University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-16-1907 Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 03-16-1907 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Evening Citizen, 03-16-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/ 3545 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. fitifjett (iitf ALBUQUEKQUE. NEW MEXICO. SATURDAY EVENING. MAKCII 10, 1907. The Evening Cltiien, in Advance, ear. VOL. 21. NO. Delivered by Carrimrm 0 hH im' minrtk Joshua 8. Rnynolds, of Albuquerque. QIMPNUO!t.-- SHORTAGE OF FULL term ending 1911. LONDON SUFFERS FROM IIDTflM i LEGISLATURE Board of Trustee Asylum for the IS Blind. Santa Fe Grant Ulvcnburg, OD MEN RAGING FLOODS Ul IUI1 UlllULttll term ending 1910; Benjamin M. Head. LOST IN term ending 1911. BAD FIRE IN BIG $130,000 Board of Begonia Insane Asylum at Ias Vegas B. D. Black, term end- LOSES COLONY ing 1908; W. K. Gortner, term ending VISIT ROLL 1911; both of Lhs Vegas. BUSINESS PAR T 7 DOWN Board of Itegents .of New Mexico M Fnlverstty at Albuquerque B. H. Stover, term ending September 2, HOME IN 1910; Frank W. Clancy, term ending Twenty Two Miners Fall PRESIDENT Berlin Bank Finds Itself Short IIS September 2, 1911. OHIO The following bills were Introduced Down Shaft Meet With But Is Able to Meet when the council reconvened: and Council bill No. 121, by Martinez, Instant Death. Last the Run Made. Printing Bill Passed Council an act to abolish the oflice of coal oil Morgan Proposition Colony Was Established Inspector. Referred to Judiciary Laid on At Pittsburg Normal State Lit- Leaving committee. and Included Journal Out Side SEVENTY-FIV- E Shelf Though One Presi- October STOCK MARKET WAS Council bill No. 192, by Dalles, an KILLED Has Been Resumed But Breastworks. act to empower school directors to erary People Mainly. EXCITED AND IRREGULAR sell lands not needed for school pur- IN FIRE DAMP EXPLOSION dent Asked Interview. Factories Need Cleaning. pose. Referred to the judiciary committee. re- House bill No. 188, relative tho London, March 1(3. Three big New York, March 16. Brokers GAMBLING BIlTnOT to ONE WAS KILUD AND ported a continuance of investment settlement of disputed accounts of warehouses In Flnsburg district. Lon ROOSEVELT SPEYER CINCINNATI HA? SIXTY buying at the opening of the stock public officers, favorably reported by don's busiest industrial center, were market, but traders sold for profits the committee on Judiciary, passed tho gutted by Are this morning. The loss SEVEN WERE INJURED and caused a slight setback. The list YET SENT TO CONFERENCE council by unanimous vote. is about tl.000,000. The fire started made full recovery, however, and House bill No. SI, relative to the in the premise of Cox & Co., hat CONSOLTJN SITUATION FOOT AND RISING prices became generally better than classification of counties and fixing sal- manufacturers. The flames, fanned Rie the opening market, but closed ex- aries of officials, was referred to the by a strong wind, jumped the street cited and irregular with soma sudden committee on judiciary. and enveloped the establishment of County Bill Killed report- company, .urners, Grand Trunk Train Runs Into relapse in late dealings on profit tak- Garfield in The committee on judiciary the Maxlme wood President Has Memoranda of His All River Ends of Are Sub- ing, followed by some rallies. ed favorably on house bill No. 178, to and spreau to the adjoining ware- Streets Switch and Five Are Injured. House. Pyramid and Foraker abolish the office of public printer, house of Grief & Co., shoe manufact- Views and Position on the merged and Thousands Have BERLIN CASHIF.lt ST and for other purposes. The report urers. Two Perhaps Fatally. IO Bills Were Passed. was adopted and bllt passed by a Financial Condition. HANK FUNDS SPECULATING the , Fled Their Homes. Berlin, March 16. Cashier Speyer a vote of ( ayes to 4 nays, those dis- TWKNTY-TW- O FAIili TO of the Mueller Industrial bank, has senting being Duncan, bulxer, Sargent INSTANT DKSTHUCTION 16. Fe, N. M., 16. was and Mlera. Englewood, N. J., March disappeared leaving a shortage of Santa March It Saarlnuls, Rhenish Prussia, March Washington, March 16. James Cincinnati, March. At noon Helicon Hall, home of the Up- $130,000. is believed lost p. m. House bill No. 128, art act empower- 16. Twenty-tw- o miner were killed Speyer of the firm of Speyer Co., It. the It that he near 4:30 yesterday when the county ft the river was about 68 feet and ton Slnclalre colony, was destroyed the money in stock speculation. The ing commissioners of Colfax this