ISSN 0378-3693 European Commission Bulletin of the European Union 6 ·1994 The Bulletin of the European Union reports on the activities of the Commission and the other Community institutions. lt is produced by the Secretariat-General of the European Commission and published 10 times a year in the official European languages. The following reference system is used: the first digit indicates the part number, the second digit the chapter number and the subsequent digit or digits the point number. Citations should there­ fore read as follows: Bull 1/2-1994, point 1.1.1 or 2.2.3. Supplements to the Bulletin are published in a separate series at irregular intervals. They contain official Commission material (e.g. communications to the Council, programmes, reports and pro­ posals). European Commission Secretariat-Genera I Editorial team: rue de la Loi 200- B-1049 Brussels- Tel. 2957930 Sent to press in July 1994 © ECSC-EC-EAEC, Brussels • Luxembourg, 1994 Reproduction is authorized provided the source is acknowledged. Printed in France Bulletin of the European Union 6 ·1994 Bulletin information service Readers can obtain information on developments since this issue went to press (date of adoption of instruments by the Council, of opinions given by Parliament or the Economic and Social Committee, of publication in the Official Journal, etc.) by tele­ phoning the documentation service of the Commission Offices on the following numbers: London (71) 222 8122 Belfast 240 708 Cardiff 371 631 Edinburg 225 2058 Dublin 671 2244 References in the text References to other parts of the same issue of the Bulletin are given in parentheses in text, thus (--+ point 2.1.53). Standardized abbreviations for the designation of certain monetary units in the different languages of the Community. BFR = Belgische frank I Franc beige DKR = Dansk krone DM = Deutsche Mark DR = Greek drachma ESC = Escudo FF = Franc francais HFL = Nederlandse gulden (Hollandse florijn) IRL = Irish pound I punt LFR = Franc luxembourgeois LIT = Lira italiana PTA = Peseta UKL = Pound sterling USD = United States dollar contents I - Corfu European Council 7 ACTIVITIES IN PART ONE JUNE 1994 News in brief 22 1. Citizens' rights 25 2. The Community economic and social area 27 - Implementation of the White Paper on growth, compe- titiveness and employment 27 - Economic and monetary policy 30 - Internal market 32 - Competition 38 - Industrial policy 46 - Enterprise policy 48 - Research and technology 49 - Trans-European networks 53 -Energy 54 - Transport 54 - Telecommunications, information services and industry 57 - Economic and social cohesion 58 - Agriculture 64 - Fisheries 66 - Environment 69 - Social policy 74 - Education, vocational training and youth 76 - Public health and solidarity 78 - Consumers 80 -Culture 80 - Information, communication and audiovisual media 82 3. The role of the Union in the world 83 - Common foreign and security policy 83 - Enlargement 86 - European Economic Area (EEA), European Free Trade Association (EFT A) 87 - Central and Eastern Europe and the independent States of the former Soviet Union 87 - Mediterranean and Middle East 91 - United States, Japan and other industrialized countries 94 -Asia 94 - Latin America 94 - ACP countries and OCTs 95 - International organizations and conferences 97 - Common commercial policy 98 - Development policy 101 - Humanitarian aid 103 - Diplomatic relations 104 4. Justice and home affairs cooperation 105 5. Financing Community activities 108 - Budgets 108 - Financial operations 108 - Measures to combat fraud 109 6. Statistical system 111 7. Community institutions 113 - Institutional affairs 113 - Parliament 113 - Council 118 - Commission 123 - Community lawcourts 124 - Court of Auditors 132 - European Investment Bank 133 - Economic and Social Committee 135 - ECSC Consultative Committee 136 PART TWO DOCUMENTATION 1. The ecu 137 2. Infringement proceedings 139 3. Additional references in the Official Journal 142 4. Index 144 Supplements 1994 1194 The Commission's legislative programme for 1994 Resolution of the European Parliament on the 1994 legisla­ tive programme Council Declaration on the 1994 legislative programme Joint Declaration of the European Parliament and the Commission on the 1994 legislative programme *2/94 Report on Europe and the global information society Interim report on trans-European networks Progress report on employment Conclusions of the Presidency of the Corfu European Council on the White Paper * In preparation. I - Corfu European Council. Corfu, 24 and 25 June opment of existing links with the Mediterranean countries and to the peace process in the Middle /.1. The meeting of Heads of State or Govern­ East and stressed the importance of the Europe ment held in Corfu on 24 and 25 June was Agreements with the countries of Central and chaired by Mr