Calendar Greco-Catolic Român 2010 Romanian Catholic Calendar Ianuarie 2010 January Februarie 2010 February Martie 2010 March Aprilie 2010 April Mai 2010 May Iunie 2010 June V 1 F (†) Tăierea Împrejur a Domnului, Sf Vasile cel Mare (harţi) L 1 M Înainteserbarea Întâmpinării Domnului, Sf M Trifon L 1 M Sf M Eudochia / Eudochia, Holy Woman Martyr J 1 T Sfânta şi Marea Joi. Denia celor 12 Evanghelii S 1 S Sf Profet Ieremia / Jeremiah, Prophet M 1 T Sf M Iustin Filosoful şi cei împreună cu el New Year Ca/US Circumcision of the Lord, St Basil the Great (all foods) Forefeast of the Presentation, Tryphon, Martyr M 2 T Sf M Teodot ep Cirenei Great and Holy Thursday. The 12 Gospels of the Passion D 2 S Duminica 5 a Sf Paşti (a Samarinencei). Sf Atanasie cel Mare St Justin the Philosopher and companions, Martyrs 11:30 Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; Col 2, 8-12; Lk 2, 20-21, 40-52 M 2 T (†) Întâmpinarea Domnului in Templu Hieromartyr Theodotus, Bishop of Cyrene 19:30 Cuv Maria Egipteanca / Ven. Mary of Egypt 5th Paschal Sunday (the Samaritan Woman). M 2 W Sf Nichifor aep Constantinopolului S 2 S Înainteserbarea Botezului, Sf Silvestru, papa Romei 19:00 Presentation of our Lord. Heb 7, 7-17; Lk 2, 22-40 M 3 W Sf M Eutropie, Cleonic şi Vasilisc V 2 F Sfânta şi Marea Vineri. Post şi Ajun. Prohodul Domnului Athanasius the Great, Patriarch Nicephorus, Archbishop of Constantinople Forefeast of Theophany, St Sylvester Pope of Rome M 3 W Dreptul Simeon şi Profetesa Ana Eutropius, Cleonicus, and Basiliscus, Martyrs 9:00 Good Friday. Fast and Abstinence. The Burial of Our Lord 12:30 (B) Glas/Tone 4; Acts 11,19-30; Jn 4,5-42 J 3 T Sf M Lucilian şi Paula cu fiii lor D 3 S Duminica Dinaintea Botezului. Sf Pf Malahia, Sf M Gordiu Ven. Simeon and Prophetess Anna J 4 T Cuv Gherasim de la Iordan / Ven. Gerasimus the Jordanite 19:00 Cuv Tit Taumaturgul / Ven. Titus the Wonderworker L 3 M Sf M Timotei şi Maura / Timothy and Maura, Martyrs Lucillian, Paula and Companions, Martyrs Sunday before Theophany. Malachi, Prophet; Gordius, Martyr J 4 T Cuv Isidor Pelusiotul / Ven. Isidore of Pelusium V 5 F Cuv M Conon / Conon of lsauria S 3 S Sfânta şi Marea Sâmbătă. Cuv Nichita Mărturisitorul M 4 T Sf M Pelaghia / Pelagia of Tarsus, Martyr V 4 F Sf Mitrofan, aep,; Sf M Zoticos, Attalos, Camasis şi Filipos din Niculiţel 12:30 Glas/Tone 6; 2 Tim 4, 5-8; Mk 1, 1-8 V 5 F Sf M Agata / Agatha, Holy Woman Martyr C S 6 S Cei 42 M din Amoreea; Pomenirea morţilor. 23:45 Great and Holy Saturday. Ven. Nicetas, Confessor M 5 W Încheierea Sărb de la jumătatea Cincizecimii, Sf M Irina Metrophanes, Bishop; Zoticos, Attalos, Camasis & Filipos, Mrt. C L 4 M Adunarea celor 70 Apostoli; Cuv Teoctist S 6 S Sf Vucol ep Smirnei; Pomenirea morţilor. 