UNITED REPUBLIC OF TANZANIA MINISTRY OF WORKS, TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION Public Disclosure Authorized APRIL 2020 Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS) 3rd Floor, 10 Shaaban Robert Road/Garden Avenue Junction P. O. Box 11364, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: + 255 22 2926001-6 Fax: + 255 22 2926011 Public Disclosure Authorized E-Mail: [email protected] ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED REHABILITATION OF LUSAHUNGA – RUSUMO ROAD (92KM) TO BITUMEN STANDARD Public Disclosure Authorized Submitted to: National Environment Management Council (NEMC) Regent Estate Plot No. 29/30, P. O. Box 63154 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Tel: +255 22 2774852 22 2774889/713 Fax: Fax +255 22 277 4901 E-mail: [email protected] Prepared by: Public Disclosure Authorized Dr. Rubhera R.A.M Mato. P. O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam, Tel: +255 754 898592; E-mail: [email protected] ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The proponent and the ESIA Team wish to express thanks and appreciation to all stakeholders who in one way or the other supported completion of this work. Special thanks to the Ngara and Biharamulo District Councils as well as Kagera Regional Secretariat Officials for their prompt assistance during the fieldwork. We are also thankful to the Engineering Design Team and other team members of the Consultant for their technical inputs. Last but not least, we thank the leadership of Ward Leaders and Local Communities in the project area for their cooperation and participation in the ESIA exercise. i | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 STUDY TEAM Consultant’s Team for preparation of ESIA Environmentalist and ESIA Dr. Rubhera RAM Mato Team Leader Anna S. K. Mwema Sociologist ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic ii | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 AAS Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer AC Asphalt Concrete AI Area of Influence AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome A.M.S.L Above Mean Sea Level BATNEEC Best Available Technology Not Entailing Excess Cost BOQ Bill of Quantities BPQSORP Borrow Pits and Quarry Sites Operation and Reinstatement Plan CAPP Child Abuse Protection Plan (CAPP CBD Convention on Biological Diversity CBO Community Based Organization CCEP Community Communication and Engagement Plan CEC Code of Ethical Conduct C-ESMP Contractor’s ESMP CFP Chance Finds Procedure CIF Cost of Insurance and Freight CIP Contractor’s Inspection Plan CRB Contractors Registration Board CRR Crushed Stone Base CSOs Civil Society Organization CTC Care and Treatment Clinic DBST Double Bituminous Surfacing Treated DCTP Development Corridor Transport Project DEM Digital Elevation Model DFO District Forest Officer DIZ Direct Impact Zone DoE Division of Environment EAMGRS Environmental Assessment and Management Guidelines for Road Sector iii | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 FYB First Year Benefits GDP Gross Domestic Product EIA Environmental Impacts Assessment EIS Environmental Impacts Statement EMA Environmental Management Act EMP Environmental Management Plan EPP Emergence Preparedness Plan ERB Engineering Registration Board ESIA Environmental and Social Impacts Assessment ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan EWURA Energy, Water Utilities Regulation Authority FHIA Honduran Foundation for Agricultural Research FoB Free on Board GBVPP Gender Based Violence and Protection Plan GRM Grievance Redress Mechanism GoT Government of the United Republic of Tanzania HBC Home Based Care HBS Households Budget Surveys HDM Highway and Development Management Model HIV/AIDS Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome HBS Households Budget Surveys HSMP Health and Safety Management Plan IDA International Development Association IEC Information, Education and Communication IRI International Roughness Index IRR Internal Rate of Return ISOHDM International Study of Highway Development and Management LHS Left Hand Side iv | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 MEAs Multilateral Environmental Agreements MoW Ministry of Works MVPL Marginal Value Product of Labour NACP National AIDS Control Programme NEMC National Environment Management Council NGO Non-Governmental Organization NPV Net Present Value NSGRP National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty OCC Opportunity Cost of Capital OP Operational Policy PAs Protected Areas PAPs Project Affected Persons PEDP Primary Education Development Programme PITC Provider Initiated Testing and Counseling PLHAS People Living with HIV/AIDS PMTCT Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission RAP Resettlement Action Plan RHS Right Hand Side RoW Right of Way WMP Waste