Papandreou, President of the Eastern Europe. It welcomed the signing of the European Council and Prime Minister of Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Greece, and attended by Mr Delors, President of Ukraine but expressed concern at the problems the Commission, and Mr V an den Broek, Mem­ of nuclear safety there. It also welcomed the sig­ ber of the Commission, and, for the discussions nificant progress achieved in respect of the on the economic policy guidelines, by Mr Chris­ applications by Cyprus and Malta for accession tophersen, Vice-President of the Commission. to the Union. The meeting was preceded by an exchange of views with Mr Klepsch, President of the Euro­ Moving on to the common foreign and security pean Parliament, on the main items on the policy, the European Council made statements agenda and on the need for constructive cooper­ on the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, the pact on ation between the institutions. stability in Europe and the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons. 1.2. The White Paper on growth, competitive­ As regards cooperation in the fields of justice ness and employment and the plan of action and home affairs, the European Council wel­ adopted by the Brussels European Council comed the joint Franco-German initiative (-+point 1.2.1) provided the main focus for dis­ against racism and xenophobia and the Commis­ cussion at Corfu. Particular emphasis was placed sion's initiatives on immigration, asylum and on six points which should provide a new impe­ drugs. tus to the follow-up debate on the White Paper: encouraging reforms in the Member States to On the institutional front, the European Council make the employment systems more efficient; decided to set up a Reflection Group to prepare introducing specific measures to exploit fully for the 1996 intergovernmental conference. The the employment potential of small businesses; Group will include two representatives of the reinforcing the coordination of research policy; European Parliament. implementing the high-priority trans-European The Corfu European Council was also the occa­ transport and energy projects without delay; sion for the signing of the Acts of Accession of making full use of the possibilities and opportu­ Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway. The nities offered by the information society; and signing of these Acts and the participation of the encouraging the new model of sustainable de­ Heads of State or Government of the four coun­ velopment, including the environmental dimen­ tries in the proceedings of the European Council sion. A list of 11 high-priority trans-European constituted an important landmark in the history transport projects was adopted together with a of European integration, reflecting the dyna­ list of eight priority energy projects. The infor­ mism and attraction of the European Union and mation society was given a further boost, nota­ confirming the importance of its role on the bly by the decision to set up a permanent coor­ international scene. Corfu was also the occasion dination instrument with a person responsible at for the signing of the Partnership and Cooper­ ministerial level appointed in each Member ation Agreement with Russia. The signing of State. The European Council also endorsed the this Agreement intensifying cooperation be­ economic policy guidelines presented by the tween the European Union and Russia marks an Council. important event in the efforts to promote peace, In the field of external relations,the European stability and prosperity on the continent of Eu­ Council confirmed its commitment to the devel- rope. Bull. EU 6-1994 7 Conclusions of the Presidency pean Council at Corfu marks an important event in the Conclusions of the efforts to promote peace, stability and prosperity on Presidency this continent. Through this agreement Russia and the European Union, both of which have major responsib­ ilities in these areas, will be able to intensify their cooperation in a large number of fields of mutual ben­ Introduction efit to their peoples. 1.3. The signing at Corfu of the Treaty on Accession The past six months have seen the implementation of and the participation of the Heads of State or Govern­ the new institutional provisions of the Treaty on Euro­ ment from Austria, Sweden, Finland and Norway in pean Union, including the establishment of the Com­ the work of the European Council constitute an mittee of the Regions. From now on this Committee important new landmark in the history of European will make certain that the interests of the regions are integration. fully taken into account in the decision-making proce­ dure of the Union. The acceding countries will be joining a European Union faced with rapid development
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