? Thursday, March 25. 1943 THE WESTERN NEWS. LIBBY, MONTANA PAGE FIvs { [ LOCAL jMeasles Must Be Reported to X - ...... a: ♦>: happening. i Health Officer : For High Production For Healthy, Robust Shopping Suggestions and a Healthy Flock, jfl I hail Chicks, start them on ^ Friday and Saturday Judge Dean King will be in Lib­ use iMisco Blue Tag IT IVlisco Chick Starter «£♦ by Friday to hold court. Egg Mash s X Electric Light Bulbs "o' Jean Riley of Kalispell was trans­ ;♦ 'fvpr ♦> Ken-Rad--15, 25, 40, 60 watts Î. Cârton of 6 ..................... (9c acting business in Libby Monday. 1 100 75c Leon De Borde, rancher living Misco Products Are Quality Products V Watt—Carton of 6 ... southwest of Troy, was transacting : business in Libby Monday. Always sold at reasonable prices ♦> & Î. KIX The First Lutheran Ladies. Aid 2 for ................................ 25c -ÿj will hold a food sale at the Variety Big volume permits low prices. ♦>X * ß> « it SUNBURST CAKE FLOUR Grocery Saturday, March 27. Bonnie May Flour, 49 lbs. $2.10 : 5 pounds J9c Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farris and son. XL Vx WHEATWORTH CEREAL Martin, were up from Troy Satur­ Rex Flour, 49 lbs.............. 2.10 that the school nurse and teachers x A Package ......... 21C & day for a few hours in the city. Clean Wheat ................... 2.40 X m ! have been instructed to exclude X Mrs. Frank Schnydz of Warland ♦> I Dr.from J. school M. Cairns, any child city wdthhealth a cough,of- ^ Misco Chick Starter Mash.. 3.85 Sunshine Honey Grahams came to Libby Sunday. She had inflamed eyes or showing any oth- J i just received word of the death of ficer. reports that there are a few J Fancy Ground Barley 2.15 er indication of infection. 2 pounds ......................................... her father at Staples, Minn. cases of measles in the city. He Em-Em Co. Laying Mash .... 2.95 : 33c wishesAttention to emphasizeis called to thatthe follow-|Vit be- ; V BOKAY FLOUR The guy who starts out to make ingcomes excerpt the legal from duty theof aMontana parent, : x a name for himself in crime nearly healthguardian laws: or anyone of a household 1 «*►♦> One very good way to start your garden right is to use ♦>z 24 pounds 1.15 always settles for a number in­ to Measlesnotify —thePremises health officeron which when- a [ X; Anaconda Treble Superphosphate, or Anaconda Garden Fer- stead.—The Boys’ Messenger, State. case occurs shall be placarded. : X 96 449 ever they know' or suspect exist-1 £ tilizer. We will have a limited supply, so order early. I pounds Industrial School. enccPatient of infection. afflicted Failurew'ith the to diseasereport I $z ♦> Mr, and Mrs. Graham Cadwell under such condition is punishable 1 ^ I Sonny Boy Corn shall not be permitted to attend I 414 and little son were in Libby Satur­ schoolunder theor law.other public gatherings I Phone X 2 for ............................... 25c day from their home at Anaconda, andThe shall health be officerisolated furtherfor a states!mini­ I Peanut Butter visiting with friends for a few days. mum period of seven days after the i Paul Stamschror 2?F3 f They returned home by bus Tues­ appearance of the rash, and until X Roundup—2 pound jar (5c day. all discharges from the nose, cars ^X^t^X^t^X^X^X^t^t^X^X^t^X^l^X^X^t^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^X^l* Northrop King Co. Seeds Inland Seed Co. Seeds Mrs. James Reedy and daughter. and throat have disappeared and Portland Seed Co. Seeds Mrs. Frank Wood, went to Bonners cough ceased. Ferry Saturday for a visit with the No restrictions on immune chil­ New Radio Program Whitcomb family, Mrs. Whitcomb dren. being a daughter of Mrs. Reedy. By National Grange South Libby Purity Store They returned home Sunday. CELEBRATE 63rd WEDDING v Cards are out announcing the an­ ANNIVERSARY On Friday, April 2, KGEZ, Kal- * nual Lions club ladies’ night, to be Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Barr were ispell, will start a new scries of, V given next Saturday in Masonic honor guests at a celebration Tues­ programs dealing with Grange ac-, hall. There will be entertainment, day afternoon in which few couples tivities. These programs will bo on I dancing, a general good time, and are ever able to participate—their the first and third Fridays from 4) 63rd wedding anniversary, Their ■ lunch. Members are each to take a 1:15 to 1:30, On the alternate Fri­ Keen (2lean! daughter, Mrs, Claus Detjens, gave days, they will continue to feature I guest. § Leo Cloutier arrived home Sat­ a dinner for them and later held local Grange talent. Oregon, Wash­ One of the most prized things in war-tom lands is toilet soaps. I urday for a few days1 visit w’ith open house at which a number of ington, Idaho and Montana are Buy WAR BONDS friends gathered to extend congrat­ Here we have a great abundance. We offer you— J Mrs. Cloutier and wdth other rela­ sponsoring these programs. The first ulations and best wishes to this Wrigley's Big Bath Size, 4 for SLOT î tives and friends. He left Tuesday will be "Embattled Farmers,” tell­ To Help Wrigley’s Baby Bath Size, cake ■ estimable couple who have been res­ 10c to return to duty at a camp near ing the story of the organization of Novelty Soap, box ..... 