EPJ Web of Conferences 99, 02002 (2015) DOI: 10.1051/epjconf/20159902002 c Owned by the authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2015 Fixed-target hadron production experiments Boris A. Popov1,2,a 1 Laboratoire de Physique Nucleaire´ et de Hautes Energies, 4 place Jussieu, 75005 Paris, France 2 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Joliot-Curie 6, 141980 Dubna, Russia Abstract. Results from fixed-target hadroproduction experiments (HARP, MIPP, NA49 and NA61/SHINE) as well as their implications for cosmic ray and neutrino physics are reviewed. HARP measurements have been used for predictions of neutrino beams in K2K and MiniBooNE/SciBooNE experiments and are also being used to improve predictions of the muon yields in EAS and of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes as well as to help in the optimization of neutrino factory and super-beam designs. Recent measurements released by the NA61/SHINE experiment are of significant importance for a precise prediction of the J-PARC neutrino beam used for the T2K experiment and for interpretation of EAS data. These hadroproduction experiments provide also a large amount of input for validation and tuning of hadron production models in Monte-Carlo generators. 1. Introduction in order to illustrate some common features of modern hadron production experiments. The interpretation of extensive air shower (EAS) data – as for instance recorded by the Pierre Auger Observatory [1], To provide a large angular and momentum coverage KASCADE [2] or IceTop [3] – relies to a large extent on of the produced charged particles, the HARP experiment the correct modeling of hadron-air interactions that occur makes use of a large-acceptance spectrometer consisting during the shower development. The relevant particle of forward and large-angle detection systems. A detailed energies span a wide range from primary energies of description of the experimental apparatus can be found 1020 eV down to energies of 109 eV. Mesons that in [5]. The forward spectrometer – based on large area drift decay to muons at the ground level and that are chambers [13] and a dipole magnet complemented by a detected by these experiments typically originate from set of detectors for particle identification (PID): a time- low-energy interactions at the late stages of an air shower. of-flight wall [14] (TOFW), a large Cherenkov detector Depending on the primary energy and detection distance, (CHE) and an electromagnetic calorimeter – covers polar the corresponding interaction energies are between 10 and angles up to 250 mrad which is well matched to the angular 1000 GeV (see e.g. [4]). range of interest for the measurement of hadron production Fixed-target hadron production experiments relevant to calculate the properties of conventional neutrino beams. for cosmic ray and neutrino physics and covering this The large-angle spectrometer – based on a Time Projection energy range are briefly reviewed here. Chamber (TPC) located inside a solenoidal magnet – has a large acceptance in the momentum and angular range for the pions relevant to the production of the muons in 2. The HARP experiment a neutrino factory. It covers a large majority of the pions accepted in the focusing system of a typical design. The The HARP experiment [5] at the CERN PS was designed neutrino beam of a neutrino factory originates from the to make measurements of hadron yields from a large decay of muons which are, in turn, the decay products of range of nuclear targets from hydrogen to lead and for pions. incident particle momenta from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. The main motivations are the measurement of pion yields for a A full set of data collected by the HARP experiment λ quantitative design of the proton driver of a future neutrino with solid thin (5% of nuclear interaction length, I) and factory and a super-beam [6], a substantial improvement in cryogenic targets have been analyzed and published [15– the calculation of the muon yields in EAS initiated by UHE 27]. Those results cover all the physics subjects discussed cosmic rays and of the atmospheric neutrino fluxes [7] above. and the measurement of particle yields as input for the flux calculation in accelerator neutrino experiments [8], such as K2K [9,10], MiniBooNE [11] and SciBooNE [12]. 2.1. Results obtained with the HARP forward In addition to these specific aims, the data provided by spectrometer HARP are valuable for validation and tuning of hadron production models used in simulation programs. The A detailed description of established experimental HARP experiment is described in more detail below techniques for the data analysis in the HARP forward spectrometer can be found in Refs. [15–18]. Only a brief a e-mail: [email protected] summary is given here. