V O LUMe: 14, N UMBeR 10, 'OMAMOPA (OCTOOI!R ) 1997 KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS BERNICE PAUAHI BISHOP ESTATE Kamehameha Schools is now accepting applications for the 1998-99 school year fo r kindergarten and grades 4,7 and 9. The application deadline is November 3, 1997. Kindergarten age requirements: Boys must be born between July 1, 1992 and June 30, 1993. Girls must be born between October 1, 1992 and September 30, 1993. For applications and information call 842-8800 on O'ahu or 1-800-842- IMUA, ext. 8800 froin the neighbor. islands. Financial aid is available. KSBE's pol,,) to give pre/e"wee 10 Hau'aiiallS as permilled b) 1(//1' has beell ruled lIon-discr/lll/llato,) by tbe IRS. Ka Wai Ola 0 OHA, Office of Hawaiian Affairs 711 Kapi'olani Blvd., Suite 500 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813-5249 VOLUME 14, NUMBER 10, 'OKAKOPA ( OCTOB E R ) 1997 Makua area, spoke of the oral history and and grandchildren have served in your traditions from Ka'ena to Ko'olina. Makua, wars," said DeSoto. She suggested, "Why Makua beach landing literally meaning 'parents: refers to La' ila' i don't you land at Hawai' i Kai, or Fort and Ki'i, the first woman and man who trace DeRussy in WaikiliT' back to the kumulipo, a creation genealogy Area resident Sparky Rodriques raised sev- associated with high chief Lonoikamakahiki. eral environmental concerns including pollu- Kila added that the Wai'anae coast is home tion run-off from the valley resulting from halted as a result to the largest Hawaiian population in the bombing and its adverse effect on the food world. chain, all the way down to the limu (sea- On Aug. 17, 1964, the state of Hawai'i weed) that both fish and kanaka (man) con- granted a 65-year lease to the federal govern- sume. "Spinner dolphins are spawning in of unified community ment for use of the valley mauka Df Farring- the area. Fish like the 'oama (young weke), ton Highway for military halalii (young akule) are running, and monk trairung. Since then, the seals come ashore. And most importantly, By Manu Boyd community concern has esca- iwi (human remains) buried in the sand dunes lated because of activities will be desecrated," he remarked. OR MORE Than three detrimental to the landscape, Makua beach, extending to Farrington decades, Makua valley, on including periodic detonation Highway, is a 723-acre parcel under the juris- the northern end of O'ahu's of explosive ordnance. diction of the DLNR. When Rodrigues and leeward coastline, has been a number of Hawaiian groups spoke of build- the subject of debates rang- ing an ahu (stone shrine) in the area, the ing from the military's peri- DLNR threatened to stop them. "You could close WaikIkJ Beach for a convention, have odic li ve-fire maneuvers in of the Wai'anae baptisms or whatever. But Hawaiians want the valley to last year's forced eviction of Coast Neighbor- to build an ahu, and they're threatened," said Hawaiians and non-Hawaiians from their hood Board, point- Rodrigues. pu' uhonua (refuge) on the beach. In July, edC out that when the military As a temporary compromise, the military attention again turned to Makua with the engaged in the lease in the relocated its amphibious landing to Bellows funeral services of entertainer Israel '60s, the social structure of beach in Waimanalo. However, some 590 Kamakawiwo'ole. the coast was very different. Marines from the 13th Marine expeditionary Less than a month later, the military Fewer than 4,000 residents unit were transported by truck and helicopter announced that it would engage in a four- lived on the coast then, and to Makua after the water landing for training day training mission at Makua beginning there were no schools along exercises. While this gesture spared the with an amphibious landing planned to rip the Farrington Highway. the shore with 17 light amphibious crafts, 12 fragile Makua beach from the landing, the Today, Wai'anae coast resi- victory was described as "bitler sweet" as the tive-ton trucks. 35 Humvees and 12 dents number 40,000, and amphibiou assault vehicles. Almost imme- Waimanalo community absorbed much of several elementary schools diately, the Wai'anae Coast Neighborhood the impact. • line the highway. The trans- Board registered its unanimous disapproval. port of unexploded ordnance On Aug. 27, Wai'anae community repre- on that busy thoroughfare can sentatives met with U.S. military leaders at threaten the safety of the Camp Smith in Hiilawa Heights in an entire community. unprecedented, face-to-face exchange which "We (Hawaiians) are ultimately led to the cancellation of the con- constantly the troversial Makua exercises originally sched- and more than 50 Wai'anae coast communi- mohai (sacrifices) to the uled for early September. Of this, OHA ty members and military personnel. military. Trustee and Wai 'anae