4 Daily Net Prean R v MONDAY, APRIL 15, 1968 PAGE TWENTY For The Week Ended The Weather lianrl^PBtpr lEttraUtg H m U i April 18, liiB Clear tonight. Low in 80s. To­ morrow mostly Sumy. High About Town 15,188 around 70. Manchester— A City of Village Charm The Washington School PTA will have its annual Music Nicht txmioiTow at the school VOL. LX X X V n, NO. 167 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECmONS) MANCHESTER, (X)NN., TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1968 (OInarifled Advertlsiiig on Page 18) PRICE TEN CENTS at 7:80 pjn. llte Orade 6 glee chib and the school band will NITES be featured before the installa­ tion of new officers. Refresh­ P R t S ID E ^ ments will be served. In Kin^s Death A prayer meeting: will be held H f - ^ Hanoi Names tomorrow at 8 p.m. at Gospel Hall, 410 Center St. FBI Seen Facing Hie Saivaition Army Sun­ beams will meet Wednesday ait 3:80 p.m. at the Citadel. Deadend Clues T w o M en to The niing Junior Hig:h School BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — leaving the scene after King p r o will have Its final meet­ Deadend clues to a man who was killed April 4 by a sniper ing: of the year tonight at 7:30 vanished without a trace appar­ firing from a rooming house in in the school auditorium. The ently confronted FBI agents to­ Memphis, Tenn. H ig h P osts program will be "Youth and day in their Investigation of the Memphis witnesses described sniper slaying ot Dr. Martin Lu­ the suspected assassin, who re­ the Law," and is open to the BE SURE . BLISS has been serving the Home public. ther King Jr. gistered as John Willard at a SAIGON (A P)— North Vietnam announced two Owner for 86 YEARS. For a complete FREE IN­ False leads multiplied in the rooming house opposite King’s high-level appointments today, arousing speculation in The Loyalty Day committee SPECTION of your home by a Termite Control hunt for Eric Starve Galt, a motel, as about six feet and san­ Expert, supervised by the finest technical staff, mysterious quiet-talking man dy-haired and "a clean, neat Saigon that they would be Hanoi’s representatives at of the VFW will meet tonight peace talks with the United States. at 7:30 at the post home. phone our nearest local office: whose last known address was a man." Birmingham rooming house. No trace of Willard has appar­ Hanoi broadcast the announcement that Kuan Thuy The Italian American Club His former landlord said Mon­ ently been found. had been appointed a government minister and that will meet tonight at 7:30 at the day he had identified drawings An FBI alert for Eric Starve Tran Quang Huy had been named chairman of the cul­ clubhouse. shown by FBI agents as resem­ Galt in a white Mustang was Is­ tural and educational board of the premier’s office. 649-9240 bling Eric Galt. sued in Florida last ’Thursday, Analysts ot North Vietnamese ----------------------------------------------- Manchester Chapter, Disabled "It’s him," ' said Peter but was canceled. However, the affairs in Saigon, assessing the American Veterans, will meet Cherpes, 72, who runs a two-sto-' FBI has continued a search for titles given the two men and tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the BUSS TERMITE CONTROL CORF. ry Southslde boarding house Galt’s whereabouts or clues to their background, speculated American Legion Home. DIV. OP BLISS BCTIRMINATOR CO., INC. • EST. 1882 where an Eric Galt lived for six his past. that ’Thuy might head Hanoi’s weeks last fall. After Cherpes disclosed what negotiating team and Huy might Four Jets The women of the Church The Oldest and Leisest in Conn. Galt’s abandoned white Mus­ his boarder said of his work and be its chief spokesman. of Christ and their guests will tang was Impounded last ’Thurs­ background. Associated Press Thuy, 66, also known as Nguy­ meet for a Bible study tomor­ day by the FBI In Atlanta. It fit Inquiries turned up blanks. en Xuan ’Thuy, was foreign min­ Lost Over row at 10 a.m. in the Fellow­ Shell Becomes Altar at Rockville Sunrise Service the description of a car seen Is there a real Eric Starvo ister of North Vietnam from 1963 to 1966 and more recently ship Room of the church. Music shell is used as altar at Easter sunrise services yesterday at Rock- Galt? ’The FBI was asked, but cil, was led by the young people of the Protestant parishes and included a has been a member of the Com­ vllle’s Fox Hill. The service. sponsored by the Rockville Area Clergy Coun­ folk song on guitar. (Herald photo by Pinto.) declined comment. Neither Mystic Review, NABA, will would the» FBI say why Galt munist Party central committee Vietnam 