MORRIS COUNTY, H. J.. M&HCH 3,1021 •tan/arkvpuibpl me. and In her statement of tlie execolloa five men from the village of Sucbilgo,! A ntft Imp aa4 Xata?tv*s band was KOREANS SUIN who, she fays, were led by the Jap-1 4 per cent. M ate wwHi. "1 dida*t. 1 dUmtr* aucse foMIers to the top of a till I ma* tried, taiacbtas. "I aaaile aim—" about three miles from Jon£jH5I | The Morris CoutySanatsBuk IMUMI wknpklf cut abort th* there put to death. ^ AmA WiW* tb* baching BY JAP TROOPS "ID the top of the hill," ah» iwuisnwN. N. *. ft**** «««M may a&utber word the clurt'S, "there Is quite a targe 1 pest duck ta IW lull boomed out nut visible from the road or TIUE t«*Jv* awiliaw strikes, aad without • Missionaries Tell of the Atrocities The victims were made to lit at tab*., «r -whim «dkct«*J In the New Perpetrated in Chientao Dis- bottom of thlx, where 0»y slashed at wltb swords. It Is rep kail* _ trict ot China. by an 'eye-witness that two it tar*^* did the pr*- 4 were broken and then the awful \ •f ta* iirta- -ra was finished with bayonets. Then th| Kted y*« i» lam stttfed It at l«st_- loose earth was pushed down from t -UtK sever •dad. r» gtad; to*- MANY VILLAGES DESTROYED Bides of the hollow to cover the i i*»A.*4 Jiwit, ' "But it jou most Ulated bodies." . - - U tt* dcroaun eatUed Ikento wter UMW ta* trrtfc. Kfctaitt—" Ckarg* Otllbirata Intintlon or Wiping J. answering Inquiries at the Jad toe BJ-IJ«. * seaafrumsl iBtcte* 1M1 Bales t» Ma H« *atd—*' anese war office, Lieutenant Colonel diridewUsIiiD 1a« wri •* s*« ••»«*«•»* "•"• "Uamr New Year!* Out All Ysung Chrlttliria—Not Puni>>t«l for Rillglon. Say Ilata told t press corresponded H waa ta* wire •# Mrs. WVibt at that the number of Japanese troop' At tic raw «» i ta* dwav Itw swag P***** ruse to . • Japs, but for Banditry and ^ employed In the Chlenta affair ma w aa amrats -I M s«« »»T J« s*t •» •»»»- mjtwwn bar,* Sa* went on, "Its laci. Rtballlon. •10,0011.00. 3.0UO. not 18.000:---VUligw had 1 Consult Us About uditnt jmr Nr ill g( m And burned, he talii,. but only In fta tare w*t* »Q very gUd to hear • Tokyo.—DetatU of alleeM mas^ tkh pd KtMhomb «• h»T* where the majority of the inhabitant^ Your Building crcs of Koreans br Japanes« troops. were known to be In leajue Deposits •«£« to or before flic;Tft&* "fcsttWB aWtt tt fiur Eoecer than either ih* buitUnt of KorrtnHUHie* »nd the ontjawB 1 dntrartloD of oatlra crops are jlvMi Your home is worth more to you cow Una estIron the FSnt o* ifce Mo-rtlt. j«a~ «**M. sad I «» aH ready **•*•* ^L-filttl.h*^"' ^"^ *** ta «««.«.« rv«l««d from Cnadlan ' J ever before. Don't let it grt in a nia-doirU mtelonarl« In the CWmtao district tog to tbe charge that a i^lU b^w^^?^wrf * ***! *KW at sllr they shouted. .-Jus* attempt was made-"to condition. It is much eaaer to male minor " of Chin., mpplemrauiic prerlous re- ports oa ttls subject heretofore r»- out the whole Christian commui repairs than it is » tug job. Don't <H»y too Colonel Hata said that It was posalbli long in having repair work doae. 'i££S53i5E One of the missionaries. Dr. 3. H. that a majority of those who had beei Martin of Newfoundland, physician, at- executed were Christians, bat the] were pot punched for their rellg1o| We give "exceptional rejiair service.' -Our PIUUNDER a PIERSOX. Pim. •a»r . tached to the Canadian I*resb;terlan past experience qualifies os for Each work. MPMESE ART AT ITS BEST mission at Tongjung. who visited the but for banditry and rebellion. -M*-k* saM kr kaptd !«• charge waa made against the ml You will Cm] that me on supply all of TOar aad tkal a* k«t»d Ikat n ka«< aupw vlttac« of Nprahawlft on October 31, t> late (w. Aad ««r ]<M two days after th* Japanese went aries. needs and that our suggestions viB save quite ta*a wtfliMniln Huh. Had* through that district, states: Colonel Ilata, while admitting Hwy CitbulM % harsh measures had been adopted, a 1st of expense and annoyance for you aa fc» ««« «• "The facts recorded below apply to bad conditions had existed In that iW* ama t tk* «-<«a a«H, «aa tn* whole district of Kaado or Chlen- X drwssile is*sh. which experts trlct for a long tlm« owing to __ If your old home needs remodeling, or if yon •iiiiilat MUK akarti *T !"