To District Magistrate & District Election Officer, Hooghly — W- Addl. DGP, Law and Order, West Bengal-w- Police, West Bengal (.) From: SP, Hooghly Rural (.) Org. No. 360/Election Cell, Hooghly Rural DT: -16.03.2021 (.) As desired, sending herewith the information regarding daily Route March! CBM activities by CAPF on 16.03.2 1 of Hooghly Rural District in c/w ensuing Assembly Election 202 las per format for your kind perusal (.) Enclo: - As stated. SuperintenJi/o'VPo1ice Hooghly Rural FORMAT D3 FORMAT FOR DAILY ROUTE MARCH! CBM ACTIVITY BY CAPF Date:- 16.03.2021 Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Total force Date of Sub (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered Block/Muni Police Distance deployed Remarks, if any District Route Divjs Time by under Route March by the Route cipality Station covered March ion ICRPFI section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ngcoy and Bn.) Covered residential area of following Rowdies cam Troublemongers- 1)Chanchal Malik, Sb- Jeeban Malik, i) 39/ 200 Chakjalal Primary School of Viii.- Batanol, P.S.- Arambagh, Dist- ii)40/ 200 Chakmadan Primary Hooghly. School 1.Panditpara 2) Chattulal Dolui 5/0- Champa Dolui Pariditpara, iii)41/200 Chakruhit Primary 2.Chakmadan l Vill.- Benga, PS.- Arambagh, Dot.- Arambag ra School 3.Dewanpara h h h Chakmadan, Hooghly. 09.00 hrs 36/200 Batanal Union High 4.Chakruhlt, h PS Chhandr Ru Chakjal Dewanpara 045ec. iv) bag bag bag Batanal 08KM CRPF Arunbera 3)Sanjay Malik S/0- Nepal Malik of vill- n to 12.00 hly al Chakruhit, C-64 Bn. School (Room-3) 5.Dhopa Para Hooghly a o hrs Chakruhit, Batanal PS.-Arambagh, Dist.- Aram Arar Aram 36A/200 Batarial Union High 6.Karmakarpara Rural Dhopa Para v) Hooghly Hoog School (H.S.) R-4) Karmakarpara ( 4)Sanjay Majhi Sb- Golak Majhi 37/200 Batanal Upendra Nan vi) ofvill-Chakruhit, Batanal PS.- Siksha Niketan Ararnbagh, Dist.- Hooghly 5) Saroj Majhi @ Kalo Kocea sb- Rampada Majhi of vill- Chakruhit, Batanal PS.-Arambagh, Dist.- Hooghly ( Signatu'-ofth- Distrid ciOfficer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner District Eteck Officer & DistriCt Magistrate, HooghY. Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route March ion covered (CRPF/ Section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ngcoy and Bn.) Covered residential area of following Rowdies cam Troublemongers- 1)swapan Jana 5/o-Lt. Radhanath lana Vill-sekhpur. P.S.- Ararnbagh,Dist.-Hooghly 2)Kuntal Maity S/o-Bijay Maity vill-Daharkardu, P.S.-Arannbagh,tist.-Hooghly (252 Gourhati l-laradas Institution 3)Ralarans Mondal 5/o-Lt. Babunarn Mondal of vill-Dakshln Daharkvnda, P.S.-Arannbagh,Dsl.