VOL. XLVII. xVEASON, illCH.. THURSDAY, APRIL *i7,1905-TEN PAGES. NO. 17. SUPERVISORS ADVISED iS«iSSSSSSS$SSS««SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS«®:<5SSSSSS«5SSSSS' By Tux CoHiiiilNftlon to RiiiNe ANNCfiN- iiionlN. At the meeting in this city last Closing: Out Sale WALL PAPER Bert Godfrey Ends His Life Thursday members of the state tux by Shooting. commission, Messrs. McLlaughiiu and R Large New Tlssortment in Low Shields, were present. The time was employed in giving and Medium Priced Wall Paper. Having: decided to devote mj' entire attention to the optical NO CAUSE 18 KNOWN the assessors pointers and advice, clulmlng thut ail should raise their as> btisiness, I will sell my entire stock of Will Furnish a Hanger and Decorator sessments to actual cash value. The commission bus arrived at its Wliicli Slioiiltl ir»vo OailMCll lllO lIllNll Act. figures, in most cases, by a comparison of the considerations of bona tide sales WATCHES, JEWELRY MCDONALD & MAY with the assessed valuations of those Again Leslie has been stirred up by pieces of property. In this way the SILVERWARE, ETC. a suicide within her borders. percentage of actual value which the Lust Saturday morning about ten assessed value represented was gained NKWS IN HKIKV. Plant a tree tomorrow—Arbor Day. o'clock the body of Bert Godfrey was In each township and city of the coun­ AT AUCTION. Born, April 21, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Wall paper cheap atKiminel's, * found in the buy loft ut the Allen ty and the presentage applied to the E, Darling, Oak street, a sou. House livery barn, where he had been total assessed valuation. Tlie street sprinkler coiuineuced The residence of Mrs. Jennie Plall business lust Munduy. employed. This mode of gaining Information ia has been repainted this week. No cause has been assigned for the known in many cases to be ut fuult, as BIG SALE NOW ON The Jfuy term of the circuit court I\[r8. Ida iiiateman is building an ad­ •convenes in this city iNtuy 8, rash uct other ihan tliat he had been in several iustancea much personal dition to her residence on South street. upon a protracted spree. property went with the real estate but Lost, Siiturday evening, o gold The residence of Mrs. Caroline The gun was a 32 calibre revolver. wus not definitely specified iu the watch, Fiuder please return to lliis Wright has received u new coat of olHce. paint this week, Early that morning, about live deed, or recorded sale. Make your preparations to attend the o'clock, he had]been at his mother's in The commissioner's figures were as If you want tlie cream of styles in the village, uud was not seen after­ exercises ut the dedication of the new summer shirt waists, get them now at follows: wards until thedroppingof Dlood from ABneBBod Aolual court house, May 9, Brown's Dry Goods Store. • Vftl,. loot Vftl. 1905 Newton Wood of White Oak sold a the hay loft above the stable room at­ Aliiledon $ 715.145 » 971,280 A $100,000 (ire occurred at the Jack- 1,001,580 JEWELER RND OPTieiaX I flue alx-yeur-old bay mare to Fred son prison Monday about noon. The tracted attention, and the body was 613 W) Oweu lust Saturday, trip hammer shop was burned. discovered. 089,180 700,190 Arrangements are being completed John Lusenby has a (lick of hens Appareutly he hud been standing 1,501.800 •«SSSSSS$^«5«?«!sSSSSSSS®55SSSSSSSSSSSS59SSSS$SSS«SS for the dedication of the IStuaonic 950,790 thut worked hurd for Faster, one of when theshot wusflred as the gun lay 1,303 000 temple at Lansing May 4. their eggs measuring 6ix8 inches. but a short distance from his feet. 811,720 1,108,000 The Lansing high school base ball Arthur J. Tuttle bus been appointed , Deceased was a brother ot Norton 853 500 team was shut out by the Albion team 880,830 FOR SALE attorney by Judge .Wiest for the re­ Godfrey of this city, was about 35 years 875 880 last iSuturday. Score 4 to 0. ceiver in the case of Cutler vs. Hyde. of age, and single. 773 331 White Gait 521,870 718,830 The old dryer property on east Mill The American Rufl'alos life insur­ Funeral services were held on Tues­ 1,207,130 street will be sold at auction Saturday, ance company has been consolidated day. _^__ 11 914 .l!>n We have a limited amount of ]\tay G, See advt, elsewhere. MiiRon Oity— Mrs. Becker of Wheatfielcl with the Gold RcserveofMt. Pleasant. iHl aiKtrlOt 288,715 415,100 improved Pea Beans for seed. W. H. Blanchard liasjuat completed The first rf May S. B. Madden will Head of Five Generations. 