Page Two KA LEO 0 HAWAII, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1947 *Campus Briefs * Rainbows Meet Boulevards Varsity Squad o ·~feats THE SPARTAN DANCE NOTICE In the final gridiron tussle before Notices are now in the campus they face' the Michigan State Spar. McKinley Alumni, 33 .- 13 mail for .students in the college of Campus Clubs tans on November 29, our Roaring a 39 yard pass from reserve quarter­ arts and sciences who are taking Sparked by the brilliant defen­ Speech for the third and fourth Rainbows will meet the Boulevards back George Hong, to score the A.C. in the last of a series of exhi· sive performance of right guard semesters. To Solicit For 1 Frank Dower and the pin-point final six points. T. M. Livesay, bition games with Hawaii Football aerial bombardments of quarter­ Quarterback Sol Kaulukukui's Dean. Leag~ie teams on Wednesday.night * I back Richard Mamiya, our varsity educated toe booted the pigskin * * WSR Campaign at 7: 30 at the Honolulu Stadium. THE COMM.ERCE CLUB'S football squad defeated a deter­ between the uprights for three con­ annual autumn ball will be held Members of all campus organiza­ Our squad is favored to triumph mined Mickalum eleven 33-13, in versions. this Friday at Hemenway hall from tions will be out today, and for the over the former barefoot luminaries an exhibition Hawaii Grid League The McKinley Alumni scored 8 to 12 p.m. The Esquires will fur­ rest of the week, to solicit indivi­ now sparking the Boulevards aggre­ tilt last Wednesday night at the their two touchdowns via th..e air nish the music. Tickets may be pur­ dual cash donations students, gation. Coach Tommy and his pro. chased from members of the club. Honolulu stadium. lanes. The Jimmy Miyasato-Bob faculty and sj:aff members for the teges are determined to ring t he Value combin clicked twice against All club members are requested Dower, playing one of his best to turn in unsold tic~ets to Chair­ UH World Student Relief project. bell for their sixth consecµtive vfo. games of the season, charged the defense of the reserves for ·man Beverly · Nakatani by tomor­ Those wishing to make donations tory over teams of the Hawaii through the Mickalum forward wall their two tallies. Value was the row afternoon. of canned food may take their gifts· Grid Loop Wednesday night. to block two punts by the rivals' outstanding layer for the Micka­ * * * to Hemenway hall. Quarterback Richard Mamiya is lums. MR. T. S. GOO, Jimmy Miyasato which provided ATTORNEY GENERAL Clubs have been assign_ed to the again expected to pave our eleven two scores for our squad. He re­ will speak at the Pre-Legal club various buildings on the campus. to victory with his aerial bom­ covered one of the loose balls for Life in Alaska • dinner tomorrow night q.t 6 p.m. in bardments. Ready to snag any. o the Kamehameha alumni clubhouse The posts are as follows: TEACH­ the third score of the game, while , Conti nued from page 1 ERS COLLEGE BLDG.-Teachers his passes are ends Alvin Isaacs -Louis Collins, whose sterling play ·on Liliha St. eenth century. The third group are All interested persons may con­ College club, Hui Pookela; GART­ and Ken Nakamura. Other reserve at end caught the eyes of the the Indians - Tlingit, Tsimishian, tact R. Miyamoto of Scott Robert­ LEY HALL-Peng Hui, Tu Chiang slated to see a lot of action agains crowd, fell on the other for the and Haidan-who live in Southeast son by tomorrow morning. the ex-barefoot gridders are: cen The Pre-Legal club will meet to­ Sheh, Te Chih Sheh, Yang Chung fourth touchdown. Alaska, and the Athapaskans of the ter, ·Jimmy Gomard; guards, Jimm interior. This last group are sup­ day at 12: 30 p.m. in Dean Hall 6., Hui; DEAN HALL-Pre-Med club, Quarterback ~ichard Mamiya's posedly related t o the mountain and HUI WIKI WIKI Phi Lambda Chi, Med-Tech club; Bacon and Andrew Choo; tackles, deadly pitching arm continued to plains tribes of the United-States. will hold a business meeting on SOCIAL SCIENCE BUILDING-­ Harold Silva and Jimmy Sato. click in the game last Wednesday. The University of Alaska, found­ Wednesday, Nov. 19 in Social Commerce club, Sociology club, Richard Mamiya will be barking Science 208 at 12: 30. He heaved a perfect bullet pass to ed in 1905, was set up as an agri­ Haie Laulima club, Episcopal club; signals from his quarterback slbt· left half Jyun Hirota for the first cultural college and a school of * * * A CAMPUS SWING BAND HAWAil HALL AND ANNEX­ Rocky Sugino and Jyun Hirota wil tally in the first quarter. Early in mines. · An agricultural extension service of the type that farm­ composed of experienced jazz­ YWCA, YMCA.' pack the mail