\ R. 1 · Jewish Historic al Association 11 130 Sessions Street P rovidence , RI 02906 RHODE ISLAND THE ONLY ENGLISH -JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. I. AND SOUTHEAST MASS. VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 51 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1982 30e PER COPY Israel Mourns Aliza Begin And Israeli Blast Victims JERUSALEM (JTA) - Aliza Begin, other officials to visit the homes of some of wife of Premier Menachem Begin, was the victims. buried on the Mount of Olives Monday. Prayers for the blast victims were The private service, attended by family recited this morning at the Western Wall members and close friends, coincided with and psalms were read. At 10 a.m. local a n ·onal day of remembrance for the 75 time, sirens sounded all over the country • Isr I military and civilian personnel and at all military bases and outposts to killd iri an explosion which destroyed signal a minute of silence in memory of the Israe i military headquarters in Tyre, dead. All places of entertainment were south Lebanon last Thursday. closed and newspapers were filled with Mrs. Begin died early Sunday morning black-border accounts of the deaths and of heart failure at the age of 62. She had with death notices. been hospitalized for a respiratory ail­ A special memorial session waa held by ment. News of her death reached Begin in the Knesset, attended by Navon. It was Los Angeles where he was about to deliver opened by the Speaker, Menachem a major address at the 50th anniversary Savidor, who said that Israel had gone into General Assembly of the Council of Jewish Lebanon "to root out evil" but apparently Federations. He flew home immediately had been "affected by the curse and the for the funetaJ and is in mourning. sins of the land and its internecine Aides said that during the 20-hour flight violence." he remained secluded in bis compartment Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, speak­ on the Israel Air Force jet, and silent. He ing for the government, used the occasion was greeted at his Jerusalem home by to reply to the wave of doubts and President Yitzhak Navon who expressed questioning of Israel's presence and pur­ condolences and left. pose in Lebanon that have spread in the Although the rites were not public, the wake of the Tyre disaater . The nation of congregation attending Mrs. Begin's Israel has been through far worse funeral was large. It included Cabinet vicissitudes he said " but people did not ministers, Knesset members, the Chief of keep asking ' how long more?' and 'what Elizabeth Berger beckons a subtle come hither to the Silent Auction featured at the Staff and several senior army officers as will.be?"' 1f there was questioning in the Preview Gala of A Show of Hands Cra~s Fair. Proud dad Ramon Berger, executive well as many of Begin's former un­ past, "people then knew the answers," he di.rector of the Jewish Community Center, stands by. (See page 8). derground comrades in arms. As the cor­ said. "They knew that Israel had to stand tege wound through the streets from the firm and not conc~de it.s just cause." Sanhedri,a quarter to the Mount of Olives, Labor Party chairman Shimon Peres, it was joined by many ordinary speaking for the opposition, said he would Perce lays, Cohen To Be Ho nored Jerusalemites. not enter into polemics during this mourn­ Meanwhile, messages of condolences to ing session. "The bonds of death and By Jewish Theological Seminary the Begin family poured in from around bereavement bind the nation strongly the world. Many were from heads of states, together," he said. "We are united around Abraham M. and Natalie F. Percelay history of Seminary activity in New diplomats and American Jewish leaders. our freedom and this is no mere literary and Bernard C. Cohen will be honored by England that the National Community Navon also offered condolences today in conceit." the New England Friends of the Jewish Service Award will be presented to a hus­ the name of the people and the State of Chief of Staff Gen. Jl,ifael Eitan issued Theological Seminary at the National band and wife. Israel to the families of the Tyre blast vic­ an order of the day pointing out that the Community Service Awards dinner at the Cohen, president of the Granite tims. He observed that they include soldiers, border police and security of­ Park Plaza Hotel in Boston on the evening Cooperative Bank in Quincy, has been ac­ Druze, Circasians and Bedouin's as well as ficials who died in Tyre had been on a mis­ of Nov. 21, 1982. tive in many civic and charitable organiza. Jews. Navon spoke at a ceremony of the sion to ensure the security of Israel and ,Percelay is a past member of the Boards tions over the years. He has served(as past Falasha community on Mount Zion