SEVENTY-NINTH ANNUAL COMMENCEMENT GRADUATION EXERCISES MoNDAY, JuNE SEVENTH MCMXLVIII MEN's GYMNASIUM OREGON STATE COLLEGE PROGRAM Prelude Overture Militaire Skornika Processional University Grand March Edwin F. Goldman The College R.O.T.C. Band Delbert Warren Moore, Conductor The audience will remain seated throughout the processional but will rise when the Colors enter the auditorium and will remain standing until after the playing of the National Anthem. The National Anthem Invocation-THE REVEREND RoBERT DEGROFF BuLKLEY, Ph.B., B.D. Minister of the Federated Churches of Corvallis Tenor Solo-Ah! Tis the Day . R. Leoncavallo William Miller Iris Gray, Accompanist Greetings from the State Board of Higher Education GEORGE F. CHAMBERS, B.S. Member of the Oregon State Board of Higher Education Cortege Flor Peeters Joseph Brye, Organist The Wurlitzer electric organ, which is being used for the first time during this Seventy. ninth Annual Commencement, is largely a gift by the Class of 1948. See statement under GI FTS section of this program. Conferring of Degrees PRESIDENT AUGUST LEROY STRAND, Ph.D. Morning: Baccalaureate degrees for schools of Science, Agriculture, Busi­ ness and Technology, and Education; advanced degrees for candidates A to J inclusive. Afternoon : Baccalaureate degrees for schools of Engineering, Forestry, Home Economics, Pharmacy, and Nursing Education; advanced de­ grees for candidates K to Z inclusive. Oregon State College Creed Joseph Brye The A Cappella Choir Robert Walls, Conductor The Oregon State College Creed was written by Dr. Edwin Thomas Reed, emeritus editor of publications. Alma Mater Homer Maris, M .S., '18 Recessional-La Reine de Saba Charles Gounod The College R.O.T.C. Band After the Colors have been carried from the auditorium, the audience will be seated during the recessional. Senior Honor Students June 1948 Senior honors are conferred by the Faculty Council on those members of the graduat­ ing class, candidates for a bachelor's degree, who throughout their entire college course have maintained the highest scholastic standing in their respective schools. A student to be eli­ gible to such honor must have made a grade-point average of 3.25 or higher. Election is limited to ten per cent of the graduating members of a school. SCIENCE GEORGE MICHAEL ZAPP ALAN HALE HowK MARY ELIZABETH HoiT PHILLIP CONRAD DUMAS RoBERT HoMER JoHNSON DEAN GILLETTE ROBIN BRIAN DAVIS VIRGINIA RIDDLE PALMER ALAN CAMPBELL KNIGHT JOHN JAMES GREEN MARJORIE LASALLE LILA LEE wALKER MARGARET JoNES SHEPARD AGRICULTURE CHARLES EMMETT McGEE ANSON ELLIS THOMPSON GEORGE VAN LEEUWEN MILTON TsuKASA SAKUMA JoHN ALDERT WEIMAR DONALD WILFRED TWOHY LAWRENCE HECKARD MAX MYNDERT VAN PATTE~ VAN EDWARD RIETMANN JOHN DAVID ROWELL JonN ELTON Ross CHARLES STEPHEN ScHUSTER LINDA LOIS NEWHALL BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGY BRUCE KENT NICHOLS YCE Ai<DELLE JOHNSTON ROBERTA MARIE BESTUL ANICE JOYCE ORDAN MARY' ELIZABETH HODAPP ~ALE SEVERY li.ARWOOD, JR. MALCOLM VERE GREIG 0 MARY HARRIET TRACY LoiS ANN HUBBARD PRESTON TOLAR SMITH EDWARD ALFRED ALLWORTH FRED WILLIAM PATZWALD RoLLIN WALTER HAAG TuELL EuGENE REA BETTY JEAN EDWARDS EDUCATION DORIS ISAAK SEIBERT LULLA HANSEN RoBERT P.