A B C D E F G CHIPPEWA GENTALK EDITOR'S INDEX: Index of Articles, Authors, Names Mentioned January 2011- January 2016 compiled by K. M. Hendricks, February 2016 1 Chippewa County Genealogical Society 2 ARTICLE DATE of ISSUE PAGE LOCALE Author NAMES 3 ARTICLE CCGS Notes: New Board, Gordon, Reed, 2011-01 11-1 3 Kathleen Steve Gordon, Jan Reed, Kathleen M. HendriCks, Storey, Krupa M. HendriCks, Carol Storey, John Krupa HendriCks 4 Editor's Notes: Farewell to Gail Pratt, 2011-01 11-1 3,14 Sault Ste. Kathleen Gail Pratt, Editor of Chippewa GenTalk, Ladies of Trout Lake Marie M. Marjorie Cooper HendriCks 5 From the President's Pen: Steve Gordon 2011-01 11-1 3,14 Steve researCh, family history, genealogy 6 Gordon Weddings: BurChill-Christie 1908-08- 11-1 4 Rosedale Adeline Christie, Morrison, Wilfred BurChill, 7 06 Nurle, Edwards, Miller, Rosedale Weddings: White-McDonald 1901-11- 11-1 4 Sault Ste. William White, Mary A. McDonald, Easterday 07 Marie 8 Weddings: Bennie-Ganley 1898-09- 11-1 4 Bay Mills Dr. R. Bennie, Julia Ganley, Connolly, Kist, 17 PearCe, Pringle, Bay Mills, Collingwood, Ontario 9 Obituaries: Margaret Perault 1918-01- 11-1 5 Sault Ste. Margaret Cadreau Perault, Joe Raymond, 19 Marie Joseph Cadreau, Martell, Mrs. Charlotte 10 Reynolds, Algonquin, Garden River Dafter Pioneer Breathes Last: RiChard 1918-07- 11-1 5 Dafter RiChard Welsh, Follis, Harper, Cairns, Hembroff, 11 Welsh 15 Wells, Dafter pioneer, Red Cross PolitiCs 100 Years Ago: Chase Osborn 1910-09- 11-1 6 Chippewa Chase S. Osborn, RepubliCan Primary 12 Gets RepubliCan Nomination 07 County A B C D E F G PolitiCs 100 Years Ago: Chase Osborn 1910-11- 11-1 6 Chippewa Chase S. Osborn, Charles H. Chapman, 13 EleCted Governor 09 County Governor, Swallows Osborn Button: Harold 1910-11- 11-1 6 Sault Ste. Harold McGauley, Osborn Campaign button, McGauley 03 Marie James McGauley 14 Quote: Why waste your money looking 1910-11- 11-1 6 Mark 15 up your family tree… 03 Twain CCGS 2011 SCHEDULE 2011-01 11-1 7 Chippewa Beginning Genealogy: Steve Gordon, Jan Reed, County Kathy HendriCks; Webinar on Beginning Genealogy: Charles Meiser; Interviews in ResearCh: Mary Jane Pennington, Jenny Gough House, PiCkford to Whitefish by Jan Huttenstine; SCotland to the EUP: Herman Hill; GenetiC Genealogy: Charles Meiser; Poland to 16 the Eastern UP: Geri Izzard PiCkford Patchwork: SChools 2011-01 11-1 7 Pickford Jan Reed PiCkford Area HistoriCal SoCiety, PiCkford, Memorybook Raber, Marquette Township, Mackinac County 17 history County News: Rudyard 1910 1910-09- 11-1 8 Rudyard RiChardson, Eagerly Bingham, Homer, Loomis, 03 Olmstead, Carr, Bellows, Hayward, Field, Noble, Anderson, Dunbar, Bretz, ElliCe Batdorff, Jarvis, Walling, O'Malley, Sprague, Leach Watson, RiChardson Edgerley, Anderson, DeKruyter, Thornton, Ferguson, Westphal, Sass, Huddell, 18 Condon, Jones Batdorff Reunion: Rudyard 1910-09- 11-1 8 Rudyard Batdorff, 19 06 County News: Drummond 1910 1910-09- 11-1 9 Drummo McInnis, Kingsley, Bennet, Osborn, Todd, 03 nd Payne, Batten, Easterday, Anderson, FairChild, 20 Johnston, Smith, Wiggins, NiChols County News: PiCkford 1910 1910-09- 11-1 9 Pickford Carr, Roe, RoyCe, Tabor, Clark, DeWitt, Baldwin, 03 Lyons, Timms, Sims, Kramer, Forgrave, 