i1,,,1,11 i1rr (larralrr llank.A ft&L?sll1cdr CRM & RECOVERY SECTION, RO PATNA, LAV KUSH TOWER EXHIBITIONB ROAD PATNA - 8OOOO1 (A GOVERNMENT OF INDIA UNDERTAKING} SALE NOTICE E-Auction Sale Notice for Sale of lmmovable Properties under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforccment of Security lnterest Act, 2ql2 read with proviso to Rule 8 (6) of the security lnterest (Enforcement) Rules, 2002 Noticc is hereby given to the public in general and in particular to the Borrower (s) and Guarantor (s) that the below described immovable property mortgaged/charged to the Secured Creditor, the constructive possession of which has been taken by the Authorised Officer of Boring road Synd. Branch of the Canara Bank, will be sold on "As is where is", "As is what is", and " Whatever there is" on 15i12/2020, for recovery of Rs.I7,03,66t/- as on 0910712020 plus further interest and costs due to thc Boring Road Synd. Branch of Canara Bank from M/S ICE CREAM WORLD PROP. MD MOINUDDIN LB-22 BASEMENT DUMRAON FRAZER ROAD PATNA-SOOOOI Details and full description ofthe immovable proPerty with known encumbrances, ifany: EMT Of Shop No. LB Shop No.22 Floor Basement, Project- Dumraon Palace, Mauza- Moharrampur chogowan, P.s- Kotwali situated At Frazer Road District Patna, Thana No.137 Khata No.23/1 S. Plot No (Chak No.58,59,60 Properly 60,77), Area 335.00 Sqft. (Bearing Deed No. 5824 Dtd.03/03/2012, ln The Narne of Late Md. Mouinuddin, S/O Md. Moizuddin Helding No.205/51/4 (Old 80) Boundries Of The vended Shop: North- Corridor & Food Court South- Shop no LB-19 East-Shop No. LB -21 West- Shop No. LB-23 The reserve price for the property will be Rs.34,02,900/- (Rupees Thirty Four lakh Two Thousand Nine Hundred only) and the earnest money deposit will be Rs.3,40,290/- (Rupees Three lakh Fourty Thousand Two Hundred Ninety Only). The earnest money deposit shall be deposited on or before 09.12.2020 at 4.00PM There are no known encumbrances on the above property as per the knowledBe of the bank For detailed terms and conditions of the sale please refer the link "E-Auction" provided in Canara Bank's website (https://www.canarabahk.com) and service provider website (https://www.mstcecommerce.com/auctionhome/ibapi/index.jsp) and IBA website (https://www.ibapi.in ) or may contact Branch ln-Charge, Boring road Synd. Branch Canara Bank, Ph. No.81o2916fixyoo12 78Po dutin9office hours on anyworking day Date: 09/11/2020 Authorised officer Place: PATNA CANARA BANK 2 <},r{rlt dd: (lanara Bank #\ @@ DETA|tED TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SALE NOTICE DATED 09/11/2020 1. Name and Address ofthe Secured Creditor: Canara Bank, Boring road Synd. Branch, Patna a) Name and Address of the Borrower(s): M/S Ice Cream World Frop. Md Moinuddin I-b- 22 Basement Dumraon Frazer Road Patna-800008 b) Property in the name of : Md. Moinuddin S/O Md. Moizuddin Mohalla Madarsa Gali, Kachhi Ghat, Patna City P.O Patna City, P.S- Chowk Patna City, Patna-8ooo8sharma, Shop No.304, Giridhar Plaza, Harmu, Ranchi-834002' 3. Total liabilities as on : O9lO7l2o2o, Rs. 17,03,667.99 + future interest & costs, expenses etc., 4. (al Mode of Auction : Online Electronic Bidding (bl Details of Auction service : M/s MSTC Ltd. Email id: https: provider m mmerce.co m a index MSTC contact details : 03322901004, 2.lBAP| help desk no 18001025026(Toll free) and landline no. 011.-41106131 (c) Date & Time of Auction : 15.12.2020 Time: 11.30 am to 2.30 pm (with unlimited extension of 5 minutes duration each till the conclusion of the sale.) (d) Place of Auction E-Auction. 5. (alReserve Price & EMD AMT :Rs.34,02,900 /- (Rupees Thirty Four lakh Two Thousand Nine Hundred Only) & Rs.3,40,290/- /- (Rupees Three lakh Fourty Thousand Two Hundred Ninety onlY!. (b) EMD Date & Time 09.12.2020 & lO.3OAM To 4.00PM (Canara Bank, Boring road Synd.Branch) 5. Other terms and conditions: a. Auction/biddinB shall be only throuBh "Online Electronii Bidding" through the website (https://www.mstcecommerce.com/auctionhome/ibapi/index.jsp). Bidders are advised to go through the website for detailed terms before taking part in the e-auction sale proceedings. b. The property can be inspected, with Prior Appointment with Authorised officer, on o4l1,2l2o2o, Canara Bank, Boring road Synd. Branch between 11.00 am to 100 Pm. c. The property will be sold for the price which is more than the Reserve Price and the participatinB bidders may improve their offer further during auction process. 