19082 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 152, Pt. 14 September 21, 2006 and for his efforts put forth in achieving the PAYING TRIBUTE TO THE 40TH RECOGNIZING THOMAS LAWRENCE highest distinction of Eagle Scout. SEASON OF ‘‘BOUND FOR GLORY’’ WILLIAMS FOR ACHIEVING THE f RANK OF EAGLE SCOUT IN REMEMBRANCE OF FLOSSIE HON. MAURICE D. HINCHEY COLLINS HON. SAM GRAVES OF NEW YORK OF MISSOURI IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. DENNIS J. KUCINICH IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF OHIO Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Wednesday, September 20, 2006 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. GRAVES. Mr. Speaker, I proudly pause Wednesday, September 20, 2006 Mr. HINCHEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to recognize Thomas Williams, a very special honor the beginning of the 40th season of young man who has exemplified the finest Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in ‘‘Bound for Glory.’’ This radio show is a week- qualities of citizenship and leadership by tak- memory and recognition of Flossie Perry Col- ing an active part in the Boy Scouts of Amer- lins who passed away on September 8, 2006. ly live broadcast from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Over the years this nation- ica, Troop 633, and in earning the most pres- A beloved mother, grandmother, and local tigious award of Eagle Scout. ally acclaimed program has become a distin- democratic organizer, Flossie embodied the Thomas has been very active with his troop, guished and beloved musical institution in the true spirit of the Democratic Party both pub- participating in many scout activities. Over the licly and in her daily life. Ithaca community and beyond. I am very many years Thomas has been involved with Born in Newville, Alabama, Flossie moved proud of my constituents who have produced scouting, he has not only earned numerous to Cleveland, Ohio after high school where this esteemed radio show that has become so merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- she married Frederick Douglas Collins and widely enjoyed. ily, peers, and community. Thomas held the began a career as a nurse. Upon her retire- From its creation in 1967, ‘‘Bound for Glory’’ principal leadership position of Venturing Crew ment, Flossie dedicated herself to her commu- has been committed to producing outstanding Treasurer and has actively supported VFW nity by becoming an active volunteer for orga- folk music and showcasing a broad range of Post 7356 in Parkville, Missouri. nizations including the Cub Scouts, Girl musicians. ‘‘Bound for Glory’’, with its founder Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in Scouts, War 19 Democratic Club, the Parent and long-time host Phil Shapiro, has produced commending Thomas Williams for his accom- Teacher Association, and the Gunning Recre- over 1,200 live folk concerts and is North plishments with the Boy Scouts of America ation Center. Her service to her community and for his efforts put forth in achieving the stands as a beacon of the American Spirit of America’s longest running radio show that still features live concerts. In this era where spon- highest distinction of Eagle Scout. dedication to civic improvement and rich cul- f tural development. taneity is the exception rather than the norm Her steadfast loyalty to volunteering for on commercial radio, Bound for Glory provides IN RECOGNITION OF THOMAS J. charitable and meaningful causes locally a welcome reprieve. Today, the show is also HARRINGTON FOR OVER FORTY earned Flossie lifetime friendships and the re- broadcast online through the Internet and is YEARS OF SERVICE TO LOCAL 33 spect of many that knew her. The programs accessible far beyond WVBR’s FM listeners. OF THE UNITED BROTHERHOOD she spearheaded, including after school activi- American folk music is in its renaissance OF CARPENTERS AND JOINERS ties for at-risk youth and an effort to improve due in no small part to programs like ‘‘Bound OF AMERICA undeveloped neighborhoods through commu- for Glory’’. Society and culture have changed nity interaction, became staples to the cultural greatly since 1967, but ‘‘Bound for Glory’’ has HON. STEPHEN F. LYNCH development of the Cleveland area. remained a consistent and enduring treasure. OF MASSACHUSETTS Flossie’s unwavering courage and commit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ment to core values such as honesty, integrity, Mr. Speaker, it gives me great pleasure to Wednesday, September 20, 2006 grace, and love were strengthened and rein- recognize ‘‘Bound for Glory’’ as it enters its forced by a deep faith in God and a sturdy 40th year on the air. I believe that the passion Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in foundation in the true principles of Christianity. of its listeners, programmers, and guest artists honor of a man whose professional life has For over 60 years, Flossie embodied these will ensure that this program continues to been dedicated to improving the lives of work- principles through being an active member thrive. ing men and women in Massachusetts and and leader in the Gethsemane Baptist Church. across our nation. Tommy Harrington is a re- Though she held many titles and performed f markable labor leader with a long and illus- many duties for the church, her passion was trious career in the United Brotherhood of Car- in singing. To her, the choir brought together PERSONAL EXPLANATION penters and Joiners of America, Massachu- the voices of many people and bound them to- setts. gether in unity and community—just as she Tommy joined the Carpenters Apprentice- did in her life. HON. FRANK R. WOLF ship Program in 1966 after graduating from Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me OF VIRGINIA Boston Trade High School. During his tenure, in honoring the memory and recognizing the he held several prestigious positions in Car- accomplishments of Flossie Collins as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES penters Local 33, the Massachusetts State Council of Carpenters and the New England woman who stood for true American values. Wednesday, September 20, 2006 f Regional Council of Carpenters. In 1989, after Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, earlier today I was twenty-three years in the field as a carpenter PERSONAL EXPLANATION at Arlington National Cemetery attending the and Union Steward, he became a Business funeral with full military honors for LCDR Agent for Local 33. In 1990, he was elected HON. MARK R. KENNEDY James Edwin Plowman, a missing-in-action President of the Massachusetts State Council OF MINNESOTA Navy pilot shot down in 1967 in Vietnam, of Carpenters, an office which he held until IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES whose remains were positively identified after 1993. Following this esteemed position, he be- military investigators found his crash site sev- came the Business Manager of Local 33 and Wednesday, September 20, 2006 was elevated to the position of Financial Sec- eral years ago. He was the father of James Mr. KENNEDY of Minnesota. Mr. Speaker, I retary. Plowman, Jr., Commonwealth’s attorney for was unavoidably detained yesterday, Sep- In September of 2001, Tommy reached the Loudoun County in my congressional district. tember 15, 2006, however, my vote on the fol- pinnacle of his career when he achieved the lowing rollcalls would have been as follows: Had I been present and voting, I would have position of Executive Financial Secretary- roll No. 451, H. Con. Res. 210—‘‘yea,’’ roll No. voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall 454, the motion to con- Treasurer of the New England Regional Coun- 452, H. Res. 622—‘‘yea,’’ roll No. 453, H. sider H. Res. 1015, the rule for H.R. 4844, cil of Carpenters. Tommy’s personal integrity, Con. Res. 415—‘‘yea.’’ Federal Election Integrity Act of 2006. hard work and determination illustrate the best VerDate Sep 11 2014 09:24 May 11, 2017 Jkt 049102 PO 00000 Frm 00252 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\BOUNDRECORD\BR21SE06.DAT BR21SE06 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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