_, £*> Today 16,475 Itiued Dally. Monday through Friday, anterad ai Second Clan Matter RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1961 7c PER COPY 3Se PER WEEK BAC.V VOL. S3, NO. 129 at the'Poit Office at Red Bank. N. J.. under tba Act o( March 3. 1879. BY CARRIER Appointments Blanda Named President Said Hopeful Split Council Mayor RARITAN TOWNSHIP-Town ship Committe#eman Philip J In Borough Blanda, Jr., a' Democrat, wa: In Tense Laos Situation NEW SHREWSBURY - Both elected mayor at the governing fides came out of their corners body's re-organization meeting slugging yesterday when the yesterday. borough's governing body organ- The vote was unanimous. Report Pacific ized for 1961 with three Demo- At 31, Mr. Blanda is one of crats and four Republicans as the youngest mayors in the state. members. An attorney, he has lived in the Two newly-elected councilmen, township for 3J4 years. Key City Forces Republican Lawrence Malone and Mr. Blanda's first venture in- Democrat Robert Davidson, re- to politics was a year ago, when placed retiring Councilmen Clar- he was elected to the governing ence Unterberg and Robert Mc- body. During the past year, he Alerted Call, both Republicans. served as president of the Board Retaken Thus, Democratic Mayor Karl of Health and chairman of the WASHINGTON (AP) — K. Baron presides over a coun- public utilities committee. VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) President Eisenhower to- cil in which the Republicans have Cut Costs —Prince Boun Oum's gov- day was reported con- a 4-2 majority. vinced that fast and clear By a vote of four to two the In his inaugural address yes- ernment announced today council turned down the mayor's terday, he called on all township that its forces recaptured action is the best way. to appointment of Christiana Wil- departments to "pare expendi- the key northeastern city stop the Communists be- liams to the Local Assistance tures and eliminate unnecessary fore they become irretrievably spending." of Xiengkhouang from pro- Board for a four-year term. committed to a course of aggres- "And," he said, "I trust that Communist rebels last night. Mrs. Williams, a Democratic sion in Laos. committeewoman, would have re- other township agencies, includ- Information Minister Bouavan placed Beulah Reevy, a Repub- ing those over which the govern Norasing said the city was re- And the President was said to ing body has no direct control be still hopeful, despite the seri- lican committeewoman. Frederick Forrest taken by a battalion of para The council also split its vote will make the same effort." troopers that jumped 3!4 miles ousness of the situation in Laos, on election of Herbert L. Willett, The mayor said later that he east of Xiengkhouang. of a solution short of military 3d, as president of the body, and Industrial was referring, in particular, to Norasing's announcement was intervention by outside powers. on the appointment of council the Board of Education, and its the government's first admission This reasoning was given in committees. proposed 1961-62 budget of $1,890,- that the rebels • had taken connection with the series of U. S. government announcements Demos Opposed Unit Post 035, which, if approved in its Xiengkhouang. The minister said present form, would hike the tax over the holiday week-end while In both cases Democrats yesterday troops loyal to his pro- MIDDLETOWN COMMITTiEMEN — Township Cleric Howard W. Roberts, center, yes- rate an estimated $2.96 per $100 top officials huddled over reports Davidson and Daniel E, Ren- Western government were hold- assessed valuation. terday administered oath of office to John T. Lav/ley Jr., left and Ernest Kavalek, of Communist advances in Laos. ihav voted nay. To Forrest ing out at Ban Ban, 3D miles right, to serve on Middletown Township Committee. Mr. Lawley was reappointed On Saturday, after word ar- Republicans Willett, Malone, NEW SHREWSBURY - Fred The governing body will meet northeast of Xiengkhouang, and rived here of what the Laotian Donald Cole and John Lemon, erick Forrest, Knollwood Dr. with the school board later this that as far as he knew the key mayor. Mr. Kavalek replaces Elmer Hesse who did not run for re-election. Both are government said was an inva- Jr., voted yes on council ap- was appointed director of the month, he said, to urge the city had not fallen to the rebels Republicans. sion by seven battalions from pointments. New Shrewsbury Industrial Con board "to revise its budget in an who last week seized the strate- gress yesterday by Mayor Karl effort to hold the line on taxes gic Plaine Des Jarres, with its neighboring Communist North Councilman Willett abstained in Viet Nam, Eisenhower met with his own election as council K. Baron. and keep the rate within the cross-country highway, and an He succeeds Robert L. David- realm of the taxpayers' ability to