• •««- tao, ta the southern part of the proT- tan* rf IMb» EwiMf «• >»« tay Is- *ttt of tit* finest examples ot unchecked activities of Chinese ban- tnces of KIrin. China. Japan, under the are planning to buQd be sure to give us a caB. Honey and Tar Bttkc wm af Canf kan Aat k* aad attest Japanese art; has beea »ccl- dits, Korean outlaws and Bnjslan Bol- strongest protest from China, has sent We will estimate on the job and it woat cost COaVOUND " itseoTered In tie BheYttL He said he was confident Seemingly Their Duties Are Manifold, Natal*, kaa kraa c^>C akrnt NcMktr <b«er 15.Q0Q men Into ttls part of China IT IS TOST WHAT CRILDSEM ta Uvntorlal halt Fair- that the Japanese soldiers had not if They Would Satisfy Their you a cent. Let us knowwhen you want OS. Mr a taac tkar. aad cttntntr >aM •* with the seeming Intention of wiping Ikna Ikat H «as «Mf a «»»«•• at pare. rttUatlefphla, wb.er* no been guilty of the barbarity with Various "Customer*," : . oat of existence. If possible, the whole kd parttoatar Tal«* had beea attactwd which they had been charged. Christian community, especially all "Now, what do you think of that?" aa« W!M » kxf* t*fc- F B. DAWSON GO. Tlk* aaaak dates from the Fuji' j young men. • . •; said tho druggist's dork, "She wanted «nk Natalie «mr a !«" Mft aad tt 95j. Chars** Wholctal* Uurdtr. UFE EXHAUSTS HUBBY, CUIM PhoneJ.«ml)rrO*i>l., 4S5 ._ r _. nM tatendtBg from K4 ta to know what Thanksgiving Is for. Some people tliink a drug store Is ua A. IX It ««st aitnv&t to the F*ans?t-' after Ttllase ts dally being Muit Quit SlHplngtii E>t and Ettlne ran fcy John TL Starts, who methodically burned and the information bureau. to Sltep, Saya Wlf. of New "The other day a woman came In It *a •&« «f his trips to f&* men shot so that at present we hare York Man. Ortt«t,' !*• -masMim exMbU^l th» % T«PC of »tti*t»^ ^rmpn^ing thin H^y and wanted A> know who discovered Boonton Jewelry Store America. Km* said she had an argu- reUc wtflMttt raOMog tta vatae tmlll that haTe suffered from fire or whole- Kew York.—"Tour honor,. niy hus- m«try « ««ieffttl anJ eiftaostlxe sate murder or both. The facts below ment with a friend about It, end they band Is the laziest man In the world. dec.!tied I must lm tho-referee." *iy was aaade of Ispmew art • \ m absolutely accurate: . • "The poor .abused boy has two colos- 1W Mjactty «f the Rreat Jtpanes*^ -At daybreak a completccordon of He had perched himself on top of a WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. sal regrets—oqe that he Is forced to ladder and was' trying to juggle threa fratial fa»UWs haxe mt'ts made Japanese. Infantry surrounded the main stop eating so that he can sleep, and ertat CMRBBMBN fcat f*« of th«$e »&- Christian Tillage of Korabawie and, or four boxes at a time when a woman the other that he Is forced to Hop came In and after waiting jt minute Always Ready to Satisfy. Reliable Repairing tedatc tJa* tmstee&ta reattur. Thestarting from the top of the Talley, set sleeping so he can eat." •a ttt^Bnseaa bears the face Ore to tit* Immense starts of tin- to be wafted oa-knocked t>n th'u coun- Thus testified Mrs. Marie Fllborn of ter. • ' •T a *Oy, "p*T)fcaWj Asitda. who ap- threshed millet barley and straw and Jersey City, In her suit for an absolute "I want a two-cent stamp In a har- p**ra tjk tm «f th* "*Xv>* dramas. It then ordered the occupants, of the divorce. Her husband Is Marie Ftl- 919 Main Street ry," she sold. lie gave her the stamp *»tr woo>l bot the gold houses outside. la each case-as the born. and she has not seen htm since and made change from a'$5 bill. Ttltphont CSSJ ' leaf fnaa tfce sarfac* has almost worn father or son stepped forth he was April, 1017. She has two young chil- "Would you please give me the same tm t>* jtane&ead ts set a shot oa sight; *nd as he fell on his dren. • kind of medicine that you gave to my tal oatUfl by weo» rrf matertal to face perhaps only half dead, great ."I confess that I made a moDumen- __. ^ _.„ rhlt cartftluy pr^t^ ptles'erf boxnlng straw were thrown on mother the la.^t time she came In?" tal'tttlstake, your honor," Mrs. Fllborn 1 nhe said. , Hie Boonton Bnildinfl & Loan Association Safe Yon SI7.W »^ of dried t»ottier\ a fitct top of hlmv continued. **1 mildly suggested that "Wiio Is yo.ur mother?" he asked.
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