ABDOMEN Session I - Anterior abdominal wall - Rectus sheath Surface landmarks Dissection Costal margins- right & left S u p e r f i c i a l f a s c i a ( f a t t y l a y e r, Pubic symphysis, tubercle membranous layer) Anterior superior iliac spine External oblique muscle Iliac crest Superficial inguinal ring Umbilicus, linea semilunaris Linea alba Mid-inguinal point & Lateral and anterior cutaneous branches of lower intercostal nerves Midpoint of inguinal ligament Anterior wall of rectus sheath Transpyloric & transtubercular planes Rectus abdominis & pyramidalis Right & left lateral (vertical) planes Superior & inferior epigastric vessels Nine abdominal regions – right & left hypochondriac, epigastric, right & left Posterior wall, arcuate line lumbar, umbilical, right & left iliac fossae, Internal oblique & transversus abdominis hypogastric muscles Region of external genitalia (tenth region) Fascia transversalis Terms of common usage for regions in the abdomen — Self-study Abdomen proper, pelvis, perineum, loin, Attachments, nerve supply & actions of groin, flanks external oblique, internal oblique, t r a n s v e r s u s a b d o m i n i s , r e c t u s abdominis, pyramidalis Bones Formation, contents and applied Lumbar vertebrae, sacrum, coccyx anatomy of rectus sheath Nerve supply, blood supply & lymphatic drainage of anterior abdominal wall ABDOMEN Session II - Inguinal Canal Dissection Self-study Aponeurosis of external oblique Boundaries of inguinal canal Superficial inguinal ring Contents of inguinal canal (in males and Inguinal ligament in females) Arching fibres of internal oblique Applied anatomy of inguinal canal Conjoint tendon (falx inguinalis) Inguinal hernia - Transversus abdominis Direct (Hesselbach’s triangle) Fascia transversalis Indirect Deep inguinal ring Mechanisms of inguinal canal to prevent inguinal hernia Spermatic cord (in males) / Round Umbilical hernia ligament of uterus (in females) Cremaster muscle Ilioinguinal nerve Session III - Male External Genitalia Dissection Self-study Scrotum Coverings & contents of spermatic cord Dartos muscle Morphology, blood supply, lymphatic Spermatic cord drainage, nerve supply & development of Ductus deferens testis Coverings Side identification and anatomical position Testis & Epididymis of testis Coverings including tunica vaginalis Applied anatomy Head, body & tail of epididymis Undescended testis Sinus of epididymis Ectopic testis Appendix of testis & epididymis Sagittal section of testis Varicocoele Septa, Lobules Hydrocoele Seminiferous tubules Torsion of testis Rete testis Penis Glans penis Prepuce Fundiform ligament Dorsal vessels & nerves T.S. of penis Corpora cavernosa Corpus spongiosum Penile part of urethra ABDOMEN Session IV - Loin Dissection Self-study Lumbar triangles - Attachments & relations of the three layers superior (renal angle) & inferior (Petit’s) of thoracolumbar fascia Thoracolumbar fascia - Attachments, nerve supply & actions of posterior, middle and anterior layers Erector spinae (with components) Latissimus dorsi Quadratus lumborum External oblique Erector spinae - parts Quadratus lumborum Posterior surface of kidney ABDOMEN Session V - The Abdominal Cavity - Peritoneum Layers Self-study Parietal peritoneum Boundaries & divisions of abdominal Visceral peritoneum cavity Peritoneal cavity Divisions of peritoneal cavity Greater sac Boundaries and clinical importance of Lesser sac epiploic foramen Compartments Boundaries, recesses & clinical Supracolic importance of omental bursa Infracolic Extent, attachments and contents of Subhepatic (subphrenic) spaces various peritoneal ligaments/ mesentery/ mesocolon Right anterior intraperitoneal Right posterior intraperitoneal (Hepato-renal pouch of Morrison) Right extraperitoneal Left anterior intraperitoneal Left posterior intraperitoneal (Lesser sac) Left extraperitoneal General lie of abdominal viscera in situ Peritoneal reflections Lieno-renal ligament Greater omentum Phrenico-colic ligament Lesser omentum Epiploic foramen Falciform ligament Median & lateral umbilical ligaments Ligamentum teres of liver Structures crossed by root of mesentery Superior & inferior leaves of coronary Mesentery of jejunum and ileum ligament Transverse mesocolon Right triangular ligament Sigmoid mesocolon Left triangular ligament Gastro-epiploic vesels in greater Gastro-phrenic ligament omentum Gastro-splenic ligament Hepatic artery, bile duct & portal vein in lesser omentum ABDOMEN Session VI - Abdominal Cavity - Stomach & Spleen Dissection Self-study Coeliac trunk Morphology (with anatomical position), Left gastric artery relations, blood supply, nerve supply, Splenic artery lymphatic drainage, internal structure, functions and applied anatomy of stomach Common hepatic artery Morphology (with anatomical position), Stomach relations, blood