airfield outside Xienkhouang. his top diplomatic, military and president and the three other intelligence advisers. Republicans voted for it. son, who served in that post for pay." Ambassadors of the eight na- Lawley Named Again That afternoon the United "The Township Committee wil Mayor Baron, after appoint- two years ending yesterday, tions forming the Southeast Asia ments were ratified, protested when he took office as a mem attempt to hold the line as far as States issued • public warning (See BLANDA Pg. 2) Treaty Organization (SEATO) to North Viet Nam, Red China that the Republican majority ber of the Borough Council. met in Bangkok, capital of Middletown Shade Tree Unit Is Appointed had "disregarded the mandate Mr. Forrest is vice presideni and other Communist powers not neighboring Thailand, with SEA- to intervene in behalf of the Red of the people of New Shrews and general manager of Excel TO Secretary-General P o t e MIDDLETOWN-John T. Law- of the new administrative build- Members of the Shade Tree bury." Automatic Products, Newark. Be- Pathet Lao rebels. It also re- Dittmar Is Sarasin. The ambassadors, who ley, Jr. was named to his second ing, completion of sidewalks for unit, formed last year, are; erred pointedly to the U. S. ob- (See COUNCIL, Pg. 2) fore he came to that post he was included U. Alexis Johnson of the term as mayor yesterday. Leonardville Rd., drainage and Robert B. Clark, John Duryea, personnel and labor relations di igation in the Southeast Asia United States, took no action. The action came at the reorgan- sewer studies and acquisition of icsrge A. Hoffmire, Jr., Jess Jor- rector of Horsman Dolls, Inc. Treaty Organization for defense New Mayor Sarasin told newsman SEATO ization meeting of the Township new ratables as the prime goals dan and William E. Hewitt. Trenton. of the area. Council Post has circumstantial evidence of Committee. for the new year. The following re-appointments From 1946 to 1952 he was in Council Meeting In Atlantic foreign communist intervention Mayor Lawley was sworn in The committee also called upon were made: On Sunday the United States dustriat real estate sales repre- in the fighting but the Laotian for his third term on the govern- Lawrence A. Carton, Jr., attor- For Hensler sentative for Leslie Blau, Inc. ATLANTIC TOWNSHIP - residents to consider other means called for a meeting in Bangkok government already i had dis- ing body and Ernest G. Kavalek of raising revenues besides the ney; J. Francis Rauch,\treas of the council of SEATO, whose and Lnuis Schlesinger Co., both George J. Dittmar, Jr., was closed the evidence he cited — took the oath of office for his urcr; Earl K. Eastmond, tax of Newark. sworn in as mayor at yesterday's property tax to finance increased memben include the United Is Rumored airdrops by Russian planes to first term. services "which are needed and searcher; Howard W. Roberts, as- States, Britain, France, Aus- Mr. Forrest has a bachelor of Township Committee reorganiza- the rebels and two captives'the Both were elected in November. sessment searcher; Dr. Marc SHREWSBURY — Charles I. arts degree from Rutgers, and tion meeting. required." tralia, New Zealand, the Philip- Laotian government said were Mr. Kavalek replaces Elmer Krohn, physician; William C. pines, Thailand and Pakistan. Hensler of Shady La., chairman has been a member of the New Sworn in to his second three- North Vietnamese troops. The committee asked residents Hesse who did not seek re-elec- to study other means of revenue Johnson, Planning Board, and Yesterday- the Pentagon an- of the Zoning Board of Adjust- Jersey Bar since 1942. year term was Committeeman Western observers in Vientiane tion. Walter Bills local assistance ment is reported to be in line He was a founder of the New Joseph L. Moreau, Jr. (sales tax and income tax) and nounced — with White House maintained serious doubts about In a prepared statement, May- advise the state Legislature of board. backing—orders to step up the lor appointment to the Borough Shrewsbury Civic Association. Mr. Dittmar succeeds Commit (See RETAKEN, Pg. 2) or Lawley listed the completion Other Appointments Council. Before moving to this borough tceman William Buck as mayo their feelings on the subject. readiness of U. S. forces in the Also Whitney Crowell, Zoning Pacific, including fast-moving His appointment is expected to he was a member of the Red of the all-Republican three-man Cite Accomplishments Board of Adjustment; Wyndham Bank Planning Board, under the airlift capability, "in view of the be announced Thursday night at committee. The committee also listed the Gary, Planning Board; James A. this borough's organization meet- administration of Mayor Kathar- present situation in Laos." The governing body annually realignment of the township Me Carthy, auditor; Mrs.
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