8 oPINION 03.23.10 The RetrIever Weekly Abortion and unintended consequences Time to three main sub-species; the Nordics, the Courtney Ring Alpines, and the Mediterraneans. All wake up! EDITORIAL STAFF three are good stocks, ranking in genetic worth well above the various colored rac- > from TITLE [6] Why is it that the vast majority of es.” And this is just one piece of a seem- not get involved in something that im- abortion clinics are located in poor, pre- ingly endless trail of evidence laid out by proves the world? dominantly minority neighborhoods? this documentary that the birth control The apathy on this campus is almost Why is it that black women form a movement did have its roots in a racist more than I can bear. It seems to me that small percentage of the population, yet desire to severely reduce the population there is a small collection of extremely have almost 40% of abortions? A new of the impoverished, and specifically, Af- dedicated and active students on cam- documentary entitled Maafa 21 that is rican-Americans. Amazingly, some of the pus, a large group made up of students currently being distributed by pro-life quotations date as late as 1969 and 1971, who pretend to be involved, and an even groups seeks to tackle these questions. including a taped phone discussion be- larger body comprised of students who Even if you don’t agree with all the con- tween president Richard Nixon and his simply dont care about anything. HEL- clusions reached by the documentary, chief aides over the merits of Roe v. Wade LO, you are paying for your education it does offer compelling reasons to re- in which Nixon refers to it as a measure and your time at UMBC! Why would you examine some of the value judgments specifically designed to get rid of black waste your time here doing nothing?! that we, as a society, have made about babies. Interestingly enough, last July, It gets even better. When a friend of the worth and quality of life. around the time when the documentary a friend shared with me a story of how The film, the outgrowth of an effort came out, Supreme Court Justice Ruth he was asleep in his bed while his room- by pro-life groups to galvanize support Bader Ginsburg remarked to a reporter mate was having sex on a giant bean among African-Americans, takes its from The New York Times that, “Frankly bag in their dorm room, I began to ask name from a Swahili word meaning trag- I had thought that at the time Roe was myself whether or not I should even be edy that is used to describe the impris- decided, there was concern about popu- surprised. How about opening the door onment and bondage of Africans under lation growth and particularly growth in to your room to find yourself awkwardly slavery. The “21” in the title refers to the populations that we don’t want to have staring at your naked roommate? Dis- group’s belief that this tragedy continues too many of.” Now, Ginsburg didn’t spec- turbing, I know. Then I was told by a in the 21st century in the form of abor- ify exactly which populations this nebu- close friend about an unexpected pack- tion. The film goes so far as to claim that lous “we” don’t want to have around, but age found in a hallway in Erickson last abortion is nothing more than a long- it does establish the idea that perhaps Roe semester: a pile of poop. I know weird term scheme to eliminate the African- wasn’t as much about womens’ rights as instances occur on every college cam- American population, referring over and we thought. pus, but I can’t reconcile with the ter- over to abortion is nothing more nor Second, the documentary doesn’t rible things I’ve been told. I actually feel less than a kind of genocide. Sound far- quite nail down the case that abortion is burdened knowing all this information. fetched? I thought so too, so I went and conscious genocide perpetrated against COURTESy — ZIMBIO.COM Why do students tolerate this behavior watched the documentary (YouTube is African-Americans in the present-day Maafa 21: Examining abortion through history and race. in themselves and others? an amazing creature), and there are two United States. I’m just not sure that I buy I wrote this article with the hope that I things that stood out to me. the idea that everyone who works for tad uncomfortable that an African-Ameri- and discrimination in the past? won’t be hearing any horror stories in the First, it makes a compelling case that Planned Parenthood is a closet racist. can child is 5 times as likely to be aborted In the final analysis,Maafa 21 is a very near future. You are at UMBC to experi- early abortion advocates were connected But, leaving all the questions of racism as a white child? Abortion is a highly lu- persuasive, well-researched documen- ence college as a rite of passage to adult- to the same racist elements in the eugen- and eugenics aside, shouldn’t we still be crative, largely unregulated industry and, tary about the impact of abortion in the hood, but first and foremost you are here ics movement that provided the intellec- concerned about this? Shouldn’t we be whether in a racist manner or not, abor- United States on a particular sector of the to learn. To all of those who understand tual ammunition for the Final Solution horrified that, according to a comparsion tion clinics have targeted vulnerable mi- population. What it shows most clearly where I am coming from, don’t let the policies of Adolf Hitler’s Germany. Con- of the Center for Disease Control’s 2005 nority neighborhoods (according to the is that the choices we have made as a crazies get to you! It’s easy to let things sider this quote from T. Lothrop Stod- data on leading causes of death and num- statistics I found, some 76% of Planned society do have real effects. For the sake nag at you and ruin your time here, but dard, member of the American Eugenics bers of abortions performed, the number Parenthood clinics are located in minor- of the most vulnerable in our society, just be confident with your pursuits and Association and director of the American of African Americans fetuses aborted ity areas). In deciding that the unborn do perhaps it’s time to revisit some of those go on your merry way. Even the zombies Birth Control League (which later be- is greater than the number of African not have inalienable rights to life, have choices. can’t stop you! came Planned Parenthood), in his book Americans who die from HIV/AIDS, can- we unwittingly condemned a significant The Rising Tide of Color Against White cer, heart disease, accidents, and violent part of the population that is more vul- Comments may be sent Comments may be sent to Supremacy, “...the white race divides into crime combined? Shouldn’t we be just a nerable due to socioeconomic pressures to [email protected]. [email protected]. Should Google pull out of China completely? with China-based search engine Baidu. taking responsibility for the hundreds of censorship laws placed against the The site, which looks very similar to Chinese workers that will be without a search engine. However, it would be a Google’s webpage, offers a variety of very job. dangerous idea for the company to halt similar services in a manner friendlier to Still, Google is adamant in their deci- the site’s censorship policies before clos- Chinese speakers, such as a search by sion to correct a mistake many believe ing the site. Although this move would Chinese phonetic characters. It also they made four years ago. The Chinese undoubtedly grab the Chinese govern- complies with all of China’s censorship government is currently blocking search ment’s attention, it could also put many laws. results regarding such topics as the in- of its Chinese employees at risk because Despite this, Google is still the em- dependence movements of Tibet and of their involvement with a company ployer of hundreds of Chinese citizens Taiwan, the 1989 Tianamen Square that broke their country’s laws. That and its pull-out could put many people massacre, and any sexually explicit con- decision, however, is ultimately up to out of work. Many Chinese companies tent. The company has been attempting Google. that have been advertising partners of to find a way to run an uncensored site I hope Google can live up to the con- Google are afraid that Google’s pullout that would still comply with Chinese cerns of the Chinese people. The poten- COURTESy — FLICKR.COM Cenorship, the free market and searches on Tianamen Square. will lead to a huge loss in revenue. Shut- law, but there seems to be little hope for tial effect of their pull-out will be greatly ting down Google.cn could cost the a compromise. Or is there? undermined if the company is viewed as up to its threats. The American-based company up to $500 million in revenue Google’s best bet to have the most po- willing to punish the people of China for Ryanne Milani corporation is unwilling to continue to this year alone. Concerned Chinese ad- tential effect on China’s censorship poli- their government’s mistakes. If this pull- STAFF WRITER cooperate with China’s strict filtering vertisers have written to the company to cies without causing too much damage out has its intended effects, the Chinese policies.
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