OVID'S !\\e+amoryho$e$ OXFORD APPROACHES TO CLASSICAL LITERATURE SERIES EDITORS Ka|hle^ft Qfeleman and Richard Rutherford 2OVID'S Metamorphoses ELAINE FANTHAM PLATO'S Symposium RICHARD HUNTER OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Oxford New York Auckland Bangkok Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Sao Paulo Shanghai Taipei Tokyo Toronto Copyright © 2004 by Oxford University Press, Inc. Published by Oxford University Press, Inc. 198 Madison Avenue, New York, New York 10016 www.oup.com Oxford is a registered trademark of Oxford University Press All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of Oxford University Press. Library of Congress Catalogmg-m-Pubhcation Data Fantham, Elaine. Ovid's Metamorphoses / Elaine Fantham. p. cm. — (Oxford approaches to classical literature) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-19-515409-6; o-i9-5i54io-X (pbk.) i. Ovid, 43 B.c.-iy or 18 A.D. Metamorphoses 2. Fables, Latin—History and criticism. 3. Mythology, Classical, in literature. 4. Metamorphosis in literature. I. Title. II. Series. PA65ig.Mg F36 2004 873'.OI dc22 2OO3Olfil64 135798642 Printed in the United States of America on acid-free paper Index of Persons Mythical and historical persons in Metamorphoses are in lowercase; ancient and modern writers and artists are in uppercase. Achaemenides, shipwrecked com- Aeetes, King of Colchis, father of panion of Ulysses rescued by Medea, 74 Aeneas, 116 Aeneas, son of Anchises and Venus, 15, Achelous, river god, host of Theseus, 96 13, 94-95, 127 deification, 99—100, 102 Achilles, son of Peleus and Thetis, Aesculapius (Asclepius), son of Apollo 55 and Coronis, healer god brought kills Cycnus, 98, 114 to Rome from Epidaurus, 101, shot by Paris, 99 102, 109 Acis, lover of Galatea Aeson, father of Jason, 89, 107 Ads and Galatea (Poussin), fig. 4 Agave, daughter of Cadmus, mother transformed into river, 129 of Pentheus, 43 Acmon, metamorphosis itemized by Aglauros, jealous sister of Herse, in, body parts, 18 127 Acoetes, worshipper of Bacchus Ajax, hero defeated in contest for captured by Pentheus, 42 Achilles' armor; kills himself, Actaeon, son of Autonoe, turned into 78, 99 stag by Diana, 38 Alcmene, mother of Hercules, 67, 94 Adonis, son of Myrrha, beloved of Alcyone, wife of Ceyx and daughter of Venus, killed by boar, 78, 80 Aeolus, 112, 134, 141 167 Allecto, Fury in Virgil, 48, in Atlas, African king turned into moun- Alpheus, river, seeks to rape Arethusa, tain by Perseus, 90 64 Augustus, born Octavius, adopted as Althaea, mother of Meleager, causes Gaius lulius Caesar Octavianus, his death in revenge for her 3, 28, 55, 98, 117, 122, 123 brothers, 94, 150 deifies his father, Julius, himself in Andromeda, Ethiopian princess due course to become a god, rescued from sea-monster by 102-3 Perseus, 91, 106 Aurora, mother of Memnon, ANTONINUS LIBERALIS, Greek supplicates Jupiter, 72-73 second-century C.E. collector of Autonoe, daughter of Cadmus, tales of metamorphosis, 14 mother of Actaeon, 38 Apollo, twin child with Diana of Jupiter and Latona Bacchus, child of Jupiter and Semele, flays Marsyas, 56 38 performs in concert, 56 destroys Pentheus, 39—40 pursues Daphne, 63 Battus, dishonest shepherd turned to slays children of Niobe, 69—70 stone by Mercury, 125—6 slays Python, 122 Baucis, wife of Philemon, rewarded