Recent Radiation Monitoring Results: Expedition 10, 11 and STS-114 E. Semones, M. Weyland; B. Rutledge, T. Shelfer; R. Gaza; D. Zhou; A. Johnson; and N. Zapp WRMISS 10 Chiba, Japan Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center 9/7/05 Mission Timeline Launch Landing Expedition Status Duration Crew (GMT) (GMT) 19-Apr- 24-Oct- 188 days Gennady ISS-9 Flown 2004 2004 9 hr. Padalka, 03:19:00 12:36:00 17min. Michael Fincke 14-Oct- 24-Apr- 192 days Leroy Chiao, ISS-10 Flown 2004 2005 19 hr. Salizhan 03:06:00 22:08:00 2min. Sharipov 15-Apr- Estimated: 177 days Sergei In ISS-11 2005 10-Oct- 23 hr. Krikalev, Progress 00:46:25 2005 13min. John Phillips Launch # Mission Landing Date Duration Inclination # Status Date Intl. EVA's Vehicle (Increment) (GMT) (hours) (°) Crew (GMT) Crew 13 days STS-114 26-Jul-2005 09-Aug-2005 Flown 21 hr. 51.6 7 1 3 Discovery (LF1) 14:39:01 12:11:00 31min. International Space Station As Flown Altitude Profile (Based on MCC-M/USSP Tracked SV Data) 445.0 STS100 M Reb STS108 M-Reb STS-113 M Reb 240.3 442.5 STS102 M-Reb STS112 M Reb 238.9 440.0 STS92 M-Reb STS105 M-Reb STS111 M Reb 237.6 437.5 STS96 M-Reb STS106 M-Reb STS104 M-Reb STS110 M-Reb 236.2 435.0 STS88 M-Reb STS101 M-Reb STS98 M-Reb UF1 6P Reb 16P St g 234.9 432.5 7A Inc UF1 6P Reb 9A 9P Reb 10P St g Reb 13P Reb/ Inc 16P St g 233.5 430.0 1P Reb 7A Test UF1 Test O/ P UF2 8P Reb 10P St g Reb 13P Phase-01 15P St g Reb 232.2 427.5 2A Test 1P Test 5A1 Reb UF1 Test UF2 7P Reb 10P St g Reb 12P Phase 15P Phase/ Inc 230.8 425.0 1A/ R Insert ion 2A1 reb 1R Rend 5A1 Test 4R Reb/ Phs 8A Reb 11A/ 10P Reb 12P Phase 15P St g Reb 17P St g 229.5 422.5 FGB DAM DAM STS98 7P DAM 228.1 420.0 DAM (f ailed) 1P DAM DAM STS108 10P DAM 226.8 417.5 225.4 415.0 Sz-TM M ax Rndz Alt (425 km) 224.1 412.5 222.7 410.0 Sz-TM (1-4) M ax Dock/Sep (410 km) 221.4 407.5 220.0 405.0 218.7 402.5 217.3 400.0 216.0 e v e 397.5 214.6 a v 395.0 213.3 a H 392.5 211.9 H , , 390.0 210.6 p p 387.5 209.2 H H , 385.0 207.9 a , 382.5 206.5 a H H 380.0 205.2 - - 377.5 203.8 ) ) 375.0 202.5 m m 372.5 201.1 n ( k ( 370.0 199.8 . t . 367.5 198.4 l t l 365.0 197.1 A A t 362.5 195.7 t 360.0 194.4 n n a i a 357.5 193.0 r i r 355.0 191.7 a a 352.5 190.3 v v n I n 350.0 189.0 I 347.5 187.6 345.0 3P-M Dock 3S-SZ Dock 186.3 342.5 2P-M1 Dock 4R-DC Dock 8P M-Dock 6S Dock 13P M1 Dock 15P M Dock 184.9 340.0 2R-Sz Dock 5P-M Dock 4S Dock 10PM Dock 7S Dock 14P M1 Dock 183.6 337.5 1P Dock 4P-M1 Dock 7P-M1 Dock 5S Dock 12P M Dock 16P M Dock 182.2 335.0 1R-SM Dock 2S-Sz Dock 6P-M1 Dock 9PM1 Dock 11P M1 Dock 8S Dock 9S Dock 180.9 332.5 STS98 Dock STS-113 Dock 179.5 330.0 STS97 Dock STS105 Dock STS-112 Dock 178.2 327.5 STS92 Dock STS104 Dock STS-111 Dock 176.8 325.0 STS96 Dock STS106 Dock STS100 Dock STS-110 Dock 175.5 322.5 STS-88 Dock STS101 Dock STS102 Dock STS108 Dock 174.1 320.0 172.8 317.5 