- (Room no-2( l-looghly ii(252A Gourhati Haradas 4)Sunll Sarnanta 5/o-Asatosh Sarnanta of Viii- Institution (R-3( 1.Chowdhurey Para Govrhatl.11 PS-Arasnbagh Dist-Hooghly. Chowdhurey Para iii) 243/ Gourhati Prathamik 2.Hat Tala 5)Saniay 5antra 5/o-Radal Santra of VIII- ' Goorhat-Il PS-Ararnbagh Dist-Hooghly. h h h ,Hat lala,Layekpara, Vidyalaya 3.Layekpara Arambaf o 15.30 hrs Gourha 6)Ganga Porel S/o-Uttarn Ponel of Vill-Goarhati- Rura Singhapara,Chamur Borodongal 02 sec. iv) 253/ Rambazar I.C.D.S. Centre 4.Singhapara h PS Kanchgor n.j bag bag bag to 18.30 ti 07 KM CRPF Naisaral II PS.Arannbagh Oisl-Elooghly hly 0 Chak, Bazar C-64 Bn. v) 225/ Mirpara Primary School 5.Chamur Chak Hooghly ia hrs Bazar 7)Srikanta Malik Sb - Basudeb of VdI.. Sipara, Aram Aram Aram Samuipara,Panjapar vi) 213 Borodongal RN. Institution 6.Samuipara Rural ps.Ara,nbaghost. IlooghIy Hoog a Ram Para (Room'l) 7.Panjapara 8)sastl Roy S/v. Gopal ofVlll.. Slyara. PS. vii) 214/ Borodongal RN. tRam Para Ararnbagh, Dirt.. Rooghly. 915a5ti Roy Sb - Gopal of VIII.- Siyara, PS- Institution (Room-2( Ararnbagh, Dirt.- Rooghly. viii) 215 Borodongal RN. 1O)sisir Porel S/n- Rannesh of Viii.- Slyara, PS- Institution (Room.3( Ararnbagh, Dist.- llooghly. 11)tinnal Mete 5/o-Madhai Mete of Viii- Basantabati PS-Ararnbagh Dist-Hooghly 1Z)Swapan Singh S/o-Maosararn Singh of VIII- Raradongal PS-Aransbagh Dist.Hooghly. 13lRannnnohan Middye S/o-Mahadeb Middye of Viii- Baradongal PS-Arannbagh Dlst-hooghly Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature of e DiG rict Election Officer District EIectcn Officer & District Magistrate, HoghIy. Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of Sub Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks, if any cipality Station by under Route March by the Route covered (CRPF/ March ion section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ng coy and Bn.) Covered re5idential area of following Rowdies cum Troublemongers- (1) Mithun Chakrabortty Sb- Asit Chakrabortty VIII- Gobindapur, PS - (1) Gobindapur Goghat, Dist - Hooghly Panditpara (2) Surajit Santra Sb- Madhai Santra Gobindapur (1) 211- Gobindapur R. K. High (2) Gobiridapur of VIII- Gobindapur, PS - Goghat, Dist - l ra School. Singhpara Hooghly 1 h Panditpara, Badanga - 09.00 hrs Gobind t Ru 0 (3) Gobindapur (3) Srikanta Dolui Nakul Dolui of '° Singhpara, 02 sec. (2) 212- Gobindapur Paschim Sb- bag Goghat nj Bus Kokond ha w to 12.00 apur Gobindapu OS K.M CRPF m hly o 0 Koleypara, C-64 Bn. Prathamik Vidyalaya. Daspara VIII- Gobindapur, PS - Goghat, Dist - 0 hrs More r Sekhpara Stand Gog - Ara Dakshinpara, (3) 214- Gobindapur R .K. (4) Gobindapur Hooghly Hoog Uttarpara, Daspara, PrathamikVidyalaya Sekhpara (4)Sk Saiful Islam S/0-ioynal All of VIII- Gobindapur, PS - Goghat, Dint - Hooghly (5) Uday Singh Sb- Sukumar Singh of VIII- Gobindapur, PS - Goghat, 01st - Hooghly (1) 122- Ramanandapur M.Ahmed Bhatsala Pry. School (1) Sekhpara l Covered residential area of following ra (2) 122A- Rarnanandapur M. (2) Baganpara - h Muslimpara, Il t 15.30 hrs Rarnanand Kamchey Rowdies cum Troublemongers- 0 t- Gurulia Ru Bhatsal Bhatsala 04 sec. Ahmed Primary School (3) ha bag Goghat Kamchey Moridalp (1) Shahajuddiri Khan @ Gumto 5/0 Lt. ha to 18.30 apur 07 K.M CRPF m hly 0 a more Majherpara, C-64 Bn. (3) 128- Gurulia Bhatsala Pry. muslimpara Gog hrs Bagpara ara Siraj Khan of VIII.- Bhatsala. P.S.- Gog - Ara Ramanandapur School (4) Gurulia Goghat, 01st.