Arthropoda Selecta 28(3): 448–452 © ARTHROPODA SELECTA, 2019 A new genus and new records of linyphiid spiders from the Oriental Region (Aranei: Linyphiidae) Íîâûå ðîä è íàõîäêè ïàóêîâ-ëèíèôèèä â Îðèåíòàëüíîé îáëàñòè (Aranei: Linyphiidae) A.V. Tanasevitch À.Â. Òàíàñåâè÷ A.N. Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky prospekt 33, Moscow 119071, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Институт проблем экологии и эволюции им. А.Н. Северцова РАН, Ленинский проспект 33, Москва 119071, Россия. KEY WORDS: taxonomy, faunistics, Arachnida, Linyphiinae, Erigoninae, Indo-Malay Region, Southeastern Asia. КЛЮЧЕВЫЕ СЛОВА: таксономия, фаунистика, Arachnida, Linyphiinae, Erigoninae, Индо-Малайская область, Юго-Восточная Азия. ABSTRACT. A new genus, Singatrichona gen.n., Introduction with Singatrichona longipes sp.n. as the type species, is described based on a single male from Singapore. Only five recognized linyphiid species from three The new genus and species presently fail to show any genera are currently known to occur in Singapore: Bat- clear-cut relations among the known Oriental Erigoni- ueta voluta Locket, 1982, Nasoona chrysanthusi Lock- nae, but some superficial resemblance is noted to a few et, 1982, N. crucifera (Thorell, 1895), N. prominula Palaearctic genera, especially Trichoncus Simon, 1884. Locket, 1982 [WSC, 2019], and Erigone bifurca [Lock- Caviphantes pseudosaxetorum Wunderlich, 1979 is re- et, 1982, Seletar Reservoir]. The present paper pro- corded from Sri Lanka and Sumatra, Indonesia for the vides descriptions of a new genus and species from first time; Nasoona crucifera (Thorell, 1895) is new to Singapore, as well as new records of further 13 linyphi- the Sumatran fauna; N. orissa Tanasevitch, 2018 is new to the Sri Lankan list; and Ostearius melanopy- id spider species from the Oriental Region. gius (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1880) is new to the fauna of Java, Indonesia. Material and methods How to cite this article: Tanasevitch A.V. 2019. A new genus and new records of linyphiid spiders from This paper is chiefly based on material kept in the the Oriental Region (Aranei: Linyphiidae) // Arthropo- Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Genève, Switzerland da Selecta. Vol.28. No.3. P.448–452. doi: 10.15298/ (MHNG), with a few additional samples coming from arthsel. 28.3.10 the Zoological Museum of the Moscow State Universi- ty, Moscow, Russia (ZMMU). Sample numbers (for РЕЗЮМЕ. Новый род, Singatrichona gen.n., с MHNG material) are given in square brackets. Speci- типовым видом Singatrichona longipes sp.n., описан mens preserved in 70% ethanol were studied using a по единственному самцу из Сингапура. На сегод- MBS-9 stereo microscope. A Levenhuk C-800 digital няшний день родственных связей среди известных camera was applied for taking some pictures. The se- ориентальных эригонин новый род не обнаружива- quence of leg segment measurements is as follows: ет, но имеет некоторые черты сходства с несколь- femur+patella+tibia+metatarsus+ tarsus. All measure- кими палеарктическими родами, в особенности с ments are given in millimeters. The chaetotaxy is given Trichoncus Simon, 1884. Вид Caviphantes pseudo- in a formula, e.g.,, which refers to the number saxetorum Wunderlich, 1979 впервые найден на Шри- of dorsal spines on tibiae I–IV. Scale lines in the fig- Ланке и на Суматре, Индонезия; Nasoona crucifera ures correspond to 0.1 mm