21 Kirkbride, McCondra, Gough A B C D E F G County News: Detour 1910 1910-09- 11-1 10 Detour Hare, Swart, Bennett, Anthony, Ellis, Melvin, 03 Martell, Jerow, Massey, Bernard, Hagerman, Campbell, McAdams, O'Jibwau. Sims, Fosberg, 22 Bernier, Goetz, Werner, Stewart, Highstone Charles PiCquette Obituary 1910-11- 11-1 11 Sault Ste. PiCquette, Lumsden, BouCher, Brooks, 06 Marie 23 Higgins Found Not Guilty 1911-02- 11-1 11 Sault Ste. Higgins 09 Marie 24 Dogs Nearly Kill a Boy: Charles Wheeler 1904-01- 11-1 11 Pickford Wheeler 25 12 Trout Lake: John Curley Killed by Train 1888-07- 11-1 11 Trout Curley, Heriman's Cedar Camp, Dr. FrenCh 26 12 Lake Brick by Brick: Ann Downing 2011-01 11-1 12 Marjorie 27 Cooper More on John BouCher 2011-01 11-1 15 Kathleen BouCher, Cadotte M. HendriCks 28 Henry Thorne, Civil War Vet, Fiddler, Dies 1928-12- 11-2 1 Sault Ste. Henry Thorne, Captain Thorne, Civil War, Frank 22 Marie Thorne, James Thorne, Albert Thorne, Samuel Thorne, Louis Thorne, LawrenCe Thorne, Edward Thorne, ArChie Thorne, Herbert Nass, William Haynes, William NiCholson, William 29 Myers, Was Honored and RespeCted: William 1928-12- 11-2 2 Pine Rest William Mackie, Kate McPherson, E. S. Taylor, Mackie 22 Cassie Mackie, William Duke, McCormiCk, McMahon, James Mackie, Thomas Mackie, George Mackie, William Duke, Isaac Watson, 30 McInnis, McInnis, Stirling A B C D E F G CCGS Notes: MisC. soCiety business 2011-04 11-2 3 Kathleen Jan Reed, Steve Gordon, Charles Meiser, Mary M. Jane Pennington, Jan Huttenstine, Herman Hill HendriCks 31 From the President's Pen: Steve Gordon: 2011-04 11-2 3 Steve 32 Save Your Tree, Back Up Your Files Gordon Editor's Notes: Fred Geodike, George 2011-04 11-2 4 Kathleen Fred Geodike, George Gordon, J. Jogan Gordon, J. Jogan Chipman M. Chipman HendriCks 33 BriCk by BriCk: Heywood Family, Sally 2011-04 11-2 5 Marjorie Heywood Family, Sally Holden, David Maxam 34 Holden, David Maxam Cooper GenealogiCal Queries: Steve Gordon, Jean 2011-04 11-2 6 Steve Steve Gordon, Jean Baptiste Boville, Sara 35 Baptiste Boville, Sara Zaridea Gordon Zaridea Assault: Capt. O.P. Palmer 1847-07- 11-2 6 Sault Ste. Captain O. P. Palmer, John Kelly, JustiCe 10 Marie Johnston 36 Jail Delivery: John Kelly, Capt. Palmer 1847-08- 11-2 6 John Kelly, Capt. O.P. Palmer, Capt. Palmer 37 21 Easter Festival Contest: Vanderhook's, J. 1911-04- 11-2 7 Sault Ste. Vanderhook, J.J. Ryan, W. F. Ferguson, John P. J. Ryan's store, W.F. Ferguson's 15 Marie Moloney, Alien O'Neil, Rose Moloney, Mollie Fitzgerald FranCes Root, Eula Epley, Miss M. 38 Wilson, M. Moloney, Miss M. Toomey, All Easter DanCes we’ll Attend, German 1911-04- 11-2 7 Sault Ste. German Osterfest, Elk's Club, Military Ball by Osterfest 15 Marie the Canton Soo, Oddfellow's Hall 39 Hurry! Marry Your First Cousin (Law 1903-08- 11-2 8 Onaway, Onaway Outlook, First Cousins, Law Forbidding 40 Forbidding Marriage of 1st Cousins) 14 MI Marriage of First Cousins Mrs. Root Loses Bonnet by a Narrow 1911-04- 11-2 8 Sault Ste. Mrs. F. D. Root, Captain Root, Capt. F. D. Root, Margin 22 Marie 41 Weddings: Watson-Stead 1910-09- 11-2 9 Sault, Watson-Stead, Rev. H. A. Brooker, Robert 42 06 Ontario Stead, AliCe Watson, George Watson; A B C D E F G Weddings: