Electrics Catalog And Cross-Reference Manual Warranty and Core Information Contents: Catalog: This warranty coverage applies to Warranty and Core……...…...………..2 every ReCon® starter, alternator, sole- Features………………...……….……..6 noid and parallel switch. ReCon® : Coverage Alternators……...………...…..………..9 Starters……………………...………...22 Products Warranted Parallel Switches………….………….35 PreLub Starters and Pumps…..........36 This warranty applies to electrical com- PreLub Kits and Service Parts……...38 ponents or assemblies (electrics) re- PreLub Application Guide….....….....39 manufactured or marketed by Cum- mins Inc. under the ReCon® trade- New Parts Cross Reference…….…41 mark. This warranty covers any failures of electrics which result, under normal use and service, from defects in work- manship or material during the speci- fied period. Coverage extends for one year, with unlimited mileage/hours from date of first installation. This warranty is made to owners in the chain of distribu- tion and to the first retail purchaser only. It does not extend to subsequent purchasers. Responsibilities Cummins Responsibilities In the event of a warrantable failure, Cummins will pay for parts and labor necessary to replace the electrics only. Warranty does not cover repair or re- placement of any other electrical or mechanical component. All labor costs will be paid in accor- dance with the Labor Guide set forth in the Cummins Warranty Manual. This manual is available for inspection at any Cummins distributor. 2 ReCon® Electrics Owner Responsibilities The owner is responsible for downtime Owner is responsible for any and all expenses, and all business costs and labor costs which exceed those based losses resulting from a warrantable fail- on the Labor Guide. ure. Cummins is not responsible for in- cidental or consequential damages. The owner is responsible for failures of any and all wiring, wiring harness, elec- Limitations trical connectors, batteries, or any other electrical components within the Warranty Limitations. electrical system of the unit in which Cummins is not responsible for failures the electrics are installed. resulting from owner or operator abuse or neglect such as defective electrical At the time the electrics are installed, wiring, electrical harness, electrical the owner is responsible for the prepa- connectors, batteries or other related ration of a written record containing the electrical components which caused following: the electrics to fail. Warranty does not Date of installation of the unit. cover improper installation or misappli- Part number of unit installed. cation such as installing a 12-volt com- Engine serial number and/or vehicle ponent on a 24-volt system. number. Only Cummins ReCon® parts are to be The purpose of this record is to protect used in making warranty repairs unless the owner’s interests and support any authorized by Cummins Product Sup- claim for a warrantable failure. port. Call 1-800-DIESELS (1-800-343- 7357).These warranties are the sole Prior to expiration of the warranty, the warranties of Cummins applicable to owner must give notice of a warrant- electrics. Cummins makes no other able failure and deliver the electrics to warranties, express or implied, or of a Cummins distributor, authorized merchantability or fitness for a particu- dealer or other repair location approved lar purpose. by Cummins to receive a replacement. The owner is responsible for all towing, communication expenses, meals, lodg- ing and similar costs incurred by the owner, as a result of a warrantable fail- ure. 3 Core Acceptance Alternator Starter Core will be accepted for exchange if Core will be accepted for exchange if visual inspection indicates the follow- visual inspection indicates the follow- ing: ing: Core is complete and not disassem- bled. Complete unit includes shaft, Core is complete and not disassem- front and back housings, rotor, sta- bled. A complete starter includes tor and regulator. nose housing, lever housing, gear, Core is a product style offered for armature, field coils, solenoid, field exchange by Cummins. housing and end plate. Starters Rust that occurs on exterior sur- faces of components exposed to without solenoids are acceptable weather conditions from normal op- with an additional charge. erating conditions is acceptable. In- Core is a product style offered for terior surfaces and components, or exchange by Cummins. any machined surface can have only light flash rust. Heavy rust due Rust that occurs on exterior sur- to improper storage is not accept- faces of components exposed to able. weather conditions from normal op- erating conditions is acceptable. In- Core that is damaged by non- terior surfaces and components, or operational causes such as rough han- dling, fire, improper removal or im- any machined surface can only proper protection during storage is not have light flash rust. Heavy rust due acceptable. to improper storage is not accept- able. Note:30SI/33SI transformer type and non- transformer type are not interchangeable. Early versions of Delco Remy and Negative and positive ground are accepted Dyer type starters are not accept- interchangeably. able. Core that is damaged by non- operational causes such as rough han- dling, fire, improper removal or im- proper protection during storage is not acceptable. 