Advancing precision cosmology with 21 cm intensity mapping by Kiyoshi Wesley Masui A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Physics University of Toronto c Copyright 2013 by Kiyoshi Wesley Masui Abstract Advancing precision cosmology with 21 cm intensity mapping Kiyoshi Wesley Masui Doctor of Philosophy Graduate Department of Physics University of Toronto 2013 In this thesis we make progress toward establishing the observational method of 21 cm intensity mapping as a sensitive and efficient method for mapping the large-scale struc- ture of the Universe. In Part I we undertake theoretical studies to better understand the potential of intensity mapping. This includes forecasting the ability of intensity mapping experiments to constrain alternative explanations to dark energy for the Universe's accel- erated expansion. We also consider how 21 cm observations of the neutral gas in the early Universe (after recombination but before reionization) could be used to detect primordial gravity waves, thus providing a window into cosmological inflation. Finally we show that scientifically interesting measurements could in principle be performed using intensity mapping in the near term, using existing telescopes in pilot surveys or prototypes for larger dedicated surveys. Part II describes observational efforts to perform some of the first measurements using 21 cm intensity mapping. We develop a general data analysis pipeline for analyzing intensity mapping data from single dish radio telescopes. We then apply the pipeline to observations using the Green Bank Telescope. By cross-correlating the intensity mapping survey with a traditional galaxy redshift survey we put a lower bound on the amplitude of the 21 cm signal. The auto-correlation provides an upper bound on the signal amplitude and we thus constrain the signal from both above and below. This pilot survey represents a pioneering effort in establishing 21 cm intensity mapping as a probe of the Universe. ii Dedication For Kaito's generation, that you may reach a better understanding of nature. iii Acknowledgements First and foremost, I want to thank my thesis advisor Ue-Li Pen. Early on in the program I was told that no single decision I made in my career would be as important as the match between student and advisor. I think we managed to hit the sweet spot between me having the freedom to pursue creative research and you pushing me to accomplish as much as possible. I have learnt so much from you. I would also like to acknowledge the efforts of all my collaborators, without whom this thesis would not have been possible. A special thank you to the two post-docs that did all the work: Eric Switzer and Pat McDonald. I am also indebted to the many faculty, post-docs, staff, and grad students at CITA for the countless bits of help, tidbits of advice, and allowing me to bounce ideas off of you relentlessly. This is especially true of Richard Shaw, as well as my office mates who have contributed enumerable snippets of code. Beyond the professional, I would like to thank the many friends and family who are responsible for me growing to love Toronto. Life here has been wonderful because of you. Thank you to my parents and brother for making me who I am. Thank you Maggie, for being my partner through all of this. I can't wait for what adventures may come. iv Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background . .1 1.1.1 Cosmology and large-scale structure . .1 1.1.2 Redshift surveys using the 21 cm line . .4 1.2 Formalism . .6 1.2.1 The background expansion . .6 1.2.2 Perturbations . .9 1.3 Overview . 13 1.3.1 Outline . 13 1.3.2 Summary of contributions . 15 I The potential of 21 cm cosmology 17 2 Constraining modified gravity 18 2.1 Summary . 18 2.2 Introduction . 19 2.3 Modified Gravity Models . 20 2.3.1 f(R) Models . 20 2.3.2 DGP Braneworld . 22 2.4 Observational Signatures . 23 2.4.1 Baryonic acoustic oscillation expansion history test . 24 2.4.2 Weak Lensing . 25 2.4.3 External Priors from Planck . 29 2.5 Results . 30 2.6 Discussion . 36 v 3 Detecting primordial gravity waves 39 3.1 Summary . 39 3.2 Introduction . 39 3.3 Mechanism . 40 3.4 Tests of inflation . 43 3.5 Statistical detection in LSS . 44 3.6 Discussion . 46 3.7 Addendum . 47 4 Forecasts for near term experiments 49 4.1 Summary . 49 4.2 Introduction . 50 4.3 Redshift Space Distortions . 51 4.4 Baryon Acoustic Oscillations . 53 4.5 Forecasts . 55 4.6 Discussion . 