will have According to Kevin Cox, the direc- there has not yet been enough time to Both intruders had similar descrip~ons - the and the Wake Forest Baptist Church many careful deliberations before is- · tor of media relations, the university gauge an accurate student body opin­ first student reported a white male around 28 have begun to surface in the wake of suing a formal response. has hesitated to comment beyond the ion on the issue. years old and 5-foot-10, the second student re­ the university's decision last week to "(Some) churches have never done · trustees' statement and several press "We know what a few people think, ported a white male between 20 and 30 years of prohibit the use of Wait Chapel for this before, and it can be scary," Groves releases. but that's all, and it's perilous to gen­ age who was approximately 6 feet tall. same-sex covenant ceremonies. said. "The university has made quite a eralize what students feel," he said. In April, a student was also attacked in the According to Pastor Richard Groves, "We can do things wrong and we strong message that it doesn't plan to However, much of the response the church's biggest reaction has been can hurt one another. I think the im- interpret the report beyond the lan­ See Intruder, Page A4 one of surprise, in that no one ex- porta.nt thing is to try to discern what guage of the report," he said. See Reactions, Page A3 :h ding each options. Kevin Cox mediates between a--.....~ __ tration, community >histicated By Robert Mullinax questions from the media," Cox said. "I try Cox's interest in the news media began nday. Contributing Reporter to be a very effective link for the university while working at his high school paper and and the news media." Cox is involved with later while editing his university's paper in Many students at the university are famil- linking the school with news media from Texas. He developed his love for his current iar with Kevin Cox as the man from the both inside and outside the United States. employer while working towards his mas­ voice mail and e-mail messages. However, Cox approaches his job with a great love ters degree in English, which he received many students do not know Cox as an and respectfor his subject. "We have a great here in 1981. alumnus, family man, churchgoer and the story to tell at the university. There are an Walker said that his love of Texas was director of media relations. awful lot of accomplished students and a lot second only to his love for this university. In a typical day in of interesting faculty Cox said, "I had a great experience as a the life of the director here," Cox said. "I ~:.rraduate student here years ago .... I was of media relations, a believe in the univer- just so impressed with the school and the job he has held since sity. This job blends faculty I carne to know." 1995, Cox gives as- my two interests: the Although Cox is enjoying considerable signments to his staff, university and the success, he has not forgotten those who edits copy, maintains news media." have influenced him in the past.
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