Simon Marius: Works1 Marius, Simon (1596) Kurtze und eigentliche Beschreibung des Cometen oder Wundersterns / So sich in disem jetzt lauffenden Jar Christi unsers Heilands / 1596. in dem Monat Julio / bey den Füssen deß grossen Beerens / im Mitnächtischen Himmel hat sehen lassen. Gestellet durch Simonem Maierum Guntzenhusamum, Alumnum Sacrifontanum. Nürnberg: Paul Kauffmann 1596 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=en&menu=3&id=2 Marius, Simon (1599) Tabulae Directionum Novæ. Universæ penè Europæ inservientes in quibus I. Verissimus antiquorum Astrologorum ipsisusque Ptolemæi duodecim cœli domicilia distribuendi modus non tam restitutus, quam de nouo inuentus. II. Directionis Ptolemaicæ vtriusque tam artificiosæ quam vulgaris facilior & exactior ratio. III. Constituendi aspectus vsitata ratio emendata, atque antiquorum (à neotericis huc vsque neglecta, vel potius non intellecta) in lucem reuocata. Omnia ex vno eodemq [ue]; fundamento promanantia, Methodo facilima, verißima, planeq[ue]; naturalitr aduntur. Autore Simone Mario Guntzenhusano, Stipendiario & Alumno Sacrifontano. Nürnberg: Christoph Lochner 1599 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=en&menu=3&id=6 Marius, Simon (1610) Die Ersten Sechs Bücher Elementorum Evclidis, In welchen die Anfäng vnd Gründe der Geometria ordenlich gelehret / vnd gründtlich erwiesen werden / Mit sonderm Fleiß vnd Mühe auß Griechischer in vnsere Hohe deutsche Sprach übergesetzet / vnd mit verständtlichen Exempeln in Linien vnd gemeinen Rational Zahlen / Auch mit Newen Figuren / auff das leichtest vnd aigentlichest erkläret: Alles zu sonderm 1Marius, Simon (Prog. 1601–1629): Information on all calendars of Simon Marius can be found at https://www.simon-marius.net/calendars © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018 461 H. Gaab, P. Leich (eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Historical & Cultural Astronomy, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92621-6 462 Simon Marius: Works Nutz denjenigen / so sich der Geometria / im Rechnen / Kriegßwesen / Feldtmässen / Bauen / vnd andern Künsten vnnd Handtwerckern zugebrauchen haben: Auß Befehl Deß Edlen vnd Gestrengen Herrn / Hanß Philip Fuchß von Bimbach / zu Möhrn / Alten Rechenberg vnd Schwaningen / Obristen: Durch Simonem Marium Guntzenhusanum Franc. Fürstlichen Brandenb: bestalten Mathematicum, vnd Medicinæ Utriusq[ue], Studiosum. Ansbach: Paul Böhem 1610 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=en&menu=3&id=4 Marius, Simon (1614) Mundus Iovialis Anno M.DC.IX. Detectus Ope Perspicilli Belgici, Hoc est, Quatuor Jovialium Planetarum, Cum Theoria, Tum Tabulæ, Propriis Observationibus Maxime Fundatæ, Ex Quibus situs illorum ad Iovem, ad quodvis tempus datum promptissimè & facilimè supputari potest. Inventore & Authore Simone Mario Guntzenhusano, Marchionum Brandenburgensium in Franconiâ Mathematico, puriorisque Medicinæ Studioso. Nürnberg: Johann Lauer 1614 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=en&menu=3&id=1 Marius, Simon (1614/1916) Prickard, A.O., The ‘Mundus Jovialis’ of Simon Marius, The Observatory. A review of astronomy 39 (1916), pp. 367–381, 403–412, 443–452, 498–503 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=de&menu=4#Prickard_1916 Marius, Simon (1614/1988) Schlör, Joachim (ed.): Mundus Iovialis – Die Welt des Jupiter. Die Entdeckung der Jupitermonde durch den fränkischen Hofmathematiker und Astronomen Simon Marius im Jahr 1609 – lateinisch und deutsch (= Fränkische Geschichte, Vol. 4). Gunzenhausen: Johann Schrenk 1988 http://www.simon-marius-gymnasium.de/s-marius/mundus-iovialis-die-welt- des-jupiter-die-zweisprachige-ausgabe Marius, Simon (1614/1916/2019) Marius Simon, The World of Jupiter, translated by A.O. Prickard and Albert van Helden, in Simon Marius and his Research, Hans Gaab and Pierre Leich (ed.), Cham: Springer 2019 Marius, Simon (1619) Astronomische vnd Astrologische beschreibung deß Cometen so im November vnd December vorigen 1618. Jahrs ist gesehen worden / Genommen vnd Gestelt auß eygnen Observationibus dabey auch andere sachen kurtz eingemischet werden. Durch Simon Marium Guntzenhusanum, Fürstlichen Brandenburgischen bestelten Mathematicum vnnd Medicum. Nürnberg: Johann Lauer 1619 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=en&menu=3&id=5 Marius, Simon (1625) Gründliche Widerlegung der PositionCirckel / Claudij Ptolomæi, vornemblichen aber / Johannis Regiomontani; mit grosser Mühe vnnd vielem Nachdencken / so wol auß Ptolomæo selbsten / als auch allen andern vortrefflichen Astrologen, so von Ptolomæi Zeiten an / biß auff Regiomontanum gelebet / vnd von directionibus Simon Marius: Works 463 Theoricè und Practicè geschrieben: zusammen gezogen / Durch Simon Mairn / F.F. B.B. bestellten Mathematicum vnd Medicum. An jetzo aber auff vornehmer vnd Kunstliebender Personen Communication vnd Begehren allen