42 Holy Martyrs of Amorium; Saturday of the Dead D 4 S (†) Duminica Învierii Domnului (Sfintele Paşti). Leave-taking of the Feast of the Mid-Pentecost. Irene Mrt S 5 S Sf M Dorotei ep Tirului / Dorotheus, Bishop and Martyr Synaxis of the 70 Apostles; Ven. Theoctistus Ven. Bucolus, Bishop of Smyrna; Saturday of the Dead D 7 S Duminica 3 din Post (a Sfintei Cruci) C Sf M Teodul şi Agatopod, Cuv Gheorghe din Maleon şi Iosif Imnograful J 6 T Dreptul Iov multrăbdătorul C D 6 S Duminica 2 după Rusalii. M 5 T Ajunul Botezului Domnului / Vigil of Theophany D 7 S Duminica Înfricoşătoarei Judecăţi Sf Efrem, Vasile, Eugen, Agatodor, Capiton, Eterin şi Elpidiu din Cherson The Resurrection of the Lord. Holy Pascha (Easter) Job, the Holy and Long-Suffering One Cuv Visarion Taumaturgul; Cuv Ilarion cel Nou Sf M Teopempt şi Teona, Cuv Sinclitica Post şi Ajun (a Lăsatului Sec de Carne). Sf Partenie ep, Cuv Luca 3rd Sunday of Lent (Veneration of the Holy Cross) Theodulus, Agathopodes, Mrt, Ven. Joseph; George of Maleon V 7 F Arătarea pe cer a Sf Cruci la Ierusalim; Sf M Acachie 2nd Sunday after Pentecost. Theopemptus and Theona, Mrt.; Ven. Syncletica, Fast and Abstinence Sunday of the Last Judgment (Sunday of Meatfare). Basil, Ephrem, Eugenius, Capiton, Aetherius, Elpidius & Agathodorus 12:30 Lit. Sf Ioan / St John; Acts 1,1-8; Jn 1,1-17; Vespers: Jn 20,19-25. Apparition of the Cross over Jerusalem; Acacius Mrt. Ven. Bessarion the Wonderworker; Ven. Hilarion the Younger M 6 W (†) Arătarea-Botezul Domnului Nostru Isus Hristos (harţi) Parthenius, Bishop; Ven. Luke of Syria 12:30 (B) Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; G / T 7; Heb 4,14-5,6; Mk 8,34-9,1 L 5 M (†) Lunea Luminată / Bright Monday. S 8 S Sf Ap şi Ev Ioan; Cuv Arsenie cel Mare [Fer Ieremia Valahul] 12:30 (B) Glas/Tone 1; Rom 2,10-16, (2nd) Mt 4,18-23 Theophany-Baptism of Our Lord Jesus Christ (all foods) 12:30 (B) Glas/Tone 3; 1Cor 8,8-9,2; Mt 25,31-46. L 8 M Sf Teofilact ep al Nicomediei / Ven. Theophylact, Bishop Sf M Claudiu, Diodor, Victor, Victorin, Papia, Nichifor şi Serapion John, Apostle and Evangelist; Ven Arsenius [Bl Jeremiah the Wallachian] L 7 M Sf M Teodot ep al Ancirei 19:00 Titus 2, 11-14. 3, 4-7; Mt 3, 13-17 L 8 M Sf M Teodor Stratilat, Sf Pf Zaharia M 9 T Sf 40 de M din Lacul Sebaste / 40 Holy Martyrs of Sebastea Claudius, Diodore, Victor, Victorin, Papias, Nicephorus and Serapion Mrt D 9 S Duminica 6 a Sf Paşti (a Orbului). Sf Pf Isaia, Sf M Hristofor Theodotus, Bishop and Martyr J 7 T Sf Ioan Botezătorul, Sf Nichita de Remesiana ap daco-romanilor Theodore, Great Martyr; Zechariah, Prophet M 10 W Sf M Quadrat, Ciprian şi Dionisie 19:00 Acts 1,12-17.21-26; Jn 1,18-28. Mother’s Day 6th Paschal Sunday (the Blind Man). M 8 T Aducerea moaştelor Sf Teodor Stratilat Synaxis of St John the Baptist, St Nicetas of Remesiana C M 9 T Întroptirea Sărbătorii Întâmpinării, Sf M Nichifor Quadratus of Corinth and Companions, Martyrs M 6 T Marţea Luminată. Bright Tuesday. C Isaiah, Prophet, Christopher, Martyr Transfer of the Relics of St Theodore Stratilates V 8 F Cuv Gheorghe Hozevitul, Cuv Domnica Leave-taking of the Presentation, Nicephorus, Martyr J 11 T Sf Sofronie aep Ierusalimului