9 Automotive '• Automotive Automotive • Automotive '• Automotive '• Automotive (• Automotive '• Automotive • Automotive iUlTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ~~ For Sol* 190 For Sol* 190 For Sol* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sale 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* 190 For Sal* 190 DICK WILSON FORD Announces... A Revolutionary Selling Policy! PICK YOUR CAR . USED CARS 7-YFAR OR 24,000 MILE WARRANTY PICK YOUR PRICE! IN KEEPING WITH OUR SALES POLICY, 7 DAY FREE TRIAL EXCHANGE Regarding the pricing of our cart . So that you can make your own telection, each quality uted car hat the lale price clearly $ 00 marked on the windthield. Moit of thete cart aro equipped with 5 -$ 1599°°n brand new whitetide wall tiret and carry the official Ford A-l 2-year 499 or 24,000 mile guarantee! 1960 Falcon 2-Door Sedan With your good credit, you tell LM how much you want lo put 1962 Galaxie 500 Hardtop Radio, heater, power jteering, Radio, heater, slick shift KMG 237 down (if any), you tell ui how much you wont to pay each month. We have many wayi of tailoring your budget 10 that in many catet automatic tronjmis*ion HZF 668 1960 Falcon 2-Door Sedan you will find that you really can afford thai car you've been looking 1962 Fairlane 500 PPM 346 for!! Radio, hooter, oir conditioner DOW 029 1959 Ford 2-Door Sedan I repeat, you are your own talp-.man at Dick Wilson Ford . , . 1962 Galaxie 500 Hardtop Radio, heater, ttick <hift. rrw point DGF 349 SELECT TH5 CAR ... SELECT THE PRICE . SELECT THE TERMS . YOU'RE THE SALESMAN and you're going to tove more at ... Radio, heater, automatic lran»mi»»ion, 1959 Ford 4-Door Sedan V-8 HZF 668 Rodin, Ssotpr, outoma'K tron«rrm»ion JPB 678 DICK WILSON FORD 1961 Galaxie 1957 Country Sedan 6 Passenger Rodio, heoter, culomolic trontmittion. Rod'0, heoter, oufomatic Iranimmion GPX 473 Thi» eor, excnllnnt condition FSH 32H DEMONSTRATOR AND EXECUTIVE -$ 1699°°H $ 00 CAR PRICES SLASHED AGAIN! THtSE CARS SOLO WITH THE FORD MOTOR COMPANY 24,000 MILE 599 OR 24 MONTH CONTINUING GUARANTEE 1960 Chevrolet Impala 2 Door Hardtop V PAIR.LANf D»»>o»«tr.lor. 500 ? do M FUTURA 0»mc.R|t-,»p,, H.rdiep. F«rdcr-««a. Radio, healer, power iteering, 1959 Country Sedan Station Wagon top. Vinyl trim. Cruitom«*'r.. powar i*»^ri«q, r«- po-.r .»..r,nq. r.lr.cUbU !««• b.lll. »i«*«<) wind. Powerglid* Iraniminton OYB 401 Radio, heater, power tteering, automatic »»«-»«bl. b.lfi. <m».d windtlii.ld. »K..I cov.n pid- ik.ld. w^,.l c*..rt. p.ddtd d.ih, «Kit w.ll »ir«i, d*d <J*>I- ««d »no'l, vh,t. |,H. -,l'i Stock Na. trantmittion JOX 658 V.J. '.toeV N* 177. $2.449. 1960 Chevrolet Parkwood 6 Pass. Wagon ITS. »?.S7« 'M CORD D.norMr«ter. Fa.rl.n, Cuttem. r.nch 'M GALAXIE D»'«giit"tter. 500 J doo- kurdtap. w»qon. C'uiiom.tic, ..Iclrie ««il q«t», po»*r itf.r. Radio, heater, Powcrglidr, 1957 Ford Fairlane Hardtop lUdlc. hot..