Revised Agenda YORK REGIONAL COUNCIL June 25, 2020 Immediately following YTN Telecom Network Inc. Shareholder Meeting Electronic Meeting Quorum: 11 Page No. A. Call to Order B. Disclosures of Interest C. Minutes of Council C.1 Council Meeting held on May 28, 2020 1 C.2 Special Council Meeting held on June 11, 2020 9 C.3 Special Council Education Session held on June 18, 2020 D. Presentations D.1 Corporate Update #2 – York Region Response to COVID-19 Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer E. Deputations in Writing (Subject to Council granting deputant status.) None F. Communications F.1 Housing Supply Update Memorandum from Paul Freeman, Chief Planner dated June 23, 2020 Recommendation: Receive Revised Agenda - Regional Council - June 25, 2020 F.2 Proposed Amendment 1 to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and Proposed Land Needs Assessment Methodology for the Greater Golden Horseshoe Memorandum from Paul Freeman, Chief Planner dated June 23, 2020 Recommendation: Receive F.3 Participating in Local Community Improvement Plans as a Means to Deliver COVID-19 Small Business Support Memorandum from Paul Freeman, Chief Planner dated June 23, 2020 Recommendation: Receive F.4 The Regional Municipality of York receives 15 International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) Awards Memorandum from Dino Basso, Commissioner of Corporate Services and Katherine Chislett, Commissioner of Community and Health Services dated June 25, 2020 Recommendation: Receive F.5 Thermal Temperature Screening at Regional Facilities Memorandum from Bruce Macgregor, Chief Administrative Officer dated June 25, 2020 See Item G.1 (Committee of the Whole Item J.1) G. Consideration and Adoption of Reports G.1 Committee of the Whole Meeting - June 11, 2020 11 G.2 Audit Committee - June 10, 2020 33 G.3 Conmar Developments Inc. and Fenlands Vaughan Inc. – 35 Development Charge Deferral Request - City of Vaughan Report dated June 15, 2020 from the Commissioner of Finance recommending that: 1. Council consider the request from the City of Vaughan to negotiate a deferral of Regional development charges for the development located at 11110 Jane Street owned by Conmar Developments Inc. & Fenlands Vaughan Inc. (“the Revised Agenda - Regional Council - June 25, 2020 Applicant”) on similar terms to those agreed to by the City of Vaughan. 2. Should Council agree to grant the deferral request, the Chief Administrative Office and Commissioner of Finance, be authorized to execute a Development Charge Deferral Agreement with the Applicant in a form satisfactory to the Deputy Regional Solicitor. G.4 York Region Transit Protection of Transit Riders and Staff During the COVID-19 Pandemic Report dated June 22, 2020 from the Commissioner of Transportation Services recommending that: 1. Council endorse the purchase of 100,000 non-medical, individually wrapped, disposable face masks at a cost of $59,000, excluding HST, to be distributed to customers not having their own mask when entering the York Region Transit system; July 2, 2020. 2. Council approve Transit Bylaw amendments to include a mandatory requirement for individuals to wear a non- medical face mask or covering while on transit vehicles or property, effective July 2, 2020. G.5 Human Resourcing Requirements for the Public Health COVID-19 Response Report dated June 22, 2020 from the Commissioner of Community and Health Services and the Medical Officer of Health recommending that: 1. Council authorize the Commissioner, Community and Health Services and the Medical Officer of Health to increase the staffing complement in Public Health by eight permanent full time staff. 2. Council authorize the Commissioner of Community and Health Services and Medical Officer of Health to increase staffing complement with temporary full time staff, as required, to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Revised Agenda - Regional Council - June 25, 2020 H. Introduction and Consideration of Bylaws H.1 2020-36 - Construction of the West Vaughan Sewage Servicing 45 Project To acquire certain lands for or in connection with the construction of the West Vaughan Sewage Servicing Project, City of Vaughan H.2 2020-37 - Close a Portion of Bathurst Street 49 A bylaw to stop up and close a portion of Bathurst Street (YR 38), Township of King H.3 2020-38 - Establish a Public Highway – Dufferin Street 51 A bylaw to establish a public highway H.4 2020-39 - Amendment to Transit Bylaw 53 A bylaw to amend Bylaw No. 2017-7 being a bylaw to regulate the use of public transit vehicles and facilities in The Regional Municipality of York I. Motions J. Notices of Motion to Reconsider K. Other Business K.1 Regional Council Resolution - Federation of Canadian Municipalities - Big Cities Mayors' Caucus Expansion L. Private Session L.1 Disposition of Matters Under the Purchasing Bylaw 2019 Annual Report - Litigation and Solicitor-Client Privilege L.2 Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension Update - Potential Litigation and Solicitor-Client Privilege L.3 Verbal Update - York Region Transit Service Contract with Transdev Services (Canada) Inc. - Labour Relations