• DIRECt{>:Ry. J STAFFORDSHIRE. tTTl X~TER. 455 Petty Se~sions are held at the Town hall, Uttoxeter, every Newborough, Rocester, Uttoxeter &i Uttoxeter Rural. alternate wednesday at 12 noon. The following places In Derbyshire :-Boylestone, Cubley. Doveridge, Mars­ are included in the division: Abbot's Bromley, Bagot's ton Montgomery, Norbury &; Roston, Somersal Her­ Bromley, Bromley Burst, Blithfield, Bromshall, Com· bert &; Sudbury. The population of the Union in bridge, Crakemarsh, Calwich, Croxden, Dodsley, Dmy­ 19II was 16,554; area, 66,151 acres; rateable v.alu' i'l cott, Ellaston, Field, Foie, Gratwich, High Wood, King­ 19II, £147,809 ston, Loxley, Leigh, :Moreton, Marchington, Marchington Chairman, Henry Bamford, Park house, Stafford Woodlands, Mayfield, Middleton Green, Newborough Clerk to the Guardian-. & Assessment Committee, Frank (upper quarter), Newborough (lower quarter), Newton, Sntton Hawthorn, Market place., Uttox:llter Nobut, Okeover, Prestwood, Quixill, Rocester, Ramsor, Treasurer, Tom B. Speechly, Lloyds Bank Limited, SLramshall, Stubby Lane, Stanton, Thorney Lau 'S, Pt­ Carter street, Uttoxeter toxeter, Willslock, W1thingtun &; Wootton C-ollector to the Guardians & Relieving Officer for tLo Union, Henry Crispin Luscombe, Sunny Side, Heath, Uttoxeter URB..!.N DISTRICT COUNCIL. Varcination Officers, R. Taylor, Kingst<'ne; C. MPakin, Veets at the Town Hall the first Monday in each month Sudbury & Thomas M. Stockley, Stone rd. Uttoxeter at 8 p.m. Collectors of Poor's Rates, Doveridge, Robt>1 t D, Villi', Members of Council. Gas street, Uttoxeter; Norbury, John Tilley; Blith­ field, L. Neighbour; Draycott; A. 0. Buckle) ; King­ Chairman, Arthur C. Bunting. stone, Ernest John Stonier; Leigh, Charle~ B .t ., ~ Vice-Chairman, Percy William Howkins. Marchington, W. Wainwright; Marchington W ~.-o l­ lands, Frank Harper; Uttoxeter, A. 13. Cv--.c, H;gh Retir~ April, 1912. street, Uttoxeter; Rocester, John T1lley & :!S"d'­ James Austin T. Wilcox borough, Thomas Pickard Arthur C. Bunting Erne<;t Au6n"tu~ WilJ,ins :Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Abbots Brrmle~ 'Thomas Melior Charles S. Wilkinson • district, T. Goodall Copestake M B., Ch.B.G~-s. Retire April, 1913. Abbots Bromley; Leigh district, William John Harvey Rev. Richard Barker Henry Leek Fletcher L.R.C.P. & L.R.C S.Edin. Balance qtrept, Francis Harper Thomas Nuttall Uttoxeter; Rocester district. Berna d Robin ;son Percy William Howkins M.R.C.S.Eng, L.R.C.P.Lond. South view, Roceste1; Retire April, 1914. Sudburv district, Peter Crerar M.D., C.M.Edin. Sud- George Fletcher Bagshaw I George Fredk. Bo\'\'den bury; -Uttoxeter district, W11liam J-ohn H.uvey F.A.I Horace Crutchlow Fletcher L.R.C.S. & L.R.C.P Edin. Balance street, Samuel Brassington Bam-~ GPorge Stewart Uttoxeter ford J_P rhe 1Vorkhou~e, Heath, erected in 1788, & re ~rPcterf 1840, ·at a co;;;t of £3,9oo, is a sub~tantial edifice of brick. Officials. covPring an area of 3 roods, & will hold 126 inm'ltPs; Clerk, Frank Sutton Hawthorn, Market place, UttoJieter William .John H. Fletcher L.R.C.P. & L R.O. <::. Edin. Treasnrer, Tom B. Spaechly, Lloyds Bank,Carter street, medical officer; Rev. William Charles G"anville Uttoxetl'r Sharp M. A.. chaplain; H. Nelson, master; Mrs. Medical Officer, Benjamin Heywood Herbert M.R.C.S. Nelson, m'ltron Eng. Eastfield, Church street, Uttoxeter Uttoxeter Registration District. Secretary to Education Committee, Harry Lineker, 41 Superintendent Registrar, Charles Henry Oowli;.haw, 23 Balance street, Uttoxeter High street Sanitary Inspector & Surveyor, John R. Hadfield, Town Registrar of ~larria~es, John Payne Hall, 23 Ca-ter st. hall Uttoxeter; deputy, William Wood, 6 Marl;et place, Rate Collector, Alfred Bretnall Cox, High