2S Sep 6S Sep 171.4 315.0 3P Sep DC ISM Sep 7P Sep 9P Sep 11P Sep 13P Sep 15P M Sep 170.1 312.5 2P Sep 4P Sep 3S Sep 4S Sep 1OP Sep 7S Sep 8S Sep 168.7 310.0 1P Sep 2R-Sz Sep 5P Sep 6P Sep 8P Sep 5S Sep 12P Sep 14P Sep 167.4 Solar Cycle Progression SRAG Operational Radiation Measurements Area monitoring devices • Passive detectors: Thermoluminescence Dosimeters (TLD), Optically Stimulated Luminescence detectors (OSLDs) and Plastic Nuclear Track Detectors (PNTD) • Active detectors: Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counters (TEPC) and Solid-State (Si) Detectors: IV-CPDS, EV-CPDS Personal dosimetry- Each crewmember carries a dosimeter for the duration of their mission. • TLDs: LiF:Mg,Ti; CaF2:Tm • PNTD CR-39 (USF-4, 600 mm) • OSLDs: Luxel, “dots” and roll 22-24 detectors in Lexan holder at a depth of 0.18 g/cm^2 Space radiation dosimetry • What we want: Dose equivalent: H = å Hi = å Di ´ Q(Li ) i i • NCRP 142, 2002 Recommendation 11, Equation 6.1: H = QD + Q(L) D (L) dL OSLD /TLD ò PNTD LET £ 10 keV/mm; Q = 1 LET ³ 10 keV/mm; Q = Q(L) Schematic of Passive Dosimeters New NASA-SRAG Passive Radiation Detector used for STS-114 and Expedition 12 • TLD-100 (8 samples) • TLD-300 (6 samples) • TLD-600 (2 samples) • TLD-700 (2 samples) • OSLD/Luxel (2 samples; 6 samples future flights) • CR-39 (2 samples) Detector Stack Lexan Cover: 0.15 cm Label (White Paper) CR-39 (1 Sheet, Bare) 600 mm Polycarbonate Film (1 Sheet) CR-39 (1 Sheet, Bare) 600 mm Polycarbonate Film (2 Sheets) TLDs/OSLD in Lexan Holder: 0.45 cm Service Module Monitoring Locations US Destiny Lab to Zvezda SM = 44.5 meters US LAB Monitoring Locations Overall View of Monitoring Locations Node Dosimeter Location 2 SM-P327 (R16) Location ISS RAM monitoring Periods for Expedition 1-10 Exposure Duration Start Date End Date (days) 5/20/1999 5/29/2000 375 5/19/2000 9/20/2000 124 9/8/2000 12/11/2000 93 12/1/2000 5/1/2001 151 4/19/2001 7/24/2001 96 7/12/2001 8/22/2001 40 8/10/2001 12/17/2001 128 12/5/2001 4/19/2002 134 4/8/2002 6/19/2002 71 6/5/2002 12/7/2002 184 11/24/2002 5/4/2003 160 10/18/2003 4/30/2004 195 4/19/2004 10/24/2004 188 10/14/2004 4/24/2005 192 Passive Monitoring Summary • Since launch of ISS in 1998 there have been 14 separate passive monitoring periods • The average length of monitoring periods is 152 days. ~2100 days of continuous monitoring. • There are 17 permanent monitoring locations covering 30 meters of habitable volume – Monitoring locations are only separated by a few meters ISS Dose Rate Summary: TLD-100 350 Unity Node Location 2 SM-P442 SM-P327 300 US LAB Location 1 250 y a d / y G TEPC locations m 200 150 100 1/1/00 1/1/01 1/1/02 1/1/03 1/1/04 1/1/05 1/1/06 Monitoring Period Ending Date Airlock U.S. Node 1 U.S. Lab Service Module Entire Vehicle 2.1 e ISS Radiation Area Monitors t 2.0 a R 1.9 e s o 1.8 D n i 1.7 M / 