Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies Year: 2014, Volume: 2, Issue: 1 First page: (10) Last page: (17) ISSN: 2320-3862 Online Available at www.plantsjournal.com Received: 16-09-2013 Accepted: 19-10-2013 Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies Biodiversity of ethno medicinal plants used by traditional healers in selected remote villages of Panna district (Madhya Pradesh), India Daulat Ram Gwalwanshi 1*, Amit Jugnu Bishwas 2, Deepak Vyas 3 1. Department of Botany, Dr HS Gour University, Sagar (MP) 470 003, India. [E-mail: [email protected] Tel: +91 94246 63327] 2. Department of Botany, Dr HS Gour University, Sagar (MP) 470 003, India [E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +91 97537 29090] Department of Botany, Dr HS Gour University, Sagar (MP) 470 003, India 3. [E-mail: [email protected]; Tel: +91 94250 31930] This paper presents the results of a study on ethno medicinal plants used by local traditional healers of selected remote villages, namely Ranipura, Aaramganj & Vishramganj of Panna District of Madhya Pradesh. The methods followed were based on questionnaire for documentation of indigenous knowledge. Regular interviews were conducted in local communities, to investigate local people and knowledgeable persons, who are the main user of medicinal plants. This investigation revealed that, the traditional healers used 43 plant species belonging to 35 genera of 22 families were recorded during field trips from selected villages. Among all the plant species, tree vegetation found to be most dominant followed by shrubs, herbs and climbers. In this study most dominant family was Fabaceae and leaves were the most frequently used plant part for treatment of ailment and diseases. The check list and ethno medicinal inventory was developed. Keyword: Biodiversity, Ethnomedicinal plants, Panna district, Traditional healers. 1. Introduction plateau with an average height of 350 meters. Panna district is the important stick of Among the prominent features are the Kymore Bundelkhand of Madhya Pradesh (MP). The area range and the Panna range which traverse across which has rich cover of the forest and important the southern part and the north-eastern part, river tributaries suffering from drought causes respectively [1]. reduction in the floral wealth of the region. Panna On the other hand, biodiversity is a part of our is located in the north eastern part of MP. It forms daily lives and livelihood. Every country has the the Northern district of Sagar commissioner’s responsibility to conserve, restore and sustainably division. Panna district lies between 23° 45' and use the biological diversity within its jurisdiction 25° 10' North latitudes and 79° 45' and 80° 40' [2]. The importance of biodiversity can be East longitudes. The shape of the district is understood, it is not easy to define the value of roughly triangular, tapering to the North but the biodiversity, and very often difficult to estimate it nearest portion falling at the latitude of Panna [3]. In India, many rural communities particularly town. The district is bounded by Banda district of the tribal’s obtain considerable part of their daily Uttar Pradesh in the North, Satna in the East, food from the wild plants. Some examples are: Jabalpur in the South, and Damoh and Chhatarpur Ceropegia bulbosa in Central India and Western districts in the West. It has an area of 7,135 km2. Ghats; Codonopisis ovata in Himalayan region; The whole district lies on the Vindhyachal Ardisia sp. and Meliosma pinnata in the North- Vol. 2 Issue.1 2014 www.plantsjournal.com Page | 10 Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies East; Eremurus himalaicus, Origanum vulgare area are mainly using traditional means to cure and Urtica hyperborea in Lahaul-Spiti and diseases and this asset of indigenous knowledge Ladakh; Allium carolinianum and Cicer is transferring from generation to generation only microphyllum in Kashmir and Sesuvium through verbal means of communication [10]. So portulacastrum in Coastal areas. this research was an effort to document and to The practice of using herbal treatment for preserve this folk asset. diseases dates back to the very earliest of known The main aims of present research work were: to human history. Due to contrast intimacy with explore the ethno-medicinal knowledge of local vegetation cover, primitive communities have people of selected remote villages of Panna gained profound knowledge about the utilities of district; to enlist the indigenous medicinal plants medicinal plants. They have full confidante in used by local people for common day ailments; to them and their time tested medicines [4]. Out of create awareness among the local community the total 4, 22,000 flowering plants reported from about the protection of native medicinal flora; the world [5] more than 50,000 are used for and to