at their halfbac the second period, Louis Collins er s in the U.S. and H aw aii know is men has been organized by Wally posts; and Wally Lam H o will Chang, arts and sciences freshman. FARRINGTON HALL-Phi Sig- ' snagged another of Mamiya's ac­ m aintained by the college. There f?Pearhead the line pluges from his curate passes to score the second are three stations presently operat­ Plans are being made to hold jam ma Rho, Gamma Chi Sigma, Vet­ sessions in Farrington hall I during fullb~ck position. - t. d. It was Collins again who caught ing, but only two pertain to farm­ erans' Village club, Rho Alpha ing, the third is a fur experiment the rioon hour. Gamma; GILMORE HALL-.i\,gri­ Coach Tommy will also have th The first group of musicians turn­ center. culture club, Future Farmers of regulars available for this tune-u The University offers bachelor de­ ing out for practice included: Masa­ to Kamisato, John Miller, Wally America; HOME ECONOMICS gridfest. They will be used freel e. grees in liberal arts, mining, engin­ Boxing Notice. eering, agriculture, civil engineer­ Chang and Floy Uchima, saxo­ BLDG. - Home Ee club; EN­ in preparation for tlre battle agains Fight enthusiasts are reminded ing, home e .c on om i cs, general phones; Buddy Rasmussen, Rich­ GINEERING QUADRANGLE-En­ the _Spartans. Bob Shibuya, sensa that today is the deadline for all science, business administration, ard Lum, Vincent Talaro, Minoru tional play-broker, is raring to g Shimokawa and Walter Won trum­ gineering club; HEMENWAY entries of the All-Campus boxing pre-medicine and c hemistry; Previ­ at this favorite snapper-back spot· o us t o the war the student body pets; Dermot and Gordon Ornellas HALL AND LOCKER ROOM­ tourney. numbered about 300. and Ernest Aiu, trombones; Allan Atherton , House club, Pre-L~gal Frank Dower, who gave a brillian Entries may be filed with Man­ Until recently there was no writ­ Soares, piano; R i c h a r d Okudo club, Beta Beta Gamma; CAFE­ performance of punt-blocki drums; Ted Yanagihara, guitar·; and agers Kats Miho or Fred Lee, or ten Indian or Eskimo language or TERIA AND SNACK BAR-New­ against the Mickalums last wee with Coach Don Gustuson or As­ music. The language and folk music Harold Hagen, bass fiddle. Meetings are held twice a week man club, H club, Hui Lokahi; and Saburo Takayesri, fast-chargin sistant Coach Shangy Tsukano. Ap- . is taught by word of mouth from lineman, will be awaiting Coac parent to cbild. on Mondays and Thursdays,.in Hem­ LIBRARY BUILDING - Oriental plication blanks are also available enway hall during the lunch hour. There are no snakes in Alaska, Literature society, Hui Wikiwiki; Tommy's call for service as guards at the boxing gymnasium. nor many pests or bugs. But the * * * BOOTH IN HEMENWAY HALL-­ rugged Unkei Uchima and ston The All-Campus boxing tourney, NEWMAN CLUB mosquitoes more than make up for There will be a grou·p discussion International Re-lations ·club. wall Sadao Watasaki, at tackles one of the biggest sports events on other pests. Like the cabbage, po­ on religion t om orrow night at 7 at' Solicitation will commence right Harry Kahuanui, fine \defensiv the Intramural program, is slated tatoe and strawberries, they grow Hemenway hall un der the auspices after the convocation today and player, and L ouis Collins, pass r to star ton November 24. A.A.U. to outrageous proportions. of the Newman club. The Rev . will. continue all day tomorrow and ceiver deluxe, at ends. Available fo boxing rules will be followed, wlth There are four main farming dis­ George Powers, M.M., pastor at t he t ricti:; in Alaska, all of which pro­ Wednesday. Club members will service in the backfield will be S fighters advancing from Classes IV Sacred Heart parish, will be the duce oats, barley, wheat, hay, pota­ d iscussion leader. · pick up their collection cans 1 from Kaulukµkui, expert field genera to I from the eight divisions. Three toes, cabbage, rutabeggas, turnips, Interest ed Catholics as · w ell as the ASUH office and solicit in at quarterback; Charley Bessett two-minute rounds will be the carrots, radishes, onions, lettuce non-catho l ics arf'l invit ed to attend. the various buildings. Money col­ ace coffin-corner punter, at le length of the bouts. Awards in­ and berries. Much interest is being PAR K I NG 'OFF LIMITS' shown in dairy farming and poultry lected will be turned in to the half; P hil Haake, blocking ace, a clude medals to the champions and All areas outside of the Hemen­ raising in the Territory, espe ially ASUH office by club •treasurers r ighthalf; and J ohnny Dang, whos _runners-up.
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