-.uL KNOLL CAROLYN EMMA LOCKWOOD MARJORIE HELEN SIMS DONALD LEONARD PRETZINGER SHIRLEY ANN VossEN ELEANORE LAROY HERMANBON PATRICIA LEE ADAMS BETTY Lou CHRISTENSEN ENGINEERING GILBERT MERLE \VITCRAFT DoNALD JoHN NELSON RoBERT FREDERICK GLEICHMAN RoY CLARENCE EDGERTON JOHN MAX STEINBRUGGE BENJAMIN HOWARD BEAM ALLAN LINWOOD CALDWELL DONALD IVAN SHULTZ RAYMOND Lt.OYD OLSON RAY EARL ALLEN, JR. DONALD ENNIS SAVAGE BRADEN BLAKE BALL DouGLAS CARL ENGELHART WALTER FRANKLIN WHITBECK RoBERT RussEL ADAMS ROBERT GORDON JENSEN JOHN ROBERT PESHECK RoBERT CHRISTIE SwARTZ LAEL BRENT TAPLIN JoHN GuMESON MAcPHERSON WILLIAM SAMSON BURDIC CLIFFORD WARREN WHEELOCK MERLE MILLER SHERIFF ARTHUR PAUL CoPsoN RoBERT LEONARD ScHROEDER FORESTRY WILLIAM lvo STEIN LOUIS PIHA WILLIS EuGENE RAGLAND KENNETH GoRDON BoRCHGREVINK HOME ECONOMICS PAULA YvoNNE KuRTZ SHIRLEY HAAG BYLAND BARBARA HELEN ANDERSON DoROTHY RosE WITHERS BETTY JEAN SETTERGREN MARJORIE ANN CLARK PATRICIA GiBBS PHILLIPS PHYLLIS Joy MAcGREGOR FRANCES TILLEY FORBES MARGARET LoUISE SMITH LAURA BERNICE WALLACE BEATRICE ELAINE BRIDENS'rtNE NoRRENE B o HNERT TuoMPSON PHARMACY VIRGINIA GAIL DowNING LEo MoNTE PHILLIPS NATALIE ANNE BUNN 4 Phi Kappa Phi Phi Kappa Phi, national scholastic honor society founded at the University of Maine in 1897, recognizes and promotes scholarship in all fields, the liberal arts and sciences as well as l'rofessional education. The following list includes those s tudents elected in May 1948 as juniOrs, eligible for initiation during their senior year, and seniors and graduate students. Members of the Class of 1948 elected as juniors 1n May 1947 were listed in the program for the sixty.eighth commencement. Faculty members elected May 1948: JosEPH SHIRLEY BuTTS, Ph.D.b Professor of, Biochemistry. HERMAN AuSTIN S c ULLEN, Ph. ., Professor of Entomology. Graduate students elected May 1948: EDWARD ERICK ADAMS, B.S. HoMER BAIRD LACKEY, B.S. HAROLD ARTHUR CooPRIDER, B.A. JoHN PRICE McCuLLOUGH, B.S. MARY ELIZABETH Cox, M.S. RICHARD CHARLES Ross~ B.S. HowARD WHITLEY EvEs, M.A. RAY ALVIN SCHWALM, .ti.S. PERCY MARGARET GILL, B.A. RoBERT MAcLEoD STORM, M.S. HAROLD MARTIN GRAHAM, M.A. GAYLE CURINNE TIMMONS, B.S. ALLAN KELLOG JoHNSON, B.S. MARGARET HusTON TuLLER, M.S. Tsoo E. KING, B.S. Seniors elected May 1948: PATRICIA LEE ADAMS ROBERT HOMER JOHNSON LoiS ELAINE AKERS OYCE ARDELLE JOHNSTON BRADEN BLAKE BALL ANICE JOYCE JORDON BENJAMIN HowARD BEAM ~OBERT PAUL !<NOLL RoBERTA MARIE BESTUL PAULA YvoNNE KuRTZ JESSIE BAILEY BLACKBURN MARJORIE LASALLE SHIRLEY HAAG BYLAND MARTHA GUNN LEE NANCY CLAIRE CARTER MARIAN JosEPHINE LocHER MARJORIE ANNE CLARK PATRICIA JANE LONG ROBIN BRIAN DAVIS PHYLLIS Joy MAcGREGOR PHILIP CoNRAD DuMAS THOMAS CosHow McCLINTOCK RoY CLARENCE EDGERTON MARGARET ELLEN PETERSEN FRANCES TILLEY FORBES DONALD LEONARD PRETZINGER DEAN GILLETTE VAN EDWARD REITMANN FRANCES GRACE GLIBERT DoRIS IsAAK SEIBERT MALCOLM VERE GREIG BETTY JEAN SETTERGREN RoLLIN WALTER HAAG MERLE MILLER SHERIFF RUTH WATTS HAAG MARGARET LoursE SMITH LULLA HANSEN JoHN MAx STEINBRUGGE ELEANORE LAROY HERMANSON LAEL BRENT TAPLIN MARY ELIZABETH HODAPP JoHN ALBERT WEIMAR ALAN HALE HowK GEORGE MICHAEL ZAPP, JR. JAMES EDWARD HUGHELL Juniors elected May 