morning at the Gerhard coal financiers of New York, had an in- - wa council met, owing to committee mat county to give to the Sisters of terview steadily rising. At points south of by fire early today. The blaze bank successfully met the run which mine. They were descending one of with the president today. Parkersburg it is reported as con- preceeded by an explosion, which began when the news of the defalca- ters. Loretta the old oourt house property the shafts in a cage when the cale Speyer declined to Intimate in any room, a Springer, the council. way tinued rising: At noon the local fore- seeme dto occur In the bal at tion reached the depositors. Council bill No. 120, by Murray, an pad broke near the top and the miners the nature of the Interview, but caster said: "There will be five fee the extreme end of the building to reimburse W. House bill No. II, relauve to the plungd down several hundred feet. it lr presumed it touched on the f- or act E. Martin, clerk classification of counties, etc., was inancial more additional water at Cincin- from the boiler room. They nil met with instant death. The situation. nati on Sunday. The con- of the Third Judicial district, for ex up . river will The flames spread so rapidly that IS taken under suspension of the mine belongs to the Prussian gov- President Han Memoranda. tinue to rise until Monday or possibly fifty-fiv- e colonists had to flee for penses to the amount of $43.80 for rules and passed the council by unan- ernment, which has already begun A rumor has gained currency that Tuesday.' their Uvea without having time to deputy clerk hire, was Introduced and imous vote. - an official inquiry into the accident. the president has prepared an Im- Adjournment was thereupon portant Flood conditions began to be fett save anything;. One workman named STILL UNCONSCIOUS passed under suspension of the rules, taken letter bearing upon his atti- more severely as the waters steaally Urlggs is missing. Five persons were until Monday morning, on motion of SKVKNTV-F1V- K tude towards corpora- by KILLED IS the railroad crept sixty-fo- ot by unanimous vote. Mlera, by vote of 8 to 4, towards the mark. injured Jumping from windows. Upon motion of Sargent a those dls COAL MINE EXPLOSION tions. The rumor further asserts that An increasing number of The Slnclalre colony the council sentlng being Dalies, Martinez, Rich this letter had been talked over be- factories then went . were forced to close and business was established last October, and In Into executive session ards and Spless. Forbach, Germany, March 18. An tween the president and James Spey- LIFE AND DEATH BOTH HECKOS previously, nowever, the house re- explosion of Are damp in a coal mine houses on Water street and the river eluded a number of educators and TO HIM, AND END IS VERY er and that the sentiment therein had ends men and women engaged In literary ported having passed house substi at Klelnrosseln, near here, last night, met Speyer's approval. of North and South thorough- UNCERTAIN. tute for house bill No. 81. which re lloum Afternoon Session. resulted the of seventy-fiv- e fares were forced to abandon their work.. in death These rumors could not be con- store rooms. Among the injured are Miss Grace vises the classification of counties and In committee of the whole yester- miners and the injury of twelve oth- firmed. The president. is to ' Another seven days have passed county said Still Rising McGowan Cook, writer of short the salaries of officials. In day afternoon the house considered ers. Six men are still missing. The have memoranda concerning at- at Cincinnati. and Curtis McCullom, the injured executive session council con general cause his The Ohio continued to rise last stories, and Mrs. Henrietta D. Kim man at the hospital, Is still uncon- the section by section the educa Immediate of the disaster has titude upon the railroad situation, night Illustrator. On Investigation it firmed the following nominations by tlon bill. It was later reported fa not yet been established. which he has and there 1s no indication of ball. scious, but very much alive. It was the governor: shown to some friends Immediate relief from the flood, appears that the explosion was the Just three weeks ago today that Mc- vorably uion and passed without dis but Secretary Loeb said It could hot crept result of leaking gas. lioard of Pharmacy For term end sension. Mr. Blernbaum objected and be made public. which has ovet the lowlands Cullom received his injury. Since lng March, 1910, S.
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