Revised Agenda - Regional Council - June 25, 2020 M. Confirmatory Bylaw 55 Introduction of Bylaw 2020-40 to confirm the proceedings of Council at this meeting N. Adjournment Revised Agenda - Regional Council - June 25, 2020 Minutes YORK REGIONAL COUNCIL Education Session June 18, 2020 Electronic Meeting Members: W. Emmerson, M. Bevilacqua, J. DiPaola, M. Ferri, R. Grossi, V. Hackson, D. Hamilton, J. Heath, L. Jackson, J. Li, T. Mrakas, S. Pellegrini, C. Perrelli, M. Quirk, G. Rosati, F. Scarpitti, J. Taylor, T. Vegh Staff: D. Basso, K. Chislett, P. Freeman, P. Jankowski, D. Kuzmyk, B. Macgregor, L. Mirabella, C. Raynor, M.F. Turner _____________________________________________________________________ A. Call to Order Regional Chair Emmerson called the meeting to order at 9:02 a.m. B. Disclosures of Interest None C. Presentations C.1 Diversity Dialogue Moved by Mayor Scarpitti Seconded by Mayor Taylor That Council receive the presentations by Shernett Martin, Charlene Grant, Natalie Rizzo, Josie Rose, Claudette Rutherford and Cheryl Yarde on behalf of a number of community organizations and refer them to staff. Carried D. Confirmatory Bylaw 1 Minutes - Regional Council Education Session - June 18, 2020 Moved by Mayor Bevilacqua Seconded by Regional Councillor Hamilton That Council enact Bylaw No. 2020-35 to confirm the proceedings of this meeting of Council held on June 18, 2020. Carried E. Adjournment The Council meeting adjourned at 11:17 a.m. Regional Clerk Minutes confirmed and adopted at the meeting of Council held on June 25, 2020. Regional Chair 2 Office of the Chief Planner Corporate Services Department MEMORANDUM To: Regional Chair Emmerson and Members of Regional Council From: Paul Freeman Chief Planner Date: June 23, 2020 Re: Housing Supply Update On June 11, 2020 Committee of the Whole requested additional information on the Status of the Region’s Housing Supply Following the Planning and Economic Development Update presentation and discussion regarding population growth rates and Development Charge collection, staff was requested to report to Council with an update on the status of the Region’s current housing supply. In this regard, attachments to this memorandum include the following information: • Location of Draft Approved units, and Registered unbuilt units by local municipality (with age of draft approval or registration noted) • Breakdown of housing supply units by type (single detached, semi-detached, townhouse and apartment units) • Additional units available to each municipality based on existing water and wastewater infrastructure capacity The Region currently has a housing supply of approximately 26,900 draft approved units and almost 5,000 registered unbuilt units across all nine local municipalities Based on best available data to May 2020, the Region has a housing supply of an estimated 31,833 units, comprised of 4,939 registered unbuilt units, and an additional 26,894 draft approved units; this represents a supply of over 4 years of growth. The data, as outlined in Attachment 1, identifies the supply of all unit types both draft approved and registered unbuilt. All nine local municipalities contribute to this supply as noted in the table included as Attachment 1. The capital expenditures and debt financing costs to service these units have been assumed by the Region but up to $1.58 billion in Development Charges remain outstanding given the planning status. Maps provided in Attachment 2 identify the location of registered and draft approved units for each local municipality and summarize the unit contribution by housing type. Housing supply is fluid with new units coming on line as units are built and sold The Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) has noted when previously reporting housing supply numbers that some units are not available, as they are currently sold. Staff acknowledge this to be the case but note that data regarding availability to the market (i.e. sold or not) is not readily available to staff. Further, housing supply is fluid with new units coming on line as other are consumed by the market. The result, even with servicing delays, has been a relatively consistent supply as is evident by the summary of housing supply reports provided in Figure 1. Figure 1 Housing Supply of Registered and Draft Approved Units 50,000 40,000 30,000 Units 20,000 10,000 0 2016 2018 2019 2020 Ground-Related Apartments Note: 2020 data includes registered unbuilt and draft approved, whereas previous years were based on registered unoccupied and draft approved. Part of the reduction in reported 2020 supply is a result of a modified calculation process to remove built units, however some of those units may not be occupied and/or sold and therefore still contributing to supply; in these instances, Development Changes have been collected as the Building Permit has been issued. To assist the Region in maintaining current housing supply data, we will continue to work with local municipalities to submit their building permit data and advise of local development approvals in a consistent and timely manner.
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