BurChill-Smith 1910-09- 11-2 9 Sault Ste. BurChill-Smith,Norma BurChill, Sanford Smith, 06 Marie T. R. Easterday, Jessie Sutherland, Alex Smith; 43 Weddings: Lalonde-Pullar 1911-04- 11-2 9 Sault Ste. Lalonde-Pullar, T. R. Easterday, Henri LaLonde, 20 Marie Harold B. Pullar, Miriam Colwell, John A. 44 Colwell, Ted Van Pelt Weddings: Zobel-Forsyth 1910-09- 11-2 9 Sault Ste. Zobel-Forsyth, George Nelson Forsyth, Miss 06 Marie Josephine H. C. Zobel, Andrew Forsyth, George 45 Elliott; Weddings: Wazanwadonk-Shegud 1850-08- 11-2 9 Whitefish Wazanwadonk-Shegud, Whitefish point, Rev. A. 28 Point Bingham, Mr. Ogub-be-yah-nok-quok, Henry N. Shegud, Miss Ne-gau-nah-se-no-qua, Margaret Wa-zan-wa-donk, Chippewa Indian Nation 46 Smitten With the Young DulCineas of Ste. 1908 11-2 10 Sault Ste. OCtober 1811, August 1812, George Gordon, Marie: Fred Geodike, George Gordon Marie Fred Geodike, Donald McIntosh, Dussome, Mr. Logan, John Johnston, Mademoiselle Magdelaine Mr. Nolin, ArChdeacon McMurray, H. R. SChoolCraft, William Solomon, Jean Baptiste Nolin, Angelique Nolin, Genevieve 47 Nolin, Madeleine Nolin A B C D E F G Book Review: All Our Relations 2011-04 11-2 12 Theresa M.. SChenCk, Aitken, Andre, Bazinet, Beaulieu, Bellair, Bellanger, Biron, BlanChard, Boudre, BouCher, Bousquet, Brebant, Bisette, Brunet, Cadotte, Charpentier, Comptois, Dagnier, Desmarais, Dubay, Dufault, Ermatinger, Gauthier, Gaudin, Gournon, Grondin, Johnstron, Jollineaux, Jourdain, Lacaille, LadebouChe, Landre, LeDuC, Lefevre, Lemieux, L'Epine, Lasage, Mackenzie, MarChand, Massey, MeniClier, Messier, Morrin, Neveu, Nolin, Oakes, Perrault, Petit, Piquette, Raimond, Robideaux, Roi, Rouleau, Roussain, St. Andre, St. Arnaud, St. Germain, Sayers, SChoolCraft, Sutherland, Tanner, Warren 48 Oregon Emigrants 1847-07- 11-2 12 St. Joseph Gazette, Oregon Trail, MiChigan 49 10 Emigrants, California Soo Girl Loses Hair in Unusual Manner: 1911-04- 11-2 13 Sault Ste. Miss Helena Gilray, Alma College Miss Helena Gilray 15 Marie 50 PiCkford Notes: Mr. Patterson, Mrs. 1911-01- 11-2 13 Pickford Mr. Patterson, Mrs. Corley, British Columbia, F. Corley, F. H. Wilson 05 H. Wilson, Jim Wilson, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. 51 William Lyons, Rosedale Not To Be Trifled With: Mrs. Isaac Eagle 1894-08- 11-2 13 Hay lake Mrs. Isaac Eagle, Rev. J. W. Holt 52 26 Drummond CorrespondenCe: HeCtor 1900-09- 11-2 13 Drummo HeCtor Ralph ChurCh, Harbor Island 53 Ralph ChurCh, Harbor Island 01 nd Genealogy Gems and Cranberry Jam: Jan 2011-04 11-2 14 Whitefish Jan Reed Jan Huttenstine, Jennie House, Frank House, 54 Huttenstine Point Jennie Gough House Pomona Grange EleCts OffiCers 1911-01- 11-2 14 Pine Robert Crawford, William Welsh, Henry Smart, 12 Grove William Strath, William Miller, Mrs. R. Crawford, Jerry Lawson, Edward Thompson, Henry Ranson, Mrs. Henry Smart, E.T. Brown, 55 H. A. Osborn A B C D E F G A Soo RomanCe: Death of J. Logan 1893-08- 11-2 15 Sault Ste. J. Logan Chipman, Edward Shawano, Louis Chipman 19 Marie Shawano, John Roussain, H. P. Smith, Lizzie Shawano, Judge Henry Chipman, Nathaniel 56 Chipman, Will Get Money: Ottawa and Chippewa 1909-05- 11-2 16 Chippewa H.
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