Management Plan (WMP) v | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report for the proposed rehabilitation of the Lusahunga - Rusumo Road (92Km) Kagera Region Proponent: The United Republic of Tanzania, Ministry of Works through Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS). Proponent’s Contact: TANROADS Safeguards Environment and Social Consultants, 3rd Floor, 10 Shaaban Robert Road/Garden Avenue Junction, P. O. Box 11364, Dar es Salaam, Tel: +255 222 926 001, +255 222 926 002, Fax: +255 222 926 011, E-mail: [email protected] EIA Expert: Dr. Rubhera RAM Mato. P. O. Box 35176, Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA. Tel: +255 754 898592; E-mail: [email protected] Updated by; TANROADS Safeguards Environment and Social Consultants, 3rd Floor, 10 Shaaban Robert Road/Garden Avenue Junction, P. O. Box 11364, Dar es Salaam, Tel: +255 222 926 001, +255 222 926 002, Fax: +255 222 926 011, E-mail: [email protected] Introduction The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania through TANROADS has received a credit from the International Development Association (IDA) towards the cost of the Tanzania Transport Corridor Development Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit to eligible payments under the Contract for rehabilitation of Lusahunga - Rusumo Road (92Km). The road improvement is part of the Government strategy to develop its road network to support the socio-economic development of the country. vi | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 The Lusahunga - Rusumo road plays a secondary role as International roads for export/import traffic of Rwanda, Burundi and Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo to and from the Dar es Salaam port, Uganda and the port of Mombasa in Kenya. The road also connects areas with variety of potential economic opportunities such as agriculture, livestock, forestry & minerals, fisheries and wildlife & tourism. Moreover, people living along the road and neighbouring villages will significantly benefit as their agricultural products will be easily transported to business centers (Ngara, Biharamulo town, Kahama, Bukoba etc). On top of that rehabilitation of this road shall lead to savings in vehicle operating costs (VOC), and travel time leading to reduction in transport costs to the users. The original design was done in 2014 by M/s Nicholas O’Dweyer Co. Ltd., and the original ESIA was done also in 2014 by the independent firm M/s Techniplan International Consulting. Due to changes in the project design, M/s H.P. Gauff Ingenieure were appointed by East Africa Community to undertake the review of the existing Feasibility Study, Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Study and the Design of the project. In order to incorporate the recommendations of the Design Review in the ESIA, TANROADS Safeguards Environment and Social Consultants updated the ESIA in November, 2019. The Environmental and Social Impact Assessment was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the Environment Management Act No.20 of 2004 and Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit Regulations (2005) of Tanzania with full cognizance with the Guidelines of the World Bank's Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies. Other important legal provisions providing guidance on environmental issues pertaining to road sector such as the Road Act (2007), Environmental Code of Practice for Road works (2009) and Environmental Assessment and Management Guidelines in the Road Sector (2004) have also been used in the undertaking Environmental and Social Impact Assessment. Subsequently, the ESIA certificate with registration No. EC/EIA/2690 was obtained from the National Environment Management Council in October 2016. Methodology A range of methods were used in conducting this ESIA study whereby both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were employed in collecting and analysing data for the ESIA. Those methods include; literature review, field visits and measurements, stakeholders identification and consultation and household interviews. Project Description The project road starts at Lusahunga centre through Nyakasanza and Benako and ends at Rusumo Border (Tanzania and Rwanda). Out of 92km of the project road 63km are located in Biharamulo district and the remaining 23km are located in Ngara District. The Project road traverses through four villages in Biharamulo district namely Lusahunga, Kikoma (Lusahunga Ward), Ngararambe and Nyabugombe, (Nyakahura ward) while on the Ngara district side there are two villages of Kasulo (Kasulo ward) and Rusumo (Rusumo ward). The Lusahunga – Rusumo road was upgraded in 1985 to bitumen standard for a vii | P a g e ESIA Report for Lusahunga – Rusumo (92 Km) Road April, 2020 design
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