1860-12-20, [P ]

1860-12-20, [P ]

jPOMMEHaUU SPECIAL NOTICES. 9. M. ABOfii. 1, ,y „ _i- . _ AijBas Dr. J. H MeLCAM'B €l)c <&atc CUn Luily <JAT* CivvOroiM,! **WP CHBISTMAS AND DEW YUR'S stremtueni.w ctiRDiu h bim prrjnti K«;kak, Dee. 17. f l^aritj Kki|»saentk« W. li. AU8T1K & CJO., Tbe Greatest in tke Weria FLOUtt^-iiBperfin*,$t 00 \ Spring wheat, ex­ Ufr"ui tbe bt, Limls I>eraocrit«| A«l> TB8 «orr TilURSDA Y MORXfNU, DEC, 20, tra, $2 40, Fall wheat,extra, $8 2ft. .. ~ * 'ft ttaitoQiaUiug tosae the krga quantities of &EL1CIOU* A141> DKLltiiiiKUL W.ltDlAL BKAN AN0 AI10KTS, SOio 60 perlW. ' • Mo Lean'is Strengthening Cordial that are shii>p>v| E'lJESENTS! avaa TAKftM. : KLtfiidk Vu.lurfK E, " fiROCEfi8, IHttnsUMMiiiHh CO K N —20 tA 22c. daily to diff^reut |arttcf the oouu try. It is scarce* aaitrsfHable ( otr (nlM Open from T$ m.m. tof-p, m. On Sundaysfrom ly throe UiOLtbs air"*o this artirlc was first iutro •twtM ay MMeiNtlla* 8 to 9 a. m. BARl.KV~f«pr»ng40«45e Moftu# Beets I tHi«aa«, Wil EAT.- In g.x,d doirnxd. fall 80 to Mf~ duoed, and now }ulgii>,; from aa rapid sale, i'. ia HO.««»MAlR-ST., t)ir». V« i m iHo^.i daily abbiva l'a*n 0»*Abtubbs or trk mails. 1mm4 Beet, ItiM k fcaat.' Spring fi5c } eboice de. W» known and aiqiTcedited over the -whole KT«»;ein SM»a#»«aut. «KI rW •astern Mai* arri ves at £ p. m.t and duces at ft country. • -•'> •- • ' ' ry Bmi aae UaaA*Ue« OA'IH—18«, dull. - KXOKU ...IOW A a. IB. fcvtry drugftit, dry good* or grocery mcrchuut MBfWt* rtt.Lonl* and Southern Mails atrir* it I p. in. IIY K—*57 to 40 ; in good dc-mai.d. 6. tl«» Tb« ittlrf .illfi S. BRIDGES naili»i er(»«H 't ror • POTATOK8—18 to 20 by the load>retail 20* - iviilting <>ur city sliould be sure to obtain a *up|>l£ aodoloseat 6 a. m. ALWAYS HATE OSt HAND A •Mt i't>#f«etrrk ( th T- tiROCKKlES—New Orleans Htjgar, fair Ta< of thiv t'ordiai. Xt is just tiio thing required te eaftiivam MtMiHMlgisi, ailnaM *•* ~Bf Hannibal and Bt. Joaeph Mails arrive %tfi p. m. strengthen and iovigorato.Ahote who are weak aod HAG RECEIVED ^ *r«<eetaf aa«ttai««s.»a. and close at 0 a. m. priiao 8 to V, elarittud ValO, crusLeU and loaf Large and Wail*ael(cied ai*elc <ef H UlNMMfUirtt. aaS IOe llto 12. Molaasee—Plantetioa 36to4fle,8.1J.3I debilitated. »«a« laaatlOili taaaOy Quiaey Maij arrives at 6 o'clock p. IB. and efesea ARB NOV Olf'F.lts a LAIluiiltOCt; far U« 4'v at 8 a.m. to 40, UoldttD tiyrup»65 to 70o. Ocffee—Klo 1.'j) Sao udvcrtisoioant, in another eolaaan. 8TAPLR AND FANCY IVlTAULE roit saaaa mwa, wit idtr - to 16»* Java IV to 20c. Uagayra, to 16 to 17. Kice, I>oo. 17 dAw l«*S«J»* *uh,Mflae«a« A North Iowa and Northern Illinois Mail* arrive at SvktUaaa^ t»Tati4 %» H P- TO - and close at 6 a. m. 6a6i /' licMliner Virtues. :S4 forr faking.k*aHfct*4,trm*k Carthago and Plymouth Math arrive at $ p. m. SOAP—Palm <£«, family »ic; Oefaai,(Cln. - 4from the Paris (til.) («lob«, April 18* It,3 G ROCERIES. Christnias and New Year's Gifts! ittcLean'm Ktrcngtlit'iitng ( ureiat and close at ft a. ra. t«s ?i.