DECEMBER 2004 Issue 39 Southern Tablelands Heritage Automotive Restorers Club Inc. PRESIDENT George Cook 02 4847 5081 VICE PRESIDENT Pam Corbett 02 6297 7285 SECRETARY Maree Burke 02 6297 7763 TREASURER Garry Hatch 02 6297 4647 PUBLIC OFFICER Ron Best 02 6236 3432 EVENTS DIRECTOR Ron Scattergood 02 6236 3219 EVENTS John Cornwell 02 6297 3174 COMMITTEE John Thomas 02 6238 2874 Max De Oliver 02 6297 7763 Belinda Hogarth-Boyd 0422 946 424 REGISTRATION INSPECTOR Albert Neuss 02 6297 6225 VEHICLE Allan Boyd 02 6297 6014 INSPECTORS John Corbett 02 6297 7285 REGISTRAR John Corbett 02 6297 7285 COUNCIL DELEGATES John Corbett 02 6297 7285 Allan Boyd 02 6297 6014 George Cook 02 4847 5081 EDITOR Rhonda Winnett 02 6299 7649 EDITORIAL Belinda Hogarth-Boyd 0422 946 424 COMMITTEE Ronda Cornwell 02 6297 3174 Club Meetings are held at 8pm on the first Tuesday of each month at the Girl Guide Hall, Erin Street, Queanbeyan. Please send all correspondence to the club’s postal address: PO Box 1420 Queanbeyan 2620 Website: www.stharc.org.au Editor’s Email: [email protected] Southern Tablelands Heritage Automotive Restorers Club Inc. Page 1 PRESIDENT’S PAGE Well, this is called the “silly season” : if I recall correctly. It was so named because at this time of year the media tends to seize on some unlikely stories in a search and seizes on some stories for anything to fill the daily papers. I hope our Editor doesn’t need to take the idea to heart! It’s also when schedules for almost everything are disrupted by holidays and such. The end result is that I’m writing this just after our December meeting and by the time it comes out in print I’ll probably have forgotten what I wrote. Advancing years don’t help. But it’s time to start looking towards 2005, which will be here by the time you read this. I have to admit that New Years no longer enthuse me the way they once did. Maybe it’s because these days I seem to have problems outlasting the party………... Then, of course, there is the question of New Year Resolutions. Some years ago I made one I’ve managed to keep, and that was to make no more resolutions. But with your ongoing support and goodwill all around, let’s work on continuing through 2005 with the high note on which we finished 2004. The turnout of members at our most recent events has been excellent. Of course, when we take our vehicles out or, especially put them on display, it’s good to be able to identify them as coming from our Club. At the December meeting I gave a short plug for our club vehicle badges – do you have one on your vehicle? I suggested at the time that they would make great Christmas presents from partners, but if you missed out there is no problem in obtaining badges and other club promotional material: just see Garry, our Treasurer, and he will be happy to help you out for a quite minimal transfer of folding currency. I guess my greatest hope for the club, as we go into 2005, is to see an increase in our membership base. No, not to the stage where we become a large club because that can become impersonal, but to the point which provides more “critical mass” assurance of stability and support for club operations. You can help in that regard. As I have mentioned previously, for every new membership you bring to the club we will put your name in a draw at our Annual Dinner for a free membership. That’s nearly enough from me. I look forward to seeing all of you at events, or at club meetings, during 2005. To those of you with new restorations under way, best wishes for smooth progress; to those of you with vehicles already restored and running, best wishes for trouble free running. Safe and happy heritage motoring for 2005. George Page 2 The Wheel Southern Tablelands Heritage Automotive Restorers Club Inc GENERAL MEETING 7 DECEMBER 2004 Held at GIRL GUIDES HALL, Erin Street, QUEANBEYAN, NSW. Meeting Commenced: 8.07pm Attendance: 24 Apologies: Ron & Pat Smith, Garry Hatch, Warren Cochrane, Belinda Ho- garth-Boyd, John Winnett, Maree Burke, Max DeOliver, Ron & Gerry Best, Chris Blackall. Minutes of Previous Meeting: Accepted as issued moved be Paul Hogarth-Boyd, seconded by Pauline Cook. Matters arising from the Minutes Nil. Treasurer’s Report Balance at 2/11/04 $3,850.89 Income 45.00 Less Expenditure 227.00 Balance at 07/12/04 $3,668.89 Gary reported that the club had sold 15 metal badges to date. Report accepted. Moved by Gary Hatch and seconded by Ron Scattergood. Matters arising from Treasurer’s Report : Nil. Correspondence in : 4 News letter from various Clubs Correspondence out: Get well card to Max DeOliver. Events Report: by Ron Scattergood Ron