THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Host Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County ^SEVENTH YEAR—No. "34~ pubilahed WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, MAY 2, 1957 Every Thursday 32 P«gei—10 Cents ien To Honor High School Band Schedules Varied Program Offered By Special Events Griffin At Pops Concert For May 17, 18 175-Voice HTHS Glee Club Will Mark Music Luncheon The Westfield Senior Hig Margaret Morgan, Paul McLarty School Band, under the directioi The Holy Trinity High Schoo will be portrayed by Mary An ory Anthony Negri, Kenneth Scott Glee Club will give its annual Zukowsky, of the junior class. Week Observance of Robert Banks, will present th Marjorie Wilson, Carol Zeis. fcnator Crane sixth annual pops concert Frida' spring concert in two perfor. The program is as follows: Alto clarinet, Douglas Eaton mances, tomorrow night and Sun- Full choir; "Mary's Lullaby," b and Saturday, May 17 and 18, ii bass clarinet, Dyann Corbett Schools, Churches Be Speaker the high school cafeteria t day night at 8:15 o'clock in th Noltrj; "Madonna's Prayer," b Thomas McGeary; bassoon, Vir High School auditorium, Anderson; "Terra Tremuit," b To Have Programs Wednesday Noon 8:30 p.m. ginia Clarkson; alto saxophone, The following pupils will partic The 175-voice choral group un. Carturan; "Unfold Ye Portals Betty Ann Garner, Joyce Picker- der the direction of Sister Ro; (from the Redemption) by Gou- For Pupils, Public ublican women who were ac- pate: Flute, Helen Blackwood, Su> ing, Robert Thompson; tenor sax- Merrill, Carolyn Pollard, Doroth Perpetua has arranged a diversi nod. j the campaign for the pri- ophone, James Duncan, William Red program. Junior glee club: Freshmei Programs have been planned'for iiomination of Irene T. Grif- Schneider; clarinet, John Ahlfelc Goldsmith; baritone saxophone, Wpstfield in observance of Na- David Alles, Larry Botts, Pau The concert will open with the "Chimes of Spring," by Lincke [the General Assembly, are Barry Lehlbach. national anthem, followed by the "Fairy Flues," by Tschaikowsky tional Music Week from Sunday a victory luncheon Carlson, Edward Clements, Donal Trumpets, Joel Bernstein, Har to May 12. The keynote of the Dixon, Patricia Flanagan, Joa full choir singing "To Our Lord "Sleepy Head," by Macbrae ay at 12 noon at the Chi vey Douglas, Nicholas Bailey, Say- and Mary," by Dom Gregory Mur- "Little French Clock," by Kountz. celebration is "Life Means More jiateau, Route 22, Mountain- Foster, Alan Gaudette, Bruce Gra- lor Cresswell, William Fletemeyer With Music." ham, Betty Keith,.Edwin Mampi ray,' in a scene entitled "Tableau Sophomore girls, "Persephone's Thomas Fleming, Alice Heiple, of the Madonna." The Madonna Return," English Morris Dance; The schools and some churches jon County's legislative dele- Paul Neuer, Alan Pearlman, Alan "Greencleeves," 16th Ccntur; will hold special musical events. consisting of Senator Ro- Peterson, William Schultze, David Alr; "Smiling Dawn," Handel. The elementary schools will eon- Williams. —Westfleld Studio* . Crane (Westfleld), Assem- Teen Road-e-o Boys glee club: "Give A Man duct assemblies at which th* i G. Clifford Thomas (Eliz- French horn, David Haworth Membcri of the local mental health fund drive review Mayor H. Emerson Thomai' 'proclamation •stabliihinf mental health month Musical Club A Horse Ho Can Ride," by O week's meaning will be explained Carlyle W. Crane (Plain- baritone horn, Nancy Byam, Ja; now being obierred. From left to right are Mrs. J, Stevens, iouth. Hara; "Sometimes .1 Feel Like to pupils. Schedule difficulties hare md William K. Vanderbilt Heatly, Jean Tobey; Trombone forced the senior high school to/' Plans Complete side chairman! John E. McAuliffe Jr., drire chairman; D. E. Plans Program Motherless Child," Negro spirit- nit) and their wives and Terry Bentley, Alton Brown! ual; "Short'nin1 Bread," Folk hold some of its programs after George Butterfield, Robert Jaco- Staub, commercial chairman, MM. 1. Hornbeck, north tide chair- Eriffin are to be honored, man, and Mr.. H. L. Monier, residential chairman. song; "I've Grown Accustomed to the actual week. ktor Crane will give the key- Public, Invited bus, Mary Macfarland, Malcolm Samuel Carmell To Her Face," and "I Could Have Roosevelt Junior High School, address. His topic will be To Event Sunday MacKenzie, William Mozealous, Tax Rate For'57 Danced All Night," by Lerner and will celebrate with a spring festi- s Ahead for Success in No- Daniel Pearce, Elizabeth Wald- Conduct Ensemble Loewe from "My Fair Lady." val May 10. Elm Street School chen. ' Proclaims Mental Crane, a resident of Final plans are being formulat- 70 Points Higher Mixed gleo club: Theme, Scot- plans a music festivil Mir 19 Jeld, is owner and publisher Tuba, Alan Fisher, Tim McAl (Picture on •>••• 2) tish Airs. "There's