> It i» a fact, well authootlcatod h«re as mu ll aa Will effect jaliy euro Liver Cootpifl'.nt, Dy»| epelB. CANDLie8~8tat>trtO 18, tHooylve IS, Mob14 laatiice, ''fcronic or Nervous Deoiiujr, dieess^a ua Westorn Mail wWu at 7|*. *».• aad olosea at eUcwhere over the State, and indeed the obole CONSISTING *T 'be K-iuneys. nnd atldlscases arising fTom a disnr- 7 a.m. 12 to Wet tern country, that Slonn's m«diin©« have <>b- ierca Btom.tcii or livsr dyspepsia, hearUnm . in- Charleston (tri-weekly) Mail depart# on Mt$-J 1.ARD-9 to tO; retail 12fe. tHincJ a wide-spread ccicbrity as d Ter-u'atiwn, to Pl*l», FIkII. - - warn piloa, acidity or sickn«s^of t ke»toB»a^h, fnll- T.UTZBB—CuoiBiuo B to 10 ; Cfoleo i2| to U i EW mAfknin . i.e^rof bio< d to ih^' head,dull puin oi swimming ife days, Wednesdays and Fridays at 0 o'clock a. m., which they arejustly ontitiaJ, £ur their "sealingN iia-;iCKiNC>^ WATCHES, th > iiead, palpitution of heart f ullru-»> or weight and arrives on Tuesdays, Thursday*and Saturdays retaU virtues" and powers. We are set among those <oi>mmi, m th-' Ktouiach, four ernctation*, . i.king or *uf- at 7 o'clock p. in. LB \T1!KR —Sole 26 to28e| Harness 2?|. ; who are proue to tniurss every patent bumbrg Jult received direct from New York, anl tor sale Anor^ean, Engliih and Geneva Watchea, W lOc.'t-.ng feeling when lying uowr, drynesr or yei- iiiDK8-^l»ry 8 to9; Kftcn, 4S«; gfMB i%ie{) low, by the pookage or at retail, by tioli an 1 Silver Ca*ea, selected with 0110 art >U lowneai'of tbeakia and eyec.nipl.i i«mi< , inwaid RICH A ED McALUfflSa. P.M. that come* along, and in this instance we have de- W. li. AUSTIN' A CO., pelt^ 40 tt> Tbc ; grc* n h<rg skins 26. warrant jd to perform correctly. pain in the total! <1 the itack, eh«#t or sidO|» Dee.Sth,l m. Ijyd uur cadorseuient until we have been able to decl7d*W 11H Main-st. oldeii CtKibe.- of bea! .depretsion of spirits irighjt- 11 AY —^rairit $5 60 to ffi; liiaotby Jk 11 unga maUti a*iuran<-e doubly aur<, not onJy ty lest'rtg' fal dreauiS, lunpmr, >lt J>{Kaxlt ncy or anr wrrv«OB Failed all Hound. rian,|di*tb $t0| Bailed do. $11 to $!2ilteta!l,$l4 JKWILllY. liteafti, ?ores or v»iotchc;' on tbei>kin,and Jever aiw th^na pi-reonally our<clve»,but from the testimony ague (orctiillf and fever.J So fi«#s at all last night. Tht Ptynootfc to li> " A a rrjiLcr^u-- portion oX the coiumuuity living Flonis Flonr. 1 LadU''ChaM. liiin and <J tisrd rffcb'DS.