
AMBASSADORIAL NOMINATIONS y 4 GOVERNMENT . r 7*/ 2- Storage Am j/Z- H E A R IN G S BEFORE THE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN RELATIONS UNITED STATES SENATE EIGH TY -SE VE NT H CONG RESS FIRS T SESSION ON THE AMBASSADORIAL NOMINATIONS OF EDW IN O. REISCH- AUER—JAPAN, ANTHONY J. DREXEL BIDDLE —SPAIN, WILLIAM ATTWOOD—GUINEA, AARON S. BROWN—NICA­ RAGUA, J. KEN NET H GALBRAITH—INDIA, EDWARD G. STOCKDALE—IRELAND, WILLIAM McCORMICK BLAIR, JR.— DENMARK, JOH N S. RICE—TH E NETHERLANDS, AND KEN NETH TODD YOUNG—THAILAND MARCH 23 AND 24, 1961 Printed fo r the use of the Committee on Foreign Relations U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 67590 WASHINGTON : 1961 v • * r* '» * -A : i m\S CO M M IT TEE ON FOR EIG N R ELA TIO N S J. W . F U L B R IG H T , A rk an sas, C h a ir m a n JO HN SPAR KM A N , Alab am a A L E X A N D E R W IL E Y , Wisc on sin H U B E R T H. H UM PH REY, M inne sota BO U RKE B. H IC KEN LO O PER, Iowa M IK E M A N SFIE LD , M on tana GEORGE D. A IK E N , Ve rm on t W AYN E M ORS E, Oregon HOMER E, CA PE H A R T , In di an a R U SS E L L B. LO NG , Lou isiana F R A N K CA RLS ON, K an sa s A L B E R T GO RE , Te nn essee JO HN J. W IL LIA M S, Delaw ar e F R A N K J. LA U SCH E , Ohio F R A N K CH URC H, Idah o STU A R T SY M IN GTO N, M isso ur i TH OM AS J. DO DD , Con ne ct icut Car l M ar cy , C h ie f o f S ta ff D arrell S t . C l a ir e , C le rk II CONTENTS S ta te m ent of— Page Attw oo d, William , no minee to be Amba ss ad or to G uin ea ___________ 25 Bi dd le, Ant ho ny J. Drexe l, no minee to be A m ba ss ad or to Spai n_____ 22 Bl air, William M cC or mick, Jr ., no minee to be Amba ss ad or to D en ­ m ark ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 53 Br ow n, Aaron S., no minee to be Amba ss ad or to N ic ar ag ua_________ 30 Clark , Hon . Jo se ph S., U ni te d Sta te s Sen at or fro m th e Sta te of Pen n­ sy lv an ia ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 21, 59 Dou glas, Hon . Pau l H ., U nited Sta te s Sen at or from th e Sta te of Ill i­ n o is .------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 56 G al br ai th , J. K en ne th , no minee to be Amba ssad or to In d ia _________ 34 Holland , Hon . Sp es sa rd L., U nite d Sta te s Sen at or fro m th e S ta te of Flo rida__________________________________________________________ 48 Reisc ha ue r, Ed win O., no minee to be Amba ssad or to Ja p a n ________ 1 Rice, Jo hn S., no minee to be Am ba ss ad or to th e N eth erl ands_______ 60 Stoc kd ale, Edw ar d G., no minee to be Amba ssad or to Ir ela nd_______ 50 Yo ung, K en ne th Tod d, no minee to be Amba ssad or to T hail and_____ 66 In se rtio ns for th e reco rd — Biograp hica l sk et ch of Edw in O. R ei sc hau er________________________ 2 Bi og raph ical st ate m ent of Edw in O. R ei sc ha uer ____________________ 2 E di to rial a nd o th er c om m en t from t he J apan T im es of M ar ch 16, 1961 _ 18 Biograp hical sk et ch of A nt ho ny J. Drexe l Bid dl e___________________ 22 S ta te m ent of Sen at or Thom as J. D odd_____________________________ 25 Biograp hical sk et ch of William A ttw ood ____________________________ 25 Biograp hica l sk et ch of Aaron S. Bro wn_____________________________ 30 Biograp hica l sk et ch of J. K en net h G alb ra it h_______________________ 33 Teleg ra m fro m B er na rd M. B aru ch________________________________ 37 S ta te m ent of Sen at or Ge orge A. S m ath ers __________________________ 48 Biograp hica l sk et ch of E dw ar d G. Sto ck dal e______________________ 50 Bi og raph ical sk et ch of William M cC or m ick Blair, J r ______________ 52 Bi og raph ical sk et ch of