534- W1LLINGTON QUAY. NORTHUMBERLAND. [KELLY'S St£wart Robert, tailor, se~ Lavery & Tyne Iron Shipbuilding Co. Limited Willington Quay & District Liberal Stewart (George Frederick Mnlherion, genl. Club Limited (James Thompson 'J.'easda.le George, grocer, 75 Bewicke manager & sec) sec.), Bewicke road • roali ..t 2 Bewiclie street & glass & Tynemouth Union Relief Office (Alec W illington Qu<tY & Howdon Industrial 1 china dealer, 70 Bewicke road 1 Phillips, assistant relief officer), 59 Society Ltd. (Anthony Rochester. '!'ha rsi;; Sulphur .:.; Copper Co. Lim. Nelson street manager; W illiam Rutherford, (Hugh Murphy, manager) Walker James, AJbion inn, Potter st sec), Bewicke road 'l'homason William, dining rooms, 14 Walker & Wallsend Union Gas Co .. Willson Walter Limited, grocers, 26 Potter street & 54 Stephenson st (Alexander B. Walker, mnnag~r) ! Potter street Thompson Jsph.insur.agt.34Church st Watson Jn. Thos.butchr.49 Potter st I Wilson Jas. news agt. 36 Potter st' Thorne Frank, boot repairer, 40 Wetherall Frances (Mrs. ),shopkeeper, Wilson J oseph, hair dresser, 4 Potter street I 14 George strest Church street Tinmouth Albert Edward,shopkeeper,' Wetherall John William, ironmonger, Worthy John, buildr. 32 Gladstone st 58 Potter street 42 Potter street & ~hip stores me-r Wrigbt Wm. fried fish dlr. Albert s~ Todd (Robert) & Deans (David), Willington Foundry Co. iron founders Young Peter, huiterer, 30 Church -st tobacconists, Howdon Ferry Willington Quay Workmen's Social Younger Robert M.B. 1 B.B. physician. Turner Thomas William,hair dresser, Club.& Institute (John Beck, sec.), & surgeon, Farnley, Western road 0 8 Stephenson street Bewicke road WEST WOODBURN, see Corsenside. WOODHORN is a parish, township and village, com­ Sexton, .John Cousins. manding extensivP views of the German Ocean, I mile P •st Ofiice.-GPorge Kirk up, sub-postmaster. Letters north-west from Newbiggin terminal station on the throug-h ~~~hington, Northumb. arrive at 7 a.m. &; North Eastern rail way, and 8 miles east-by-north of 2.+5 p.m. & dispatched at 7.10 a.m. & 3.30 pm. Morpeth, in the Wansbeck division of the county, Mor­ ~ewbig-g[n, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money pel.h petty sellsional division. union and county court order & telegraph office di;; trict, and in the rural deanery of Morpeth, arch­ Church of Eng-land Schools. deaconry• of Lindisfarne and diocese of Newcastle. The pa··ish includes the townships of Woodhorn, Woodhorn Currespundent, R. Rutherford, Mainsforth house, ~ew­ Demesne, Lynmouth, North Sea ton and N ewbiggin : the biggin-by-the-Sea latter townsh1p, Cresswell-with-Ellington and Hirst, W :odhorn & ~ewbiggin (mixed), built in I 86g, for 202 will be found under separate headings. The chn:·ch of children ; av"rage attendance, rRo; William Moore, St. Mary is a bui!ding of ston'-', in the Norman and master Early English styles, consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, Infants', Mrs. Catherine Wilson, mistress ; average at- south porch and a low western tower containing 2 ll'ndance, 130 bells: the lower part of the tower and two western bays of the north arcade are Early Norman, and date 1YOODHORN DEMESNE, transferred in 1913 to the 1 from the beginning of the r2tb century: the corre- ' ~ •wbig-~in Grban District, is half a mile south-east sponding bays on the south side ars Late Norman. And 'r Jill Woodhorn and the same distance from Newbiggin belong to the latter part of the same century : the ,·t:J tion. _\ddison F. Eaker-Cresswe ll esq. of Harebope. eastern bays of the arcades, chancel arch, and somt> \ ln" iek, is lord of the manor and sol0 landowner. corbels arp Earl~· English, and date irom about 12.