E2004 v9 Public Disclosure Authorized HARYANA POWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Public Disclosure Authorized (World Bank Funded) ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN - PACKAGE G6 March 2009 Rev 0 Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared for: Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Limited (HVPNL) Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared by: SMEC (India) Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon Consultancy Service for Preparation of RRAP and EMP for World Bank Aided Project of HVPNL TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl No. Particulars Page No. 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 - 2 1.1 General 1 1.2 Brief Profile of HVPNL 1 1.3 Project Objective 1 2.0 POLICY, LEGAL AND REGULATORY FRAMEWORK 3 - 10 2.1 Environmental and Social Policy & Procedures (ESPP) of HVPNL 3 2.2 Salient Features of the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 4 2.3 Salient Features of Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 7 2.4 Other Applicable Statutory Environmental Clearances 7 2.4.1 Declaration of eco-sensitive zones by Haryana Government 8 2.5 Project Categorisation 8 2.5.1 Categorisation Criteria of MoEF 8 2.5.2 Categorisation Criteria of World Bank 8 3.0 PROJECT SCOPE AND METHODOLOGY 11 - 12 3.1 Project Categorisation as per MoEF and World Bank 11 3.2 Scope of the Study 11 3.3 Methodology 11 4.0 PROJECT BASELINE ENVIRONMENT 13 – 18 4.1 Meteorology 13 4.2 Physical Environment 14 4.2.1 Land Resources 14 4.2.2 Ambient Air Quality 16 4.2.3 Water Resources 16 4.2.4 Noise Environment 17 4.3 Biological Environment 17 4.3.1 Flora 17 4.3.2 Fauna 17 4.4 Socio-economic Environment 17 5.0 DESCRIPTION OF SUB PROJECTS 19 - 40 5.1 The Sub Projects 19 5.1.1 Sub-Project 1 - 220 kV D/C Sector 72, Gurgaon to Rangla Rajpur (Firozpur Zirka) line 20 5.1.2 Sub-Project 2 - 220 kV D/C line from proposed 400 KV substation Nawada (Faridabad) to 22 Preliminary EMP – Package G6 Consultancy Service for Preparation of RRAP and EMP for World Bank Aided Project of HVPNL Sl No. Particulars Page No. 220 KV sub station A-6 Faridabad 5.1.3 Sub-Project 3 - LILO of both circuits of existing 220 KV D/C 400 KV Mayar (PGCIL Hisar) 24 S/Stn to Isherwal S/Stn at 220 KV S/Stn Sangwan (Tosham) 5.1.4 Sub-Project 4 - 220 kV D/C line with 400 KV S/Stn PKL to 220 KV S/Stn Raiwalli (Panchkula) 26 5.1.5 Sub-Project 5 - LILO of one circuit of 220 KV Panchkula- Tepla Line at 220 KV S/Stn Raiwali 29 (Panchkula) 5.1.6 Sub-Project 6 - LILO of 132 KV Isherwal- Jui S/C Line at 132 KV S/Stn Kairu (Bhiwani) 31 5.1.7 Sub-Project 7 - 132 kV S/C line on D/C tower with 0.4 sq. inch ACSR (Zebra) from 220 KV 33 Dhanonda to proposed 132 KV sub station Nangal Mohanpur (Mohindergarh) 5.1.8 Sub-Project 8 - 132 kV S/C line on D/C tower with 0.4 sq. inch ACSR (Zebra) from 220 KV 35 Dhanonda to proposed 132 KV sub station Pali (Gurgaon)- 10 km (Package G6) 5.1.9 Sub-Project 9 - LILO of 132 KV S/C Hansi- Namaud line at Masudpur (Hansi) 37 5.1.10 Sub-Project 10 - LILO of one circuit of 132 KV D/C PTPS- Chandauli line at 132 KV S/Stn 39 Kabri (Panipat) 6.0 ANTICIPATED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 41 – 44 6.1 During Construction Activities 41 6.2 During Operation Activities 43 7.0 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 45 - 48 7.1 Components of EMP 45 7.2 Impacts, Mitigation and Institutional Responsibilities 45 7.3 Institutional Framework 45 7.3.1 EMP Implementation by HVPNL 45 7.3.2 EMP Implementation by Independent Agency 47 7.4 Capacity Building 48 7.5 Environmental Monitoring 48 7.6 Environmental Budget 48 8.0 STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION AND INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 49 – 52 8.1 Institutional Stakeholders’ Consultation 49 8.2 Public Consultation 49 8.3 Purpose 50 8.4 Process Adopted 50 8.5 Outcome of Public Consultation 50 9.0 FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 53 - 58 9.1 Specific Findings and Recommendations of each sub project 53 Preliminary EMP – Package G6 Consultancy Service for Preparation of RRAP and EMP for World Bank Aided Project of HVPNL LIST OF TABLES Table No. Description Page No. 1.0 Abstract of the Grid Substations 1 1.1 Comprehensive Capacity Addition Program under 11th Five Year Plan 2 2.0 ROW Clearance Requirement between Conductors and Trees 4 2.1 Clearance Requirements for Laying of Transmission Lines 8 4.0 Ambient Air Quality in Sample Locations in the State of Haryana 16 4.1 Socio-Economic Profile of Haryana 17 5.0 Length of Transmission lines under Package G-6 19 5.1 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 1 20 5.2 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 2 22 5.3 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 3 24 5.4 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 4 26 5.5 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 5 29 5.6 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 6 31 5.7 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 7 33 