3 1lr,rl/[ rlr[ (]irnltrit l]ank.A qnrfcdr d. For downloadinB further details, Process, Compliance and terms & conditions, Please visit : https://www.canarabank.com, b. website address of our e-Auction service provider:- https://www.mstcecommerce.com/auctionhome/ibapi/index.jsp Bidder may visit https://www.ibapi.in where "Guidelines" for bidders are available with educational videos. Bidders have to complete following formalities well in Advance: Step 1: Bidder/purchaser Registration: Bldder to retister on e-auction Platform (link given above! using his mobile number and email id Step 2: KYC Verification: Bidder to upload requisite KYC documents. KYC documents shall be verified by e-auction service provider (may take 2 working daysl. Step 3: Transfer of EMD amount i.e 10% of Reserve Price to Bidder Global EMD Wallet: Online/off-line transfer of fund usint NEFT/Transfer, using challan generated on e-Auction Platform. Step 4: Bidding Process and Auction Results: lnterested Retistered Bidders can bid online on e- Auction Platform after completing Step I , 2 and 3. Please note that Steolto3should be comoleted bv bidder well in advance. before e-Auction date lndenting bidders shall hold a valid di8ital sitnature certificate and email address Bids shall be submitted throuth online procedure only. e After payment of the EMD amount, the intendlnS bidders should submit a copy of the following documents/details on or before o9lL2l2o20 4.OO pm, to Canara Bank, Borint road Synd. Branch, Patna by hand or by email. i) Acknowledgement receipt thereof with UTR No ii) Photocopies of PAN Card, lD Proof and Address proof. However, successful bidder would have to produce these documents in original to the Bank at the time of making payment of balance amount of 25% of bid amount. iii) Bidders Name, Contact No, Address, E Mail ld iv) Bidder's A/c details for online refund of EMD. f. Auction price to be submitted shall be above the Reserve Price, as mentioned above. Bidders shall improve their offers in multiplies of Rs.IO,OOO.OO (The amount can be decided by the Authorised Officer depending upon the value of the property with a minimum of Rs. 10000.00 as lncrementalvalue) The bidder who submits the hiBhest bid (above the Reserve price) on closure of 'Online'auction shall be 4 ttr,,lf tJrti (larrara Bank .A I llli4ijti.ii.g declared as successful bidder. Sale shall be confirmed in favour of the successful bidder, subiect to the secured creditor. confirmation of the same by - g. The successful bidder shall deposit 25% of the sale price (inclusive of EMD already paid), immediately on declaring him/her as the successful bidder and the balance within 15 days from the date of confirmation of sale by the secured creditor. lf the successful bidder fails to pay the sale price, the deposit made by him shall be forfeited by the Authorised Officer without any notice and property shall forthwith be put up for sale again. h. EMD deposited by the unsuccessful bidder shall be refunded to them. The EMD shall not carry any interest. have to i. For sale proceeds of Rs, 50 lacs (Rupees Flfty lacs) and above, the successful bidder will deduct TDs at the rate 1% on the sale proceeds and submit the original receiPt of TDs Gertificate to the Bank. j. All charges for conveyance, stamp duty/GsT registration charges etc., as appllcable shall be borne bY the successful bidder onlY. the e- K. Authorised Officer reserves the right to postpone/cancel or vary the terms and conditions of auction without assigning any reason thereof. participating the e- l. ln case there are bidders who do not have access to the internet but interested in facilitating auction, they can approach concerned circle office or Boring road synd. branch who, as a centre, shall make necessary arrangements. (Ph' No' m. For further details contact Branch In-charge Boring road synd. Branch, canara Bank, Patna provider MSTC contact El02916030 1Cf12 257g2il e-mail id: [email protected]; or the service and details :03322901004, IBAPI help desk no. : 18001025026 (Toll free) and landline no.011-41106131 email id : httos:// . iba oi. in SPECIAT INSTRUCTION/CAUTION interest Bidding in the last minutes/seconds should be avoided by the bldders in their own (lnternet Neither Canara.Bank nor the Service Provider will be responsible for any lapses/failure off failure, power failure, etc.) on the part of the bidder or vendor in such cases. ln order to ward such contingent situation, bidders are requested to make all the necessary whatever else required so that they a rra nge me nts/a lternatives such as back -up, power supply and are able to circumvent such situation and are able to participate in the auction successfully icer Place: Patna Aut Datet OglLLl2O2O CANARA BANK 5.
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