<0: L~tters through Morpeth arrive at 7.20 a.m the upper stages of the tower, chancel, and rxterior generally are mod~rn work : there are memorial win­ LINMOUTH or Lynmouth township is on the river dows to the Cresswell and Watson families, one erected Lyne, which here empties itself into the sea, 3 miles in 18Bo to the Rev. Edward Nangreave Mangin M.A. a r. ~rth from New biggin terminal station on the North forrnpr vicar, and qnother presented by R. B. Avery Eastern railway, and 8~ east-north-east from Morpeth. e~q. in memory of his son, who died in South Africa; The Ashington Coal Co. Limited are the landowners. in t.he church is preserved an ancient Celtic cro!'s, and a The area is 33a acres of land, 4 of tidal water and 6 of number of grave slabs carved with crosses: there is foreshore; rateable value, £242; the population in 19II Rls'J in the church, raised on an open stone table, a \\<lS 17. female effigy, in long flowing raiment: at the feet Letters through Morpeth arrive• at 8.45 a.m. New­ are two angels and over the head a canopy, supported biggin, 2 miles distant, is the nearest money order by 11ngels, and having figures ,of Our Lord and the & telegraph office Holy Virgin with others oorved on the top: built into the west wall of t'he tower is a stone figure with the 2'-IORTH SEATO:N is a township and village, with a hand~ together and wearing a kind of kilt: in the station 1 mile west from the village, on the branch line church is 11. brass inscribed to Mrs. Ann Railston, ob. nf the North Eastern railway from Bedlington and New- 24 :March, I699, and m the chancel a marble slab to biggin and 7 miles east from Morpeth. A portion of the Rev. John Wolfall M.A. 2 6 years vicar, ob. 22 the township, including the colliery &c. has been trans­ Feb. T683: the upper portion of the rood screen was ferrcd to the parish of Sea ton Hirst. There are Wes­ tallen down in 1 764: the church was restored in I843: leyan and Primitive Methodist chapels. Coal is found there are 350 sittings. The register dates from the here in abundance. North Seaton Hall, built about the year 1605. The living is a vicarage, with the chapelry year 1710, and now occupied by Edmund Octaviul of Newbiggin annexed, joint net yearly value £320• Southern esq. J.P. is a mansion of stone, delightfully with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Newca~tle, seated and overlooking the German Ocean, and is the and held since IB93 by the Rev. Obadiah Rhodes M.A. property of William Milburn esq. of Shabden Park. of Dnrhfl.m University. In July, rgo6, 7° coins, dating Chipstead, Surrey, who is lord of the manor and sole from the time of Edward VI. to James I. were found landowner. The area is r,r6g acres of land, I of in­ by a gravediggsr in the churchyard. Here are three land and 10 of tidal water and 162 of foreshore; TatB­ stone quarries, but only two are at present worked. ~ble value, £8, 6o; population in rgn, r,go . Georgr Hope Waddilove esq. of Brunton House, Wall- 3 4 on-T:"·ne, who is lord of the manor, and the Milburn By Local Government Board Order No. 52,286, which E~tatrs Limited are the chief landowners. The soil is came into operation 1St .April, Igog, part of North mi:xrd, clav, loam and sandv; subsoil, various. The SPa ton township ~·as transferred to Hirst township and chief cr'lps. are wheat, oats, ·barley and pasture. The .\shin gton Urban District, and bv Local Government area of the township is I,-tBS acres of land, I of tidal Board Order 54,217, which came into operation A.pril water and 2g of foreshore; rateable value, £II,344 ; the rsJ;, 1910, part was transferred to Newbiggin-by-the-Sea. population in rgn was r83 in the township and 4,092 Wall Letter Box, cleared at 10.45 a.m. & 3.40 p.m.; no in thP ecclesiastical parish. colleetinn on sundays WOODHORN. • *Kenefick William, quarry owner NORTH ·SEATON. Marked thus 4 receive letters through' Ord Elizabeth (Mrs ), farmer, Wood- Letters through Newbiggm-by-the-­ Newbiggin-hy-the-Sea I born grange Pyle Henry, blacbmith Sea. Gray Ruhert, Wood~orn manor . I Reay William Robinson, farmer, Southern Edmund Octa.vius .l.P. Rhodes Rev. Obad1ah M.A. (vJCar), Spittal house North Seaton hall Vicarage Rohinsun Thomas, joiner & cartwright COMME-aCIAL. ! Sonthern Thomas, farmer, Lynmouth COMMERCIAL. Brown Jnhn, farmer, Third house : 'l'hompson Artlh. frmr. Woodhorn mill Gibson Robert, monumental mason Willis .Jas.. fnrmer,Woodborn demesnl' Jatneson Thomas, painter *Gray Edward Jas. frmr. Glebe farm *Yallowley Francis James, farmer, Latimer William, market gardener Maddison John, tailor Gray Robt. fi,rmer 1 Woodhorn manor Lynefield house .
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