st. Uttoxeter Uttoxeter Registrar of Births & Deaths. Abbots Bromley sub­ UTTOXETER RUR..!.L DISTRICT COUNCIL. district, William Oswald, Abbots Bromley; Sudbury sub-district, Charles Meakin, Sudbury : deputy, John The parishes in the Rural District are the Staffordshire Lawley, Park side farm, Sudbury; Utt'lxr tpr sub­ parishes in the Union, with the exception of Uttoxeter. district, Henry Crispin Luscombe, Sunny Side, H~>ath. The area is 47,815 acres; the population in I9II was Uttoxeter; deputy, Charles W. Cockersoll', Grotn.l 8,152- villa, C ttoxeter Council meets at 10.15 o'clock on wednesday (fort­ nightly) at Town hall. Pt'BLIC EST ..!.BLISit:ME~TS_ Chairman, T. Wood Cemetery, Stafford road, Frank Sutton Hawthun1, c:e1k t, Officials. the Joint Burial Committl'e <Clerk, }<'rank Sutton Hawthorn, Marltot p 1ace. rtto:'I>PtPT County Court, Town hall, Hi!l Honor Alfred Hy. Rue~~ K.C. jud~e; Fr·ank Sutton Hawthorn, regi-trar & high Treasurer, Tom B. Speechly, Llo)ds Bank, Carter SL!'Ild, Uttoxeter bailiff, Market place, Uttoxeter. The County Court i'\ held once in two months & comprises the following placl'i Med~cal Officer of Health, Thoma!! Bamford L R.C.P. Loud., M.R.C.S.Eng. Enville house, Balance street, within its jurhdiction: -Abbots Bromley, Admastolle. Uttoxeter Aston (Derby), Beamhur,t, Blithfield, Buyl:stone, Drams­ Surveyor of Highways k Sanitary Insprctor, William hall, Bromley Hurst, Bromley Wood, Combridge, Coton., Walker, 40 Carter street Crakemarsh, Cuhley (Derby), Denstone, Dodsley. nove­ ridge (Dl'rby), Draycott-in-the-Clay, Field, Gl'lh!ch, COMMISSIONERS OF TAXES FOR UTTOXETER Harehill, Kingston, Leafields, Leigh, LoxlPy, March­ ington, M a! chington Wood:ands, Mar4on l\4" rmt­ DIVISION. gomery (De1by), Marston Common De1by), ~lorl'­ Rt>v. Dean Ernald Lane, Itocester; Capt. Arthur Fil eh tun, .Xewton, Xobut, Norburv (Derby), Newborough, Dawson, Rocester; C. W. Lyon esq. J.P. Clifton Olci Wood, R •c~>,ter, Roston (Derb} ), Scownslow fhtoPn, Cross, Ashbourne: Rev. C. F. L. Barnwell, Strams­ Somtor-.all Herbert (Derby), Stephen's Hill, Strnm-.lt .. H. hall, U ttoxeter; Step hen Blount esq. J. P. Loxley hall, Surl.hury, CttoxE>ter, including High"ood, WitLiu0 tvn Uttoxeter; Rev. Ro6er Oakden, Bramshall, Uttoxeter; & Yeat~all J. F. Campbell esq. J.P. Woodseat, Rocester; Col. For Bankruptcy jurisdiction this court is inclurl~rl ip Bertram C. P. Heywood T.D., J.P. Woott n lodge, that of Burton-on-Trl'nt; EdV~ard Wynne HumphrP) s, Ellastine, Ashbourne; T. P. Kempson esq. J.P. Densey 4 Castle placl', Park strret, Nottingham & .1 Vi et;>, :a lodge, Sudbury; Arthur C. Bunting esq. Wood Lawn, buildings, London road, Derby, official receiver; J. D Uttoxeter; Capt. Lionel Guy Gisborne J.P. Highfields, Turner, assistant Woodlands, Uttoxeter Ct>rtified Bailiffs appointed under the "Law of Distreo;;s Clerk to the Commissioners, Thomas S. Wilkins, Carter Amendment Act'' :-Albert Ford, 20 High ~treet, street CQnnty Court bailiff; Goorge F. Bagshaw, sr Mark~>t UTTOXETER U~ION. place; Charles S. Wilkinson, High street; Theodcre R. H. Miller, ~9 Balance street Board day every alternate wednesday (small marl;et County Police Office, Balance street, John Hodliinson, day), at the Town hall at 11 a.m. superintendent, 1 serg-eant & 6 constables _ The Union comprises the following parishes in Staffs:­ ~Pw Excise Office, Herbert PaCPV,• road, Heath Abbots Bromley, Blithfield, Bramshall, Croxden, Den­ Fire Brigade, Thomas Hollins, captain & II men atone, Draycott-in-the-Clay, Field, Gratwich, King­ Tempt>rarce Hall, Bridge strl'et, Mrs. Fradley, keeper stone, Leigh, Marchington, Marchington Wood~ar..ds, Town H:11l, Hlgb str"Pt, Joseph Wilmott, keeper .
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