60 II Pioneering 21 cm cosmology 62 5 Data analysis pipeline 63 5.1 Introduction . 63 5.2 Time ordered data . 64 5.2.1 Pipeline design . 66 5.2.2 Radio frequency interference . 67 5.2.3 Calibration . 68 5.3 Map-making . 73 5.3.1 Formalism . 73 5.3.2 Noise model and estimation . 76 5.3.3 An efficient time domain map-maker . 81 5.4 Conclusions . 85 6 21 cm cross-correlation with an optical galaxy survey 87 6.1 Summary . 87 6.2 Introduction . 88 6.3 Observations . 89 6.4 Analysis . 90 6.4.1 From data to maps . 90 vi 6.4.2 From maps to power spectra . 92 6.5 Results and discussion . 93 7 21 cm auto-correlation 98 7.1 Summary . 98 7.2 Introduction . 99 7.3 Observations and Analysis . 100 7.3.1 Foreground Cleaning . 101 7.3.2 Instrumental Systematics . 102 7.3.3 Power Spectrum Estimation . 103 7.4 Results . 105 7.5 Discussion and Conclusions . 107 8 Conclusions and outlook 111 8.1 Conclusions . 112 8.2 Future work . 112 Bibliography 115 vii List of Tables 2.1 Projected constraints on f(R) models for various combinations of obser- vational techniques, for a 200 m telescope. Constraints are the 95% confi- dence level upper limits and include forecasts for Planck. The non linear results (column marked NL WL) are for the HS model with n = 1. Results that make use of weak lensing with constraints above 10−3 are only order of magnitude accurate. The linear regime is taken to be ` < 140, with the nonlinear constraints extending up to ` = 600. 31 viii List of Figures 1.1 NASA/WMAP Science Team depiction of the evolution of the Universe in the Λ-CDM model. The creation of the cosmic microwave background is shown as well as the era of structure formation. Inflation and the ac- celerated expansion is depicted on the left and right sides of the figure respectively. .2 1.2 From Springel et al. [2005]. Large-scale structure at redshift z = 0, as seen in the Millennium Simulation. The colour map represents density with the brightest colours representing the densest regions. The bright spot near the middle of the image is a galaxy super cluster, containing of order 10 000 galaxies. .3 1.3 Large-scale structure in the VIPERS survey [Guzzo et al., 2013]. This figure contains roughly half of the 55 000 galaxies in the total survey. The 3D position of each galaxy is represented by a black dot. The figure is then collapsed along one of the angular dimensions (which has a thickness of ≈ 1◦). Large-scale structure is clearly visible, especially at z ≈ 0:7 where the mean galaxy density is highest. .4 1.4 Proper time t and conformal time η as a function of redshift z. The magnitude of the proper time can be interpreted as the distance trav- elled by a photon observed today and emitted by a source at redshift z, while the magnitude of η is the current/comoving distance to that source. These differ because the source recedes with the Hubble flow as the photon is in transit. t and η are given in terms of the Hubble time 1=H0 = 14:6 Gyr or alternately the Hubble distance c=H0 = 3:00 Gpc=h where h = H0=(100 km=s=Mpc) = 0:671. .9 2.1 The Weak lensing convergence power spectra for ΛCDM and the HS f(R) −4 model with n = 1 and fR0 = 10 . Galaxy distribution function is flat between z = 1 and z = 2.5. 29 ix 2.2 Projected constraints on the HS f(R) model with n = 1 using several combinations of observational techniques, for a 200 m telescope. All curves include forecasts for Planck. Allowed parameter values are shown in the fR0 − h plane at the 68.3%, and 95.4% confidence level. Results are not shown for \WL" which were calculated much less accurately (see text). 32 2.3 Same as Figure 2.2 but for a 100 m cylindrical telescope. 33 2.4 Ratio of the coordinate dA(z) (top) and the Hubble parameter H(z) (bot- tom) as predicted by the best fit DGP model to the fiducial model. Error bars are from 21 cm BAO predictions. Fit includes BAO data available from the 200 m telescope and CMB priors on θs and !m.......... 34 2.5 Weak lensing spectra in for DGP and a smooth dark energy model with the same expansion history. DGP parameters are h = 0:665, !m = 0:116, !k = 0 and !rc = 0:06. Errorbars represent expected accuracy of the 200 m telescope. 35 3.1 Primordial tensor power spectrum obeying the consistency relation for r = 0:1. The solid line is the tensor power spectrum. Error bars represent the reconstruction uncertainty on the binned power spectrum for a noiseless experiment, surveying 200 (Gpc=h)3 and resolving scalar modes down to kmax = 168h=Mpc.
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