Jo hn S. R ic e_________________________________ 60 Biograp hical sk et ch of K enneth Tod d You ng ________________________ 66 Sum m ar y in dex ________ _______________________________________________ 71 in AMBASSADORIAL NOM INATION S THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 1961 U.S. Senate, Committee on F oreign Relations, Washington, D.G. The committee met, pursuant to notice, at 10 :10 a.m., in room 4221, New Senate Office Building, Senator J. W. Fulbright (chairman) presiding. Present: Senators Fulb righ t, Sparkman, Mansfield, Capehart, and Carlson. The Chairman. The committee will come to order. The committee is meeting this morning to consider ambassadorial nominations: Edwin O. Reischauer to be Ambassador to Japan; William Attwood to be Ambassador to the Republic of Guinea; An­ thony J. Drexel Biddle to be Ambassador to Spain; and Aaron S. Brown to be Ambassador to Nicaragua. The first witness this morning is Mr. Reischauer. Take a seat, please, sir. Nomination of Edw in 0. Re isc hauer To Be Am bas sad or to Ja pa n The C hairman. Mr. Reischauer, you have the reputation of being very well acquainted with affairs in the F ar East, particularly Japan. I wonder if you would care to open the hearin g with a statement about this and anything else you wish to say to the committee. STATEMENT OF EDW IN 0. REISCHAUER, NOMINEE TO BE AMBASSADOR TO JAPAN Mr. Reischauer. Senator Fulb right. I submitted a rather detailed biographical statement which I have presented to the committee. I have no prepared statement except to say that, as you will see from tha t biographical sketch, I have had connection with State De­ partment work before, but I have not had any diplomatic experience. I hope I bring to this assignment, if it is given to me, a certain amount of special background and certain qualifications that would be of value. As I see it, the friendship and sympathetic understanding of the Japanese are essential to the U.S. position in tha t part of the world and to the whole peace and stability of th at p art of the world. I should hope tha t I could contribute to the maintenance of that friendship and sympathetic understanding. 2 AMBASSADORIAL NOMINATIONS BIOG RA PH ICAL SK ETCH AN D ST ATEM ENT The C hairman. I will put in the record this biographical sketch and statement of Mr. Reischauer, which I do not think we need to cover in detail. (The biographical sketch referred to is as follows:) B io gr aph ic al S ket ch of E dw in O. R ei sch au er P re se nt po si tion s: Dire ctor, Har va rd -Y en ch in g In sti tu te ; pr of es so r of Ja p a ­ ne se h isto ry . H arv ard Unive rsity . Con sid ered fo r : Amba ssad or to Ja pan. B orn : Tokyo , Japan (p ar en ts, U.S . ci tize ns) , Octo be r 15, 1910. E ducation: A.B., Obe rlin Colleg e, 193 1; A.M., H arv ard 1032, I’ll. D., 193 9; st ud en t. U ni ve rsity of Par is , 1933-35; I). Lift., Obe rli n College, 1957; stud ie d ab ro ad on Har va rd -Y en ch ing In sti tu te fello wsh ip in Fra nc e. Ja pan , Ch ina, 1933-38. M ar ital sta tu s: Marrie d. ex pe rie nce Non -G ov ernm en t: 1938-12, in st ru ct or, H arv ard ; 1946-50, as so ci at e pr of es so r of F a r E ast ern la ng ua ge s; 1948-49, me mber, C ultura l Science Miss ion to J a p a n ; 1950-, pro fe ss or; 1956-, dire ct or , H ar va rd -Y en ch in g In st itute . G over nm en t: 1941, s en io r re se ar ch an al ys t, D ep ar tm en t of S ta te : 1942—43, W a r D ep art m en t; 1945—46, Cha irm an , Ja pan -K ore a S ecre ta ri at an d Sp ecial A ss is ta nt to D irec to r, Office of F a r Eas te rn Affa irs , D ep ar tm en t of S ta te .
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