BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Public Document 3 9999 06316 1 81 2 No. 15 ®l|? Qlommflnuifaltl? of HHaasarljuBtttH DIRECTORY OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS 1966 ANNUAL REPORT ON THE STATISTICS OF LABOR EIN BUSINESS BRANCH AUG 1 1 Wi Published by the Massachusetts Department of Labor and Industries Rocco Alberto, Commissioner Publication of this Document Approved by Alfred C. Holland, State Purchasing Agent. lM-6-66-943192 Estimated cost per copy: S.79 DIRECTORY OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS IN MASSACHUSETTS 1966 (With Statistics of Membership, 196U-65-66) Labor Bulletin No. 209 Compiled by the DIVISION OF STATISTICS Thomas M, Raftery, Director MASSACHUSETTS DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Alffi INDUSTRIFS Rocco Alberto, Commissioner =S5S^CH INTRODUCTION The material here presented constitutes the Sixty-First Directory of Labor Organizations in Massachusetts. The first Directory of this kind was published in August, 1902. The term "Labor Organizations" as used in this Directory is a group of employees or wage earners organized for the purpose of improving their status through negotiations with employers. The organization is usually a party to either a written or verbal agreement concerning wages and conditions of em- ployment. Since the last Directory was issued many new unions have been organized, others have become inactive or disbsinded. The Department has records of unions in existence by reason of "statements" required by Chapter 6I8, Acts of 19U6 (Revised by Chapter 39U, Acts of 19h9). This edition consists of four divisions, as follows: I. "National and International Organizations" having one or more affil- iated local unions in the United States, (pages U-lil). II. " Delegate Organizations " consisting of organizations composed of delegates from local unions whose members are in trades or industries of a like character within a definite district, or of delegates from local unions in the same locality, not necessarily in similar trades, (pages 15-2U). III. " Local Labor Unions " composed of wage earners in a single locality directly associated in what may be termed the "unit body" of organization, (pages 25-160). IV. " Statistics of Labor Organizations" showing number and membership of local unions as of January 15, 1966, with data for two prior years, (pages I6I- 163). All National, International, Delegate and Local Organizations listed in this Directory are AFL-dO affiliates except where otherwise noted. At the beginning of each year a general canvass is made for the data which appear in this Directory. Each National and International Labor Organization known to be in existence in the United States (See Section I) is requested to furnish the Department with the name and address of its corresponding official and a list of any Massachusetts locals affiliated, together with the names and addresses of certain officials of such unions. From the Delegate Organizations in Massachusetts (See Section II) somewhat similar data are secured. Each Local unit known to be in existence, whether or not chartered by a parent body, is canvassed and detailed information is secured as to the time and place of meeting, the names and addresses of corresponding and other officials, and other relevant data (See Section III). These same unions also report the membership of their organizations (See Section IV). The names of individual Local Unions appear in Section III, listed for ready reference alphabetically under the respective municipalities in which their headquarters are located. Nearly all of the local unions are affiliated with national or international bodies. Designations of local unions follow closely the names of parent bodies as given in Section I. The following facts are given for each Local and Delegate Union: Name and charter number (and brief identifying description where available); time and place of regularly held meetings; name and address of secretary, business agent or other authorized representative; business office and telephone number, if any. Officials of those organizations from whom no report was received in re- sponse to the original request were visited by the statistical investigators of the Division and the necessary data were secured. There were also ascertained, from various sources, facts with reference to the forming of new unions and the disbanding of those formerly active. At the time of going to press there were incorporated in this issue such changes as had come to the attention of the Department since the original canvass was made. Officials of organizations listed herein are urged to advise the Department of any such changes as they occur. The Department makes every effort to issue the Directory as early in the year as possible, as much of its usefulness depends upon the promptness of , its issue. In this endeavor we have had the cordial cooperation of labor officials thJX)ughout the state. ABBREVIATIONS I J Abbreviations for titles of union officials follow: - B.A., Business Agent Leg, Agt., Legislative Agent C.R. , Corresponding Representative Mgr. , Manager C.S., Corresponding Secretary Nat'l. Sec, National Secretary Ch. , Chairman Org. , Organizer F.S., Financial Secretary Pres., President Gen. Ch,, General Chairman R.S., Recording Secretary , Gen. Sec, General Secretary Sec, Secretary - J Grand Sec, Grand Secretary S.T,, Secretary-Treasurer -'''^Tit'l, Sec, International Secretary V,P, , Vice President Abbreviations for names of certain national labor organizations follow: pA,A.A.A., Associated Actors and Artistes of America 'O'AFL-CIO, American Federation of Labor - Congress of Industrial Organizations ' IND. , Independent ^j N,E. Fed., New England Federation S,C.M,E., State, County and Municipal Employees, Araeii.can Federation of .