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Article available at http://www.epj-conferences.org or http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/20159902002 EPJ Web of Conferences The absolutely normalized double-differential cross a significant reduction of the dominant systematic error section for a process like p + Target → π + + X can associated with the calculation of the so-called far-to-near be expressed in bins of pion kinematic variables in the ratio from 5.1% to 2.9% (see [15] and [10] for a detailed laboratory frame (momentum, pπ , and polar angle, θπ ), as discussion) and thus an increased K2K sensitivity to the oscillation signal. 2 π + d σ A 1 1 π + The next HARP goal was to contribute to the pπ ,θπ = · · · N pπ ,θπ , ( ) ρ ( ) dpd NA t p Npot understanding of the MiniBooNE and SciBooNE neutrino (1) fluxes. They are both produced by the Booster Neutrino + 2σ π Beam at Fermilab which originates from protons where d is the cross section in cm2/(GeV/c)/srad dpd accelerated to 8.9 GeV/c by the booster before being A for each (pπ ,θπ ) bin covered in the analysis; is the NAρ collided against a beryllium target. A fundamental input reciprocal of the number density of target nuclei; t is the for the calculation of the resulting νµ flux is the + thickness of the target along the beam direction; p and measurement of the π cross sections from a thin 5% λI are the bin sizes in momentum and solid angle (p = beryllium target at exactly 8.9 GeV/c proton momentum. − = π θ − θ pmax pmin; 2 (cos( min) cos( max))); Npot is These double-differential cross sections were mea- the number of protons on target after event selection cuts; sured in the kinematic range from 0.75 GeV/c ≤ pπ ≤ π + N (pπ ,θπ ) is the yield of positive pions in bins of true 6.5 GeV/c and 0.030 rad ≤ θπ ≤ 0.210 rad, subdivided momentum and angle in the laboratory frame. Equation (1) into 13 momentum and 6 angular bins [17]. A typical can be generalized to give the inclusive cross section for a total uncertainty of 9.8% on the double-differential cross particle of type α section values and a 4.9% uncertainty on the total integrated cross section are obtained. These HARP results 2σ α d A 1 1 −1 have been used for neutrino flux predictions [28]inthe (p,θ) = · · · M ρ pθαp θ α dpd NA t p Npot MiniBooNE [29] and SciBooNE experiments [12]. α Sanford and Wang [30] have developed an empirical ·N (p ,θ ) , (2) parametrization for describing the production cross sections of mesons in proton-nucleus interactions (e.g. where reconstructed quantities are marked with a prime + −1 p+A → π + X). This Sanford-Wang (SW) parametriza- and M is the inverse of a matrix which pθαp θ α tion has the following functional form: fully describes the migrations between bins of true and reconstructed quantities, namely: laboratory frame 2σ c4 d ,θ = − p momentum, p, laboratory frame angle, θ, and particle type, (p ) exp[c1 c3 c dpd p 5 α. b There is a background associated with beam protons p − θ − c8 θ c2 − , c6 (p c7 pb cos )]p 1 (3) interacting in materials other than the nuclear target (parts pb of the detector, air, etc.). These events are subtracted by using data collected without the nuclear target in place where X denotes any system of other particles in the after normalization to the same number of protons on final state; pb is the proton beam momentum in GeV/c; target. This procedure is referred to as the “empty target p and θ are the π + momentum and angle in units of subtraction”. GeV/c and radians, respectively; d2σ/(dpd) is expressed The event selection is performed in the following in units of mb/(GeV/c sr); d ≡ 2π d(cos θ); and the way: a good event is required to have a single, well parameters c1,...,c8 are obtained from fits to meson reconstructed and identified beam particle impinging on production data. HARP data were fitted using this the nuclear target. A downstream trigger in the forward empirical SW parametrization. This is a useful tool to trigger plane (FTP) is also required to record the event, compare and combine different data sets. A global SW necessitating an additional set of unbiased, pre-scaled parametrization for forward production of charged pions as triggers for absolute normalization of the cross section. an approximation of all the studied datasets is provided in These pre-scaled triggers (e.g. 1/64) are subject to exactly Ref. [26]. It can serve as a tool for quick yields estimates. the same selection criteria for a “good” beam particle as The next HARP analysis was devoted to the the event triggers allowing the efficiencies of the selection measurement of the double-differential production cross to cancel, thus adding no additional systematic uncertainty section of π ± in the collision of 12 GeV/c protons to the absolute normalization of the result.
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