commented , the attendance on the recent runs has been very pleasing. Queanbeyan show: 29 Club vehicles attended. This was the ‘1st Outing’ for Benita and Brian Thomas’ Rover, and Narelle & Chris O’Rourke’s Pontiac. Hanging of the Quilts/Gundillion run: 9 club vehicles and 5 modern vehicles attended this enjoyable weekend trip. We were also joined by Judy, Ken, Emily and Sarah Hearne from CACMC in their Chev. The owner of the nearby property approached Ron Scattergood to our campsite at Gundillion with the idea of a day or overnight run to his property in approximately April/May 2005. His property is approx 25klm from the Gundillion Hall. It is the site where local bushrangers the Clark Brothers had an altercation with the local police. There are 5 sites where the gunfight took place. A local historian has written a book on the area with the details of this gun battle. He will be in attendance and give us a personal tour of the area. Christmas Party: This was a great turnout. There were plenty of children, which is the most important part. Santa was a great hit. What a jolly gentleman he is. Betty and Barry Boyce joined us from CACMC. They brought their Buick for it’s first outing. Thank you to Rosemary and John Thomas for opening up their home for the occasion. Also Win & Gordon Reid for arranging the Jumping Castle for the Southern Tablelands Heritage Automotive Restorers Club Inc. Page 3 children, and Jane Winnett who was chief chef for the day, not a burnt sausage in sight. And might I mention she is a vegetarian. To all those who assisted in making this a most enjoyable day, Thank you!. Ron Scattergood moved we make a donation of $50.00 to the owner of the jumping castle. Motion seconded by Pam Corbett. Carried Coming Events: Twilight Run 9/1/05: Organised by John Cornwell. Meet at Guide Hall at 3:00pm for 3:15pm departure. Travel to Anzac Parade to view memorials, back to BBQ area opposite Duntroon. BYO food and drinks. BBQ facilities on site. John Cornwell to check with Citiscape re; access gates. Tarago Show 29/1/05: The show will be on three sites. Our display will be on one site. There will be a shuttle bus to transfer people from site to site. Tarago show society to send an official invitation. Ron asked for expressions of interest. Possible 8-10 likely starters. Ron to contact Tarago Show society and accept invitation. Editor Rhonda asked if everyone was happy with the magazine so far. If not, send in some more material to improve it, especially restoration stories. Registrar John Corbett is still waiting on registration copies. General business Pam presented John Thomas with a gift for himself and Rosemary to thank them for their hospitality. John responded and said they both enjoyed the day and our company. Chris Hillbrick commented on the ‘Mechanical Revolution’ workshop she attended. She highly recommends this workshop for any woman who wants to ‘brush up’ on her mechanical skills. Chris now has her Motorcycle ‘L’ plates for her 200CB Honda. “Look out Allan” Warren Cochrane & Jodie Thomas had a ‘Close Call’ whilst travelling to the Christmas Party. They were run off the road near Tarago. The Premier escaped with only a banged up wheel. Luckily they were not injured and Warren’s quick thinking and the Holden made it through. Pam to send get well cards to Gerry Best and Max DeOliver. Thank-you card to Jane Winnett. Congratulations card to Chris & Allan. Special Occasions Congratulations to Chris Hillbrick and Allan Boyd who announced their engagement last month. December is a special month for Krystyna and Ian McLeish who celebrate their 29th Wedding Anniversary. Raffle raised $65.00. There were three prizes, each won by; Maureen Scattergood – Light donated by Tom Dugec of A-Z Batteries John Corbett – Angel made and donated by Rhonda Winnett Pam Corbett – Tool kit, case made and contents donated by Pauline Cook. Next General Meeting: 4th January 2005 Next Committee, Meeting: 18th January 2005 MERRY Christmas to all. Have a safe and happy holiday season. May the new year bring more happy gatherings and may we make many new friend- ships. Page 4 From the Newsroom. The Wheel We have had a very busy time lately, consequently this months magazine is jam packed with articles. My apologies to those who need their spectacles to read the fine print but that was necessary to make them small enough to fit on the pages, allotted to them. I am also in the fortunate position of having to hold articles over until next month which is great but don’t let that put you off contributing your special story.
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