unless indicated otherwise. (Thorell, 1895) –– новый вид для фауны Суматры, The following abbreviations are used in the text and N. orissa Tanasevitch, 2018 –– новый для фауны figures: a.s.l. –– above sea level; ARA –– anterior radical Шри-Ланки; Ostearius melanopygius (O. Pickard- apophysis; DSA –– distal suprategular apophysis sensu Hor- Cambridge, 1880) впервые отмечен на Яве, Индоне- miga [2000]; E –– embolus; R –– radix; WSC –– World зия. Spider Catalog. A new genus and new records of linyphiid spiders from the Oriental Region 449 Figs 1–2. Photographs of Singatrichona longipes sp.n., # holotype. 1 –– habitus, dorsal view; 2 –– prosoma, dorsal view. Рис. 1–2. Фотографии Singatrichona longipes sp.n., # голотип. 1 –– внешний вид сверху; 2 –– просома, вид сверху. Taxonomy 1995, and, especially, Trichoncus Simon, 1884. This simi- larity is supported by the chaetotaxy formula and the struc- ture of the palp, namely, the coiled embolus, the elongated Order Araneae Clerck, 1758 radix, the presence of an anterior radical apophysis, the Family Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 moderately developed distal suprategular apophysis, as well Subfamily Erigoninae Emerton, 1882 as the absence of a convector. However, Singatrichona gen.n. cannot be assigned to Trichoncus, as this similarity seems to Singatrichona gen.n. be superficial, as the habitus and palp of both genera are Figs 1–6. different. Trichoncus is characterized by the relatively short and stout legs, the presence of a characteristic shallow hol- Type species: Singatrichona longipes sp.n. low in the proximal part of the cymbium, the peculiar shape NAME. The generic name is a combination of two words: of the palpal tibia with a long, special apophysis, as well as “Singapore”, the “terra typica”, and a part of the generic the much thinner, whip-shaped embolus. name Trichoncus; the gender is feminine. SPECIES INCLUDED. Only the type species. DIAGNOSIS. The genus contains medium-sized erigo- DISTRIBUTION: So far known only from the type lo- nines (total length 1.63) with slender and relatively long cality in Singapore. legs, being characterized by the following combination of somatic and genitalic characters: Singatrichona longipes sp.n. 1) Carapace unmodified (Fig. 1), eyes somewhat en- Figs 1–6. larged, cephalic pits (= sulci) absent (Fig. 2). 2) Chaetotaxy formula HOLOTYPE # (MHNG), SINGAPORE, Island Country Club, 3) No metatarsal trichobothria traced on any legs. TmI between Lower Peirce Reservoir and Windsor Park Estate, remains unknown. of primary forest surrounded by secondary forests, 60 m a.s.l., 3) Palpal tibia strongly modified. 12.XI.1988, leg. C. Lienhard [Bru-88/2]. 4) Paracymbium small, unmodified. NAME. The specific epithet refers to the relatively long 5) Median membrane (sensu van Helsdingen [1965]) legs observed in the type species. reduced. DESCRIPTION. Male holotype. Total length 1.63. Car- 6) Distal suprategular apophysis moderately developed. apace unmodified, as shown in Fig. 2, 0.80 long, 0.63 wide, 7) Embolus wide, flat, looped. reddish pale brown; coloration intensity decreasing towards 8) Radix relatively large and elongated; anterior radical the edge of carapace. Eyes slightly enlarged. Chelicerae 0.30 apophysis present. long, a mastidion absent. Legs infuscate, grayish yellow to 9) Convector absent. grayish pale brown. Leg I, 2.78 long (0.75 + 0.18 + 0.70 + For more details see the description of the type