resident Frenchy DeS- At the outset, Prueher, who wanted the This is an oto said, "I have lived to see the day where community to understand the military, said example of the highest ranking officer in the Pacific has "We don't want this to be adversarial. The the military invited me to come and talk story. That's an bottom line is we need to train our men and flexing its amazing first step." women. We ask them to risk their lives for muscle. Adm. Joseph Prueher, commander in chief us alL" We're made of the Pacific Command, conducted the two- The Wai'anae community members had to feel guilty hour meeting attended by Governor Ben ample opportunity to share their views on the about not Cayetano, DeSoto, Mike Wilson, chairman cultural, spiritual and historical significance supporting of the Department of Land and Natural of Makua valley and beach. Glenn Kila, a you, but our Resources, former DLNR chair Bill Paty, descendant of Kahale' ula, a kahuna in the own children ..,..- o c T o B E R Contemporary • Cheryl Tsutsumi • Hula concert Hawaiian CD • looks at three • features Mapuana • • de Silva's Halau bridges • Hawaiian • Mahala 'Ilima • makers and how • cultures in "E • • and friends. Ho'i MaC' by • they're using film : • Calendar. Jon, Randy • to convey their • Page 15 and Steve. • messages. • • Page 8 • Page 10 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............. ··················.. OBITUARY LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ALoha to Kahu I BOARD OF Ka leo Kaiaulu TRUSTEES Abraham Akaka BISHOP ESTATE of Budget and Finance (responsi- I am a graduate of the Kame- ble for payment of valid claims). Clayton Hee hameha Schools, and my response This is like asking the dog, the CHAIRMAN & TRUSTEE, O 'AHU to the goings on of the Bishop dog's lawyer and the dog 's Abraham Aiona Estate has been pain. In this accountant if the dog is liable for biting the cat. I do not hear Mr. VICE-CHAIR & TRUSTEE, MAUl world, there exists a dark veil of inhumanity . Keeno stating that he is "truly Rowena Akana I was brought up to believe that sorry" for those claimants who TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE labn Akaka dedicated bls life to Hawaiians were edified by the will be denied compensation servng Akua, the ll,awallatt pe0- because of the working group's Billie Beamer ple and tile entire community. sprit of aloha. In order to have TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE aloha, one has to practice it daily. unfairness and bias. The NHLC has prevailed in A. Frenchy DeSoto I heard recently that a faculty 89 TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE member whom I esteemed to be an percent of its cases because our excellent teacher was let go. My arguments were supported by ev i- Haunani Apoliona treasured memories of this man dence and established legal princi- TRUSTEE-AT-LARGE date from over 20 years ago. I ples. The law and the facts speak Moses K. Keale Sr. remember standing on the first for themselves. The better person TRUST££, KAUA'I '& Ni'.HAU floor of Pili Hall looking at the accepts defeat gracefully and Hannah Kihalani Springer' panoramic view of Honolulu every . moves on. TRUSTEE, ISLAND moming before school started and 0>lette Pi'ipi'i Machado enjoying the chilled fresh air and Melissa WL. Seu TRUSTEE, MOLOKA'• .& LANA'I the enraptured sounds of the Ora- Staff Attorney, NHLC torio Messiah. This staff member never neglected to play the music MAKUA ADMINISTRATION through every day from beginning Randall Ogata to end. My first class began with AND MARINES ADMIN.STRATOR him, the study of anthropology. Why did the U.S. Marines Published by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Why did the system, which I "retreat" from their plan to invade Public Information Office revere, fail him and many others Miikua beach, but then let every- Before taking his posi- like him? I am not judging the one know they would be back Ryan Mielke by Paula Durb i n PUBUC INFORMATION OFFICER tion atKawaia'hao'in Bishop Estate trustees or blaming with another invasion plan later? Pastor emeritus of Kawa- 1951, l<aiju Akaka served them. I pray that our people can If the Marines were truly con- Jayson Harper return to the basic tenant of our iaha'o ChUrch, Kahu Abra- in churches ttirou,ghout the, vinced that an invasion would be PUBLlCATtONS SPECIALIST culture, practicing aloha. Nana I ham Kahikina Akaka died state, beginning on Kaua'i. · wrong, would an invasion in the Ka' Pono 0 Iesu Christo. Manu Boyd Sept: 10 at Queen's Hospi- He was ordained in future be any less wrong? If they Durbin want to look like the "good guys," Paula tal of complications from Waimea and perfonned his' Richard Kua'ana, Honolulu PUBLICATIONS EDITORS they should clean up the unex- an aortic anemysm.
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