^ S.C.T.E. , State, City and Town Employees, Federation of T.W.U.A., Textile Workers Union of America V U.M.W. , Ifnited Mine Workers U.T.W.A., United Textile Workers of America In all other instances, the local organizations are presented in such manner that they may be readily identified with their national or international organizations Abbreviations for names of raili\Dad companies follow: B & A, Boston and Albany B & M, Boston and Maine NY NH, New York, New Haven and Hartford , I. NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS All unions listed in thi,^ section are AFL-CIO affiliates unless otherwise noted. AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR - CONGRESS OF INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATIONS. William F. Schnitzler, S.'. , 8l5 l6th St., N.W., Washington, D.C.j Hugh Thompson, Reg. Dir., Rm. 52?, 73 Treraont St., Boston, Mass. DEPARTMEirrS ^ ffiE AFL-CIO BUILDING AND CONSTRUCTION TRADES DEPARTMENT. Frank Bonadio, S.T., Rm. 603, 8l5 16th St., N.W,, Washington, D.C. j Joseph T, Dyer, Reg. Dir., 10 Edgemere Blvd., Shrewsbury, Mass. INDUSTRIAL UNION DEPARTMENT. Jacob Clayman, Admin. Dir., Rm. 301, 8l5 l6th St., N.W. , Washington, D.C. MARITIME TRADES DEPARTMENT. Peter M. McGavin, Exec. S.T., Rm. 501, 815 l6th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. METAL TRADES DEPARTMENT. Clayton W. Bilderback, S.T., Rm. 503, 8l5 l6th St., N.W., Washington, D.C. RAILWAY EMPLOYEES' DEPARTMENT. Howard Pickett, S.T., Rm. 1212, 220 S. State St., Chicago, Illinois. UNION LABEL AND SERVICE TRADES DEPARTMENT. Joseph Lewis, S.T., Rm. U02, 8l5 16th St., N.W. , Washington, D.C. ACTORS AND ARTISTES OF AMERICA, ASSOCIATED. Donald F. Conaway, Int'l. Exec. Sec, Rm. 1U08, l65 West U6th St., New York, New York. ACTORS EQUITY ASSOCIATION (A.A.A.A.). Angus Duncan, Exec. Sec, l65 West U6tli St., New York, New York. ACTORS GUILD, INC., SCREEN (A.A.A.A.). John L. Dales, Nat'l. Exec. Sec, 7750 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, California; Robert M. Segal, Exec Sec, Boston Br. 11 Beacon St., Boston, Mass. ACTORS UNION, INC., HEBREW (A.A.A.A.). Max Friedlander, S.T., 31 East 7th St., New York, New York ACTORS UNION, ITALIAN (A.A.A.A.). Lawrence Rondine, Exec. Sec, I67U Broadway, New York, New York. AGRICULTURAL WORKERS (See Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen, Amalgamated) AIR CRAFT WORKERS (See Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Wkrs.j and Welders Int'l, Union) AIR LINE COMMUNICATIONS EMPLOYEES (See Communications Workers of America) AIR LINE DISPATCHERS ASSOCIATION. J. B. Boyd, S.T., 2li3 W. Maple Ave., Vienna, Virginia; Robert H. Matthews, Cncl. Ch., 1 Heath Rd. , Peabody, Mass. AIR LINE MECHANICS (See Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Wkrs.) AIR LINE PILOTS ASSOCIATION, INT'L. Joseph G. Fickling, Sec, 55th St. & Cicero Ave., Chicago, Illinois; H. F, Clark, V.P, Reg. 1, 10 Pinewood Lane, Mountain Lakes, New Jersey. ALLIED INDUSTRIAL WORKERS OF AMERICA INT'L. UNION (See Industrial Wkrs. of America Int'l. Union, Allied) ALUMINUM WORKERS INT'L. UNION. Patrick J. Reilly, Sr., S.T., Suite 338, 8I8 Olive St., St, Louis, Missouri; John C. Black, Reg. Dir., 320 Northeastern Bldg., Hazleton, Pennsylvania. , NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS AMERICAN WATCH WORKERS UNION (IND). William F. Hameister, S.T., l52 E, Chicago St., Elgin, Illinoisj George E, Massie, V.P., 15 Whitlowe Rd., W. Newton, ARTISTS, AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TELEVISION AND RADIO (See Telvision and Radio Artists, American Federation of) ARTISTS, ^JIERICAN GUILD OF MUSICAL, INC. (A.A.A.A.). Hyman R. Faine, Nat'l. Exec. Sec, Rra. 911, l8Ul Broadway, New York, New York. ARTISTS, AMERICAN GUILD OF VARIETY (A. A. A. A.). Jackie Bright, Nat'l. Admin. Sec, 551 Fifth Ave., New York, New Yorkj Fred Wheaton, Br. Mgr. , 100 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. ASBESTOS WORKERS, INT'L. ASSN. OF HEAT AND FROST INSULATORS AND. Albert E. Hutchinson, Gen. S.T., Rm. 505, 1300 Connecticut Ave., N.W., Washington, D.C.; George Rider, V,P. , U827 Francis Lewis Blvd., Bayside, New York. ASSOCIATED UNIONS OF AMERICA (Federated Unions) (IND). Donald F. Cameron, Nat'l. Sec, Rm. 7018, l6l W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee, Wisconsin. AUTOMOBILE, AEROSPACE AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT WKRS. OF AMERICA, INT'L. UNION, UNITED. Charles H. Kerrigan, Dir., UAW Region 9k, Rm. 2008, 393 Seventh Ave., New York, New York; Alfred Olerio, Sub Reg.
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