—Hungarian dratt ZSaSt^lioiotby,$l fpIIK best brands of Kali and Hpring Wheat Fob Cht :n» Jcr (jt otlemen. In Btru^^aa and (»tain OVER A MILLION OF T;OTTLF8 around ua. have been sold uuriu^ the latit six. uoubf, axiil ^ mail, due at 5 p. in., en we up mioiiog— 1 I- l.ol'K, fcxirBf aiwayc uu hand, a:»d for Uold —i at#, l'ins and Eitr-rirge Iii wrai. Canto. 60 to 1 70; Flax Head, 00*J! ON, sale LOW by 4 w> instance has it failed to Rtve< ntir<> ^faet'ma* probably Btuck ia the Illinois prairies. Tit© dcusioaa a.utvertiaemeatin another column <f -Lava, It iina:> nud I lort'iitirie Mo uic, Pearl and Wb«, then, will. uffei IroB» weaves# or tsliN IHU ES \yuions, M to8r» , Effgf, 12| to IS. dec 17 w ir A^;TIN ACO. fiaraet, Jet and llatr, in se's and half «et«. Itru* Hawk eye, due at 6 p. m., bad "no report** thtepa(«i tl>ec. 17 d6ft Wl} when MeLean'n Str«-tthenlrg Corrttal will cute Jfc*. !.»rh,IOc to I6e; ttlit* Ueanr, 70 t<»80. can,Pit.in, Bngravei and Fancy Settings. the in ? No langnag* convey an Idea the iBS- —telegraph line down. Tbc Palmyra atsgt FKUll- Urledsjj^lea, 1 20 tu 140 |>«r both Ihe Vertlcte( the sick. -- tuodiate and alo.osi *tut*li c rhene^ nr«'<iu^> d by bad not arrived at 0 p. m.—probably lost Is Orieii pe»oiwS,S3 2fr. Ao 2&0j HaiaiBa, $S H0(o Letters from dyspeptics, in every State, aro con?, ; FreshOyNters- taking I hi,- eordtaiin iUc uth. toted abd 8 24. tinually rtceived by the proprietor* of Hostetter'f THE IlEf^T P>HANI'S OF —I iR A C KIi F/rS- «hatterc I rervou .«ye!»iu. whether broken uownhy hunting tbe lower road. Cob brai<teil*6>u>mac.h Bitt<-r», exprc<sing in mott Etrn> ;an, Plain, Fn»:rattd and Chain Bracelets. excess, wf.ik by nature, < r mp^'ted by riekm»S0| Thun South Carolina may have aeoeded on CHFRSB'—W. R.1U12J; Denmark 9 to If. Eofrnv.'d. Plain and rtia^r.l Dands. Jet and Hair th<ri«lai«Hl ant unstrung pram is i ion is rasiOtO# fcEiOJt'—Ha?±«j gro»»; 3e to 4$c per quarter. cotbusiattic terms their eonflder>ce is that eelelrs- FairhaTen Oymters, liraeclc-.•*, A large arsorluiviit. to its pristine hcaitii and vigor. the 17th or 18tb, and tbe Uniun gone to till KKP—12 tO t . |.. 00 ^ head. t#"i reHt'jrativ.'. ThewriUrs dsffur^ ia th»ir modes AS WJtLL AS MAltUlEu IEUSON9, umnah, and we don't know it. Blisaful ig­ 1 •r other* conseiout * f Inability irom whatsrweanfO UOUS.—Unused $4 00 to |6 t'O* of bu' tbty hreatL- but one seniiment. wtl' find McLean'.•« Strong th. r tug Cordial a thsf* J 1h 1 #4,wwM< 6t< h v bten ilaltiuiorc Oystei% RINGS. norance. But we are aorry thAt wo oaa't J>ALT-O.A.,$l 48 t-u I to perISA } -* aaiw- - * '• ^ * ® derived by fhain >nj, Opal, Pearl, ituby, Oamet, Engine ough regenerat" r r>f the s»s'> m, and all wLr> tnay relieve Uocle Johnny's anxiety.

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