collect native medicinal plants of the area medicinal purposes [6]. for proper identification and future references. In India, almost 95% of the prescriptions are plant-based in the traditional systems. Medicinal 2. Material and methods plants which play vital roles in human health care Present study was confined to the identification are pharmaceutically important, and form an of ethno medicinal plants used by traditional important sector of industry having a potential healers of selected remote villages of Panna trade value of over Rs. 3,500 crores. Due to district. The study was conducted during growing recognition of natural products, non- February, 2012 to January, 2013 in three remote toxicity and easy availability, its demand is villages i.e. Ranipura, Vishramganj and increasing and thereby, its cultivation has also Aaramganj of the area. been increased [7]. People living in tribal localities Frequent field trips were arranged in order to and in villages are using indigenous plants as collect information about the folk/culinary medicines from long ago because this knowledge knowledge of medicinal plants used by the local reaches to them through generation to generation, people to cure them from various diseases. In and is based on experience [8]. Also the tribes and total of three remote villages i.e. Ranipura, villages are far away from cities and mostly there Vishramganj and Aaramganj of the area were are no health facilities. Inhabitants are extensively surveyed for research work. dominantly poor or middle class and the prices of During field trips, the questionnaire (Medicinal synthetic drugs are rising day by day and they Plants Datasheet) was used to interview the local cannot withstand the sharply rising prices of inhabitants, older people including men and synthetic drugs, so as a consequence, non- women both, who were familiar with traditional availability of expensive synthetic drugs [9]. uses of indigenous plants. In total of 50 Keeping in view the importance of flora of Panna informants including 37 men and 13 women were district, the study confined to collect the interviewed during survey. Interviews were indigenous knowledge of local people about the conducted with local peoples in different villages medicinal uses of native plants. As the people of individually. Repeated queries were made to get the selected areas have empirical observation of the data confirmed. the nature and by communicating the other Frequent field trips of the area were arranged to people of their culture; they get indigenous collect the live specimens. Throughout the field knowledge of local plants. So in this way the trips, a general collection of plants were made. ethno-medicinal knowledge of plants is linked to The fully dried specimens were mounted on the local culture and history. As inhabitants of the herbarium sheets. Plants were identified with the Vol. 2 Issue. 1 2013 www.plantsjournal.com Page | 11 Journal of Medicinal Plants Studies help of available literature [11, 12, 13, 14] and comparing with the already identified plant 3. Results & Discussion specimens of the herbarium at Department of The ethno medicinal data on 43 plant species Botany, Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar (M.P.). belonging to 35 genera of 22 families, during After correct identification, the plants were summer, rainy and winter season were collected. deposited in herbarium at Department of Botany, Information regarding their botanical name, local Dr. H.S. Gour University, Sagar for future name, family, part used and their ethno medicinal references. Ethno-medicinal inventory was uses are listed in Table 1. developed consisting of botanical name followed by their local name, family, part used and ethno- medicinal uses. Table 1: Ethnomedicinal plant used by traditional healers from three remote villages of Panna district of Madhya Pradesh. S No Family Botanical name Local name Habit Parts used Ethno-medicinal uses Monocots 1 Liliaceae Aloe barbadensis Mill. Ghee kunvar Herb Whole plant Boils, piles and fever Cymbopogon martinii (Jones) Poaceae Palmarosa Herb Whole plant Fever and phlegmatic pains 2 Schult Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers Dub ghas Herb Roots Diuretic and laxative Dicots Achyranthes aspera (Mill.) Amaranthaceae Addhajhara Herb Whole plant Diuretic, dropsy, piles, skin eruptions 1 Linn. Amaranthus viridis L. Chaulai Herb Leaves Emollient, snake and scorpion bite Fruit, root, 2 Arecaceae Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Khajoor Tree Toothache, tonic, cooling and laxative juice of tree Calotropis procera (Wild) 3 Asclepiadaceae Madar Shrub Whole plant Malaria and cholera R.Br. 4 Celastraceae Elaeodendron glaucum Roxb. Jamrasi Tree Root Snake bite Chenopodium album L. Bathua Herb Whole plant Laxative and anthelmintic
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