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KENILWORTH — Mrs. Edward Mrs. DorrelTs activities are not Church has progressed to a point Dorrell of 324 Coolidge drive, new limited to church work. She b al- which will permit use of the GARWOOD president of the Women's Society so program chairman for the Ken- orfcan for lister services, it was CRANFORD KENILWORTH for Christian Service of Commun- ilworth Parent-Teacher Associa- reported by the Rev. Eric S. Kenilworth Public Schools ity Methodist Church, has been ap- tion. Her daughter. June, is a stu- Toucher, pastor. Vol. UTO No. U. Cntcred at accond claia mall nutter at pointed recording secretary for the dent at McKinley School. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 25, 1957 - tha Pott OWce at Crantord. N. J. 3 Sections, 24 Pagesr— 10c WSCS district office of the Newark Assisted by men of the church, Report Variety oi Activities Conference. Southern District. 'She is not the only member of Stanley Mallinson has completed her family active in church and installation of a new chest for KENILWORTH —Susan Solty- Mrs. Dorrell has held office • for sik is celebrating her sixth birth- the past three years in the local civic activities. Her husband, a the upper manual, and the chest Final Test for New Pumper Today Way Cleared for Expansion day. She treated her classmatc3 Open Howie Marks WSCS organization. She-has served driver tor Sheffield Farms, was for the lower manual wil be re- Doyle Named to Succeed as secretary of Christian social re- chairman ol the horrte division in placed after Easter. to cup. cakes and ice cream. Games Wedding Anniversary lations, and local church activities the recent Boy Scout fund'.drive were played and prizes awarded. GARWOOD — An open house Program by Temple Beth- and last yeai was vice-president and is institutional reprvsentative Dickerman Heads She is a member of Miss Hclene was held recently in honor of the As a result of a recent agreement on a property adjustment be- in charge of all programs. for the local scout organization and Austin's kindergartens- 30th wedding anniversary of Mr. tween the Board of Education and Temple Beth-El, the;way now has a member of the .Pastoral Rela- Miss Joan Meyer's kindergarten Schindler in Fire Chief Post Also active in other work of and Mrs. Arthur Desch, Sr of 339 been cleared for the temple to begin making dtinite plans for expansion tions Committee at Community Industrial Phase classes are dyeing Easter eggs, Second avenue ; and to welcome on the 325-by-180 foot plot it has Deputy Fire Chief Bernard ceeded . by Capt. Theodore C. fective as of January 1, 1956, Dep- BOROUGH OF GARWOOD Church. making baskets and decorations in their son and daughter-in-law,, purchased on Walnut'avenue, ad- Doyle, Sr,. has been named to sue* Chamberlain as deputy chit'f. uty Chief Doyle was appointed as Of Fund Drive a paid fireman on January 15, raorosro ORDINANCE NO. »;-J preparation for their party Friday, Mr. and Mrs. .Arthur Desch, Jr., joining the Walnut Avenue School 'feed Chief Howard G Schindler When Chief Schindler first GARWOOD — Appointment of 192?, and was advanced to the An' Ordinance Providing (or the Relea* ThouRh we travel the world over April'12th. > and family of Milwaukee, Wis., playground. when the tetter's retirement be- made known his plans to retire Extlnsutihntent and- Vacation of Public B. E. Dickerman. vice-president of Municipal this year, at a dinner held by the rank of captain on March 2, 1942. Right* In a Portion of Maple Street and to find the beautiful, we must have Children in Mrs. Enid Levy's who were in Garwood on a visit. comes effective May 31. it was re- Heflcr-Snyder Company, 511 Last Thursday marked the While still .a fireman, he was of Secopd Avenue In the Borough ol it in us or find it not:—Emerson first grade are making Easter bas- (^ family reunion of 10 of the 11 vealed today by Mayor John L. Cranford Branch of the Firemen's Garwood, Un^on County, New Jer««*y. ' North avenue, as chairman Of in- closing date in the iemple's pur- Brennan. • Mutual Benefit Association on named along with Fireman James WHEREAS TT APPEARS In the Mayor NOTICE kets by weaving purple and yellow Desch children was held on Sat- chase of the'property and former, mmittees and