APOLLONIUS RHODIUS, for entertaining gods, 82, 87, 134, third-century B.C.E. author 145 (Hawthorne) of Argonautica, 6, 74, 120 BERNINI, Italian seventeenth- APULEIUS, second-century C.E. century sculptor, 139 author of Metamorphoses ("Golden BOIOS (BOIO), Greek author of col- Ass"), 133, 140 lection of bird-metamorphoses, Arachne, skilled weaver punished 14 by Minerva, 53-55, 145 (Hol- Boreas (north wind), lover of lander), 146 (Hughes) Orithyia, 106 ARJVTUS, third-century B.C.E. BRUEGEL, PETER, sixteenth- author of astronomical poem, 120 century Flemish painter, 134 Arethusa (nymph), pursued by Byblis, incestuously in love with twin Alpheus, rescued by Diana, 64 brother Caunus, 75 Argos, many-eyed monster set to watch lo by Juno, 16—17 Cacus, monster killed by Hercules, 94 his eyes in peacock's tail, 117 Cadmus, brother of Europa, married Ariadne, 6 Harmonia, 14, 36-38, 87, 105 "Bacchus and Ariadne" (Titian), 135 father of Agave, Autonoe, Ino, and Asclepius. See Aesculapius Semele (q.v.) Atalanta Caeneus/Caenis, transgendered beloved of Meleager, 93 warrior, 62—63, II0 runner and lover of Hippomenes, 81 Caesar (Julius), adoptive father of 168 I Index of Persons Octavian, murdered, then deified, Cipus, Roman general who refused to 15, 102-3, it? become king, 101—2 CALLIMACHUS, third-century Circe, enchantress, bewitches Scylla, B.C.E. Hellenistic poet and Ulysses' men, Picus, 8—9, 10—12 scholar, ix, 6, 25, 120 CLAUDIAN, fourth-century C.E. Aitia, 131 Latin poet, 140 Glauats, 131 Clymene, mother of Phaethon, 18, 34, Hecale, 120, 126—27 69 Hymn to Apollo, 122 Cupid, wounds brother Apollo, 122 Calliope, Muse, her epic "Rape of Cyane, Sicilian nymph, 64 Persephone," 53 Cyclops. See Polyphemus Callisto, daughter of Lycaon, raped by Cycnus, kinsman and lover of Jupiter, mother of Areas, 25, 63 Phaethon, 34 CALVUS, first-century B.C.E. author warrior son of Neptune, 98-99, 113 of lo, friend of Catullus, 6, 16, Cyllarus, centaur, lover of Hylonome, 120 109 Canens (nymph), loved by Picus, 11 — 12 painted by Piero di Cosimo, 135 Castor and Pollux (Dioscuri), 15, 93 Cyparissus, boy beloved by Apollo, 77 CATULLUS, his "Marriage of Peleus and Thetis," 6, 29, 120 Daedalion, brother of Ceyx, 85, 87 Centaurs, brawl at wedding of Daedalus, craftsman and father of Peirithous, 63. See also Chiron, Icarus, 32, 58, 108, 140, 141 Cyllarus, Hylonome Danae, raped by Jupiter, mother of Cephalus, Athenian prince and Perseus, 12 husband of Procris, 83—85 painted by Titian, 135 Ceres (Greek Demeter), mother of DANTE, Purgatorio, 139-40 Persephone, 53, 63—64 Daphne (nymph), daughter of Peneus, punishes Erysichthon, 111-12 pursued by Apollo, 63, 122. See Ceyx, husband of Alcyone, drowned also Poussin, Bernini on voyage, 82, 85—87, 134, 141 Deianeira, wife of Hercules, pursued Charybdis, sea-monster, 9 by Nessus; causes Hercules' CHAUCER, Book of the Duchess, death, 95 Legend of Good Women, House of DEMOCRITUS, Greek fifth-century Fame, Canterbury Tales, 141 natural philosopher, 22 Chione, raped by Apollo and Mercury, Deucalion, son of Prometheus, 64 husband of Pyrrha, 29—30, 82 Chiron, benevolent centaur, father of Diana, twin child of Jupiter and Ocyroe, 108, 109, 126. Latona with Apollo, punishes CINNA, first-century B.C.E author of Actaeon, 38-39 Zmyrna, friend of Catullus, 6, 79, Diana and Actaeon (Titian), 138 fig. 