![CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE January 22, 1999 Lighthouses Will Always Have a Place Their Fellow Citizens in Extraordinary Hampshire](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
January 22, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 1305 work who, even in the midst of a par- would give all Americans a tax deduc- Thus, a typical employee planning tisan election campaign, was never in tion for the premiums they pay for ahead for retirement cannot purchase doubt that he should speak the truth as long term care insurance. long term care insurance on a tax de- he saw it and let the chips fall where The cost of long term care has risen ductible basis. they may. to astonishing levels in recent years. In The bill we are introducing today Neither Dave nor I were successful in 1995, it averaged $37,000 per year. What would improve on Kennedy-Kassebaum the 1974 campaign, but I looked forward this means is that a chronic illness re- by allowing Americans to deduct long throughout subsequent years to our quiring long term care can represent a term care insurance premiums regard- meetings. We not only reminisced financial catastrophe for retired Amer- less of whether or not they are self-em- about battles of the past, we discussed icans and their families. A retired cou- ployed or whether they itemize deduc- the future with expectations that great ple might have a pension and basic tions or have any other health expense. things could occur in our country health care, but the couple is not se- Effectively, the bill would put long through constructive leadership. cure in retirement so long as their fi- term care insurance on a par with pen- David Dennis remained a leader after nancial resources can be depleted by sions. Just as everyone can save for a returning in 1975 to practice law in long term care bills. pension on a tax deductible basis, ev- Richmond, Indiana. Still active in Re- Many Americans think Medicare cov- eryone should be able to purchase long publican politics, he continued his ca- ers the cost of long term care. In fact, term care insurance in the same fash- reer as an attorney, where he was loved it covers only the first 100 days of care ion. and respected by the Richmond com- following a hospital stay. Yet the aver- A better deduction for long term care munity. He was known for his fairness age nursing home stay is 2.5 years. insurance premiums could also help us and his dedication to the practice of Medicaid, unlike Medicare, does by encouraging younger Americans to law. Describing Dave’s legal calling, a cover long term care—but only for purchase insurance now, when the cov- friend quoted in the Richmond Palla- beneficiaries who use up their life sav- erage is readily affordable. For exam- dium-Item summed up his dedication: ings and income first. Medicaid, after ple, a quality long term care insurance ‘‘He understood it as a service to the all, is a program for the poor, and long policy purchased at age forty, can cost community. In the same way, David term care beneficiaries must become less than $50 per month. Dennis saw politics as a profession, not impoverished to qualify. Furthermore, Mr. President, every person who is a way to get ahead.’’ Dave was truly an beneficiaries who rely on Medicaid covered by long term care insurance is advocate who loved the roles he played must use providers that are chosen for one fewer potential Medicaid claimant. in both the legislative and the judicial them—not providers of their own A recent study by the American Coun- systems of our country. choice. Even with these restrictions, cil for Life Insurance indicates that I last saw David Dennis at a Repub- Medicaid currently pays more than $30 long term care insurance has the po- lican dinner in Richmond during the billion per year for nursing home care. tential to reduce future out of pocket 1994 campaign. He was introduced and The budgetary challenges provided expenditures on long term care by 40 received a wonderful ovation from by Medicare and Medicaid are on percent and future Medicaid long term Wayne County Republicans, who re- course to become ever more acute in care expenditures by more than 20%. In vered his service and were so grateful coming years, as the baby boom gen- other words, long term care insurance for his continuing citizenship in the eration ages. By 2030, as the number of has the capacity both to protect sen- community he loved. I was able to keep people over 65 doubles, fully 32 states iors from financial catastrophe, and to in touch with news of Dave through his will have the demographics that Flor- help protect entitlement programs son, William C. Dennis II, who served ida has today. The fastest growing seg- from long term insolvency. as a remarkably energetic professor