4 Core Acceptance Solenoid/Parallel Switch Core will be accepted for exchange if visual inspection indicates the follow- ing: Core is complete and not disassem- bled. Core is a part number offered for exchange by Cummins. Rust that occurs on exterior sur- faces of components exposed to weather conditions from normal op- erating conditions is acceptable. In- terior surfaces and components, or any machined surface can only have light flash rust. Heavy rust due to improper storage is not accept- able. Core that is damaged by non- operational causes such as rough han- dling, fire, improper removal or im- proper protection during storage is not acceptable. Solenoids of the same style with differ- ent voltage are accepted interchangea- bly. 5 ReCon® Electrics Features ReCon® Alternator Features Rotor Rectifier End Frame Assembly Bearing journals and slip ring size ,when applicable, gauged for 100% new brushes to ensure long correct size. life Coils re-qualified for amperage 100% new brush springs to guaran- draw and high voltage tested to en- tee proper force and promote long sure insulation integrity throughout life the complete alternator perform- ance curve. 100% new needle or ball bear- ings ,as applicable. Slip rings are re-machined or re- placed as required with run out Bearing seats re-qualified to ensure 0.002" or less to promote long life of a proper fit and reduce premature the alternator bearing failures New regulators or regulators that Drive End Frame are qualified with a computerized regulator tester that verify all the 100% new double sealed electric latest electronic functions of the motor grade bearings ensure long, regulators maintenance free life of the alterna- tor Rectifiers are qualified using a com- puterized rectifier tester that checks Bearing seats re-qualified for cor- all features of the diode including a rect size to ensure a proper fit and pulse load to verify diode and as- reduce premature bearing failures sembly integrity. Complete Alternator Stator assemblies Computerized load test tag on each 100% visual and electronically unit showing unit performance includ- tested for amperage rating ing voltage amperage and available regulator functions. Tag will not print if 100% re-varnished to eliminate the unit does not pass the criteria. This winding to winding and winding to ensures the performance matches the lamination short circuit and prevent performance of a new part and pre- premature failures vents errors in operator judgment dur- ing manufacturing. 100% high voltage tested to ensure insulation integrity 6 ReCon® Electrics Features ReCon® Starter Features Solenoid assembly Commutator end frame and brush as- 100% New solenoid contacts to en- sembly sure proper materials and dimen- sions are built into the solenoids 100% new self lubricating bushings and promote long life of the sole- to ensure long life of the starter noid. 100% new oil wicks and caps to en- Solenoid coils are rewound or re- sure the self lubricating feature on qualified to ensure proper perform- the starter functions properly. ance 100% new o-rings to prevent pre- 100% computer tested for pull mature failures from leaks force, hold force, coil balance, burn off reserve, pulling current and hold- 100% new brushes and leads to ing current to ensure proper per- ensure long life of the starter formance and long life of the starter. New brush springs or springs re- Lever housings qualified for proper torque and an- gle to ensure the torque applied to 100% new self lubricating bushings the springs is consistent and pro- to ensure long life of the starter motes long life of the starter 100% new oil wicks and caps to en- Field case assembly sure the self lubricating feature on the starter functions properly 100% new or re-wrapped field coils ensure that starter output power is 100% new o-rings prevent prema- consistent and will remain consis- ture failures from leaks tent through out the service period of the unit. 100% new shift lever pins maximize starter life 100% new liners ensure insulation is maintained through out the life of Armatures the starter. Bushing seats and commutators are 100% new field coil leads eliminate re-qualified
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