Case Report DOI: 10.5455/amaj.2016.02.012 Hemarthrosis: Concurrent acute presentation of pyrophosphate dehydrate and uric acid crystals in an elderly patient with a history of rheumatoid ar- thritis diagnosed with septic arthritis Feredun Azari, BS-MD Rauf Shahbazov, MD, PhD* Concomitant septic arthritis in the presence of crystalline disease is a rare presen- tation of acute hemarthrosis and knee pain. Literature review showed that co-occur- Department of Surgery, rence of these entities is an infrequent phenomenon but it needs to be acknowledged University of Virginia, that these studies are few in number and were done on small patient population. This Charlottesville, Virginia, USA case challenges the notion that presence of crystals in the synovial fluid rules out sep- tic arthritis even in the setting of low synovial WBC count. Additionally, the presence Correspondence: of pseudogout in patients suffering from gout is a rare entity as well. These findings Rauf Shahbazov MD, PhD, Organ Trans- in literature are described in case reports dispersed over the past three decades. We plantation Unit, University of Virginia present a case where concurrent treatment of gout, pseudogout, and septic arthritis Medical Center, Charlottesville, Virginia, in a patient who presented with acute hemarhtrosis. USA email: [email protected] Keywords: gout, pseudogout, rheumatoid arthritis, infection Phone: 434-872-1373 Introduction tions [1]. Vigilance is needed to have a low ge related crystal induced arthropathies threshold for ruling out septic arthritis in Aare a common phenomenon presenting this patient population. This is usually done to the primary care office or the emergency via synovial fluid analysis but as demon- department [1,2]. The two most common strated in this case report, it does not pathologies that are encountered are pseud- necessarily provide a clear answer to the ogout (Calcium Pyrophosphate Deposition problem, especially in patients with multi- Disease - CPPD) and gout. Gout classically ple comorbidities. Even if the diagnosis is presents with podagra and/or severe pain not clear, appropriate antibiotic therapy is involving the joints of the upper digits. necessary if suspicion remains. Physicians With poor management of the disease, it should use their clinical judgment based can progress to multi-joint involvement and on patient presentation in order to arrive subcutaneous depositions known as tophi. at proper diagnosis and initiate appropriate CPPD on the other hand involves the knee care plan. joints at the onset with later progression to other areas. The management of these en- Case Presentation tities include acute pain control, chronic 62-year-old Caucasian male with a his- suppressive therapy, and avoiding dietary tory of gout (currently on allopurinol and and/or social triggers. The concurrent pre- colchicine), rheumatoid arthritis (on chron- sentation of these diseases can affect chronic ic methotrexate suppression therapy), mul- management and lead to increased patient tiple arthroplasties in the span of last 30 discomfort. However, the co-occurrence of years due to complications of osteoarthritis these entities are rare [2,3]. presented to the ED with acute onset right Patients suffering from rheumatoid ar- knee pain and swelling status post exiting thritis usually require long term steroid and his vehicle. He did not endorse popping possible immunosuppressive therapy. This sensation or pain at that time but reported leads to increased susceptibility towards life worsening pain within four to five hours threatening or limb endangering infec- with subjective fevers and chills. Patient was www.amaj.az AMAJ Azari et al. 2016; 2: 38-40 Acute presentation of CPPD and uric acid crystals 39 in moderate distress due to pain in the emergency department for acute gout flare, 1.2 mg of colchicine initially then reduced and had limited mobility in his right leg as well. Patient was to 0.6 mg daily. Broad spectrum antibiotic coverage was contin- hemodynamically stable except for elevated blood pressure of ued for the next three days and was switched to oral treatment 190/95 and low grade fever of 38.00 C, which at the time was regimen for fourteen days at the time of discharge. Patient noted attributed to severity of the pain. significant relief two days later and was able to ambulate. Physical exam was remarkable for tenderness to palpation of the affected knee, significant swelling of the right knee with Discussion negative anterior or posterior drawer test. Initial labs showed Simultaneous presentations of pseudogout, gout with con- elevated white blood cell count of 11,000 causing concern for comitant septic arthritis have been described in handful of case possible septic arthritis, which led to the ED staff to perform reports in patients suffering from chronic arthritic disease [2,3]. arthrocentesis of the affected joint. Forty milliliters of serosan- There have been handful reports describing these diseases oc- guineous fluid was extracted. Fluid profile showed 40,149 WBC curring together in the last three decades. According to Stock- and crystals. Patient noted partial relief from pain. Of note, co- man et al, 5.8% of patients (8/138) who suffered from gout had agulation studies were unremarkable but there was a mild ele- concomitant pseudogout [10]. Imaging findings show concom- vation in CRP. Broad-spectrum antibiotics were initiated due itant erosions and chondrocalcinosis associated with both types to equivocal fluid analysis and patient presentation. Within the of crystalline disease, which is rarely seen on conventional im- next two hours, return of erythema and swelling was noted on aging (Figure 2). the affected knee. Hydromorphone PCA was initiated for the Diagnosis in this patient was relatively straightforward since patient. MRI and x-ray was unchanged from previous studies both of the crystalline diseases were identified under synovial done 5 years ago, which showed osteopenia, chondrocalcinosis fluid analysis using careful polarized light microscopy. Further- and severe cartilage loss on the patella (Figure 1). more, it is important to rule out serious pathology such aseptic Following day, another arthrocentesis was performed by or- arthritis by obtaining synovial fluid culture before starting treat- thopedic surgery. Fluid showed serosanguineous profile as well. ment [6]. Our patient has a history of RA, which according to Analysis showed 17,420 WBC, 17% hematocrit, monosodium some studies indicate 15 times increased risk of septic arthritis, urate, and pyrophosphate dehydrate crystals. No bacterial, fun- especially given the current disease-modifying anti-rheumatic gal elements, or AFB were seen in the initial culture analysis but drug (DMARD) therapy [1,4]. Given the patient had an elevat- cultures three days later showed S.aureus that was resistant to ed white count with mono-articular presentation, septic arthri- methicillin. Patient was started on naproxen 500 mg twice daily tis was higher on the differential versus crystal deposition dis- Figure 1. Figure 2. Knee X-ray performed in the emergency department shows Rare radiological coexistence of CPPD and gout in a patient chondrocalcinosis (arrow) suggestive of severe long stand- with poor management of underlying disease. Classic ing pseudogout as well as severe cartilage loss consistent punched-out lesions (black arrow) are seen with inter- with patient’s history. spersed joint space chondrocalcinosis (white arrow). www.amaj.az Azari et al. AMAJ 40 Acute presentation of CPPD and uric acid crystals 2016; 2: 38-40 ease. Nevertheless, synovial fluid analysis revealed the causative References bacterial organism and the treatment was initiated accordingly. 1. Al-Ahaideb A. Septic arthritis in patients with rheuma- This patient had extensive history of osteoarthritis with sur- toid arthritis. J Orthop Surg. 2008 Jul 29;3:33. gical interventions dating back to his early 20’s as well as history 2. Alappatt C, Clayburne G, Schumacher R. Concomitant of RA. Thus it would not be unusual for this patient to present polyarticular septic and gouty arthritis. The Journal of with hemarthrosis after a minor trauma causing ACL or PCL rheumatology. 2006;33(8):1707–1708. tear [9]. 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