01-This Year-In-Paris-Bo

01-This Year-In-Paris-Bo

LONELY PLANET. c ]] X`^ [cXZ] \`] X]c`, `bXca 6 #%" " -# $('-&'4 \ $#&'1 ..............................121 [ 2'#! #( % ........................8 ((,-… ...........................................124 # "'1 ........................................ 22 ) -"4 6(,- " % ..................... 24 `$"0 % ............................. 126 #% , '#, \ 4 4… ........................ 32 ^ && $# 4 '# "### ........................................ 34 \%" Z( 1% .................................. 126 Z&$ '"# ......................................... 35 6(% 6-Y 1 ...................................... 127 !"# $('-&' .................. 36 #"!%'% %"0 % ......... 129 %2, " !#"'" Z 1 1....... 133 ((,- $,' "4 ............39 Z&' 4 [#&'#,"0 ) -"4 ...............................40 % ................................................... 137 Arc de Triomphe ................................46 &'%# ...............................................140 Notre Dame ........................................50 6'"& %' .............................140 Musée du Louvre ............................... 56 "-_%!" ]#! 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