der Astrology zugethanen / zu sonderbarem Gefallen vnd Nutz in offentlichem Truck erstmals publiciert / Durch Danielem Mögling Würtemberg. Phil. ac Med. Doctorem, auch Landtgräv. Hessischen Hoff-Med. vnd Math. zu Butzbach / etc. Franckfurt am Mayn: Lukas Iennis 1625 http://www.simon-marius.net/index.php?lang=en&menu=3&id=7 Prog. yyyy Calendars and Prognostica for 1601–1629 see Marius-Portal, Menue Complete Works | Calendars. www.simon-marius.net/calendars About the Authors Thony Christie is a, predominantly Internet, freelance his- torian of science, whose main interest is the history of the mathematical sciences in the Early Modern Period, includ- ing, however, astrology, medicine, and alchemy. He has blogged for many years as the Renaissance Mathematicus, was for several years the managing editor of the monthly history of science blog carnival On Giant’s Shoulders, and is the creator, compiler, and editor of the weekly, histories of science, technology, and medicine, Internet links list Whewell’s Gazette, as well as being English language editor of the Marius-Portal. He specializes in debunking myths in the history of science and presenting historically accurate popular accounts of that history. His most recent publica- tions were in AEON the digital Ideas magazine and in Viewpoint the digital magazine of the British Society for the History of Science. He resides in Spardorf in Middle Franconia, Germany. © Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018 465 H. Gaab, P. Leich (eds.), Simon Marius and His Research, Historical & Cultural Astronomy, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-92621-6 466 About the Authors Wolfgang R. Dick, born in 1955 in Greiz, studied astron- omy in Kharkov (Ukraine). He worked at the Institute for Astrophysics in Potsdam (1982–1991), at the Bonn Univer- sity Observatory (1991–1992), and at the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Potsdam Branch Division (1992–2000). Since mid-2000, he has been a mem- ber of the scientific staff at the Central Bureau (maintained by BKG in Frankfurt am Main) of the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service. From 1992 to 2014 he was Secretary of the Working Group for the History of Astronomy of the German Astronomical Society. He is co-founder and co-editor of Acta Historica Astronomiae. Recently, he published the expanded second edition of the Biographical Index of Astronomy together with Wilhelm Brüggenthies. Hans Gaab, born in 1956 in Ansbach, is a teacher for mathematics and physics at the Labenwolf-Gymnasium in Nuremberg and lives with his wife in Fürth. During 1986– 1989, he worked as a math teacher for the Deutscher Entwicklungsdienst DED (German Development Service) in the capital of Tanzania, Dodoma. He has been studying local history of astronomy for many years and has published numerous articles. In 2006, he was awarded the Silver Medal “Bene Merenti de Astronomia Norimbergensi” of the Nuremberg Astronomical Society. In 2010, he gained his doctorate for a thesis about Abdias Trew (1597–1669). It was published as volume 42 of the Acta Historica Astronomiae. In 2015, he published an extensive work about Albrecht Dürer’s star charts. From 2015 to 2017 he was Vice President of the Simon Marius Society. About the Authors 467 Christopher M. Graney is professor of physics and astron- omy at Jefferson Community and Technical College in Louisville, Kentucky (USA) and the author of the recent book Setting Aside All Authority: Giovanni Battista Riccioli and the Science Against Copernicus in the Age of Galileo (University of Notre Dame Press, 2015). His recently com- pleted translation of the 1614 Disquisitiones Mathematicae of Christoph Scheiner (respondent: Johann Georg Locher) will be published at the end of 1617 by the University of Notre Dame Press. Ph. Jürgen Hamel, born in 1951 in Stralsund, studied philosophy and history in Leipzig and gained his doctorate for a thesis on the early history of astrophysics. During 1978–1991, he worked at the Archenhold-Observatory in Berlin where he inter alia worked on the editions of the Collected Works of Copernicus and of Kepler. During 1998–2000, he worked at the Museum of Astronomy and Technological History in Kassel. He held lectures at the University of Landau on the history of astronomy and intro- duction to astronomy for many years. Hamel’s special fields are the history of astronomy in the late Middle Ages, Early Modern Era and eighteenth/nineteenth century, astronomi- cal bibliography, astronomy and cultural history as well as the history of astronomical monitoring tools. He has published numerous works about scientific and cultural his- tory in Mecklenburg-West Pomerania, especially the area Stralsund-Barth. Hamel is co-founder and co-editor of the journal series Acta Historica Astronomiae and also
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