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The ®rst thing to notice is that the multi- is less than . ¡ ¢¤£¦¥ § plier on is a fraction with denominator , since Recall that each good ( is obtained with probability at §©¨ ¢ £ ¥ £§©¨ ¢£¥ %¥©C evenly divides . Thus, we need only least ¥©%¥©7 from any experiment. Since there are ¥¨¢£¥ § ¥7CD round off to the nearest multipleof and divide good ( 's, after experiments, we are likely to obtain ¨! #"%$&¢£'¥© D § by a sample of good ( 's chosen equally likely from all good § § ( ( 's. Thus, we will be able to ®nd a set of 's such that all §©¨ ¢£¥ *£+§©¨¢£'¥ ? 5'TC ¢ ¢V£+¥ = < ©¤ §)( (7.40) prime powers dividing are relatively prime ? § ¢ to at least one of these ( 's. For each prime less than 20, to ®nd a candidate ¡ . To show that this experiment need we thus have at most 20 possibilities for the residue mod- ? ? ? ¢ W ¢ only be repeated a polynomial number of times to ®nd the ulo <%= , where is the exponent on prime in the prime factorization of ¢#£@¥ . We can thus try all possibilites for correct ¡ requires only a few more details. The problem is again that we cannot divide by a number which is not rela- residues modulo powers of primes less than 20: for each ¡ tively prime to ¢£¥ . possibility we can calculate the corresponding using the For the general case of the discrete log algorithm, we Chinese remainder theorem, and then check to see whether § it is the desired discrete logarithm. do not know that all possible values of ( are generated with reasonable likelihood; we only know this about one- This algorithm does not use very many properties of XZY , tenth of them. This additional dif®culty makes the next step so we can use the same algorithmto ®nd discrete logarithms [\Y harder than the corresponding step in the two previous al- over other ®elds such as G . What we need is that we gorithms. If we knew the remainder of ¡ modulo all prime know the order of the generator, and that we can multiply and take inverses of elements in polynomial time. powers dividing ¢#£,¥ , we could use the Chinese remain- der theorem to recover ¡ in polynomial time. We will only If one were to actually program this algorithm (which be able to ®nd this remainder for primes larger than 20, but must wait until a quantum computer is built) there are many with a little extra work we will still be able to recover ¡ . ways in which the ef®ciency could be increased over the ef- What we have is that each good ¨-§.) pair is generated ®ciency shown in this paper. with probability at least / ¥0213¢4 65,¥%¥©7 , and that at least ¨-§.) a tenth of the possible § 's are in a good pair. From Acknowledgements §32 Eq. (7.40), it follows that these § 's are mapped from to § ¨ ¢ £8¥© ( by rounding to the nearest integer multiple of I would like to thank Jeff Lagarias for ®nding and ®x- § ¥¨¢9£+¥ . Further, the good 's are exactly those in which ing a critical bug in the ®rst version of the discrete log al- §32 § ¨¢:£;¥ § is close to ( . Thus, each good corresponds gorithm. I would also like to thank him, Charles Bennett, § with exactly one ( . We would like to show that for any Gilles Brassard, Andrew Odlyzko, Dan Simon, Umesh ? ¢4<>= ¢£@¥ § prime power dividing , a random good ( is un- Vazirani, as well as other correspondents too numerous to ? likely to contain ¢ . If we are willing to accept a large con- list, for productive discussions, for corrections to and im- stant for the algorithm, we can just ignore the prime powers provements of early drafts of this paper, and for pointers to under 20; if we know ¡ modulo all prime powers over 20, the literature. we can try all possible residues for primes under 20 with only a (large) constant factor increase in running time. 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