as normal life in Lebanon. of Temple Emanu-EI, the Jewish Home for chairman of the Real Estate and Trades they were celebrating the ancient festival The death toll stands at 89 - 75 Israelis the Aged and Miriam Hospital in_ Division of the Combined Jewish of Sigd, marking the desire of Ethiopian and 14 Arabs. There were 56 injured in the Providence. He was the first chairman for Philanthropies., He has been a member of Jews to return to Zion. Later he joined blast. Sixteen Israelis and two Lebanese the Jewish Theological Seminary in Rhode the Board of Directors of Congregation were still under treatment today at a Haifa Island more than thirty-eight years ago. Mishkan Tefila in Chestnut Hill, Mass., Greenwald Receives hospital. The cause of the explosion which At the request of Israel M. Goldman, and has supported the following organiza­ HARi Service Award leveled the seven-story building housing first Rabbi of Temple Emanu-EI in tions: Hebrew College, Brandeis Univer­ Israeli military and civil administration Providence and Max Arzt, Vice­ sity, The Solomon Schechter Day School, Sidney "Bud" Greenwald, Chairman of headquarters in south Lebanon remained Chancellor of the Seminary, he became the State of Israel Bonds and the Boston the Board of Trustees of the Miriam Hos­ a mystery. Although experts who ex­ the first chairman for the Jewish Aid to the Blind. pital, received the Hospital Association of amined the blast site are inclined to Theological Seminary in Rhode Island Rhode Island's Distinguished Service believe it was accidental, sabotage has not s_ome 38 years ago. Aided immeasurably by Elizabeth Kaplan Speaks Award at the Association's 50th Annual been ruled out. ll,ibbi Israel J. Kazis, the drive launched Meeting on November 4, 1982 at the then has been repeated every year since, On Nuclear Issues Sheraton-Islander in Newport. Greenwald U.S. Diplomat To Speak ever reaching a higher goal. ''The dangers of nuclear technology and was presented the Distinguished Service Of Natalie Petcelay, it baa been said what we, as Jewish women, can do to Award by HARi Chairman Benjamin R. At Temple Emanu-EI "she serves practically everywhere." A counteract them," will be the focus of the Sturges "in recognition of his personal On Friday evening, November 26, woman of remarkable kindness, warmth Career Women's Affiliate's next general achievements and contribution to health Temple Emanu-El will welcome its re- and community concern, she is active on meeting on Thu"'ilay, Dec. 9 at 7:30 p.m. -care and the health of.the people of Rhode turning college students with a special many frol)ts." She has contributed inuch at the Jewish Community Center, 401 Island during the past 20 years." service and program. Late Friday Eve to the Providence Hebrew D~y School and Elmgrove Avenue in Providence. The key- A member of the Miriam Hospital Board Services, in which a number of collegians she is a past chairman of the Temple note speaker, Elizabeth Kaplan, is the of Trustees since 1962 and Chairman will participate, will begin at 8:10 p.m. Emanu-El Museum. She has been on the Office Coordinator with "Women for a since 1979, Greenwald was honored as a Following this service, there will be a spe- board of the Bureau of Jewisl\ Education. Non Nuclear Future," a Rhode Island hospital board chairman who "baa under- cial Oneg Shabbat and speaker in the She has served Hadassah in many Organization. She haa beeri with it since stood and committed himself unstintingly Alperin Meeting House. Ms. Rose Berstein, capacities and she is a past president of the its inception in 1980. Kaplan is also on the to the fullest responsibilities of hospital daughter of Temple Emanu-El members, Temple Emanu-El sisterhood. She was a programming, steering and educational and trusteeship in all its dimensions, con- Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Berstein, will speak past campaign chairman for the General committees of this organization. sistently focusing on effective, com- on The Current State of Relations Between Jewish Committee, the forerunner of to- passionate patient care as the- ultimate America and Israel. Ms. Berstein, who is day's Federation and she also served for The Social Action Committee of the goal." currently the Director of the American many years as a member of the Board of CWA has organized this program. Its co- Greenwald was chosen to receive the Cultural Center, serves diplomatically as that organization. ordinator is Ada Winsten and the other 1982 Distinguished Service Award by an the Assistant Cultural Attache and Sec- A woman of unusual accomplishments, Committee Members are: Alice Eichen- anonymous selection committee comprised ond Secretary of the American Embassy Mis.
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