Van Buren Boulevard Commercial Development Center Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Study City of Jurupa Valley, CA Prepared for: Alex Flores Control Management, Inc. PO Box 7398 La Verne, CA 91750 Prepared by: MD Acoustics, LLC Mike Dickerson, INCE 1197 Los Angeles Ave, Ste C-256 Simi Valley, CA 93065 Date: 10/23/2019 Van Buren Boulevard Commercial Development Center Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Study City of Jurupa Valley, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose of Analysis and Study Objectives 1 1.2 Project Summary 1 1.2.1 Site Location 1 1.2.2 Project Description 1 1.2.3 Sensitive Receptors 2 1.3 Executive Summary of Findings and Mitigation Measures 2 2.0 Regulatory Framework and Background .................................................................................. 7 2.1 Air Quality Regulatory Setting 7 2.1.1 National and State 7 2.1.2 South Coast Air Quality Management District 9 2.2 Greenhouse Gas Regulatory Setting 12 2.2.1 International 12 2.2.2 National 12 2.2.3 California 13 2.2.4 South Coast Air Quality Management District 19 2.2.5 City of Jurupa Valley 20 3.0 Setting ................................................................................................................................... 23 3.1 Existing Physical Setting 23 3.1.1 Local Climate and Meteorology 23 3.1.2 Local Air Quality 24 3.1.3 Attainment Status 27 3.2 Greenhouse Gases 28 4.0 Modeling Parameters and Assumptions................................................................................. 30 4.1 Construction 30 4.2 Operations 31 4.3 Localized Construction Analysis 32 4.4 Localized Operational Analysis 33 5.0 Thresholds of Significance ...................................................................................................... 34 5.1 Air Quality Thresholds of Significance 34 5.1.1 CEQA Guidelines for Air Quality 34 5.1.2 Regional Significance Thresholds for Construction Emissions 34 5.1.3 Regional Significance Thresholds for Operational Emissions 34 5.1.4 Thresholds for Localized Significance 35 5.2 Greenhouse Gas Thresholds of Significance 35 5.2.1 CEQA Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas 35 5.3 Toxic Air Contaminants 36 MD Acoustics, LLC ii JN: 04701804_Report_23Oct2019 Van Buren Boulevard Commercial Development Center Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Study City of Jurupa Valley, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.0 Air Quality Emissions Impact ................................................................................................. 37 6.1 Construction Air Quality Emissions Impact 37 6.1.1 Regional Construction Emissions 37 6.1.2 Localized Construction Emissions 37 6.1.3 Odors 38 6.1.4 Construction-Related Toxic Air Contaminant Impact 38 6.2 Operational Air Quality Emissions Impact 39 6.2.1 Regional Operational Emissions 39 6.2.2 Localized Operational Emissions 40 6.3 CO Hot Spot Emissions 40 6.4 Cumulative Regional Air Quality Impacts 41 6.5 Air Quality Compliance 41 7.0 Greenhouse Gas Impact Analysis ........................................................................................... 43 7.1 Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact 43 7.2 Operational Greenhouse Gas Emissions Impact 43 7.3 Greenhouse Gas Plan Consistency 44 8.0 Health Risk Assessment ......................................................................................................... 47 9.0 References ............................................................................................................................. 49 MD Acoustics, LLC iii JN: 04701804_Report_23Oct2019 Van Buren Boulevard Commercial Development Center Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Study City of Jurupa Valley, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A: CalEEMod Daily Emission Output Appendix B: CalEEMod Annual Emission Output Appendix C: Screening Tables for Gasoline Dispensing Facilities & CARB 2005 Air Quality and Land Use Handbook Table 1-1 LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit A .............................................................................................................................................. 5 Location Map 5 Exhibit B .............................................................................................................................................. 6 Site Plan 6 LIST OF TABLES Table 1: Land Use Summary ...................................................................................................................... 1 Table 2: Ambient Air Quality Standards .................................................................................................... 8 Table 3: Meteorological Summary .......................................................................................................... 24 Table 4: Local Area Air Quality Levels from the Winchester/Elsinore Monitoring Stations ..................... 25 Table 5: South Coast Air Basin Attainment Status ................................................................................... 27 Table 6: Description of Greenhouse Gases ............................................................................................. 29 Table 7: Construction Equipment Assumptions1 ..................................................................................... 32 Table 8: Regional Significance - Construction Emissions (pounds/day) ................................................... 37 Table 9: Localized Significance – Construction ........................................................................................ 38 Table 10: Regional Significance - Mitigated Operational Emissions (lbs/day) ......................................... 39 Table 11: Localized Significance – Mitigated Operational Emissions ...................................................... 40 Table 12: Construction Greenhouse Gas Emissions ................................................................................ 43 Table 13: Opening Year Unmitigated Project-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions ................................. 43 Table 14: Opening Year Mitigated Project-Related Greenhouse Gas Emissions ..................................... 44 Table 15: CARB Scoping Plan Measure Project Comparison ................................................................... 46 MD Acoustics, LLC iv JN: 04701804_Report_23Oct2019 Van Buren Boulevard Commercial Development Center Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Study City of Jurupa Valley, CA TABLE OF CONTENTS GLOSSARY OF TERMS AQMP Air Quality Management Plan CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality Standards CARB California Air Resources Board CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons CH4 Methane CNG Compressed natural gas CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon dioxide CO2e Carbon dioxide equivalent DPM Diesel particulate matter GHG Greenhouse gas HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons LST Localized Significant Thresholds MTCO2e Metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent MMTCO2e Million metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NOx Nitrogen Oxides NO2 Nitrogen dioxide N2O Nitrous oxide O3 Ozone PFCs Perfluorocarbons PM Particle matter PM10 Particles that are less than 10 micrometers in diameter PM2.5 Particles that are less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter PMI Point of maximum impact PPM Parts per million PPB Parts per billion RTIP Regional Transportation Improvement Plan RTP Regional Transportation Plan SCAB South Coast Air Basin SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SF6 Sulfur hexafluoride SIP State Implementation Plan SOx Sulfur Oxides SRA Source/Receptor Area TAC Toxic air contaminants VOC Volatile organic compounds WRCC Western Regional Climate Center MD Acoustics, LLC v JN: 04701804_Report_23Oct2019 Van Buren Boulevard Commercial Development Center Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas Impact Study City of Jurupa Valley, CA Introduction 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Analysis and Study Objectives This air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) analysis was prepared to evaluate whether the estimated criteria pollutants and GHG emissions generated from the project would cause a significant impact to the air resources in the project area. This assessment was conducted within the context of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA, California Public Resources Code Sections 21000, et seq.). The assessment is consistent with the methodology and emission factors endorsed by South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), California Air Resource Board (CARB), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). 1.2 Project Summary 1.2.1 Site Location The project site is located at the southeast corner of Van Buren Road and Rutile Street in Jurupa Valley, California, as shown in Exhibit A. The site is currently zoned Scenic Highway Commercial (C-P-S) and the site’s current land use classification is Commercial Neighborhood (CR) according to the City of Jurupa Valley 2017 General Plan Land Use Map and the proposed use is commercial. Land uses surrounding the site include single-family residential to the south, single-family residential and commercial uses (across Rutile Street) to the west, and commercial and industrial uses to the north (across Van Buren Boulevard and the Union Pacific Railroad line). 1.2.2 Project Description The Project proposes to develop a convenience market/gas station with 12 vehicle fuel positions, a single-tunnel automated car wash, 72,570 square feet of retail space, 7,650 square feet of sit down restaurant
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