1.6 e t a 1.5 R e s 1.4 o D 1.3 x A 1.2 M 1.1 1.0 20-May-1999-- 29-May-2000 19-May-2000-- 20-Sep-2000 08-Sep-2000-- 11-Dec-2000 01-Dec-2000-- 01-May-2001 19-Apr-2001-- 24-Jul-2001 12-Jul-2001-- 22-Aug-2001 10-Aug-2001-- 17-Dec-2001 05-Dec-2001-- 19-Apr-2002 08-Apr-2002-- 19-Jun-2002 05-Jun-2002--07-Dec-2002 24-Nov-2002-- 04-May-2003 18-Oct-2003- 30-Apr-2004 Horizontal Alignment: SMP442 Vertical Alignment: SMP442 Node 1 - No TEPC Dose SM Cyclic Data 30 370.0 -XPH+ZNN +XVV +ZLV -YVV +ZLV +XVV +ZLV +XVV +ZLV (XPOP) (LVLH) Detector Horizontal Detector Vertical (LVLH) 25 365.0 25.9 24.5 21.7 20 360.0 20.4 20.5 15.8 d a r i l 15 355.0 l i m 13.0 11.7 11.3 11.0 13.1 12.0 10 350.0 SM P327 NODE SM STBD CQ 5 345.0 TEPC/R16 1.66 1.9 1.8 2.21 1.71 1.44 1.30 0 340.0 2/15/05 3/1/05 3/15/05 3/29/05 4/12/05 UT 4/26/05 5/10/05 5/24/05 6/7/05 Daily TEPC values > 97 % TEPC Interval Averages by Attitude Daily R-16 Values R-16 Averages By Attitude Attitude Shift or TEPC Movement Alt (Km) TEPC Ratio TEPC Daily Dose (> 97% coverage cyclic data) Current average /previous (inverse) 1.35 .81 (1.24) 30 370.0 +XVV +ZLV -YVV +ZLV +XVV +ZLV -XPH +ZNN LVLH LVLH LVLH XPOP 25 365.0 STS-114 20.8 20.9 Docked 20 360.0 17.0 15.8 15.5 16.2 16.4 s d a r i 15 355.0 l l i Note: Previous TEPC m 11.9 -YVV/+XVV = 12.7 1.27 (SM CQ Detector 11.0 Horizontal) 10 1.30 (SM CQ Detector Vertical) 350.0 SM STBD SM P 327 CQ 5 345.0 TEPC/R16 1.3 1.30 1.29 1.34 1.27 0 340.0 5/30/2005 6/19/2005 7/9/2005 7/29/2005 8/18/2005 9/7/2005 9/27/2005 Daily TEPC values > 98 % TEPC IntervalGMT Averages by Attitude R-16 R-16 Averages By Attitude Attitude Shift STS-114 Alt (Km) Differential Flux (Number/cm2 sr day keV/mm) 2x10 4x10 6x10 8x10 400 MeV Neon - 90 Degrees - No Absorber 10 2 2 2 2 3 ICCHIBAN 3 Neon ICCHIBAN 20.0 Lineal Energy (keV/ 40.0 60.0 m m) 80.0 100.0 Differential Flux (Number/cm2 sr day keV/mm) 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 500 400MeV Neon Degrees- 0 - No Absorber 0 ICCHIBAN 3 Neon 3 ICCHIBAN 10 20 Lineal Energy (keV/ LinealEnergy 30 40 50 m m) 60 70 80 Differential Flux (Number/cm2 sr keV/mm) 2x10 3x10 4x10 5x10 10 3 3 3 3 3 0.0 Directional Comparison of Iss-Tepc Comparison Directional 1.0 Lineal Energy (Tissue, Energy keV/Lineal Trapped Differential Flux Differential Trapped 2.0 3.0 April 25-28 April 3 May - 30 m m) 4.0 5.0 Differential Flux (Number/cm2 sr keV/mm) 2.0x10 4.0x10 6.0x10 8.0x10 1.2x10 1.4x10 1.6x10 1.8x10 2.0x10 10 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 Directional Comparison Iss-Tepcof Comparison Directional 1 Lineal (Tissue, Energy Lineal keV/ GCR Differential Flux GCRDifferential 2 3 m April25-28 April3 30-May m) 4 5 Expedition 10 Combined Integral Flux 106 Lab S4 105 Lab S1 SM-P327 Node 4 10 SM STB CQ ) r s Total 3 2 10 Dose m Total c / r 2 Equiv.
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