Council of the Botoush of Garvtood dustrial solicitations for the 1957crepe paper through plastic bas- It was announced also that Dep- February tf, 1956. he expressedSchindler and Police Lt. Michael that th« public Intercut will be better BOBOltGH OF GAKWOQD Mental Health Fund drive has been urday, April 6, and the open house residence of Stephen Korbelak the hope that he would see Depu- Massa, in u citation by the Town- •erved by the releanins.' vkilnihi kets. They are going to dye eggs was held on the following day, uty Chief Doyle will serve as act- J and vacating the public right In a por- l>«B4O>.Al. announced by Clifford A. Gus- 338 Walnut avcnue.\ Name Slates ship Committee commending, the v ing chief, starting next Wcdnes- j ty Chief Doyle succeed him as rtHll and put them in their baskets. Another son, Airman 2/C. Edwin tion of Mnple .Street fend of Second ' tafson of the Esso Standard 'Oil Marvin Ostro, temple president. James F. O'Brien of 35 Henley day, while Chief Schindler is on chief. three for . bravery in the rescue Avenue an hereinafter described: torn i».vi .»• KAU rtwniiuio- Miss Janice Nichol's class wel- R. Desch, is stationed in Italy. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT OHDAINED Campanj-. Linden, county chair- expressed thanks to r Jownship avenbe was elected chairman of vacation, and thatiic will be sue-|v'Named to his present post cf- of Ut^ children. trapped on the , by the Mayor and Council of the Borough Tran Tasura. comed Michael Biblyk back to Mr. and Mrs. Desch were mar- Committee, Board Education, the Republican Municipal' Com- second floor of a building at South Of G»r»nr<': • Joseph Bergaino . ' * 1954 man. school, second grade. He was in Section I. Ilu: 1!ie m'NIr right* rxi»t J. J. Tctmriwm ried March 31, 1927. Planning Board Engineering mittee, succeeding George E. Ber- Union avenue and Cherry street, 194&-W Edward Foster, treasurer of Florida during his Grandmother's Ing In a portion of M..(t.> Street. iiV t!u*John Br«xu*y Department istance in iron- ry, who has been, confined to John scene of an explosion and fire on Borough ol Garwood. Union C.mulv. N.n John C. Curey ,_, I9SA-SC • IS4» Thatcher Furnace Company, will illness. He was just in time to see Shown is the Cranford Fire Department's new 756-galloo TASC pumper, which was deliv- Jersey, be and the umc are hereby rr- Juinra Ca*alr ' • IWl-i. mess serve as co-chairman of the drive, ing out prob fms which came up E. Runnells. Hospital for Chest Chief Lauded for 40 Years" April 5, 1926. lrft»«d. vacated and extingulnhed andW. Cymbalyk IMT-H the Easter program. Shots Given 159 Dogs ered yesterday morning and is scheduled to be put into servicefcipon passing underwriters' checks vxhtch vacation, in more particularly des- K. A D Auo.tlno which is seeking funds to enable in connection with the property.Diseases and was not a candidate Born in Cranford on November Pupils in Mrs. Mae Kook's. sec- at the Rahway Kver near the American Legion Casino at 9:30 a.m. today . Factory, checks of the cribed on follow*: E- Dudrck IM3-M the Union County Association for At Anti-Rabies Clinic Including arrangements for afor reelection, and Richard J. Eg- 13. 1903, Deputy Chief Doyle at- Being a right-of-wuy SO feet In wldtl K. H. Durow tt&* ond grade will celebrate Donald new engine were made at the Middlesex Reservoir in Clark on Saturday. righ^of-Way into the new temple gers .was reclectcd chairman of the *Loyal and Efficient' Service tended Cranford xchools and the- •s »hown on the Tax Map of the Boroucl John Fernanda* «tnc> Mental Health and the New Jcr- Knott's eighth birthday. They are GARWOOD — Inoculations were of Garwood. Union County. }icw Jvr«ey Gurwood Hou» Bur ' '. sry and National Associations to given 159 dogs at the anti-rabies :O property over a triangular piece Democratic Municipal Committee, Fire Chief Howard G. Schindler 'was, lauded for 40 years of Union County Firemen's Training dated 1M8. made,, by Fred B. Smart und Grill 1KS2-M also busy trying to find out how as the two groups held their organ- Borough Engineer, and approveq^bv Stati* Garwood Tel*vimion and carry: on their program aimed at clinic conducted by the Board of of Board of Education property.
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