-. Cruiiomttie, pew.r it.*rif<q. PRC407. inq, rxrlio. »int»d wlnd.hi.ld. p.dd.d d.ih .nd air conditioned STK 109 Radio, heater, power iteering, automatic $:.M« v.ter V.». S»o<-l No. I7A. $2 «49. tranimiiiion INF 661 M F'JTURA D.mnmiritor. Sport Coup*. Fordo- 'M FALCON O.mon.tr.ror. Sprint h.rdtop. Ford*- 1962 Falcon Deluxe Station Wagon tr.tic pcwt tt..iinii, oowffr br.k.t, whit, tide m.tic pow.r i*..nnq. r«dio, dtlui. b.ltt tinffd wall '.ret. stock No. >W, $2.544. oindihixld, p.dd.d dflih <nd viior, whit, w.ll tir.t. New motor. Radio, heater, 1960 Plymouth Fury Hardtop 'M THUNDERBIRD D.monttr.Tor. H.rdlep. R.dio, Stock No. 137. $7.495. automatic tronimiiiion FLN 454 Radio, healer, power fleering, automatic K..r.r, Cruitomntic. enw*r it.trinq. pow.r br.t.t, '64 GALAX!E O.monitr/ilor. 500 7 door hutdtop, tranimiiiion HIY 236 .hi*, .id. II tif.i. »h..l cov.'t. OTP740 J4 099. II vinyl inlnrior. Cnmom.tic. pow^r tt.«rinq, r«- 1962 Galaxie 500 Sedan 'M G»L»X:E D.mOMtr.^r. 500 2 door H.rdtop. tr.ct.bl. int k.lh. tint.fl wlndihi.ld. p.dd.d dmk Rodio, heoter, Quito, power steering — QBV 454 V K r.rlio, h.it". Crjitom.tie pow.r it..rinq. «nd viirrl. R.mn.. mirror, b.fb-uo Uqhlt. V.|. WSii. lid. o.H ti.-.i. PRC407. $7.649. Whit..iid*-w*lli. Slock No. 179. $2 799. $69900 -$ 1899°°n 1959 Ford 9 Passenger Country Sedan 1960 Dodge Sedan 1962 Galaxie Hardtop Radio, heater, power iteering. automatic Power fleering. V-8, automatic Irorv.- 1961 Futura Rodio, heater, Crime, power Ueering. trontmiftion OOU 004 mittion, radio, heater NXR 916 Rodin, heater (itick ihift) bucko! teati Many extrat HYW 912 1960 Mercury Convertible 1962 Futura JOS 014 1963 Ford 4 Door Sedan Full power, V-S, power flp^nno,, power brnket, Bucket leolt, radio, healer, automatic Cruitomotic, V-8 Still carriet power wmdowt, power ir>ot OJW 019 tranimiiiion HYW 474 1959 Olds Holiday new car warranty — FDN 962 1962 Falcon Deluxe Sedan Radio, Hyc'ramohc. power iteering 1961 Mercury Colony Park Radio, heater, automatic tronimlition Beautiful cor OMD 44"? Station Wagon. Radio, healer, Mercomolir, ANS 241 __power Peering, power broke* OQL 358 $ 00 1960 Galaxie Hardtop Radio, hentrr, aulomalic tron^mis- 799 lion, power itcenng OES 626 OVER 1959 Chevrolet Bel Air Hardtop 1959 Pontiac Hardtop 1299- 1999°'- Radio, heater, power tieering, Powerglide. Radio, healer, Hydramalic, power KCU 923 iteering, power brake* — GFY 6S7 1961 OLDS SUPER 88 HOLIDAY HARDTOP 1962 Monza Radio, heeler, Hydrimatic, power 1961 Comet 2-Door Sedan it**rmg, air conditioner LRT SIB Radio, heater, Mick <Mt) OMF 487 Coupe 1961 THUNOfRBIRD HARDTOP 1960 Plymouth 4-Door 4-ipeed Very clean. Quality economy Full power and air conditioner. Valiant 400 Radio, htater FIX 115 tor — HLA 284 OYT 752 1963'i GALAXIE 500 "FAST BACK Radio, healer, power iteering, lir conditioning - GHU 898 1960 Continental 1961 THUNDcMIRD HARDTOP $ 00 -S1499- Full