6 meet tomorrow ait 7:30 p.m. at secretariat and head of the cen­ The Professional Women’s Manchester WATES will Daughters of Union Veterans was wanted, though the Florida Odd Fellows Hall. A kltxlhen alert had sought only to spot the tral committee's foreign rela­ SAIGON (AP) — The air war Club will meet tomorrow at 8 meet tamorrow at the Italian of the Civil War will meet to­ tions department. social will be conducted after Foundation to Administer man, not arrest him. No war­ against North Vietnam cost the p.m. in the Federation Room at American Club, 135 Eldridge morrow at 8 p.m. at the home Leftists the business meeting. rant had been issued then. Thuy has wide diplomatic ex­ United States four more planes Center Congregational Church. St. Weighing in will be from 7 ot Mrs. Robert Schubert of 17 The man known as Eric Galt perience and has made many Monday, two shot down over the Mrs. Robert M. Lavalle of Gard­ to 8 pm. A “Mitch Miller Summer St. Five More Scholarships COMPLETE toeUT k trips abroad. He was deputy southern panhandle and two lost ner, Mass., the former Hope Sing-^ong” will be conducted INIURANIMITH* had said he was employed at a Riot in Mississippi shipyard, but there President Johnson shakes hands at Honolulu Airport. (AP Photofax) chairman of the North Viet­ when they collided in the air, Henderson of Manchester, will after a business meeting. Hollis Circle of South Metho­ The addiUon of five more The four other scholarships < iw ct I91A namese delegation to the Gene­ military sources said today. speak and show a film on Eu­ dist Church will meet tomorrow are os follows: was no record of him. He WANTED scholarships 'to the list of those INSURANCE claimed he held Louisiana driv­ va conference on Laos in 1961 Five of the fliers were rescued at 7 :30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. rope. Hostesses are Miss Ruth The Women’s Home League aAninistered by the Manches­ A $100 Manchester Fine Arts and attended the 22nd congress and one was lost. Cleon, Late Model Porter, Miss Huldah Butler, of the Salvation Army wUl Robert Burroughs, 267 Green Associaition Scholarship, to be er’s license six years ago. but ter Scholarship Foundation Frankfurt no record was found in the files. of the Soviet Communist party A U.S. spokesman suggested Mrs. Evelyn Lloyd and Mrs. have a fellowship meeting to­ Rd., Mrs. Gary Cornell will lead awarded a student planning to that year along with President has been announced by the FRANKFURT, Germany There are mysteries within LBJ Presses Peace Talks the North Vietnamese may be USED C A R S John Flynn. morrow at 2 p.m. at the Junior a Bible study on the Book of study any of the arte. SERVICE Ho Chi Mlnh and Le Duan, first foundation’s trustees. the mystery: Galt left the Bir­ moving more antiaircraft guns Room of the Citadel. Mrs. An­ Psalms. Members are remind­ (AP) — Police battled leftist secretary of the North Viet­ Top Prices Paid Awards will be made at an­ A $100 Perennial Planters mingham boarding house last HONOLULU (AP) — Presi­ and placards—the friends clear­ Several hours after Johnson months took him more than 16 south to counter the increase in nie Russell is in charge of pro­ ed to bring their Bibles. Garden Club Scholarship, to a demonstrators in the streets namese party. For A ll nStakes! Maij. Samuel Rome of the nual ceremonies in June, to be /I Oct. 7, saying he had a ship Job dent Johnson, pressing Hanoi ly were more numerous—John­ spoke the official North Viet­ miles from the airport to a luxu­ American bombing of the pan­ gram. Hostesses are Mrs. Flor­ student planning study of the around the Axel Springer pub­ Thuy also has attended meet­ Detective Division of the State ’The Adult Study Class of South eligible, candidates must be in Mobile, Ala. but in Decem­ for an early and serious re­ son reviewed peace efforts in an namese (Jommunlst newspaper rious temporary Wilte House on handle since President Johnson CARTER CHEVROLET Police win speak tomorrow at ence Llnei' and Mrs. Lavina Manchester residents and mem­ natural sciences. sponse to Vietnam peace ef­ address from the steps of lolanl Nhan Dan said the United the Pacific shores. ings of left-wing peace organiza­ Methodist Church will meet to­ REAL lishing plants in Frankfurt and ber, he turned in the keys to his tions in Peking, Moscow, Cairo, banned raids farther north. 7:30 pm. ait a meeting of the Chagnon. bers of the graduating class of A $75 award from the Hart­ forts, is also bearing down on Palace, seat of the Hawaiian States showed ’’lack of good CO., INC.
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