species 0.65 + 0.50), leg IV, 2.69 (0.75 + 0.15 + 0.72 + 0.62 + 0.45). below. Chaetotaxy Spines 1.5–2 as long as diameter of TAXONOMIC REMARKS. Unfortunately, the present- corresponding leg segment. Palp (Figs 3–6): Tibia modified, ly poor knowledge of the Oriental linyphiid fauna allows for complex in shape. Paracymbium small, L-shaped, hooked no genus related to Singatrichona gen.n. to be found among apically. Distal suprategular apophysis short and broad. Me- the Indo-Malayan erigonines. The new genus does bear some dian membrane reduced. Embolus flat and broad, making a superficial resemblance to a few Palaearctic genera, i.e., loop, with a narrow membranous edge. Radix elongated, Hypsocephalus Millidge, 1978, Maculoncus Wunderlich, anterior radical apophysis infuscate, bent down, pointed api- 450 A.V. Tanasevitch Figs 3–6. Details of male palpal structure of Singatrichona longipes sp.n., # holotype. 3–4 –– right palp, retrolateral and prolateral views, respectively; 5–6 –– palpal tibia, dorsal and prolateral views, respectively. Рис. 3–6. Детали строения пальпы самца Singatrichona longipes sp.n., # голотип. 3–4 –– правая пальпа, ретролатерально и пролатерально, соответственно; 5–6 –– голень пальпы, вид сверху и пролатерально, соответственно. cally. Abdomen 1.00 long, 0.60 wide, white, with an infus- ha), India [Tanasevitch, 2017], and presently also from Me- cate end as shown in Fig. 1. ghalaya, India. Female unknown. TAXONOMIC REMARKS. See above under the gener- Bathyphantes floralis Tu et Li, 2006 ic diagnosis. DISTRIBUTION. So far known only from the type lo- MATERIAL. 1 $ (MHNG), VIETNAM, Ha Noi Province, Ba cality. Vi District, Mt Ba Vi, 21°04′35″N, 105°22′13″E, 500–750 m a.s.l., evergreen forest, 15–17.V.2012, leg. P. Schwendinger & A. Schulz [VN-12/04c]. Faunistic records DISTRIBUTION. The species is known from northern Vietnam [Tu, Li, 2006]; Luang Prabang, Vientiane and Cham- pasak provinces, Laos [Tanasevitch, 2014a]. Atypena cirrifrons (Heimer, 1984) REMARKS. As mentioned elsewhere [Tanasevitch, 2014a], B. floralis is probably a junior synonym of B. robus- MATERIAL. 1 # (ZMMU), INDIA, Meghalaya, Sohra (Cher- tus Oi, 1960. rapunjee), plateau, 25.27°N 91.82°E, 1320 m a.s.l., 14–26.XII.2013, leg. K.P. Tomkovich. DISTRIBUTION. Atypena cirrifrons is known from Ha- Bathyphantes paracymbialis Tanasevitch, 2014 noi, Vietnam [Heimer, 1984]; Guangxi, China (Zhu, Sha, MATERIAL. 1 $ (MHNG), THAILAND, Tak Province, Lan 1992); Champasak Prov., Laos [Tanasevitch, 2014a]; Chiang Sang National Park, between Tak and Mae Sot, 200 m a.s.l., 25. Mai Prov., Thailand [Tanasevitch, 2014b]; Orissa (= Odis- VII.1987, leg. P. Schwendinger. A new genus and new records of linyphiid spiders from the Oriental Region 451 DISTRIBUTION. Known from southeastern China DISTRIBUTION. Sri Lanka to Malaysia; Java and Kraka- [Zhao, Li, 2014]; Laos; northern Thailand [Tanasevitch, tau, Indonesia [WSC, 2019]. 2014a]; West Malaysia [Tanasevitch, 2014a, b]; Mandalay Region, Myanmar; Sumatra, Indonesia [Tanasevitch, 2017]. Oedothorax kodaikanal Tanasevitch, 2015 Caviphantes pseudosaxetorum Wunderlich, 1979 MATERIAL. 1 # (MHNG), INDIA, Tamil Nadu, Kodaikanal, 1800 m a.s.l., 8.I.1972, leg. R. Mussard [In-72/10]. MATERIAL. 3 ## (ZMMU), INDIA, Himachal Pradesh, Kothi DISTRIBUTION. The species was originally described Village & environs, 32°18′N 77°11′E, 2300–2600 m a.s.l., 29.V–8.
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