3 120 Diana and Callisto (Titian), 135 Index of Persons I 169 Dis, god of Underworld (also called Galatea (nymph), lover of Acis, loved Hades), 53 in vain by Polyphemus, 128-29 DRYDEN, John, translated books of GALLUS, poet, older contemporary Metamorphoses, 150 of Ovid, 14, 121 Dryope, sister of lole, turned into GIULIO ROMANO, Italian sixteenth- lotus tree, 68-69 century painter, 135 Glaucus, fisherman and lover of Scylla; Earth, goddess mother of giants, 27 becomes sea-god, 10, 106 protests at Phaethon s destructive GOLDING, Arthur, first English ride, 33 translator of Metamorphoses, 142 Echo, punished by Juno with loss of independent speech; pines for HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel, A Wonder Narcissus, 44-46 Book, 144 Egeria (nymph), consort of Numa, Hecuba, widow of Priam, king 101 of Troy, mother of Hector, EMPEDOCLES, Sicilian Greek sixth- Polyxena, Polydorus, 71—72 century natural philosopher, 23 Helen, wife of Menelaus, eloped with ENNIUS, second-century Italian epic Paris, 8, 55 and tragic poet, 6, 75 Helenus, Trojan prince who settled in imitated, 93, 100 Epirus; his prophecy to Aeneas, Eratosthenes, third-century B.C.E. 117 geographer and poet, 23—24 Hercules (Gk. Heracles), son of Erysichthon, father of Mnestra, Jupiter and Alcmene, 15 punished by Ceres with insatiable his birth, 67 hunger, in —12, 134 deification, 95—96 EURIPIDES, fifth-century Athenian labors and travels, 94 tragic poet Hermaphroditus, transformed by Bacchae, 14, 38 nymph Salmacis, 47, 141 Hecuba, 71—72 Hermes. See Mercury Medea, 75 Hephaestus. See Vulcan Phaethon, 32 Herse, loved by Mercury, 127 Europa, sister of Cadmus, raped by Herse, Mercury andAglauros (Poussin), Jupiter, mother of Minos, 12, 138 36, 54 Hersilia, Sabine wife of Romulus, Rape of Europa (Titian), 135 101 Eurylochus, 8, 10—n HESIOD, early Greek epic poet, author of Theogony and Works Fama. See Rumor and Days, 22, 26—27 Furies. See Allecto, Tisiphone Hippolytus, son of Theseus, renamed Virbius, 131 Galanthis, loyal maid of Alcmene, Hippomenes, lover of Atalanta, 81 67-68 HOFFMAN and LASDUN (editors), 170 I Index of Persons After Ovid: The New Metamor- Juno phoses, 143, 150 persecutes Alcmene and Galanthis, HOLLANDER, John 67-68 Figurehead and Other Poems, 144 persecutes Hercules, 96—97 Philomel, 145 persecutes Ino and Athamas, 48 HOMER, 7, 22, 107 persecutes lo, 16 Iliad, 6, 7, 26, 56, 69-70 tricks Semele, 39 — 40 Odyssey, 6, 7—8, 13, 19, 46, 129, 130 HORACE, Augustan poet and critic, Kafka, Franz, his story Metamorphosis, The Art of Poetry, 105, 119 16, 140 HUGHES, TED, Tales from Ovid, 144, 146, 148 — 50 Hunger (personification), 111 — 12 Laomedon, king of Troy, cheats Hyacinthus, boy beloved by Apollo, Apollo and Neptune of reward 77-78 for building walls, cheats Hercules who rescues Hesione Icarus, son of Daedalus, drowned in from sea-monster, 98 reckless flight, 108 Latona (Leto), mother of Apollo and Fall of Icarus (Bruegel), 134 Diana, persecuted by Juno, pun- Ino, daughter of Cadmus, wife of ishes Lycians, 98 Athamas, 48 LIVY, historian of the Roman lo (Isis) daughter of Inachus, raped by republic, 101 Jupiter, mother of Epaphus, 6, 16 Lucina (Juno) goddess of childbirth, lole, Hercules' captive, married to his 67-68 son, 68 LUCRETIUS, first-century B.C.E.
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