Whistle in the under the direction of Mrs. John' ed for the third annual Teen-Age lister, Robert Molster, Jon Teeple {Elizabeth Daily Journal. He Road-e-o by the Westfleld Junior W»tfieU'i 1957 tax ratt Health Month The Westfield Musical Club has Jhisftle" (with 'Hjighlahd Fling McDermott and Walton Burrita. ien a member of the New string bass, Wayne Smith; percus- haa been officially tet at 7.79 announced that Samuel Carmell danced by Barbara Schwalenberg) The Rev. Dr. George W. Vol- - Chamber of Commerce, local spon- sion, Paul Burbage, Robert Heras Senate since November, sor of the event. The Jaycees hay per $100 of aliened valua- violinist, will conduct the Musical and "Roamin' in the Gloamln'." kel is presenting an organ recital " |He serves as a member of Frank Isoldi, Arthur Lepow, Jame tion. Mayor Urges Club instrumental ensemble at the in the Presbyterian Church. Sun- announced that Walter Hansgen Seeley, Sue Ullrich; tympanl Senior glee club: ','To Music," blowing Senate committees: local Jaguar dealer and sport ca Broken down, the rate ii annual Music Week open meeting day. He will play works of Back- ~ pture, conservation, and eco- Charles Eddy. $4.91 for ichooli, $1.02 for . Fund Support to be held at Woodrow Wilson as well aa French and American * racer, who last week challenged Officer" nt the band are: Presl- (Please turn to page 2) development; education; the teen-agers to beat his Road- municipal purpoiae, $.95 for School, Saturday evening, May 11. selections. and interstate relations; Union County, and the re- Residents of Westfleld were The program to be presented e-o score, has driven through th< (Please turn to page 2) urged today by Mayor H. Emer- Samuel (Jarmell will direct the :.' I safety, defense and vetcr- course and that his score will be tern (or uncoll.cled taxe( by the ensemble Includes the "Con Musical Club chorua and the club't .. it 9.91. The rate ii an in- son Thomas to support the 1057 certo Grosso in D Minor" by (fairs; revision and amend- posted before the contest starts a' Mental Health fund campaign Original Musical instrumental ensemble in' a con- f laws. He is also a member 1:30 p.m. Sunday. Mr. Hansgen create of 70 pointa over 19S6 Vivaldi and the "Suite in B Minor cert Sunday, with 'the achool rate jumping which will bo conducted during for Flute and String Orchestra1 administrative committee won the first sport car race of thi Bell Telephone the week of May 6 by the Union Mayor H. Emerson ThomM !*•-. Jes and order and the Sen- season at Lime Rock, Conn., 'las' 75 point! and the county one by 1. S. Bach. Helene Reiter, a To Be Staged mod the following proclamation' point while the municipal County Association for Mental club member, will play the flute |iint Committee on Financial Sunday and will be present at the Health. n regard to National Music Week: >< Road-e-o to talk ti> the contest Seeks Rate Hike purpoiei rate dropped It. The solo parts in the Bach selection. Whereas, through the centuries j; entrants and to see his score at reierve againat uncollected The Westfield campaign which Mr. Carmell, now a resident of Invite Public To music has been the expression of '•• ations have been extended tacked by the teen-agers. tanei increased five point!. civic minded local citizens have Highland Park, until recently was PTA Production feeling and entertainment for., all , rallied to help Is a part of a «oun concertmaster and assistant con- L F. V. Lowden, county com- New Schedules copies, and has furnished a com* r The public is invited to witness ty, state and nationwide drive for ductor of the Baltimore Symphony I Republican chairman; Boy Filed With PUC Washington School PTA will mon language that Is underitdoe) , chairman of the county the teen-agers perform in the Annual Auction funds to be used in the fight Orchestra. 'He is presently in San and enjoyed universally, and ' '- Road-e-o at the south side muni against .mental illness and the pro- present a musical comedy "Elms- Jlican executive committee; Juan, Puerto Rico, where he was vllle, USA" In the school audito- "Whereas, music has become; Elisabeth Arthur, first vice cipal parking lot adjoihing the Tho New Jersey Bell Telephon motion of mental health. invited to • participate in the Fes- •ailroad station. After taking a Co. today filed with the State rium Friday and Saturday, May more essential In the llvei of our - ' of the county commit- Starts Saturday "Mental Illness Is considered our tival of Music, together with a 10 and 11 at 8:30 p.m. The book young people and is a definite part"., erson Thomas, state Re- written test of their driving knowl- Public Utilities Commission new No. 1 health problem," Mayor selected group of instrumentalists edge, thefyoung drivers will be re- rate schedules deslgnod to in was written by Mrs.
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