5.8 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 8 35 5.9 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 9 37 5.10 Assessment of Alternatives for Sub Project 10 39 7.0 Environmental Budget for Package G6 48 8.0 List of stakeholders during Institutional Consultation 49 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Description Page No. No. 2.0 Procedure for obtaining forest clearance 6 4.0 Typical rainfall distribution in Haryana 13 4.1 Principal landforms in Haryana 15 4.2 Basic soil associations in Haryana 15 6.0 Excavation for tower erection for 400kv transmission line 41 7.0 Three tier Institutional body at HVPNL 46 Preliminary EMP – Package G6 Consultancy Service for Preparation of RRAP and EMP for World Bank Aided Project of HVPNL LIST OF ANNEXURES Annexure No. Description Page No. I PROJECT AREA DEMARCATION ON DISTRICT PLANNING MAP 59 II PHOTOGRAPHS OF PROJECT SITE ALONG THE PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE 62 III PROPOSED TRANSMISSION LINE ON TOPOGRAPHIC SHEET 72 IV ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN 82 V ATTENDANCE OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION 89 VI PHOTOGRAPHS OF STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION 143 LIST OF APPENDIX Annexure No. Description I MoEF NOTIFICATION ON ARAVALLI HILLS Preliminary EMP – Package G6 Consultancy Service for Preparation of RRAP and EMP for World Bank Aided Project of HVPNL LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS HPGCL Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd UHBVNL Uttar Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd DHBVNL Dakshin Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. ESPP Environmental And Social Policy And Procedures BBMB Bhakra Beas Management Board PGCIL Power Grid Corporation Of India Ltd ROW Right Of Way MoEF Ministry Of Environment And Forest EIA Environment Impact Assessment EA Environment Assessment ESO Environment Safety Officer ESIU Environment & Social Implementation Unit ESMC Environment & Social Monitoring Committee PPEs Personal Protective Equipments O & M Operation And Maintenance CPCB Central Pollution Control Board DFO District Forest Officer OP Operational Policy SPCB State Pollution Control Board Preliminary EMP – Package G6 Consultancy Service for Preparation of RRAP and EMP for World Bank Aided Project of HVPNL 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Haryana, a small state in northern India was constituted as a state of India on 1st November, 1966 with Chandigarh as its capital. Haryana's geographical proximity to the national capital New Delhi and a well- developed telecom and transportation infrastructure are its major strengths in the economic field. Haryana has a total of 81 cities and towns and 6,759 villages. For administrative purpose, the state is divided into four divisions - Ambala, Rohtak, Gurgaon and Hisar. Geographically, Haryana is situated between 270 37' to 300 35' latitude and 740 28' to 770 36' longitude. The altitude of the state varies between 700 ft to 900 ft above the sea level. The state is surrounded by Uttar Pradesh (U.P) on its eastern border, Punjab on its western border, Uttranchal, Himachal Pradesh & Shivalik Hills on its northern border and Delhi, Rajasthan and Aravali Hills on its southern border. 1.2 Brief Profile of HVPNL The State’s power sector was restructured on August 14, 1998. At present, Haryana power sector comprises of four wholly State-owned Nigams i.e. Haryana Power Generation Corporation Ltd (HPGCL), Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. (HVPNL), Uttar Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. (UHBVNL) & Dakshin Haryana Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd. (DHBVNL), which are responsible for power generation, transmission and distribution in the State. With its commitment towards planning of transmission projects in due consideration with minimum adverse environmental & social impacts and hence providing sustainable development, HVPNL has developed its Corporate Environmental and Social Policy and Procedures (ESPP) to address the environment and socio- economic issues arising from its activities. The ESPP outlines HVPNL's approach and commitment to deal with environmental and social issues, relating to its transmission projects, and lays out management procedures and protocols to alleviate the same. The ESPP includes framework for identification, assessment, and management of environmental and social concerns at both organizational and project levels. An abstract of present scenario of Grid substations under HVPNL is given in Table 1.0. Table 1.0: Abstract of the Grid Substations Sl. No. Name of substation No. of substation as on 31.03.2008 1 400 kV substation 6 (PGCIL) + 2 (BBMB) = 8 2 220 kV substation 32 + 8 (BBMB) = 40 3 132 kV substation 120 4 66 kV substation 104 Source: ESPP, September 2008 This report has hence been prepared in due considerations with environmental and social policies and procedures laid down in the ESPP.
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