at ment of the population will be those Mr. President, I also want to applaud my alma mater, Denison University. over 85 with an expected 143% increase the President’s long term care initia- In addition to his extensive public by 2030. People over 85 are at least 5 tive, which he announced two weeks service, David Dennis is remembered times more likely to reside in a nurs- ago. In proposing a tax credit for indi- by friends and family as an engaging ing home than people who are 65. In viduals who provide long term care to storyteller and a skilled tennis player. real terms, nursing home expenditures dependents, President Clinton also Most of all, he is remembered as a are expected to quadruple in the next pledged to increase efforts to educate loyal friend and loving husband and fa- three decades. Americans about the importance of ther. Mr. President, given the accelerating long term care. Both of these proposals My sympathy is with his children, cost of long term care and the demo- are consistent with the legislative ef- Bill and Ellen, as well as with his four graphic pressures on Medicare and fort that Senator GRASSLEY and I are grandchildren as they remember and Medicaid and other entitlement pro- undertaking, and I look forward to celebrate the life of an exemplary Hoo- grams, Congress started several years working with the White House on this sier statesman. This standard bearer of ago to provide incentives for people to important issue.∑ a great Quaker tradition at Earlham plan ahead for their own needs. The College added something very special way most Americans plan ahead for f to Indiana Political life. We will miss long term care is by purchasing long his wisdom and grace.∑ term care insurance. With insurance, BMC ANTHONY LAWRENCE PETIT f people can be confident that they won’t have to impoverish themselves to deal AND THE SCOTCH CAP LIGHT- AMERICAN WORKER LONG TERM with a chronic illness. They won’t have HOUSE CARE AFFORDABILITY ACT OF 1999 to fall back on the Medicaid program ∑ Mr. MURKOWSKI. Mr. President, I ∑ Mr. GRAHAM. Mr. President, on or family members. rise today to honor the five heros who Tuesday of this week, Senator GRASS- In the Kennedy-Kassenbaum health perished in the Scotch Cap Lighthouse LEY and I introduced S. 36, The Amer- reform legislation in 1996, Congress disaster of April 1, 1946—five Coast ican Worker Long Term Care Afford- permitted the deduction of premiums Guardsmen who gave their lives so that ability Act of 1999, a bill creating a on long term care insurance in the others would survive. The lighthouse model long-term care insurance pro- same manner as health expenses. The keeper was Chief Boatswain’s Mate An- gram for federal employees. Today, I trouble is that few people—other than thony Lawrence Petit. His crew in- would like to comment on a related the self-employed—can deduct health cluded Fireman 1st Class Jack Colvin, long term care bill also introduced on expenses since the tax code allows only Seaman 1st Class Dewey Dykstra, Tuesday by Senator GRASSLEY and my- the portion of health expenses over Motor Machinist’s Mate 2nd Class self. S. 35, The Long Term Care Afford- 7.5% of income to be deducted, and Leonard Pickering, and Seaman 1st ability and Availability Act of 1999, then only as an itemized deduction. Class Paul James Ness. VerDate jul 14 2003 13:53 Sep 27, 2004 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00062 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR99\S22JA9.002 S22JA9 1306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE January 22, 1999 Lighthouses will always have a place their fellow citizens in extraordinary Hampshire. It is people like the in our history. They have warned mari- ways. He was born and raised on Michi- Gendrons that help make New Hamp- ners of danger, their crews have res- gan’s Upper Peninsula, in the town of shire a special place to live. It is an cued survivors in the worst conditions Hancock, on a ship canal crossing the honor to represent them in the United imaginable, and their brilliant lamps Keweenaw Peninsula. As a boy, he States Senate.∑ have comforted and reassured those would have known the ships well, along f who are bound homeward at last. with the Coast Guard buoy tenders and WRECKED CARS, ON THE ROAD In 1903, Scotch Cap Light Station was lighthouses that kept them safe. Petit AGAIN the first light put in place on the out- enlisted in the Coast Guard as a young side coast of Alaska. Located at the man in 1926. He never married, and ∑ Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I rise western end of Unimak Island, approxi- served faithfully in the Coast Guard for today to call our colleagues attention mately 425 miles southwest of Anchor- the next 20 years.
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