- Hooghly Hoog Sekhpara, (4) 129 - Gurulia Bhatsala majherpara Madhyamik Sikha Kendra '\a Signature of the District Election Officer Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner ,j. FORMAT 03 FORMAT FOR DAILY ROUTE MARCH / CUM ACTIVITY BY CAPF Date:- 16.03.2021 Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force Type of deployed No. of Vulnerable Date of SUb Total force Block/Muni Police (report Polling station Nos. covered hamlets covered District Route Divis Time Distance deployed Remarks,if any cipality Station by underRouteMarch bytheRoute March ion covered (CRPF/ section March From Via To BSF etc.) PS From To mentioni ngcoy and Bn.) i) 285/Dhaldar,ga Dakrhirr Primary School ii) 2BSWohaldanga Oakohio Primary School iii) 290/Shyam Maji Bender pare Primary School iv) 290A/Shyam Mail Bander pore Primary — School Covered residential area of following v) 287/Marokhare High School, Roorri No. l h l - 09.00 hrs Khanakul ku Rowdies cum Troublemongers- ku Chandk 03 Sec. bag 1.Dhaldanga Panja Chakrap to 12.00 Dhaldanga Marokharia 09 KM lISP vi) 2B8/Marokhana High School, Room No. Khanakul Block 1. Rabin Sarddar S/O-Lt. Bhaskar am undu 18/A Rn. para, ur haria 2 o . hana K hrs More Serddar of VilI-Chandkundu, PS — .-.. Ar o K oil) 288,fMarokhana High School, Room Khanaku), Dist. — Hooghly No ciii) 289/Marokhana Maqtab Primary School iv) 286/Dhaldanga Sibtala Primary School xl 2865/Dhaldanga Sibtala Primary School oil 282/Chandkondo Bahirjagatpar Pry. School 1. 197/Madhyaranga Shri Ramkrishna Primary School l = Covered residential area of following ra tN l 2. 197A/Madhyaranga Shri — 09.00 hrs Rajhati Majhpara - Nangulp o ku Rowdies cum Iroublemongers- Ru Madhy 03 Sec. ba Ramkrishna Primary School to 12.00 Rajhati - Nandanpur 06 K.M ITBP 1. Senhat Khanakul ara Bus- Patu) 1. Palash Dwari (41 yrs) Sb 8habani hly = aranga 18/A Bn. 199/Sripur Nagendra Primary o am 3. hana hrs Dakshinpara - Sripur -C K Stand Dwari of Madhyaranga, PS—Khanakul, Ar Sc School, Room No.1 Hoog 01St — Hooghly 4. 200/Sripur Nagendra Primary School, Room No. 2 Signature of the Superintendent of Police/Police Commissioner Signature ofthe District Eleciion 0ff1cer. Programme for the next Place of Route March day Actual No. of Force T'pe of deployed No. of Vulnerable Block/Muni (report Polling staflon Nos. covered hamlets covered District t ls Time Distance depyed Remarks, if any Sec ion From Via To BSFetc.) PS From To mentioni ngcoy and Bn.) I) 290/Laxsar Brojodelal Pratharrrik Vidyolya. Laaxar, Arunda GP ii) 155/Sonatikri Ninrna Burriadi Vidyalaya, Sonatikri, Khanokul - I GP liii llsAjSonotikri Nirnna Buniadi Vidyalaya, Sonetikri, Khanokul - lop iv) 116/lJbidpur Bapoji Harijan Pratlrarrrik Vidyalaya, Ubidpur, Birlok, Khanakel - I OP v) 117/udaypor S,dheswar Prathareik Covered residential area of following Vidyalayo. Udaypur, Khanakul - lop Rowdies corn Troublemongers- or) 118/Udaypar Ninrna Bunrodr Vrdyalaya 1. Dilip Bhangi 5/0 Chandu Bhangi of (Roorrr-1), Udoypur Khanakul .1 OP l Viii - Lausar, PS - Khanakul, Dot — viiltl9/Udaypur Niorna Baniadi Vidyalaya 1 ra l La l - 15.30 hrs (Roonr-2), lidaypur, Kharrakul -lop Ramnaga Gopalna Hooghiy ku Ru Khanak Ghagharpur- 04 Sec.
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