3cl dlBtrlot,.,, 337,800 •I;t7 010 Ends Her Life. the job of luyitig •t.'KJO tile upon his open a saloon in tiie Dunsbaok build­ Although only 75 years old, Dennis Respectful attention was giv^en by Also Clover, Timoth)^ Field farm In WheatUeld township. ing recently vacated by Dart & Field's Hurlburt of Mason Is the head of five the supervisors, but from expressions furniture store. living generations, Peas (northern grown), Rape TheBarnum & Bailey show which His daughter, Mrs.RhodiTRherwood, heard, wejudge they will, us hereto­ will cxhil)it at L'lnsing in June, will W. 8, Price of-Lanslng was elected Is 55 years old and lives In Wheuttleld fore use tiielr own judgment in mak­ ILL HEALTH THE CAUSE. and Lawn Grass Seed. give no street parade this year. grand secretary of the Royal Arcanum township. The next iu the Hue of de­ ing ussesameuts. Clarence Shaw of this city is slated of Michigan at the grand council in scent is Mrs. Alfred Aseltine. She is Saginaw lust week. 37 years old and lives in Ingham town­ as a member of the pitching atad'of the The Tower Clock. Aiicl Wliilo MVN|)nilll«Ilt. Touk tlio ship. The following subscriptions huve MASON mmw CO. Beo base bull team atLausiug, If you want wall jjoper drop a cord t'ntnl Dune, to Fred M, Wells, who will cull on you The great-granddaughter • Is Mrs. been mude to the fund for the purchuse Dr, A. B. Spinuey will be in Lan­ with u oompltite line of sairiples. tf Nellie Crauduli, aged 10, and living in of u clock for the court house tower: Bell Phone 184. sing, Hudson House, Friday, April 'J8, this county. The little great great- Webb & Whitman ....$25 00 from 7 a. 111. to 9 p. ui. See ad. The Mason high school ball team grandaughter is about a year old. Saturday last the News reached this E, A.'Ciilltlna B 00 The first excursion of the season will cross bats with the Eaton Rapids Mr. Hurlburt was born iu Nova Sco­ city that' Mrs, Theron Becker of A. O. MARTIN CO. team in this city next Saturday. tia in 1829 and moved to Michigan in ,T. E, Taylor 5 SO next Sunday, going north to Lansing, F. K. Tbomiia 5 00 Wheatfieid township hud taken carbol­ Owosso, Saginaw and Bay City. Game called at 2:30 p. m. Admission 1S50, settling in Gaondugu township. Grain and Stock Brokers 10c and loc. He was married before he came to W. W.SraUU 5 OO ic acid with suicidal inteutand the act 0, 8. Merryloes 5 00 DETROIT. MICH. Don't forget the dance s\t the armory Eli Sutton, who was arrested March Bllchigun. He soon moved to Aurell- had resulted lu death. us township, and luter to a farm in 0.1!. Dttvla ; 5 00 Ofilclal Quotations ou all Qraine and Saturday night, Get your partner in. C in Lansing, charged with assaulting A. V. Poeli 6 00 Mrs. Becker was 55 years of age and time, Music by Gregg's orchestra, 12yearold Sadie Bernett, and who Ingham township, which he occupied Stocks. uiiill six years ago, wheu he came to A. G. Lyoh SOO hud been in poor health for sometime. OlHoe over Klmn: el's Dep'l Store. jumped his bail bond, has been arrest- D. M, L ,, , 1 00 About four o'clock Saturday morning Keferenoo, I'lii'morH' Banlt, Mason. It la understood that the stock re­ at Darlington, vVls, Mason to live. At the time he lived ports lust week played havoc with the in Aurellus there was only one team of W. U OUirlf.- 5 OO she urose and took u lurge dose of the JJell Phono No. 182. 0, J. WlUtlng 6 00 Citizens'Phono 109 linances of several Mason investors. If you need a house wrapper or shirt horses Iu the vicinity, He has been poisonous drug, then returned to the R. H. IIARSFT, Maaaser. waist suit, you can buy "one" Friday married three times and is the father B. Nichols.. , 1 00 Cloth wiudow shades 22 ceuts, at or Saturday at 84 cents, at Brown's. * of nine children. J.O. Mclntyru ; „.,. 25 00 bedroom und informed her husband of Kimmel's, * Funiiors' Bauk ,.„ 50 00 the rush uct. At a meeting of about 60 creditors of A, J, Hall , 10 00 POULTRY FOOD, " • A daughter was born to Mr. and the E, Bemeut Son's Co., held in Cleanup. K. 0. Dun. , 5 00 . Everything possible wus done to re­ Mrs. C. Gay Casterlin of Lansing last Lunslog ittst Friday it was decided to Clean up your cellars and backyards Geo, M, Iloyl , 5 00 lieve her, but without efiect und she K. 0. CORN CURE, Monday, She will be known as Miss form a combination to buy such part of decomposable rubbish, place iu alley J, IClDlmer.
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