supply, internal structure, Cardiac & pyloric ends functions, splenic segments and applied Greater & lesser curvatures anatomy of spleen Incisura angularis Origin, relations, branches & distribution of Pyloric sphincter coeliac trunk Interior - rugae & gastric pits Formation, course, relations, termination, Spleen tributaries and applied anatomy of portal Borders, surfaces & poles vein Visceral impressions & hilum Removal of stomach and spleen Session VII - Mesentery, Small Intestine and Large Intestine Dissection Self-study Root of mesentery Morphology, relations, blood supply, Superior mesenteric vessels internal structure development & applied Inferior pancreatico-duodenal artery anatomy of duodenum Jejunal & ileal branches Morphology, relations of various parts of Ileocolic artery the pancreas, its blood supply & applied Right colic artery anatomy Middle colic artery Attachments of the mesentery of the small Small intestine intestine — root & free border Duodenum Structures crossed by root of mesentery (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th parts of duodenum) Contents of mesentery Jejunum Differences between small & large Ileum intestines Arterial arcades & windows in the mesentery Differences between jejunum & ileum Large intestine Morphology, relations, blood supply, Caecum & appendix lymphatic drainage, internal structure & applied anatomy of caecum, ascending Ascending colon colon, transverse colon, descending colon Transverse colon & sigmoid colon Descending colon Morphology(different positions), relations, Sigmoid colon blood supply, lymphatic drainage, internal Taenia coli & appendices epiploicae structure & applied anatomy of vermiform Inferior mesenteric vessels appendix Left colic artery Sigmoid branches Superior rectal artery Removal of small intestine Interior of small and large intestines to be and large intestine examined Exposure of pancreas & duodenum Removal of duodenum and pancreas Head, neck, body, tail & uncinate process of pancreas Interior duodenum - major duodenal papilla Hepato-pancreatic duct opening Tracing the course of common bile duct ABDOMEN Session VIII : The Abdominal Cavity - Liver, Gall Bladder Dissection Self-study Superior mesenteric vein Portasystemic anastomoses Inferior mesenteric vein Portal vein Morphology, relations (peritoneal & Bile duct visceral), blood supply, internal structure, functional lobes of liver Liver Sub-phrenic spaces and their importance Right lobe (Anatomical and functional) Left lobe (Anatomical and functional) Parts of extra-hepatic biliary system Caudate lobe Quadrate lobe Formation, course, relations, applied Porta hepatis anatomy, termination of common bile duct Fissure for ligamentum venosum Fissure for ligamentum teres Morphology, relations, applied anatomy Gall bladder fossa and congenital anomalies of gall bladder Groove for Inferior vena cava Visceral impressions of liver Hepatic segments Bare areas of liver Extrahepatic biliary apparatus Right & left hepatic ducts Common hepatic duct Gall bladder Fundus Body Neck Cystic duct Common bile duct Opening of hepato pancreatic duct into 2nd part of duodenum - major duodenal papilla Removal of liver and gall bladder ABDOMEN Session IX - Abdominal Cavity - Kidneys and Suprarenal Glands Dissection Self-study Coeliac ganglion Morphology (side identification and Right & left suprarenal glands anatomical position), relations, blood Identification of the suprarenal vessels supply, internal structure, functions and applied anatomy of kidneys Removal of the suprarenal glands Coverings of kidney and suprarenal Right & left kidneys glands Renal vein Renal artery Renal segments Hilum Renal pelvis & ureter Morphology, relations, blood supply, Longitudinal section of kidney internal structure, functions and applied Cortex a n a t o m y o f s u p r a r e n a l g l a n d s Medulla Pyramids Attachments, relations, nerve supply and Major calyces actions of diaphragm Minor calyces Subcostal vessels & nerves Structural and functional correlation of Iliohypogastric nerve diaphragm Ilioinguinal nerve Various foramina of diaphragm and Removal of Kidneys structures passing through them Diaphragm Divisions of autonomic nervous system, Right & left crura of diaphragm extent & communications of sympathetic Median, medial & lateral arcuate ligaments trunk and sympathetic ganglia & plexuses Central tendon of diaphragm of abdomen IVC opening Oesophageal opening Aortic opening ABDOMEN Session X - The Posterior Abdominal Wall Veins Self-study Inferior vena cava Origin, course, tributaries & termination of Right & left common iliac veins inferior vena cava (IVC) Lumbar veins Right & left renal veins Collateral circulation in case of IVC block Right & left gonadal veins Right & left suprarenal veins Origin,
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