, UCa~ ~A.I I "Panaji, 16th January, 1989 IPausa 26, 1910J . SERIES II No. 41 O~FFICIAL GAZETTE GOVERNMENT OF GOA j I EXTRf\ORDI Nf\RY I e Vasco-da-Gama for a period, of 30 days f(om. the date of GOVERNMENT OF GOA publication of this Notif~cation in Official Gazette. Revenue Department !. SCHEDULE (Description of the said land) I Notification I Taluk(1..: Salcete City: Margao t No .. 22/78/88-RD P. T, Sheet it Names of the persons believed Appro%lma.te Whereas appears to the Appropriate Government (here­ No. , to be interested area in Inafter referred t'O as "the Government") that the land Chalta No .. sq. mts, specified in the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred t'O as 8 the "said land") is likely t'O be needed for public purpos.e viz. 2 Land Acquisition for P. H. E. _Complex at Botda Margao (additional area). 133/20 part Elvinal Gracias Ferreiro. 2665.00 173/23 part V. J. Kamat. 60.00 Now. -Therefore, the Government hereby notifies, under sub­ 195/1 part Comunidade of Margao. 810.00 -section -< 1 >- of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter . referred to as the North:Chaita No. 20/PTS 133 "said Act") that the said land is likely to be needed for chaita No. 20/PTS 173. the pUrpOSl~ specified above. South: Chaita No. 20/PTS 133, 2. All persons interested in the Said land are hereby 23/PTS 173, l/PTS 195. warned- not to obstruct or interfere with, any surveyor or East: Chalta No. l1/PTS, 173 other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose 15/PTS 173, 16/PTS 173, of the _said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of the 17/PTS 173, 18/PTS 173 said land hy sale, lease; mortgage, assignment, exchange 'or 19/PTS 173, 20/PTSl73 otherWise, or any outlay commenced or improvements made 20/PTS 133, Road, l/PTS 95. thereon without the sanction of the Collector appointed under paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this West: Chalta No; liO/PTS 133· Notification, will, under clause (seventh) of- section 24 of l/PTS 195. the 'said Act, be disregarded by him while asseSSing com­ pensation for such parts of the said land as may be finally Total ...... : .......... 3535.00 acquired. -------- 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is By order and in the name of the Governor .of Goa. needed 'for the aforesaid purpose, a declaration to tfiat effect ,P. S. Nadkarni; _Under Secretary (Revenu~). under section 6 of the said Act will be published in the Official Gazette and in two daily newspapers 'and public Panaji, 29th June; 1988. notice thereof shall be given in du_e course. If the, acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will also be_ notified in the same manner. 4. The Government further apPoints,' under clause (c) of section 3 of the said Act, the Deputy. Collector (S. D. 0.) No. 22/89/88-RD Monnugao, Vasco-da-Gama to perform the functions of a Collector South. Goa District, Margao _under the' said Act Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government (here-' il;t respect of the -said land. inafter referred -to as "the Government") that the land specified in tpe Schedule hereto (hereinaft~r referred to as 5. _The_ Goverl).ment also authorise, under SUb-section (2) the "said land")' is likely to be needed· for public purpose, of section 4 of the said Act, the following officers to do viz. Land Acquisition for the work of improvement and B T ,.the acts specified therein in respect _of the said land. of road Culsabtl:at to Missainur via V.' P. Chandqr. 1. The Collector, South Goa DIstrict, Margao. Now, therefore, the Government hereby p.otifies under sub­ -section. (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act 1894 2~ The Deputy Collector (S. D.O.) Mormugao, Vasco-da- (Central Act 1 of 1894), (hereinafter referred -to ;s the -Gama. ' "said .Act" that the said land- is likely to- he needed for the 3. The Executive Engineer, Works- Division IX(PHE) purpo.se specified. above. Fatorda" Ma:rgao. 2. AU persons interested in the said land are hereby warned . 4. The Director of Land Survey, Panaj1. not to obstruct or- interfere with any surveyor or other persons employed upon the. said land for the purpose of the said 6. A rough plan of the !;laid laitd .is' available for inspection acquisition. Any confract for the disposal of the said land 111 the office of the Dy. Collector (S. D.O.) Mormugao, by sale, lease, _mortgage, assignment, exchange or otherwise 436 or any outla:y commenced or improvements made thereon 9/4 0: Jose A. Dias. without the sanction of the Collector a.ppointed -under para­ T: Agusta D'Cruz. gra.vh "~~ belOW, ~ter'- the date of the publicatiO~ of this Libret :D'SUva. .. ,. , Notification, -will,- -under' clause (seventh) of sectlon 24 of Alzita 'D~SUva. the -said Act, be disregarded by him while assessing compez:l-= North: Road. sation for such parts of the said land _as may be finally acquired, South: S. No. 9/2, 3, 4,.6. East: S. No. 9/3, 4, 6,8/1. 