
I I • , , Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa PartlY do.d,. Way, cold, er tolllcbl. Glowb aDd Campus and DO' so mild SllDlIay. Hlib toclay, 31; low. 2.. HI.)! Iowa City at owan Friday, U: law. 211. driver Est. 1868 - AP leased Wire, Wirephoto - Five Cents Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, February, 6, 1954 i-truck Hed iD noon rilyn Monroe gates 2d New Students' Coed Tries On Cap, Gown ruma n Sea 'er of a T Scorns rch ed twp the ac­ 0"· Former SUI 'Coed Orientation . o Mo n~ !nt anll Is . A former SUI coed, the wife of Starts Monday F Rd ' I' "A · horities Donald Wakehouse, said Fri- w~ether Marilyn-who arrived 30 The schedule of activities for 0 she di?n't object to Marilyn mInutes late-showed up or not.. res n me rl ca ! exact . Louise who Is J'ust as anxious orientation week for new stUdents autographIng her soldier' . at both M,oIhoaf1ld's body cast in a Tokyo to see Don, said, "I can't make any enrollmg at SUI has been an- ..4- Ity COl'· especially after the "nice plans. until I know where the army nounced by Prot. Robert L. Ebel, NEW YORK lIP) - For mer Don said about me." ~s gOLDg to send hjm. All I know director of the university examin- N GOP L d President Harry S. Truman Friday that th • IS that he supposed to arrive at. night ridiculed the Republican Wakehou,se, 22. t~e last AmeTJ- San Francisco Saturday. atlon service. I·xon AdYI·ses ea en search for Communists in govern- hat hit ilworth, repatriated prisoner of war "Ie I knew they were going to Orientation will begin Monday ment as "one of the biggest hoax- ) failed hOmMe'lsgoMt his ca~t atubto- keep him theI'e, or where they wlll at 8 a.m. with an orientation meet- es ever attempted in American his- bX s onroe JUS e- d h' I'd b th 'To (arry Oul Ike's Program tory." ccident. t b d h- sen 1m, c; on my way ere ing for all new students In Mnc- ir Rap­ was pu a oar a Vllle- now," she said. Louise withdrew. .. He told a dinner meeting of plane. from SUI in December, 1952 after Bnde auditorium. This wlll be fol- Americans for Democratic AcHon red the the movie star's visit, he her husband had been sent ovet- lowed by a men's reserve olticers WASHINGTON IA") - Viee- that any Reds lett behind when he wi~e, Louise, 20, above seas. She is living with her par- training corps meeting in Mac- President Richard Nbcon warned er are so contident 01 winnin, the quit the White House more than a 'hat he n hiS book. Asked which ents Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Johnston Bride auditorium and a women's Republican leaders Friday the na- vital congressional elections In year ago "were few and tar be- struck looked better to him, at Turin. , . Hon will swing to the "far left" November now that Eisenhower tween." ,ot seen ~ak,ehOu se replied: "Louise ldoks . ph) slcal education test ln tl)e unless a united GOP successfully has laid his program before con- Red. Cleaned oUt to me .. Wakeh?use IS suffering from os- chemistry auditorium, both at 9 carries out the El:enhower pro- .... eu. Han saId the pro-8m hal "The Republlcans know, and . teomyellhs of one leg, which is a m e' or lollian's wife, the former Louise the reason he wears a cast. He was . ' . gram for "peace and pro perity." lOSPired hope in all I\merlcans know full well," Truman said, over It . Jhnllton, was. enrolled i.n tresh- wounded and captured during the Other activIties Monday Include Nixon also told a gathering ot and in free peoples everywhere. "that they found an employe loy- houlder tr~inlng for the fall last days of the Korean fighting. a vocabulary tes~ and an English Republican leaders from all over Pres!unt To Talk alty program that had cleaned ked ve- . iem,est1er of 1952 They were mar- HI' th e d d . f test at 10. a.m. 10 the chemistry the country Hthat u: we do not Hall and party leaders from all Communists out ot the government. in Iowa City Nov. 10, 1952 a e daa; ~~d a ~rf a~d [;;:Cti~~ auditorium; reading test and math elect a Republican congress this over the country were tuning up ettectlvely and efficiently before .worth's• · Wakehouse completed basic ta t d' th I test at 1: 30 p.m. in the chernlstry November ~one of the major r a- for a Lincoln day supper jambo- the subject was ever made a poll- I scrape at