power and air conditioning. Convertible CGH 056 Full power. A real luxury car. 1961 CADILLAC COUPE DeVlllE 899 JOX 657 1960 Chevrolet Impala Full power and air conditioning. Beautiful arctic whit* - MCR 911 Radio, healer, power (leering, power 1958 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE 1963 THUNOERBIBD HARDTOP brakev Powerglide, air conditioned Full power Summer <oi — NWG 350 Full power and air conditioning. DVJ 88S 1960 Dodge Sedan LFM 499 1963 THUNOERBIRD HARDTOP Automatic troniminion, V-8 — IFF 936 1962 Galaxie Sedan Fordomolic, radio, hooter, power Full power and air conditioning. 1962 Falcon 2-Door tieering GGL S95 ONE 797 Radio and healur — GJE 687 I960 CHEVROLET BROOKWOOD 1964 THUNDERBIRD HARDTOP 6-Pottenger Wagon. V-8, radio, heal­ 1961 Plymouth Fury Hardtop 1961 Falcon Sedan er, power fleering, Powerglide Irani- Radio, heoler, V-8, power ileminq. $3899 Rodin, hraler. pirellent condition NUV 469 minion — K 27070 automatic trammmion, air condition­ 1964 THUNOERBIRD HARDTOP 1963 FALCON STATION WAGON er — JHA 583 Complel* with air conditioning. 1959 Oldsmobile '98' Holiday Hardtop Fordomatic, radio, heater — NZN 447 OPT 74» Full powrr — JLY 033 1962 FALCON DUUXE SEDAN 1960 T-Bird Hardtop 1961 Rambler Convertible Fordomatic, radio, heater — ITW 380 Full power _ PIN 676 1962 FALCON DELUXE SEDAN Rodio, healer, automatic trantmitiion. Fordomalic, radio, healer ONE 781 ALL NEW '64's . lunt real good — OHN 67] BRING IN YOUR TRADE 1960 FORD GALAXIE HARDTOP IRANP itM GtU HAND ».. IU4 '» Tan Pidup 1959 Pontiac Catalina Hardtop Cruite, power fleering, power brake*, PAID FOR OR NOT WI..U t,J«. MM Sl,l...<(.. Ill' .)».! twM Rodio. henler, nu'ernrttK trorummion, air conditioner — GVY 368 1lp««d t-<»M»U»l> ri««», duty .1.0.1 $««*! N. 1« $1,W .»r,.,, R,,,,, t.,.,1 N« W now»r tleenng NVP 954 1961 FORD GALAXIE SEDAN We can make a deal, 30-dayt to 48-monlhi IRANO M« I«M &<I<IK MB I »!«» Cruito. power fleering, power brakei, •«» H«rat*» F«i»b*ci All «.«yl HAND «.« l**4 Ftlcan I <W air conditioner — OFY 446 FINANCING iflUliw, >•*!•» fce«««r. S*e«k N«. £•«•» Suk »Mt. k*«i<( . stett 1961 FORD GALAXIE "STARLINER" )e* »Mt» No. 21*. |l ni We w<n <"t«(-e> yi-u' pureruie "•* w.y you w.nl, IRANO »•» IU4 •.««>>•'• 4 ely NOTICE —READ THIS! Cruito, power fleering, radio, heater. your r.rKi'l union, ypur bank or uw our .xcluuve •IAND ... IH4 Cuitom •«!. plyni.ru pUn l.r., 170 ••«'••• «"»t«d •"•*' i>. 1.1. J iiov v.| ««;» «. m*j«r Mlliue* Clattic ttyling — ORY 921 ,*,.ld p««<l«l eiiK 1 •>»•>< •• »!•••.»r Sled No 104 See Dick Wilton Today I Stock No HI. II. 7M Mm SEE, TEST DRIVE, COMPARE, THEN BUY FROM CALL US EASY-TO- NOW DICK WILSON FORD REACH TOLL rn«« L A. SP 2-5526 739 South Pacific Coast Highway 6 Blocks South of r- MOM i»V ARf A Torrance Boulevard FR 6-8793 REDONDO BEACH on Pacific Coast Hiway.
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