Ouachita Baptist University Scholarly Commons @ Ouachita Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine, 1945-1949 Arkansas Baptist Newsmagazine 5-2-1946 May 2, 1946 Arkansas Baptist State Convention Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.obu.edu/arbn_45-49 Part of the Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, Mass Communication Commons, and the Organizational Communication Commons VOLUME 45 LITTLE ROCK. ARKANSAS. MAY 2. 1946 NUMBER 1! • • • Baptist Center for Soldiers * * * The :Baptist Center for Soldiers at Little Rock was diers who also received spiritual blessings· from visiting established in August, 1941 as a part of the state mission the Center. One just received from a young woman in program for the purpose of ministering to the soldiers at New York is typical. She was converted at the Center Camp Robinson. while visiting her soldier boy friend. Excerpts from it are given here: A tGtal of 138,812 men have visited the Center dur­ ing its existence. Thirty-eight men have been converted "The Lord is faithful to the last degree. I have taken since January 1, bringing the total number of conversions Him at His word again and again, when he said: 'All to 383. things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.' In addition to ministering to the spiritual lives of the "After I left Little Rock, I went back my job but servicemen a wholesome social life is provided. Recrea­ to tion rooms are equipped with games for everyone and the Spirit of the Lord gave me no rest until I had given pianos for those who wish to play or sing. Young women up that job for we had such long hours that I had no op­ portunity to read the Bible. He led me to go to a Bible of the Little Rock churches meet with the men for Bible conference in the mountains for five weeks and it was classes,. Sunday afternoon services, and recreation, and there that I consecrated myself to the Lord, telling Him invite .them to the various churches for Sunday School, that whatever was His will for my life, I would do. Training Union, and worship services. "My fiance, Eddie Benson, had spoken of entering Baptist women working under the Center's direction the ministry, so I pictured myself as a minister's wife. had mended and altered 26.624 garments when the annual Realizing that I had no Bible knowledge whatsoever, I report was made the first of the year. This reuresented a decided to study, but didn't know what school to go to. saving of aunroximately $35.000 to the men in tailoring The Lord was gracious, however, and led me to speak to fees. The women have also made curtains for a number a man who happened tQ be on the Board of Directors of of buildings at the camp. the. National Bible Institute here in New York. The cir­ Men coming to the Center have used its facilities for cumstances under which I met this man made it obvious showers and shaves. Families of servicemen have been to me that the Lord wanted me to go to this particular assisted in finding pomes and jobs in Little Rock. school. Last November the State Convention voted to contin­ "A year later Eddie was killed. and that rocked the ue the work at the Service Center as long as men are sta­ very foundation of my faith. But the Lord has said· 'All tioned at Camp Robinson. things work together for good.' and not only that but He will not suffer us to be tempted above that which we are P. A. Stockton is oirectm· of the c~nter and serves as missionary to the soldiers. Mrs. J. L. Fiske is hostess and able but will, with the temptation, make a way to escape, ministers in a motherly way to the young men who come that we may be able to bear it. Here again the Lord was to the Center. faithful. He gave me the grace and strength to overcome sorrow and continue on for Him. Not only that, but the "Uncle Purl" and "Mom" Fiske receive letters from sorrow had a silver lining, for He called me out to full­ servicemen around the world expressin~ appreciation for time service for Him. The joy of serving Him surpasses spiritual help received while in Little Rock. Letters have all the joys I have ever known and I have a peace and a also been received from wives and girl friends of the sol- satisfaction now that I have never known before." ARKANSAS BAP PAGE TWO ~ur Blessed Redemption I A Devotion by B. H. Duncan, Hot Spring Your Baptist Book Store "Ye are bought with a price." I have seen the auction stand in St. AU! tine, Fla., where