Sf Eutichie aep Const.; Sf M Irineu de Sirmium, ep 12:30 Glas/Tone 5; Acts 16,16-34; Jn 9,1-38 M 9 W Sf Chiril aep Alexandriei Ven. George the Chosebite; Ven. Mother Dominica M 10 W Sf M Haralambie (harţi lactate) Ven. Sophronius, Archbishop of Jerusalem Euthyches, Archbishop of Constantinople; Ireneus Mrt L 10 M Sf Ap Simon Zelotul / Simon the Zealot, Apostle Cyril, Archbishop of Alexandria S 9 S Sf M Polieuct / Polyeuctus, Martyr Haralampus, Martyr (dairy allowed) V 12 F Cuv Teofan Mărturisitorul; Sf Grigore Dialogul pp. M 7 W Cuv Gheorghe Mărturisitorul, ep în Melitene şi Sf M Caliopiu (harţi) M 11 T Sf M Mochie / Mocius, Martyr J 10 T Sf M Alexandru şi Antonina; Sf M Timotei, ep D 10 S Duminica După Botezul Domnului. J 11 T Sf M Vlasie / Blaise, Martyr Ven. Theophane, Confessor; St Gregory, pope George, Bishop of Melitene; Calliopus, Martyr (all foods) M 12 W Încheierea Sărbătorii Sfintelor Paşti Alexandera, Antonina, Timothy, Martyrs Sf Grigore de Nissa, Sf Domeţian ep, Sf Marcian pr, V 12 F Sf Meletie aep Antiohiei (harţi lactate) S 13 S Aducerea moaştelor Sf Nichifor; Pomenirea morţilor. J 8 T Sf Ap Irodion / Herodion, Apostle among the 70 Sf Epifanie, ep; Sf Gherman, aep Constantinopolului V 11 F Sf Ap Bartolomeu şi Barnaba Sunday after Theophany. Meletius, Archbishop of Antioch (dairy allowed) Deposition of the Relics of St. Nicephorus; Sat. of the Dead V 9 F “Izvorul tămăduirii”; Sf M Eupsihie din Cezareea (harţi) Leave-taking of the Resurrection Bartholomew and Barnabas, Apostles Gregory and Domeţian, Bishops; Marcian, Priest S 13 S Cuv Martinian / Ven. Martinian, Hermit D D 14 S Duminica 4 din Post (a Cuv Părinte Ioan Scărarul). “Life-giving Spring"; Eupsychius, Martyr (all foods) Epiphanius, Bishop; Germanus, Archbishop S 12 S Cuv Onofrei; Cuv Petru Atonitul D 12:30 Glas/Tone 7; Eph 4,7-13; Mt 4,12-17 Pomenirea tuturor cuvioşilor sihaştri şi călugări. Sf Benedict de Nursia, Sf M Alexandru pr S 10 S Sf Terentie, Maxim, Macarie, Pompei, African şi însoţitorii J 13 T (†) Înălţarea Domnului. (Ziua Eroilor Neamului) Sf M Glicheria Ven. Onuphrius and Peter of Athos, Hermits L 11 M Cuv Teodosie cel Mare / Ven. Theodosius, Founder of Monasteries Saturday of God-Bearing Fathers and Mothers, the Ascetics Summer Time 4th Sunday of Lent (Ven. Father John Climacus). Terence, Pompey, Maximus, and companions, Martyrs Ascension of the Lord. Glyceria, Martyr D D 13 S Duminica 3 după Rusalii. M 12 T Sf M Tatiana / Tatiana, Woman Martyr D 14 S Duminica Iertării (a Lăsatului Sec de Brânză). Cuv Auxenţiu Ven. Benedict of Nursia; Alexander, Martyr D 11 S Duminica 2 a Sf Paşti (a Sf Ap Toma). Sf M Antipa 19:00 Acts 1,1-12; Lk 24,36-53 Sf M Achilina; Sf Trifilie, ep; [Sf Anton de Padova] M 13 W Sf M Ermil şi Stratonic / Ermylus and Stratonicus, Martyrs Forgiveness Sunday (Cheesefare Sunday). 12:30 (P) Lit. Sf Vasile / St Basil; G / T 8; Heb 6,13-20; Mk 9,17-32 2nd Paschal Sunday (St.
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