29c * idents of Libby for many years. ■ St. Louis, Mo. Recently he had been the Grange. The second to be heard BOMB HITLER Woodbury’s—4 for ....... 29c Friends will be glad to learn that Colgate’s Floral Odors . 6c; 6 ior 35c at Patterson, N. J. on April 16 will feature the part I Mrs. Barr, who suffered a fractured the Grange had in getting the pure with the savings you have when t Clay Parker arrived home Thurs­ you shop at ... Prescriptions î hip some weeks ago, is recovering food and drug act. day night from California, he hav­ nicely and is in the best of spirits. HOUGH'S Phone 55-J ing been honorably discharged from These programs may be hoard on the army, being one of those who PRAISES RED CROSS KHQ Monday night at 7:00 WT. GRANGE REPORTER. are being released because of age. Fred Berges, son of Mr. and Mrs.) The Gables Kootenai Valley Grosswiler, State Juvenile super­ He has accepted employment at the Homer Berges, recently spent sev­ If you can’t find it in a Libby Your Friendly Neighborhood intendent, of Kalispell, helped to sawmill. He says Mrs. Parker will eral days in the hospital at Keesler store, try our Classified ads. tf ■ _ Store Grange Organizes organize Kootenai Valley Juvenile follow in about a month. Field, Miss., an air corps technical Groceries No. 5 . Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Crotleau school. He has this to say: Juvenile Group Canned Goods Sister Grosswiler explained to the drove over to Kalispell Sunday for “If you ever get a chance to do Gomp! Funeral Homes children the meaning of à Juvenile a visit with relatives. They» took anything for the Red Cross, please Meats Friday, March 19, will be long and the part it has in the Grange with them Mrs. Chas. Hubacher and do it. They are surely good to j Libby Eureka Troy Candy remembered by the children of Koo­ program. Fourteen children signed her father, C. W, Hutton, who has us. They bring us paper, envelopes, 1 Phone 49 Tobaccos and tenai Valley Grange. Sister Mabel veen very ill for some time but w'ho puzzles, magazines, shaving cream Funeral and Ambulance Service the charter list. Gas For Your Car ■4- and other things. Anytime a soldier! An explanation was made of the is now much better. Mrs. Hubacher MONUMENTS needs help, the Red Cross will al­ J duties of the officers before the and Mr. Hutton will remain in Kal­ JI election was held. ispell. ways help him out. They give free The girls of the J. Neils Lumber shows here in the hospital and have •, The following officers were elect- Co. office force joined in a sur­ a recreation room for all to use. [ST ijed. Worthy master, Lloyd Stephen; prise luncheon and shower honor­ You may tell the people of Libby Q ■ i worthy overseer, Donald Beebe ; that they are working for a good > £ ing Miss Eleanor Rodgers one day SL J ; worthy lecturer, Belvin Carroll; of the past week in honor of her cause.” •steward, Charles Pope; assistant engagement to Raymond Rubard. ■?> # RATION CALENDAR • • I steward, Harry Burrell; worthy The pleasant affair was held dur­ Ji • * • * J; chaplain, Eloise Miller; worthy sec­ Gasoline—“A” Book Coupon No. mm.. I««. » 4 ■ ing the noon hour, in the'company î retary, Patricia Nelson; gatekeeper, offices. Lunch was served and Miss 4 expires March 21. ~ /A* • : Janice Slauson; lady assistant stew- Sugar—Coupon ÎJo. 12 (5 pounds) ■ Rodgers was showered with some (1 ■ i ard, Glenda Carroll. Other officers valid March 16. Must last through j THERE’S GOOD II will be elected at the next meeting. lovely gifts. I the end of May, or 11 weeks. REASON TO INSIST [ j After the election the officers took Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lake of War- Coffee—Stamp No. 25 (1 pound) ON SUNNY TUCKER î Back in Service! « their stations and the opening ex- land were Libby visitors Saturday. expires March 21. i« j erciscs were explained. Sister Gross­ Mrs. L. L. Lake of Warland re­ Tires—Class A. First inspection DRESSES! ports an interesting incident in con­ There I sat on the shelf, î wiler gave the obligation and the deadline March 31.
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