Camp Chaffee, Ark. s ;i~c/~is ~e;:triation last Au- auditorium, an~ an eve~ing pro- sons will be th t the Republicans ree and an off-the-cuff preslden- tical Issue." )arently was on a 10-day furlough. gust, he has been hospitalized in gram at 7 p.m. ID !'facBnde aUd~- themselves are divided." Ual speech Friday night. Regarding the Eisenhower ad- mirror Tokyo. Wakehouse helped his fa- tQrium. The eventng program lS Tryl..,. To Prove Hall cut loose at a session ot the rnlnistration's public claim that : truck . sponsored by the men's and wo- The vice-pre Id nt said the ad- Republican natIonal committee, 2,200 security risks are no longer heel on ~her fa.r!D berore hemg Inducted men's orientation committee, and ministration Is trying to "prove to here for two days of conferences with the government, Truman' de- mto military service. attendance Is required for all new AmerIca and the world that it is to map strategy for the pOlitlcll1 elared: • ~ls was He and his wife were introduced students. Following the meeting, possible in the United States-un- wars this fall in which control 01 "I beJleve the President owes a He wa s so anxious to get on the by a friend when they were both informal visits to faculty homes (D.1I, 1.... 1\ )'''.t. b1 DI ... PIIo.ltlte) der our individual entet'prl e sys- congress is pt stake. duty to the American people-and [or San Ffancisco that he re- high school seniors. Louise attend- wlll be made. KATHY NORCRO • CHARlTO , receive aid from her lather In tem-to have peace and prosperity ","aeked Left WID&'ers eSJ)9Clally to all the government . .." rIE!dIV didn't particularly care ed Onawa hIgh school and Don at- Registration for new students stralfhtenlnf the cap he will wear at commenceme n~ exercises at the same time." He went atter "left wlngers" employes whose good names are' LLYI tended school at Pisgah, both in will belin at 8 a.m. Tuseday at the loci." III 1:45 o.m. In the Iowa field house. 1\11 Nol'Cro will re- "Previous administrations for 20 generally for "jnce~sant talk of involved-to tell us just how many western Iowa. • 'field house. Also on TUesday will celve a B.A. In psycholocy. n cr parents. 1\lr. and )In. B II Nor- years have never been able to do slump recession and depression" Communists and other actual sub- US "Our folks were 33 miles apart," be a theme test and current news erOll8, traveled to Iowa City to attend tbe ctrtmonle . that," he said. and then singled out: vepsives he has found. t. saId Louise. "but that didn't keep test at 1:30 p.m. in the chemistry " It \\ afC una bl c, wenIth th ki d Ad 1al E. Stevenson. t h e 19 52 Leave Suspicion us from dating." Her brother. auditorium. 263 T R . D of people and leadership ",:e have, Dem.ocratic presidential candidate; "It he does not do this, be will Howard, is a senior in the SUI col- AU i 0 h III be held 0 ece,ve egrees to meet this ,reat obje~tlve, the 010 President W. alter Reuther, leave our government service and lege of medicine this year. n on pen ouse w Mil . alternative will be R swmg to an Sen. Paul Douglas (D-IlI.), and many loyal Americans under n , at 8 p.m. at the Iowa emor II extrem~the far left and the op- Sen. Wayne Morse (Ind-Ore.). cloud of grave suspicion." Labor Department Says Unl~\ T~~ ~rt h~use diS nTt~; At M,·a Year Graduat,·on po. !tIon party undoubtedly \vJU "This Quartet." Hall said, "rides Truman bluntly accused the Re- IS iness May Expand ~~re y, e d n on ,oar I a t ti n - comc Lnto power." like the four horsemen, spreadln/( publJcans of lying In the 1952 cam- Bus e men s an women s or en a 0 Accuses 'Len Whtl'ers' gloom and doom across the land." paign by picturing his adminlstra- WASHINGTON ('/p)-The sen- committee. Two hundred and sixty th[~1 -- In an earlier speech, Republl- tion as honeycombed with Com- ate-house economic committee was Classes w111 beein Wednesday at degrees will be conferred today at in room ]24 of the field house. can national chairman Leonard W. munists. told by a labor department oW- 7:30 a.m. Speech t~sts will be giv- the SUI mid-year Commencement, To Admtnlster Oath Hall acc~~d "Icft-wingers" of 5 · t 81 d "They knew this was not true, cial Friday that it is "entirely en at 3:10 p.m.
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