3. If the Government 'is satisfied that the _said -land i'3 needed for the aforesaid purpose,. a declaration to that effect West: S. No. 9/2, 3, 4; 6. "under section () of the said Act will be published in the Official Total ................. 5145.00 Gazette and in two daily newspapers and public notice thereof shall be given in due course. If the acquisition is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact wlIl also be notified By order and in the name of the Governor of Goa. in the same manner. P. S. Nat!lkarni~ Under Secretary (Revenue). 4. The Government further appoints under clause (c) of section 3 of the said Act, the Deputy Collector (Land Acqui­ Panajl, 14th July, 1988. sition) Collectorate South Goa, Margao to perform the func­ tions of a Collector South Goa District, Margao under the said Act in re::;pect of the said land. 5. The Government also authorises, under sub-section (2) No. 22/85/88-RD of section 4 of the said Act, the following officers to do the Whereas it appears to the Appropriate Government acts specified therein in respect of the said land. (hereinafter referred to' as "the Government") that tha 1. The Collector, South Goa District, Margao. land specified in- the Schedule hereto (hereinafter referred to .as the "said land") is likely to be ··needed for public 2. The Daputy Collector (Land _Acquisition) Collectorate purpose viz. Land Acquisition for setting up of Fire Station South Goa,· _Margao. - Complex at Margao Salcete. 3. The Executive Engineer, Works Division VI (R&B) Now, Therefore, the Government. hereby notifies, under P. W. D. Fatorda Margao. SUb-section (1) of section 4 of the Land Acquisition Act, 4. The Director of Land Survey, Panaji.· 1894 (Central Act 1 of 1894) (hereinafter referred to as the "said Act") that~ the said land is lkely to be needed for· -the 6. A rough plan of the said land is available for inspection purpose specified _above. in the offiCi! of the Dy. Collector (~and Acquisition) Collectorate South Goa, Margao for _a period of 30 days 2. All persons interested in the said land are hereby from the dat(~ of publication of this Notification in Official warned not to obstruct or interfere with any surveyor or Gazette. other persons employed upon the said land for the purpose ·of the said acquisition. Any contract for the disposal of· the SCHEDULE said land by sale, -lease, mortgage, assignment, exchange or otherwise, or any outlay commenced or _improvements made (Description of the said land) thereon without the sanction: of the Collector appointed under Taluka: Salcete Village: cavorlm paragraph 4 below, after the date of the publication of this Notification, will, under clause (seventh) of section 24 of the said Act, be disregarded.- by him while assessing com­ Approd'll8.te Survey No. Names of the persons beUeved pensation- for such parts of the said land as may be finally to be interested ares In Sub. Dt"\'. No. sq. mts. acquired. I 2' 3. If the Government is satisfied that the said land is • needed for the aforesaid -purpose, a deClaration to' that ·effect under section 6 of the said Act will- .be published in. the 37/1 Fabrica Nossa Senhor. 525.00 0: de Official Gazette_ and in two daily newspapers and publlc "/2 0: Fabrica de Nossa. Senhor. ~ 900.00 Jose ·Paulo Frats. notice thereof shall be given in due course. If the acquisition 0: Teodolin Dias. .10.00 is abandoned wholly or in part, the fact will also be notified "/13 in the same manner. Agostiilho l?ias. "/24 0: Rosarinho Pires.. 125.00 4. The Government further appoints, .Under clause (c), ot "/14 0: Comunidade de Cavorim. 610.00 section 3 of the said Act, the_Deputy Collector (L. A.) Colleq­ "/15 0: Pedro Fernandes. 80.00 -; . torate of South Goa, Margao to perform, the functions -ot" a: "/7 0: 1. Jose P. Frais: 140.00 Collector South Goa District, Margao ·under the said Act in 2. Rosarinho Frais. respect of the said land. , . "/8 0: 1. Jose P. Frais. 95.00 2. Rosarinh6 Frais. 5. Th~ Government _1;11so -authorise, unde~ sub-section (2) "/18 0: Joaquim Rodrigues. 75;00 of section- 4 of the said Act) the· following officers -to do the Francisco Rodrigues.· acts" specified therein iil respect .of the said land.
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