1948: DEAN ALLAN BAILEY JoNITA VrvtAN LoRENTZEN JAMES DEWITT CASE RoBERT C. LuTTON DAVID s. CHIRGWIN ]AMES NEIL LvNCII CLAUDE KING CROSNO MALCOLM McWnoRTER PATRICIA JEANNE DELATEUR MAURICE MALCOLM MATTHEWS NoRMA JEAN DusPIVA Lors FRANCES MERRIX PHYLLIS MAE EAGY EDMUND ALEXANDER MILNE LEE BEN EDDY RICHARD STANLEY NICHOLS DENNIS JOHN FORD RoBERT EDWARD PHELAN VIRGIL CORDON GERTTULA THOMAS DEAN PINKERTON ALLAN E. GILBERT FRANK LEROY RAYMOND CHARLES M. GOODNESS MARGARET ANN ScHUSTER BETTY J. GRAY ALLEN GEORGE SHINN PAUL EuGENE HARPER BETH JuNE SMITH EDWIN GABRIEL HEINONEN HERMAN CARL SoMMER RAYMOND GILBERT HEINONEN RICHARD JACK SPADY JAMES ROBERT HENDRIX MARYANNE K. STATON CAROLYN ANN HOBSON HELEN PHILIP VALENTINE JAMES GRADY HoBsoN GILFORD YuEN WoNG l<AZUYOSJII KAWATA JAMES H. WoNG JEAN BRENNESHOLTZ JAMES WALTER W. WRIGHT l3ETTY JEAN LARSON JoHN E. WYLIE 5 Sigma Xi The national Society of the Sigma Xi seeks to encourage original investi~~ation in science, pure and applied, including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, sc:.ences of the earth, biology in its various branches including psychology, anthropology, medicine in its various branches, engineering in its various branches, and other closely allied field•. Elections 1948: Active Members EDWARD CHARLES BuBL CARL AuGuST LARSON ROBERT FARMER CAIN ALBERT VICTOR LOGAN FRED G . EvENDEN, JR. CHESTER ALBERT ScHINK SHENG CHUNG FANG ROBERT MACLEOD STORM VIRGIL HAVEN FREED VIRGINIA LEE WEIMAR ROBERT WILLIAM ISENSEE Ho·YA YANG ALLAN KAHN FRED HARRIS YouNG Tsoo E. KING Associate Members EDWARD ERICK ADAMS HoMER BAIRD LACKEY ALVIN RAY ALLER T H OMAS GEORGE MARSHALL LAWRENCE CONNELL AMOS JoHN LEIGHTON McCLINTOCK, JR. WILLIAM HUDSON BAKER R.onERT WHARTON MoRRIS WALTER MICHAEL BOLLEN MOHAMED MOHAMED 0LOUI'A CARL ELDGN BoND JosEPH KENT OLsEN LAMAR PAUL BuPP RAYMOND LLOYD OLSON wALTER GEORGE CADMUS MAYNARD DEAN PEARSON ALLAN LINWOOD CALDWELL RAYLEIGH ST. CLAIR PITT WILLIAM EuGENE CoOPER MERLE MILLER SHERIFF ROBERT WAYNE CREWS RoBERT DELMER STALLEY THOMAS MELVILLE CROMWELL CHALUVADI VENKATA SUBBA RATNAM CARLETON GEORGE FANGER KEITH H. SWEENY DoNALD WILLIAM FINLAY LEON C. TERRIERE WALLACE J, FoLLETTE RAYMOND ALDEN UNDERHilL H. SUMNER GALLAHER LEW E. wALLACE DARRELL s. HARRIS G I LBERT MERLE WITCRAFT WILLIAM RAY JEWELL DoNALD KENT WooDEN JoE BoNNER JoHNSON MEI·LING Wu LESTER ROBERT JONES 6 The Order of the Academic Processions WALTER MtLO AoRtoN, Chief Marshal Processional- The President and Official Guests The Administrative Council The Faculties The Candidates for Advanced Degrees The Class of 1948 Recessional- The order of the Recessional is the reverse of the Processional, the Class of 1948 march· ing first and the President of the College last. The Colors Distinctive of the Schools Tassels of caps of candidates for degrees are in colors distinctive of the schools according to the Academic Costume Code. The Graduate School: Black The School of Science: Golden Yellow The School of Agriculture: Maize The School of Business and Technology: Drab The School of Education: Light Blue The School of Engineering: Orange The School of Forestry: Russet The School of Home Economics:
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