human beings were sole * SUGGESTS * the highest bidder. As I stood there I thot of these words by the Apostle Paul: "Ye bought with a price." I visualized Jesus sta ing there bidding on the souls of men, bul A .BIBLE human beings out of the slave market of and setting them free. for The conviction came over me with trelll dous force, if men and women could but MOTHER'S DAY this picture in its proper perspective, I sure it would send them to their kneel or repentance and faith, and then send tl A Beautiful Pulpit Bible Given in Mother's on the run in loyal service to Him. "Ye are bought with a price." And " Memory on Mother's Day a price! In another place that pricE named: "The precious blood of Jesus!" ' King James Version Small Beautiful Pulpit Bibles value of human life is thus determined by Text Bible price paid for it, and that price was the · No. 6071-Genuine Turkey Morocco binding, that God had. This is heaven's estimat1 No. 235C Wortex binding, study straight edges, gold back and side titles, r.ound aids, maps, illustrations, words of the worth of a human soul. Christ in red. Page size 5x7% corners, red under gold edges, silk headbands Paul reasons on this wise, "If God sp1 inches. Blackface type. and marker. · <No Apocrypha) <19h) riot His own Son, but delivered Him up us all, how shall He not with Him freely D $2.25 D $12.00 us all things." If God has given His best His all to buy us out of the slave marke sin, why should we question or doubt eil 801-C Thintext Holy Bible, His. willingness or ability to provide the le King James Version No. 68-Frcnch Morocco leather, antique, plain design, round corners on back and cover, things we · need-the lesser are includec Black genuine m o r o c c o gold the greater. red under gold edges. Contents include Apo­ stamping, gold edges, copyrighted Some one has said: "It is not fair to de reference, a i d s , concordance, crypha and Concordance. (19h) God, after Calvary." maps. Size BY2x8 inches; 1 1/8 "What, know ye not that your body is inch thick\ D $16.00 temple of the Holy Ghost which is in . D $7.50 which ye have of God, and ye are not l . own? For ye are bought with a price; th No. 2302-Genuine leather boards Morocco King James Version Teacher's fore glorify God in your body, and in l Reference Bible grain, square corners, gold edges. (5n) spirit, which are God's." I Cor. 6:19, 20. No. 253C black letter teacher's ref­ D $30.oo ----1000---- erence Bible, bound in genuine Dr. Louis J. Bristow, superintendent leather, overlapping covers page southern Baptist Hospital, New Orle edges red under gold, two markers. No. 2305-Genuine levant, boards, square cor­ writes: "In our effort to secure half. a : 52 pages of Bible reader's aids, lion dollars in New Orleans with whicl concordance, maps. Page size 5 %x ners, red under gold edges, gold roll. (5n) build a home for the care of the chroni~ 8 inches; 1 5/8 inches thick. D $45.oo ill, .at the end of the second week we l more than $150,000. Gifts have come f D $4.75 Catholics, Protestants and Jews in sum1 No. 2307-Genuine sealskin, beveled boards, from $5 to $50,000-the largest sum b A-4692, Collins Concordance round corners, red under gold edges, gold given by a Presbyterian. One Catholic Bible fillet. (5n> was $10,000. It may be there are those c Extra large type, India paper, bold where who desire to have part in this face long-primer type-pronounc­ 0 $60.00 Christian ministry to these the most negle ing concordance, references, maps, of all human sufferers." family record, French m'orocco leather lining. Size 5%x8% inches; 1 inch thick. ~ - CUp, Fill In And Mall This Adv. ARKANSAS BAPTIS I 213 RADIO CENTER, LITTLE ROCK 0 $15.00 BAPTIST BOOK STORE, Oftlclal Publlcatlon of the Arkansas Baptist 1 I I Convention. 303-305 CAPITOL AVE., Concordance Edition's C. E. BRYANT------ -·--- - ·-EDl I LITTLE ROCK, ARK. I lONE G~Y--_-:-·--EDITORIAL ASSIS1 No. 101 bound in genuine leather Publication Committee: C. W. Caldwell, For with overlapping covers, round I Chairman; H. E. Williams, Pocahontas; Ernest B Please send me the Bible <or Bibles) I Salem; R. M. Abell, Jasper; Ralph Dodd, Stutt corners, gold edges, packed in Clyde ·Hankins, Mt. Ida; I. M. Prince, Paragould beautiful gift box, with 160-page I checked. I Entered Post Office, Little Rock, Arkansas, as concordance giving thousands of Name ond class mall matter.
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